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Israeli EPIC FAIL to intercept slow flying drone .

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Their weakness is that they can't shoot down a drone they made, but have shot down a lot of foreign made aircraft? Should Israel's enemies start buying Israeli weapons now? :woot:

no point LOL, but well tried anyway ... if others countries were unable to shoot down israelis then u would have a point !!!

But since russia, iran already showed that shooting down a israeli drone is not a difficult task, the argument: "it s a israelis drone then its difficulte to shoot it down even for israelis " doesn't work here . SORRY

HERE are a quick and desisif proof of how israelis weapons are difficulte to shoot lol ( i m saracstic )

Can you see ? a single AAM and oops its over ! seems israelis are unable to do something like that. Even the last time hezbollah sended a drone deep in israel IAF struggled to shoot it !!!!!
An israeli model ? lol ...

Seems russians have no probleme to shoot down israeli model drones over georgia .. do you want the link again ? NO ?

Ok then just for the pleasure :

Regardless of who build the drone, and it remain to been seen that it was an israeli build, the FACTS ARE israel cannot shoot down a simple slow flying drone !

TURKEY, IRANIANS, RUSSIANS, AMERICANS havent experienced such problemes !! only israel seems have difficult to achieve the task !

any more arguments ? LOL
you forgot to add the iraqis an unknown drone last year with pantsir since it is the only capable air defense we have.
The point is not what moscou or theran say, or do ...mistake or intentionally testing israHELLI defense(less) neither.


2 x PAC2 patriots + AAM PAYTHON 5 = => F.A.I.L.E.D to intercept a slow flying drone imagine if it was an iranian SU30 (coming soon).
I dont suggest u to try. On 23 Feb 2014 Syrian Su-24 infiltrated Israeli territory and was immediately shot down.

Here UAVs shot down by Israeli jets:

UAV briefly entered Israeli air space its not a big deal. There was not any "Paython 5" fired by the way.

HERE are a quick and desisif proof of how israelis weapons are difficulte to shoot lol ( i m saracstic )

They needed to call for a fighter to shot it down. That means ground SAMs failed to do so. Your brain is very small.
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I dont suggest u to try. On 23 Feb 2014 Syrian Su-24 infiltrated Israeli territory and was immediately shot down.

Here UAVs shot down by Israeli jets:

UAV briefly entered Israeli air space its not a big deal. There was not any "Paython 5" fired by the way.

They needed to call for a fighter to shot it down. That means ground SAMs failed to do so. Your brain is very small.
Answering to a troll, only incourage him.
Patriot wasn't suited for the task, David Sling or Iron Dome would've done better.
Moscow achknowlege that it indeed was Israeli made drone under russian's control. Now let the troll think w/e he wants
I dont suggest u to try. On 23 Feb 2014 Syrian Su-24 infiltrated Israeli territory and was immediately shot down.

Here UAVs shot down by Israeli jets:

UAV briefly entered Israeli air space its not a big deal. There was not any "Paython 5" fired by the way.

They needed to call for a fighter to shot it down. That means ground SAMs failed to do so. Your brain is very small.
Answering to a troll, only incourage him.
Patriot wasn't suited for the task, David Sling or Iron Dome would've done better.
Moscow achknowlege that it indeed was Israeli made drone under russian's control. Now let the troll think w/e he wants


So were again on the "patriot was not suitable" arguments ? excuses me madame la marquise ... BUT US SAM, iraqi pantsirs, iranians SAM, turkey PATRIOTS, never experienced such EPIC FAIL to shoot down a drone ...

As for SAM, here the probleme is that even AAM PATHON5 didn't better !!! oh oh what ? what you said ? AAM is not a suitable methode either ? then allow me please to show you how russians USE AAM in a suitable way to deal with israelis drones


I dont suggest u to try. On 23 Feb 2014 Syrian Su-24 infiltrated Israeli territory and was immediately shot down.

Here UAVs shot down by Israeli jets:

UAV briefly entered Israeli air space its not a big deal. There was not any "Paython 5" fired by the way.

They needed to call for a fighter to shot it down. That means ground SAMs failed to do so. Your brain is very small.

HO thanks baby for the links booooo... but here we are not talking about previous DRONES INCURTIONS, which BTW IAF struggled to shoot it down, TWO PYTHON used to shoot down a basic abadil iranian drone !!! NOT EXACLTY an impressive accomplishement.....

HERE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE 17 july EPIC FAIL TO INTERCEPT A SLOW FLYING DRONE ... the drone jammed your SAM and PYTHON and returned home safely after exposing to the world your defenless !!!

On 23 Feb 2014 Syrian Su-24??? what is SU24 ???? so you comparing arabs 60's bulshit to the state of art SU30 MK iranians are going to get ? BOOOOOOHHHHHHH i m sure they loose sleep over you air defense BOOOHHOOOHHOOO
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you forgot to add the iraqis an unknown drone last year with pantsir since it is the only capable air defense we have.

Thank you !! bro

I dont suggest u to try. On 23 Feb 2014 Syrian Su-24 infiltrated Israeli territory and was immediately shot down.

Here UAVs shot down by Israeli jets:

UAV briefly entered Israeli air space its not a big deal. There was not any "Paython 5" fired by the way.

They needed to call for a fighter to shot it down. That means ground SAMs failed to do so. Your brain is very small.

NEVER EVER is said that that a SAM was used PERIODE FULL stop ... as militaries experts said "its stupid to use a one million dollars missils to shot down a drone " russians and iranians are just a bit, i mean a lot more capable than the so called israHELLI army ! end of story.

and in contrary to the israeli PYTHON 5, russian AAM "ont fait mouche" one shot one hot, as we say in france.

OHHHH yes yes i get it, israehellis AAM were not a suitable methode either isn't ? oooohhhhh poor baby !! only idiot in IDF (I Dont know to Fight), isn't ?

POOOOOORRRRRR israel never have a suitable methode, its not that they failled miserably, its just they didnt used the " suitable methode"

PLEASE EVERYONE HERE, leave a comment about israeli inability to use a suitable methode LOL
I replied to your question : "
SINCE I M NEW HERE, I CANNIT GIVE U links .... the website simply do not allow it " ok friend ?

@araz ... what can i do ? since i m not allowed to post links ?
OK. Can you write down the reference ie website name and the date the news was published. It is just so people can see for themselves what the context was.
Your reply to @ war and peace was unjustly harsh and you need to amend it. If you cant amend due to time just say sorry and lets move on.
First of all welcome to PDF.
Israel failed to shoot down little drone, ok... So whats your point?
First of all welcome to PDF.
Israel failed to shoot down little drone, ok... So whats your point?

- MY FIRST POINT IS ..... they failled on three occasion using their best weapons: 2 PATRIOT PAC-2 "hugely upgraded" and a PYTHON AAM ( the weapon israel use for AA)

So they are defensless, how could they stop a real plane which can maneuver, and fly at +- mac2 ?


- SECOND point its a crushing lesson for everyone, RUSSIANS/iranians simply jammed that missils and got their drone safe, its only surprising for a not observer SINCE israelis weapons REALLY have a record to fail once they meet anything else that palestinians civilians:

HERE a short list of their public EPIC FAIL :

2 x PAC2 patriots + AAM PAYTHON 5 = => F.A.I.L.E.D to intercept a slow flying drone imagine if it was an iranian SU30 (coming soon).

This a ultimate humiliation and is just one of the long list of israeHELLI weapons unreliability:

2006 war between 350-400 tanks engaged ...125 merkava hit by hezbollah, 52 seriously damaged 5 completly destroyed among them 2 merkava 4 !!

===> EPIC FAIL <===

Saar V the stealth corvet(peretz once said "you don't see it, but they certainly see you"), hit by iranian's cheap version of c-702 ... seems SaarV was stealth only to israelis LOL.

===> EPIC FAIL <===

illumination PODS sold to greece .. unable to engage targets in the desert, greece ended the 2011 campaign in lybia, and officially complaind to Israeli governement

===> EPIC FAIL <===

Arrow 3 fail on two occasion to engage and hit a 60's scud type with predetermined trajectory !

===> EPIC FAIL <===

July 17 2016 TWO patriot PAC2 with israeli upgrade faiiled to hit a slow flying drone .. PYTHON AAM didn't better !

===> EPIC FAIL <===

The so called irone dome is more and more critized among militaries experts, the so called 90% success is probably even not 10%. A worrying number of israelis and americans Experts (including thoses who get it right about PATRIOT EPIC faillure in 90's... while BUSH H was claiming PAC-1 has a rate succees of 95%), successfully proved that videos show no impact trail, no double explosions (proximity explosion), no signs of direct impacts. US army is on daily basis confronted to short range rockets and mortar attacks in iraq and afghanistan ........ still they don't buy (their own system) why ? Pentagon simply "declined " the proposition to buy it LOL......................... NOTHING, NADA propaganda !

===> EPIC FAIL <===
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- MY FIRST POINT IS ..... they failled on three occasion using their best weapons: 2 PATRIOT PAC-2 "hugely upgraded" and a PYTHON AAM ( the weapon israel use for AA)

So they are defensless, how could they stop a real plane which can maneuver, and fly at +- mac2 ?


- SECOND point its a crushing lesson for everyone, RUSSIANS/iranians simply jammed that missils and got their drone safe, its only surprising for a not observer SINCE israelis weapons REALLY have a record to fail once they meet anything else that palestinians civilians:

HERE a short list of their public EPIC FAIL :

2 x PAC2 patriots + AAM PAYTHON 5 = => F.A.I.L.E.D to intercept a slow flying drone imagine if it was an iranian SU30 (coming soon).

This a ultimate humiliation and is just one of the long list of israeHELLI weapons unreliability:

2006 war between 350-400 tanks engaged ...125 merkava hit by hezbollah, 52 seriously damaged 5 completly destroyed among them 2 merkava 4 !!

===> EPIC FAIL <===

Saar V the stealth corvet(peretz once said "you don't see it, but they certainly see you"), hit by iranian's cheap version of c-702 ... seems SaarV was stealth only to israelis LOL.

===> EPIC FAIL <===

illumination PODS sold to greece .. unable to engage targets in the desert, greece ended the 2011 campaign in lybia, and officially complaind to Israeli governement

===> EPIC FAIL <===

Arrow 3 fail on two occasion to engage and hit a 60's scud type with predetermined trajectory !

===> EPIC FAIL <===

July 17 2016 TWO patriot PAC2 with israeli upgrade faiiled to hit a slow flying drone .. PYTHON AAM didn't better !

===> EPIC FAIL <===

The so called irone dome is more and more critized among militaries experts, the so called 90% success is probably even not 10%. A worrying number of israelis and americans Experts (including thoses who get it right about PATRIOT EPIC faillure in 90's... while BUSH H was claiming PAC-1 has a rate succees of 95%), successfully proved that videos show no impact trail, no double explosions (proximity explosion), no signs of direct impacts. US army is on daily basis confronted to short range rockets and mortar attacks in iraq and afghanistan ........ still they don't buy (their own system) why ? Pentagon simply "declined " the proposition to buy it LOL......................... NOTHING, NADA propaganda !

===> EPIC FAIL <===

ok, we are defenseless, and we cannot shot down any flaying object, you got us...
Field marshal rayanBiss1234567890 :cheers:
July 17, 2016. Israel AIR defense tried and failled miserably to intercept a slow flying .. despite TWO patriot PAC2 fired and a PYTHON air to air missils, the so boasted weapons to 3th world countries !

The israeli hasbara on the forums all aroud the world try to dismiss this EPIC FAIL, as "not suitable tactics" to use Air air missils and SAM to shoot down drone. But americans, russians and iranians have proved time and again that drone are easy targets.

Although 10 years behind the s300, the PAC2 is the Best SAM israel has, and the PYTHON 5, is boasted as the best air air system israel has by now.

Then what do you think about this EPIC FAIL ?
Two crappy Patriots and an AIM9 missile, not a Python

This was an Israeli drone "Searcher" sold to Russia.
Since the website do not allow me to post links, because i new here, what can i do ?
Give the head line and name of the news paper

July 17, A drone entered israeli air space and despite tree attempt to shoot it down, the drone returned safe to owner.

This EPIC FAIL, has no match in recent history : 2 PAC patriots SAM and a PYTHON 5 AAM ( the so boasted israeli weapon) failled miserably to intercept the plane.

As expeced ZIONISTS medoa dismissed the incident as mere " no suitable tactic" rather fail. HOWEVER russians, americans, and even iranians proved times and again that drones are very easy target since they cannot maneuver to avoid missils.

Then the only conclusion is RUSSIAN simply jammed both the patriots and the boasted PYTHON.





What is ur point? Now Arab countries can withstand Israel more than 7 days of war? And won't surrender?
They have a pathetic air defence network. This is not the first time they failed miserably. Last time a Hezbollah UAV flew miles and miles into their territory and failed to down at first. Hilarious how pathetic these Zionist land occupiers are.:lol:
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