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Israeli Jews want "Blacks" out of the "holy land".


May 3, 2009
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Protesters attack Israeli of Ethiopian origin in rally against African migrants

Dozens in south Tel Aviv call for the deportation of African migrant workers; ‘the black presence is intimidating,” says victim.
By Vered Lee, Tomer Zarchin and Yaniv Kubovich | May.30, 2012 | 9:07 PM | 7


An Israeli citizen of Ethiopian origin was assaulted Wednesday evening in Tel Aviv during a demonstration calling for the deportation of African immigrants, just a week following the violent protest in Hatikva neighborhood.

Dozens of protesters gathered on Wednesday near the central bus station in south Tel Aviv demanding the deportation of African migrants from Israel.

At one point of the demonstration, the protesters attacked Hananya Vanda, an Israeli citizen of Ethiopian origin who they mistakenly identified as an immigrant. After they realized Vanda is Jewish, the protesters said that they did not mean to attack him.

Vanda suggested that Ethiopians in Israel are often the subject of discrimination, saying that "Sudanese are treated just like Ethiopians, the black presence is intimidating."

Six protesters were arrested, five on suspicion of causing a disturbance and one for allegedly inciting against the migrants. Demonstrators shouted phrases including "leftists are traitors," "the left is cancer" and "the media is cancer," and they held up signs saying "south Tel Aviv, not South Sudan."

Far right activist Baruch Marzel, one of the protest's leaders, said protesters planned to hold daily demonstrations, and would not remain quiet "until the prime minister and foreign and interior ministers start to act, rather than talk."

On Mesilat Yesharim Street, an African migrant confronted the protesters. "You're welcome to plunder my store, come on, destroy my business," he said. Some protesters tried to beat him up, but others stopped them.

"I'm afraid of any clash, but I can't go back to my country," said the migrant, Ahmed Abdullah, 22, of Sudan, who arrived in Israel 18 months ago. "If I could, I'd choose some other place," he said.

Some of the protesters confronted a policeman, asking him if he's "a leftist." Then, spotting a demonstrator speaking to a journalist they shouted, "don't cooperate with the media, they're cancer." Others screamed at reporters on the scene, "you'll make us out as racists anyway."

Teenagers waving Israeli flags shouted that "leftists are worse than Arabs."

"I've lived in Shapira neighborhood for 20 years, I support this protest," said Rahel, 48, who refused to give her full name. "I have a 15-year-old daughter who is afraid to leave the house. I go with her everywhere, I wait for her and pick her up when she returns from school. I'm not a racist, but they're frightening. I can't talk to them, I can't go to the park like I used to. They're on every bench and every piece of grass. We need more demonstrations like this, we need a solution," she says.

"They are black, they have diseases, I'm afraid to go home or walk in my own neighborhood," says Rahel Cohen, 62.

Earlier on Wednesday, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein told a Jerusalem court that there is no reason to prevent the deportation of South Sudanese citizens to their country of origin, as it is a safe enough place.

Basing his remarks on a foreign ministry report on the economic and security conditions in South Sudan, Weinstein said that the situation in South Sudan does not provide grounds to fear for the lives and physical safety of migrants who are returned to the country.

Last week, an anti-migrant protest turned violent, with some 1,000 protesters in Tel Aviv's Hatikva neighborhood calling for the ousting of African asylum seekers from Israel. Demonstrators attacked African passersby while others lit garbage cans on fire and smashed car windows.

Protesters attack Israeli of Ethiopian origin in rally against African migrants - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Its always interesting when the usual Islamists try to hold others to much higher standards than themselves and their Islamic ummah. May be Israel should have gone Egypt way- when many Darfur refugees were shot by Egyptian security forces while crossing to Israel and not given any refugee in Egypt

Being a very small country , i can understand Israel's refusal to accept more refugees. The freedom to sanction or reject refugee bid to enter Israel, rests solely with Israel. The fact that they did accept the initial wave; speaks volumes.
This shows how much double-faced Israel is. They want immigrants out, but they complained in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's when Palestinians refused that they immigrate to Mandate Palestine.
I hope Obama and his family read this news
And what will he do? Some people think America controls Israel, but it's the other way around Israel controls America as Jews control America's economy. America has to follow the Jews' orders. The Jewish lobby has its influence in the USA.
Note : Not 100% of the Jews support Israel, others are anti-Zionist, but the Jewish lobby in the USA seems to be very pro-Israeli.

Egypt already has a Sudanese and Sudanese-descended population in the millions. The number and proportion of Black refugees living in Egypt are much higher than those in Israel. For that, and also because of Israel's economic superiority -- it's industrialized and has a low unemployment rate -- Israel would theoretically be much more capable of absorbing those refugees than Egypt, a country that struggles to give jobs even to its most educated youths. It's you who's holding Israel to a lower standard than what would be due.
There are many Africans living all across the Middle East. The Middle East is to Africans what North America is to South Americans, and Africa is so close to the Middle East. They see the Middle East as a quick gateway to a better life full of opportunities.

If these Israelis don't like it then they should go back to Russia or Germany. I don't hear the native Palestinians and other Arabs complaining.
This shows how much double-faced Israel is. They want immigrants out, but they complained in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's when Palestinians refused that they immigrate to Mandate Palestine.

And what will he do? Some people think America controls Israel, but it's the other way around Israel controls America as Jews control America's economy. America has to follow the Jews' orders. The Jewish lobby has its influence in the USA.
Note : Not 100% of the Jews support Israel, others are anti-Zionist, but the Jewish lobby in the USA seems to be very pro-Israeli.

Egypt denies entry to Nigerians | Daily Times Nigeria
well lets see.... the news brought out by Haaretz an Israeli paper. Not many other countries in the region would've allowed the media to bring things to light, this says a lot about the conscious society that is prevalent in Israel. And not to overlook the tiny fact, Haaretz is left wing!

Secondly, these people are migrant workers from areas with highly questionable health environment. I dont think its that unjustified for the local population to be concerned of the impact.

Those migrants also come from countries with a very different set of ethics or morals, so a cultural differences in various perceptions is bound to happen. What might be acceptable to the migrants might be highly objectionable to a local and vice versa

And finally, why single out just one society? There are d0uchebags in every country, and in Israel the number is an extreme minority even in Tel Aviv.
Let us be clear about this. According to UN report, Israel had 27000+ refugees in 2010, a number higher than many middle eastern nations. Each month, thousands of refugees from Sudan is entering Israel. Why? Because Sudan's generous neighbour, Egypt won't accept them. Many refugees were shot when crossing Egypt Israel border by Egyptian security forces.

It so happens that many crimes like rapes are done by these immigrants (as with US and Europe). Naturally, Israeli citizens would want some form of migration control imposed to limit the amount of refugees pouring in (Israel is already a tiny nation). This is called immigration control and all countries exercise it. However, when it comes to Israel, Israelophobists and Jewophobists term migration control as proof of "apartheid". What kind of double-facedness and hypocrisy is that? It seems these phobists won't leave anything to defame Israel.
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