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Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days

Shameless Indians derailed the thread. The best the only Israeli that commented could come up with was a half-*** ed joke. :rolleyes:
Shameless Indians derailed the thread. The best the only Israeli that commented could come up with was a half-*** ed joke. :rolleyes:

Ok then lets come back to topic: The Killing of civilian was a bad act, every one condemning it. Its good that Israel punished its Soldier. The punishment seems weak, but there is a positive point of it. Now onward Israeli soldiers will not shoot civilian. Next time punishment will be severe,...
Ok then lets come back to topic: The Killing of civilian was a bad act, every one condemning it. Its good that Israel punished its Soldier. The punishment seems weak, but there is a positive point of it. Now onward Israeli soldiers will not shoot civilian. Next time punishment will be severe,...

This was not the first time and it won't be the last, what makes you so sure the next punishment will be severe?? That is nothing but a cop out.
This was not the first time and it won't be the last, what makes you so sure the next punishment will be severe?? That is nothing but a cop out.

Something is better than nothing,... and moreover Israelese are living in continuous fear due to Terrorists. When afraid ppl became crancky and they do stupid things...

We have seen many incidents where terrorists blow themself after the get close to army. We don't know why that soldier shoot them, may be he was scared , may be he suspected them...
Something is better than nothing,... and moreover Israelese are living in continuous fear due to Terrorists. When afraid ppl became crancky and they do stupid things...

We have seen many incidents where terrorists blow themself after the get close to army. We don't know why that soldier shoot them, may be he was scared , may be he suspected them...

You are trying to justify his act that would have otherwise gone unnoticed had the gold stone not reported on it in the first place. Forty five days for two murders is despicable and is equivalent to nothing.
You are trying to justify his act that would have otherwise gone unnoticed had the gold stone not reported on it in the first place. Forty five days for two murders is despicable and is equivalent to nothing.

No not justifying, He is punished according to Israeli law. Islamic law or international law is not applicable on Israel.. I will remind you one few incidents...

1. Hafeez Saeed and ISI: Murdered 200+ indian, no punishment, not even symbolic.
2. 2000 Ramallah lynching , where a unarmed soldier was lynched by Terrorists, No punishment, not even symbolic.
3. Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikhr : killed indian passenger , Not punished , not even symbolic...

You should be happy that Israel is punishing the culprits...
No not justifying, He is punished according to Israeli law. Islamic law or international law is not applicable on Israel.. I will remind you one few incidents...

1. Hafeez Saeed and ISI: Murdered 200+ indian, no punishment, not even symbolic.
2. 2000 Ramallah lynching , where a unarmed soldier was lynched by Terrorists, No punishment, not even symbolic.
3. Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikhr : killed indian passenger , Not punished , not even symbolic...

You should be happy that Israel is punishing the culprits...
Indian Raw murdered many people in Pakistan and no punishment.
Many Pakistanis killed in Samjhota express in India but no punishment to culprits.
Why are you going off topic and ruining the thread.
This is not punishment for killing, this is punishment to shoot without order from officer.
This shows that Israeli are free to shoot, if even caught in public/media for killing civilians, Government have sympathy for soldier and will minimize the sentence for some days.
This act is unacceptable in any part of the world.
Black Widow said:
No not justifying, He is punished according to Israeli law
In Israel's law someone who murders is punished by 45 days -.-"?
Oh btw, you keep saying " maybe he was afraid blah blah blah ". He suspected them blah blah blah. And something better than nothing blah blah blah. And noone will shoot civilians again blah blah blah.
Do I really need to argue about those sentences you made which make zero sense?
Indian Raw murdered many people in Pakistan and no punishment.
Many Pakistanis killed in Samjhota express in India but no punishment to culprits.
Why are you going off topic and ruining the thread.
This is not punishment for killing, this is punishment to shoot without order from officer.
This shows that Israeli are free to shoot, if even caught in public/media for killing civilians, Government have sympathy for soldier and will minimize the sentence for some days.
This act is unacceptable in any part of the world.

Sonny boy, myth busted...
1. There is no proof aginst RAW where as against ISI we have lot of proof.
2. Police have nabbed Samjhauta Exp perpetrators, they are in jail and they are tried under Indian law (as the incident happen in Idnia)
3. I am not going off topic, I am just giving example. Either you have serious comprehending problem, or you don't want to understand. I tried to make you understand using some example.

What I am saying is there are many incident where no punishment is given, in this case punishment is given ( no matter how small it is). We should appreciate it. I would be happier if punishment would be severe.

I am seeing Glass half full, while you see as half empty glass ((Sorry to say , you are running a propaganda saying "entire glass is empty" , Conspiracy theory and propaganda is tool of Terrorusts.).

Just tell me one thing, what if Israeli Denied it and not given any ppunishment???
To those accusing of de-railing the thread: I reiterate that 45 days is not only to less of a sentence - it is a joke on those who lost their lives - a very sick joke. He should have been dishonorably discharged from the Army and then given a severe sentence - like the death penalty. A soldier's job is to protect the lives of the citizens of their country - not to shoot civilians. And to those who are bound to ask - yes - I think that the same yardstick should be applied to Indian soldiers in Kashmir. Or any soldier anywhere.
In the heat of war such thing happen. Soldiers are human, they get scared and shoot at wrong target. We ahave seen many time enemy come with White flag and then attack from back.

I remember similar incident happened in Pakistan, where a lady was killed instead she was shouting for help and mercy, later whe was identified as Uzbeki,....

Good to see the Israel punishing there soldier, Though its symbolic. It will send a message that this kind of crime is punishable, The punishment can be hard as well..

the order was given by authorities to shoot in pakistani case, while in this case the order was reversed do you read the article or just blabber foolishly??
To those accusing of de-railing the thread: I reiterate that 45 days is not only to less of a sentence - it is a joke on those who lost their lives - a very sick joke. He should have been dishonorably discharged from the Army and then given a severe sentence - like the death penalty. A soldier's job is to protect the lives of the citizens of their country - not to shoot civilians. And to those who are bound to ask - yes - I think that the same yardstick should be applied to Indian soldiers in Kashmir. Or any soldier anywhere.

Thanks god Israel run by there rule, Not yours. :)

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3315700 said:
the order was given by authorities to shoot in pakistani case, while in this case the order was reversed do you read the article or just blabber foolishly??

Are you playing spot the difference???? Understand the meaning.
Something is better than nothing,... and moreover Israelese are living in continuous fear due to Terrorists. When afraid ppl became crancky and they do stupid things...

We have seen many incidents where terrorists blow themself after the get close to army. We don't know why that soldier shoot them, may be he was scared , may be he suspected them...

You should research on the Haganah and the other zionist gangs/paramilitaries that would terrorise and kill palestinians before creation of Israel.

And Israelis aren't doves.

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