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israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

i am still crying after looking at these pictures man its devastating allah help us all
The silence of Muslim governments is shockingly unbelievable. But then again, 99% of them are in the pockets of Israeli puppets, Anglo-Americans.

Is this we are left with? a life without dignity?
By the way, some of these militants are worse than Israeli's...look at their tactics, in this video they are forcing civilians to become human shields for them. No wonder God is allowing whole scale slaughter, they have lost their ways. Arabs are the cousins of Jews after all.

Shame on you. They're not forcing them to be human shields. If you want to know what's really happening, go to the video on YouTube, and look in the comments. See the comment by "samar2425".

I would explain in more detail myself, but I'm afraid to do so since I live in the US.

Remember, the Prophet PBUH told us we should always confirm bad news, and we should always look for excuses if we see someone doing something we think is bad. There could be in a million other explanations, specially in just a 6 minute YouTube video clip, you don't really know much what's going on. But just keep in mind the comment of "samar2425". I would talk about this more myself but I don't think it's such a good idea for me since I live in the US.
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why why pakistan do not selll their al khaild MBT and anza and other anti tank and anti aircraft missile system to palestine just sell them 20 to 30% off where palestanins get funds for these saudis,iran,syria,lebnon and other countries as beaing a muslim and we also know that israelis are helping indians very happyly to counter pakistan and israel is helping indians in militry tactics too destablise pakistan why why our *** hole govt not selling their defence equipment to LEBNON,SYRIA,PALESTINE,SUDAN

if we can sell them with few al khalid,anza,and anti aircraft missiles im sure israel will never ever attack palestine and even they will not send their airforce to attack palestine because they know that their aircraft can be bring down and it will give more pain in the *** of israel and we will get our revenge from israel to help indians plz plz for GOD sake sell our defence equipment to palestine
than what is the use of self making it if this weapon system cannot help our UMMAH and if it cannot stop blood shade of innocent palestanians kids and womans than it is completely useless if we are going to sell it on americans fingers than it is useless why our govt and militry think tank is soo lack luster we need to export our equipment to stop blodd shade of our muslim brothers even vanezuela and cuba are better than us muslims they do not fear usa vanazulian chavez ask israeli ambasador to leave the vanazulla i hope in future we get a leaders like chavez, fidel castro
What other confirmation do you want? It's in plain view for everyone to see. 6 minutes is all I need to understand what is happening. Shame on me for understanding Arabic? These people are not accused of being traitors, they were collected from homes and are being used as shields. Shame on the gunmen and people who cover their crimes, they are no different than the taliban hypocrites we are dealing with ourselves. And if you are so important and can not explain any further and fear for your life, don't say anything next time, scarecrow. I'm not going to look at some random idiot's comment on youtube to understand what is going on, when I can understand for myself thankyou.

Human shields being used in Palestine, beware.

PS - Why is it that every sentimental idiot brings in the Holy Prophet to cover up the crimes of bad apples? "We should always look for excuses if we see someone doing something bad" are you fu***ng serious? Shame on your uneducated self.

It seems the comment I was referring to on the video has disappeared, how convenient. However, there is another by the user "Hill3234". Is that comment by you Kharian_Beast? In any case, although the comment is against Hamas, but you can see from it that there is another side to this story which is not evident from a 6 minute video. Now maybe I do not speak Arabic as well as you Kharian_Beast, but I assure you I'm not a sentimental idiot nor am I uneducated. Let me just say that people should keep in mind about Fatah and Abu Mazen and other things.

I'm not here to cover up the crimes of bad apples, but I'm just trying to be fair here. No need to drag the Taliban into this.

And please explain what you mean by this:
And if you are so important and can not explain any further and fear for your life, don't say anything next time, scarecrow.

And when you say this bad language:
"We should always look for excuses if we see someone doing something bad" are you fu***ng serious?
Maybe you don't know, but that is from Hadith. Did you go to Gaza and ask those gunmen why they were gathering those people? Did you hear their side of the story? All I'm saying is, you haven't even heard them out how can you pass judgment just like that.
@Kharian_Beast: Calling me names is not going validate your argument.

For the readers on this thread who can think rationally: Even the murderer gets to defend himself in court before a judgment is passed.

The issue at hand being shown in that video cannot be judged right or wrong based only on what you are shown in that video. Were you to present that video in a court of law, it would have to be only a small part of a much larger set of evidences to bring a solid case of wrong-doing. In other words, you would need much more than just that video to convict those people of a crime.

Or let me put it another way... Who are we to convict someone based on a 6-minute video we found on the Internet and we know almost nothing else about what was happening besides what is being said and shown in the video?
Here are a couple of videos, from August 2008, before the Gaza Massacre started. They should give you guys an idea that things in Palestine are not so clear-cut and we should keep more of an open-mind...
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What did those poor kids do?:angry:

And next year, barring fair Palestinian statehood, we will be back in the same situation.

ISrael knows this, and it knows the fact that collateral damage will be caused - yet it still chose to go ahead and do this.

A despicable and degenerate government and intelligentsia largely populates that nation now.
Really sickening images those - I was going through the AFP feed and the pictures were really sad - couldn't look after a while.

However, lets remember that this is the reality of any war - and rest assured, the modern war is far more "humane" than say 60 years ago, if the term "humane" can even be used for a war situation.
With pictures getting beamed 24/7 the media impact is a lot more than it used to be.
Really sickening images those - I was going through the AFP feed and the pictures were really sad - couldn't look after a while.

However, lets remember that this is the reality of any war - and rest assured, the modern war is far more "humane" than say 60 years ago, if the term "humane" can even be used for a war situation.
With pictures getting beamed 24/7 the media impact is a lot more than it used to be.

i think most humane war is by using nukes, it doesnt leave traces of war brutality!!!, the entire civilization washed away/ wiped out in matter of seconds:D
The Final Moments of a son and his mother in Palestine.

Terrorists are not born, they are forced to become.

Why, Israel...? Why...!!!!

This Picture bring tears to my eyes ...

I Wished to Put Explosives on my Chest & Hit any Zionist Israeli i found ..
I just found out, these pictures were from israeli massacre in Lebanon back in 2006, not Gaza.

I am working on the sources, will write back with findings.
When i see Israeli Forces killing innocent people the only thing comes in my mind is this this saying.

"I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world,but i left some of them so you will know why i was killing them"

[Adolf Hitler : Mein Kampf]
holocaust, genocide, etc...

Pretty loose with the ol' rhetoric for a bunch of rocket slingers who've no clue where any of their 6,000 plus rockets will land. Nor care. Funny that HAMAS had no ability to range Beersheba before the truce.

Grads afterwards and more range.

Now let's see about that holocaust/genocide thingy. 1000 dead and half are HAMAS in a combat zone as densely populated as Gaza over more than two weeks. Sure as hell isn't the Russians in Grozny, I know that.

This is war. It's not HOLOCAUST and it's not GENOCIDE. Maybe Gazans will be more careful who they vote for next time. Can't say they weren't well-informed about what HAMAS is all about. Slingin' rockets indiscriminately is HAMAS raison d'etre. Tough raising money if you're not trying to live up to the ol' charter.

You reap what you sow. What leadership by HAMAS! These people are pawns for the Syrians and Iranians and all the lame, bloodthirsty, vicarious thrills and titillation of arabs and muslims everywhere but Gaza.

Most of Islam seems happy to fight the Israelis to the last Palestinian. Most palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance.

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