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Israeli Jews want "Blacks" out of the "holy land".

sigh sigh sigh...

Look at the bloody reasons the protesters are using none of the 'burden caused by refugees and migrant workers'

But these protesters are saying... ‘'the black presence is intimidating'', ''leftists are worse than Arabs.'', ''They are black, they have diseases, I'm afraid to go home or walk in my own neighborhood'', ''south Tel Aviv, not South Sudan.''

What's more, some of these people are Israeli citizens, so the protesters are indeed racist.

Then you have some Indians who blindly support Israel, without reading through the bloody article!

see brother.............. u can find racist guys everywhere... surely u will have some people in israel too.... u have them in pakistan .... many of them here in the forum... who very proudly call others black..... u have racist people here in india too.... but atleast israel is having peaceful protests ..... and i dont judge the whole community by a piece of newspaper article.... but i can surely call pakistanis as racist coz i have seen so many of them calling indians, muhajirs, bangladeshis black..... and i wonder GOD KNOWS WHY?????
Zionists are generally quite good at trolling, but you're the odd one out, aren't ya?


Male migrants who were held captive told of being beaten when they tried to protect the women, and there are also reports that men were raped.

the Palestinians are the ones who should be telling ALL the immigrants to get out :lol:
Actually, they are telling the "Refugees" to leave Israel. Because they are taking all the jobs of Palestinians who work in settlements, they come to work in Israel because the salary is 2.5 times more than in the West bank.
Though your words were sarcastic, i thought i'd give you a taste of some truth.

Palestinians say infiltrators 'taking over' jobs in Israel - Israel Business, Ynetnews
But these protesters are saying... ‘'the black presence is intimidating'', ''leftists are worse than Arabs.'', ''They are black, they have diseases, I'm afraid to go home or walk in my own neighborhood'', ''south Tel Aviv, not South Sudan.''

What's more, some of these people are Israeli citizens, so the protesters are indeed racist.

Then you have some Indians who blindly support Israel, without reading through the bloody article!

if there were israeli citizens of indian background, they'd probably also be having trash thrown at them too
sigh sigh sigh...

Look at the bloody reasons the protesters are using none of the 'burden caused by refugees and migrant workers'

But these protesters are saying... ‘'the black presence is intimidating'', ''leftists are worse than Arabs.'', ''They are black, they have diseases, I'm afraid to go home or walk in my own neighborhood'', ''south Tel Aviv, not South Sudan.''

What's more, some of these people are Israeli citizens, so the protesters are indeed racist.

Then you have some Indians who blindly support Israel, without reading through the bloody article!

see brother.............. u can find racist guys everywhere... surely u will have some people in israel too.... u have them in pakistan .... many of them here in the forum... who very proudly call others black..... u have racist people here in india too.... but atleast israel is having peaceful protests ..... and i dont judge the whole community by a piece of newspaper article.... but i can surely call pakistanis as racist coz i have seen so many of them calling indians, muhajirs, bangladeshis black..... and i wonder GOD KNOWS WHY?????

Male migrants who were held captive told of being beaten when they tried to protect the women, and there are also reports that men were raped.

Actually, they are telling the "Refugees" to leave Israel. Because they are taking all the jobs of Palestinians who work in settlements, they come to work in Israel because the salary is 2.5 times more than in the West bank.
Though your words were sarcastic, i thought i'd give you a taste of some truth.

Palestinians say infiltrators 'taking over' jobs in Israel - Israel Business, Ynetnews

wasn't israel initially accepting these ethiopian jews?

at least this is proof that ''jewishness'' is not an ethnicity.....the way some people claim
if there were israeli citizens of indian background, they'd probably also be having trash thrown at them too
There are thousands of Indian Jews in Israel, do you check your facts or just go for the ignorant insults?

wasn't israel initially accepting these ethiopian jews?

at least this is proof that ''jewishness'' is not an ethnicity.....the way some people claim
This whole thing is not about Etheopians, they have lived in Israel for decades.

It is about Sudanese and other African infiltrators who came into the country illegally.
Its always interesting when the usual Islamists try to hold others to much higher standards than themselves and their Islamic ummah. May be Israel should have gone Egypt way- when many Darfur refugees were shot by Egyptian security forces while crossing to Israel and not given any refugee in Egypt

Being a very small country , i can understand Israel's refusal to accept more refugees. The freedom to sanction or reject refugee bid to enter Israel, rests solely with Israel. The fact that they did accept the initial wave; speaks volumes.

islamists? lol, where are these islamists?

fair enough if israel does this, its there prerogative, i tend to agree.

however, no other western democracy can or would do this, so israel should not be bracketed with these nations as an "examplar democracy".

its always very interesting to see the anti islamic/hawkish neo con types cart out the excuse that israel is in exceptional circumstances for each and every one of its misdemeanors, as if they are truly worthy of more special attention :)
islamists? lol, where are these islamists?

fair enough if israel does this, its there prerogative, i tend to agree.

however, no other western democracy can or would do this, so israel should not be bracketed with these nations as an "examplar democracy".

its always very interesting to see the anti islamic/hawkish neo con types cart out the excuse that israel is in exceptional circumstances for each and every one of its misdemeanors, as if they are truly worthy of more special attention :)
Again, total ignorance. The US does it everyday with illegal Mexicans. France does it with illegal Arabs and Gypsies. Britain does it, Russia does it, and so on and so on. Countries expel illegal infiltrators buddy boy.
israel was taking in refugees from sudan.....in fact some of them may have been hired by Mossad and asked to go back

at any rate - Ptex......i agree with you about the issue of illegals hoarding in because we share a porous border with Afghanistan....you complain about a few negros from Ethiopia -- why dont you try dealing with 5 million illegal afghan refugees

some people here are suggesting that in fact - majority of the citizens of israel who are Jewish are also migrants from Eastern europe, USA, Latin america, etc.....the only Jews that actually have anything to do with Middle East/Arab lands are the Sefardis......many of whom originated from Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Egypt (Yemenites also - very bright people)
Again, total ignorance. The US does it everyday with illegal Mexicans. France does it with illegal Arabs and Gypsies. Britain does it, Russia does it, and so on and so on. Countries expel illegal infiltrators buddy boy.

have you properly read the OP?

the issue is of the attitudes of some within israeli society towards black people.

with so much hate directed towards various groups how is it that israel gets a free pass in the wider world, whilst those on the other side of the border have the most insidious libel directed towards them on a daily basis - a true injustice, and if any group knows the pain of smears its the jew's themselves.
have you properly read the OP?

the issue is of the attitudes of some within israeli society towards black people.

with so much hate directed towards various groups how is it that israel gets a free pass in the wider world, whilst those on the other side of the border have the most insidious libel directed towards them on a daily basis - a true injustice, and if any group knows the pain of smears its the jew's themselves.
The subject at hand is the Black Africans and not the Jewish Black Africans. They take over territories in cities and the crime skyrockets.

One Sudanese Muslim beat his wife and when the police arrested him he said "I did not know hitting women was illegal". This is just a minor example of these infiltrators.

israel was taking in refugees from sudan.....in fact some of them may have been hired by Mossad and asked to go back

at any rate - Ptex......i agree with you about the issue of illegals hoarding in because we share a porous border with Afghanistan....you complain about a few negros from Ethiopia -- why dont you try dealing with 5 million illegal afghan refugees

some people here are suggesting that in fact - majority of the citizens of israel who are Jewish are also migrants from Eastern europe, USA, Latin america, etc.....the only Jews that actually have anything to do with Middle East/Arab lands are the Sefardis......many of whom originated from Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Egypt (Yemenites also - very bright people)

We just took in a Palestinian woman who is truly a refugee. She came from the west bank after she was beaten repeatedly by her brother, cousin and father for refusing to marry her cousin and live without education. Her father hired killers to kill her in the name of the family's honor.

That's a refugee. These infiltrators just want to live in Israel, not refugees.
It's weird,guests telling guests to get out.
Israel tries its best not to be a racist state,but it can't.because it is created upon racism.
and as implied -- if they are there illegally then deport them. Simple as that.

but it may not be easy, since i'm sure many of them do menial tasks....like mexicans/honduras people in USA
It may have to do with the wrong Immigration policy of Israeli Government..They have swung open the door for whoever is a non-black Jew,and that seems to be the only criteria.
Initially they needed to create a Jewish majority in the Israel and that's why they may have just filled Israel from Mainly European Jews and some Arab and African Jews...Although the airlift of Ethiopian Jews was symbolic only..Blacks were never accepted as Israelis even when they were Jews and persecuted for that....
Since i have worked extensively with Ukrainians i know stories of Ukrainian/Slavic Jews immigrating to Israel and lynching Black Jews over there.....
They Responsibility lies upon Israeli Government to reset their Immigration policy and look for other things such as usefulness of the person for Israel before letting them into Israel on the basis of being a Jew...
The protestors should protest against their Government...not against Black people..
and as implied -- if they are there illegally then deport them. Simple as that.

but it may not be easy, since i'm sure many of them do menial tasks....like mexicans/honduras people in USA
Palestinians lost their jobs because of these people, they will be hired again. No worries there.
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