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Israeli PM in Holocaust Day: Jews Are Still under Threat of Extintion

A big shame that Iranians wrote the first bill of human rights, are willing to forget the human suffering of Palestinians and become friends with Israel the terrorist nation.

On top of this Israel kills Iranian civilians but Iranians have no shame and still want to be friends with these facist people.

No one wants to become friends with them. We just want to mind our own business, like Pakistan, Turkey and many other countries.
Iranians have nothing against Jews, and as I told you earlier, our support for Palestinians have brought us nothing good. Even Palestinians aren't so appreciative for our support. While Iran has been supporting them, Palestinians sided with Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war. Arabs have done their best to mess with Iran to the extent of their abilities any time they got the opportunity. So this friendship has brought us nothing. More over, the world is not about justice. Many things that are happening in our world are unjust and no one cares about, so why should we?
As many Arabs have told Iran during these 33 years, Palestine is an Arab issue and Iran's support or help is not welcomed. So why should we help them? Some of them have gone further and said that Iran is the first threat to Arab nations, not Israel. So why should we support them? Would you tell me please Reza?
No, we teach love for life, you teach the sanctity of death. That is why you will always lose.

Listen to urself..U TEACH LOVE FOR LIFE!!! if this is ur love towards palestinians,what on earth will be ur hate for them :blink:
No one wants to become friends with them. We just want to mind our own business, like Pakistan, Turkey and many other countries.
Iranians have nothing against Jews, and as I told you earlier, our support for Palestinians have brought us nothing good. Even Palestinians aren't so appreciative for our support. While Iran has been supporting them, Palestinians sided with Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war. Arabs have done their best to mess with Iran to the extent of their abilities any time they got the opportunity. So this friendship has brought us nothing. More over, the world is not about justice. Many things that are happening in our world are unjust and no one cares about, so why should we?
As many Arabs have told Iran during these 33 years, Palestine is an Arab issue and Iran's support or help is not welcomed. So why should we help them? Some of them have gone further and said that Iran is the first threat to Arab nations, not Israel. So why should we support them? Would you tell me please Reza?

The current Government of Israel wants hegemony over the entire Middle East. Do you truly believe that by apologizing to them they will stop their transgressions against Iran? Please tell me this sir?
Listen to urself..U TEACH LOVE FOR LIFE!!! if this is ur love towards palestinians,what on earth will be ur hate for them :blink:
Love for human life, not for those that target school buses and blow up disco clubs filled with teenagers.
Or people who smile when convicted of murdering 6 month year old infants with a butcher`s knife.
The current Government of Israel wants hegemony over the entire Middle East. Do you truly believe that by apologizing to them they will stop their transgressions against Iran? Please tell me this sir?

No one wants to apologize and the regime of Iran won't do that for sure. We just want to stay indifferent and let those anti-Iranian Arabs handle it in their own-favored way so they can't blame us for everything in the region just because we stand against the USA, Europe and Israel alone.
No one wants to apologize and the regime of Iran won't do that for sure. We just want to stay indifferent and let those anti-Iranian Arabs handle it in their own-favored way so they can't blame us for everything in the region just because we stand against the USA, Europe and Israel alone.

Fortunately we are not neighbors with this menace, however your country is. After they influence over Lebanon, Syria, you think Iran will not be the opponent, whether hostile intentions or indifference?
Fortunately we are not neighbors with this menace, however your country is. After they influence over Lebanon, Syria, you think Iran will not be the opponent, whether hostile intentions or indifference?

We're not neighbors with Israel either. They are like 1000 kms away from us.
Many people in Lebanon hate Iran because they think Iran is interfering in their country. I think Syrians don't have a positive opinion about Iranians either. Most Arabs dislike Iranians and some of them dislike Iranians even more than Israelis.
Lebanon has no importance for us, it's a roughly 10,000 km large country with almost no important strategic significance for us. The Syrian regime supported us during the Iraq-Iran war and I think we should stand by them because they've always tried to support Iran in the Arab league but the Syrians don't consider Iranians as friends either.

My question from you is clear. What our 33 year old support for Palestinians has brought us? except being under heavy sanctions and giving a bad public image to Iran in the world. Also, keep in mind that even Palestinians don't support Iran. What would Pakistan do in the same situation?
No one wants to apologize and the regime of Iran won't do that for sure. We just want to stay indifferent and let those anti-Iranian Arabs handle it in their own-favored way so they can't blame us for everything in the region just because we stand against the USA, Europe and Israel alone.
Anti-Iran Arab are not really liked in the region also. Iran's regime is more apperciated in the Middle East than a lot of other Sunni regimes. You should be proud about your support for Palestine, althu i won't blame you for wanting to more stability. Egypt's regime decided to take the easy route in 1980, and said that they want more stability. What did it do for us ? Worse econmy, Egypt role and respect in the Middle East is almost gone, ect.. I don't think we should abandon our histroy, pride, hope, so the US and Israel would be happy with us. Didn't work for Egypt, doubt it would work for anybody else.
We're not neighbors with Israel either. They are like 1000 kms away from us.
Many people in Lebanon hate Iran because they think Iran is interfering in their country. I think Syrians don't have a positive opinion about Iranians either. Most Arabs dislike Iranians and some of them dislike Iranians even more than Israelis.
Lebanon has no importance for us, it's a roughly 10,000 km large country with almost no important strategic significance for us. The Syrian regime supported us during the Iraq-Iran war and I think we should stand by them because they've always tried to support Iran in the Arab league but the Syrians don't consider Iranians as friends either.

My question from you is clear. What our 33 year old support for Palestinians has brought us? except being under heavy sanctions and giving a bad public image to Iran in the world. Also, keep in mind that even Palestinians don't support Iran. What would Pakistan do in the same situation?
Self respect ? That you are the only country in the world that supports Palestinians. Palestine is an Islamic cause, not an Arabic or Palestinian cause, and will always be like that no matter how we wants to view it.
Anti-Iran Arab are not really liked in the region also. Iran's regime is more apperciated in the Middle East than a lot of other Sunni regimes. You should be proud about your support for Palestine, althu i won't blame you for wanting to more stability. Egypt's regime decided to take the easy route in 1980, and said that they want more stability. What did it do for us ? Worse econmy, Egypt role and respect in the Middle East is almost gone, ect.. I don't think we should abandon our histroy, pride, hope, so the US and Israel would be happy with us. Didn't work for Egypt, doubt it would work for anybody else.

Some Arabs are appreciative though, I've seen some Arabs who support Iran's stance on Palestine as well. But I've seen many Arabs, even from the Gaza strip, that say it's only because of Iran's interference that the Palestine issue is not resolved or they say that Iran wants to keep its Arab neighbors backward or things like that.
When something happens in an Arabic country around the Persian Gulf, the first country that is blamed for is Iran and then they all unite and condemn Iran for an allegation.
When Yaser Arafat came to Iran in 1980's, Khomeini promised that Iran would host Palestinian refugees until Jerusalem would get free. Iran gave extensive financial and moral support to Yaser Arafat at that time. Guess what happened? During the war, Arafat sided with Iraq.
I've seen Lebanese people outside of Iran. They say that they hate Iran's interference in their country. Especially the Christian ones. They say if Iran continues supporting the Hizbullah, they are afraid that Hizbullah would get very powerful and then Lebanon gets dragged in a sectarian war because of muslims. I don't say what they say is true, but I can say that Iran is disliked by around half of the Lebanese population. If you remember the 2006 war, even in the media, Lebanon got flattened by Israel. The infrastructure in South Lebanon was bombed to stone age and the damages it had taken from the war was way beyond the Lebanese government capability to repair. Iran gave extensive financial support to them and rebuilt the houses for them and reconstructed the infrastructure in there. When people in Beirut were suffering from electricity shortage, people in the South had solar cells and batteries. The reconstruction of South Lebanon without Iran's help was impossible. Despite that, they keep bad mouthing Iran for Iran's interference.

Egypt's regime took the easy route and I believe Egypt benefited. Had the Egyptian regime taken the harder route, you would've been no where better than now. Instead you would've got bashed at any opportunity in the media or by the people around you for interfering in the region. Today Egypt is still seen as a respected country in the world, if your regime decides to take the harder route, your relations with the USA will break and then you'd see how it tastes to stand against the USA. Even though that today's USA is way less powerful than it was backing 3 decades ago.
of course Netanyahu remembers Rwandans, Sudanese etc. (interestingly, the Sudanese opted for partition and they got it) etc. etc. but he forgets about Palestinians who have been facing genocide since 1948 ---when foreigners totally alien to Arab lands seized their lands (including farmlands) and displaced them in their own country

who is Netanyahu to talk about genocide?
of course Netanyahu remembers Rwandans, Sudanese etc. (interestingly, the Sudanese opted for partition and they got it) etc. etc. but he forgets about Palestinians who have been facing genocide since 1948 ---when foreigners totally alien to Arab lands seized their lands (including farmlands) and displaced them in their own country

who is Netanyahu to talk about genocide?

great grandfather of netanyahoo ben dotcom....mr david bin gurion was the first zionist who openly challenged Pakistan and declared it an enemy......
of course Netanyahu remembers Rwandans, Sudanese etc. (interestingly, the Sudanese opted for partition and they got it) etc. etc. but he forgets about Palestinians who have been facing genocide since 1948 ---when foreigners totally alien to Arab lands seized their lands (including farmlands) and displaced them in their own country

who is Netanyahu to talk about genocide?
Palestinians are one of the fastest growing nation in the world. Their infant mortality levels are more than 3 times lower than of Pakistanis.

great grandfather of netanyahoo ben dotcom....mr david bin gurion was the first zionist who openly challenged Pakistan and declared it an enemy......
Thats your urban myth.
great grandfather of netanyahoo ben dotcom....mr david bin gurion was the first zionist who openly challenged Pakistan and declared it an enemy......

mehhh, who cares.....we saw no challenge from him or his people, just words. Those were probably amplified once we went nuclear ---but again, there's nothing they can do to Pakistan so it doesnt matter what they ''challenge'' or consider

Palestinians are one of the fastest growing nation in the world. Their infant mortality levels are more than 3 times lower than of Pakistanis.

buddy, what's the population of Palestine versus the population of Pakistan
Some Arabs are appreciative though, I've seen some Arabs who support Iran's stance on Palestine as well. But I've seen many Arabs, even from the Gaza strip, that say it's only because of Iran's interference that the Palestine issue is not resolved or they say that Iran wants to keep its Arab neighbors backward or things like that.
When something happens in an Arabic country around the Persian Gulf, the first country that is blamed for is Iran and then they all unite and condemn Iran for an allegation.
When Yaser Arafat came to Iran in 1980's, Khomeini promised that Iran would host Palestinian refugees until Jerusalem would get free. Iran gave extensive financial and moral support to Yaser Arafat at that time. Guess what happened? During the war, Arafat sided with Iraq.
I've seen Lebanese people outside of Iran. They say that they hate Iran's interference in their country. Especially the Christian ones. They say if Iran continues supporting the Hizbullah, they are afraid that Hizbullah would get very powerful and then Lebanon gets dragged in a sectarian war because of muslims. I don't say what they say is true, but I can say that Iran is disliked by around half of the Lebanese population. If you remember the 2006 war, even in the media, Lebanon got flattened by Israel. The infrastructure in South Lebanon was bombed to stone age and the damages it had taken from the war was way beyond the Lebanese government capability to repair. Iran gave extensive financial support to them and rebuilt the houses for them and reconstructed the infrastructure in there. When people in Beirut were suffering from electricity shortage, people in the South had solar cells and batteries. The reconstruction of South Lebanon without Iran's help was impossible. Despite that, they keep bad mouthing Iran for Iran's interference.

Egypt's regime took the easy route and I believe Egypt benefited. Had the Egyptian regime taken the harder route, you would've been no where better than now. Instead you would've got bashed at any opportunity in the media or by the people around you for interfering in the region. Today Egypt is still seen as a respected country in the world, if your regime decides to take the harder route, your relations with the USA will break and then you'd see how it tastes to stand against the USA. Even though that today's USA is way less powerful than it was backing 3 decades ago.
Hizbullah is part of Lebanon, they like you. Nobody is forcing Hizbullah to fight Israel, you are just supporting them. You should be thanked for it, atleast from me and a lot people i know. Your country leaders wants to have a regional role, they have to pay the price for it, it is not easy. I still inderstand that you want more stability, its your country, your opinion. I was just saying that you guys are apperciated from a lot of people in the ME, including MOST Palestinians, including non Muslim Palestinians.

As for Egypt, i don't think we benefited at all. Because we took the easy route, all the resistance against Israel is now considered terrorism. Also, it allowed Israel to develop economcially. It also took Egypt out of the equation for Israel, without solving the Palestinian problems. That alone made it so much easier for Israel not to accept peace. Most important, Egypt which was the most important country in the Middle East back then, became just like another country. No regional role what so ever.

I think Iran's problems are internal than external, more human rights, democracy, and freedom and your country will be in a great shape.
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