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Israel failed to shoot down little drone, ok... So whats your point?
- MY FIRST POINT IS ..... they failled on three occasion using their best weapons: 2 PATRIOT PAC-2 "hugely upgraded" and a PYTHON AAM ( the weapon israel use for AA)
So they are defensless, how could they stop a real plane which can maneuver, and fly at +- mac2 ?
- SECOND point its a crushing lesson for everyone, RUSSIANS/iranians simply jammed that missils and got their drone safe, its only surprising for a not observer SINCE israelis weapons REALLY have a record to fail once they meet anything else that palestinians civilians:
HERE a short list of their public EPIC FAIL :
2 x PAC2 patriots + AAM PAYTHON 5 = => F.A.I.L.E.D to intercept a slow flying drone imagine if it was an iranian SU30 (coming soon).
This a ultimate humiliation and is just one of the long list of israeHELLI weapons unreliability:
2006 war between 350-400 tanks engaged ...125 merkava hit by hezbollah, 52 seriously damaged 5 completly destroyed among them 2 merkava 4 !!
===> EPIC FAIL <===
Saar V the stealth corvet(peretz once said "you don't see it, but they certainly see you"), hit by iranian's cheap version of c-702 ... seems SaarV was stealth only to israelis LOL.
===> EPIC FAIL <===
illumination PODS sold to greece .. unable to engage targets in the desert, greece ended the 2011 campaign in lybia, and officially complaind to Israeli governement
===> EPIC FAIL <===
Arrow 3 fail on two occasion to engage and hit a 60's scud type with predetermined trajectory !
===> EPIC FAIL <===
July 17 2016 TWO patriot PAC2 with israeli upgrade faiiled to hit a slow flying drone .. PYTHON AAM didn't better !
===> EPIC FAIL <===
The so called irone dome is more and more critized among militaries experts, the so called 90% success is probably even not 10%. A worrying number of israelis and americans Experts (including thoses who get it right about PATRIOT EPIC faillure in 90's... while BUSH H was claiming PAC-1 has a rate succees of 95%), successfully proved that videos show no impact trail, no double explosions (proximity explosion), no signs of direct impacts. US army is on daily basis confronted to short range rockets and mortar attacks in iraq and afghanistan ........ still they don't buy (their own system) why ? Pentagon simply "declined " the proposition to buy it LOL......................... NOTHING, NADA propaganda !
===> EPIC FAIL <===