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Israeli Arabs sentenced 2 years in prison for killing murderous Jew terrorist

'Cause I'm done discussing with y'all. The hasbara mills here can't even understand such basics in any discussion like what counts as evidence and what not. For example, you speficially tend to think that you can refute any number of unpalatable facts about your country's history, presented to you from scholarly sources, with half-baked self-assured remarks. You can't, ok. You don't have Chosen People privileges on this forum. But if you can't understand this, there's no point engaging with you. I'll just post the stories here and people will take the conclusions they're going to take.
Stop whining. I just recently showed example of ur lie:

Israel arrests 4-year-old

U are a dumb spammer and a liar.
Stop whining. I just recently showed example of ur lie:

Israel arrests 4-year-old

U are a dumb spammer and a liar.

Wow, someone's grumpy - but don't be, there's more to come.

I didn't read that post - I don't read any of your posts now. I'm making an exception here because you're drawing my attention by posting my handle. In any event, I have no idea what you mean by "I showed". What you often mean by that is making some half-assed dogmatic statements in support for the incorruptiblity and supreme righteousness of the IDF, with some Youtube vids in support. And I don't have the time for that kind of trash anymore, I'm sorry. That doesn't count as evidence, as proof. You've got to understand that neither I nor anyone else here is forced to take at face value whatever the trash you decide come up with to justify your country's rogue behavior.
Wow, someone's grumpy - but don't be, there's more to come.

I didn't read that post - I don't read any of your posts now. I'm making an exception here because you're drawing my attention by posting my handle. In any event, I have no idea what you mean by "I showed". What you often mean by that is making some half-assed statements in support for the incorruptiblity and supreme righteousness of the IDF, with some Youtube vids in support. And I don't have the time for that kind of trash anymore, I'm sorry. That doesn't count as evidence, as proof. You've got to understand that neither I nor anyone else here is forced to take at face value whatever the trash you decide come up with to justify your country's rogue behavior.
You made a claim that IDF arrested 4 years old boy.

Thats blatant lie. He was not arrested. There is only a claim that soldiers came to arrest someone with his name and when they saw him they went back.

You are not only a dumb spammer, but also liar.
You made a claim that IDF arrested 4 years old boy.

Thats blatant lie. He was not arrested. There is only a claim that soldiers came to arrest someone with his name and when they saw him they went back.

You are not only a dumb spammer, but also liar.

OK, I read the reply - as expected, some underwhelming stuff. I'll be responding there.
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