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Israeli Arabs sentenced 2 years in prison for killing murderous Jew terrorist


Jun 1, 2012
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Israeli Arabs sentenced to two years for 2005 lynching of spree killer soldier - National Israel News | Haaretz

Lynching followed shooting spree in which Kahanist soldier Eden Natan-Zada killed four Israeli Arabs and wounded more than 20.


Six Israeli Arabs were sentenced Thursday to terms of up to two years in jail for their role in lynching Eden Natan-Zada, who killed four Israeli Arabs and wounded more than 20 in a shooting spree on a bus in Shfaram in 2005.

Na’aman Bahus, Basel Kadari and Jamil Sapori, who were convicted of attempted manslaughter, were each sentenced to two years. Basel Khatib, convicted of the same charge, was sentenced to 20 months, while Fadi Nasrallah and Arkan Kurbaj, both convicted of aggravated assault, were sentenced to 18 and 11 months, respectively. All six were also found guilty of assaulting policemen. Munir Zakut, who was convicted only of assaulting a policeman, received an eight-month suspended sentence.

Judges Ilan Shiff, Hanny Horowitz and Tsila Keinan of the Haifa District Court said that jail terms were necessary to uphold two vital social values: the sanctity of life [LOL! -- RFS] and law and order. Nevertheless, they added, the sentences would have been much stiffer had it not been for “the unique circumstances of the case,” which they said made it one of the hardest sentencing decisions they had ever faced.

The sentences will be deferred for 45 days while the defendants decide whether to appeal. But defense attorneys said that from a legal standpoint, they were actually satisfied with the court’s leniency, noting that prosecutors had sought jail terms of six to nine years. Sentences that didn’t include jail time were never a realistic expectation, said one, Maher Talhami.

The defendants, however, disagreed, as did the hundreds of Shfaram residents and Israeli Arab political activists who demonstrated outside the court yesterday. “The sentence revealed the state’s racist face,” Sapori charged. “If we had been Jews, they surely wouldn’t have sent us to jail.”

The demonstrators denounced the legal system vociferously, and at one point, during a scuffle with police, rocks and stun grenades were thrown. Ten demonstrators were arrested.

In Shfaram itself, a general strike was called to protest the ruling. Mayor Amin Anabtawi explained that most residents think the seven should never have been indicted to begin with.

Natan-Zada, an AWOL soldier and Kahanist, was apparently acting in opposition to the upcoming disengagement from Gaza when, with his army-issue rifle, he boarded a bus en route to Shfaram from Haifa on August 4, 2005. As Natan-Zada shot at passengers, an angry mob stormed the bus and killed him. Police opened an inquiry into his death after viewing photographs that showed him still alive after being disarmed and bound.
Zionist state at it again.

Thank you for all your excellent threads. Keep up the good work.

I know very well that most Brazilians are anti-Zionists and Brazil is also an observer state to the Arab League because of the very big Arab diaspora in Brazil.

Arab Brazilian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like most of Latin America that has a Arab diaspora of approximately 50 million people.

I already had the pleasure to talk to a few Brazilian Arabs trying to learn Arabic. You are by no chance an Brazilian-Arab are you? I remember that there was one Brazilian user here who was.

I know very well that most Brazilians are anti-Zionists and Brazil is also an observer state to the Arab League because of the very big Arab diaspora in Brazil.

No, I'm not, and neither are they frequent in the part of the country I'm from, though I do have close a Lebanese-Braz friend.
No, I'm not, and neither are they frequent in the part of the country I'm from, though I do have close a Lebanese-Braz friend.

Where are you from in Brazil if I may ask? I always wondered how come an Brazilian like you, with a non Brazilian-Arab background, was interested in the Palestine-israel conflict.

But anyway please continue your excellent work.
Oppression at it best, the zionists perverts must have an erection when they humiliate the palestinians like that
Oppression at it best, the zionists perverts must have an erection when they humiliate the palestinians like that

Which your country (France) supports and thus you support because you live there. Better see yourself in the mirror Mr. Vietnamese that pretends to care about us Muslims and Arabs.

You are a accomplish in the Zionist dreams. France is a bastion of Zionism.

I lived in Paris and I know.

You also support the greatest Zionist regime after Israel in the region in Al-Asshead, better known as The Child-Murderer.

He lets Israel occupy Syrian territory for 40 years without any resistance. Zionist by heart and action.

Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am starting to think that you are some kind of bot hired by Mossad/Iranian wannabe Arab Mullah to spread misinformation and fool the gullible Muslim masses on this forum.
They broke the law. I think 2 years is just slap on the wrist. In KSA, murder means beheading. Even in USA there are tougher punishments than this.
Which your country (France) supports and thus you support because you live there. Better see yourself in the mirror Mr. Vietnamese that pretends to care about us Muslims and Arabs.

You are a accomplish in the Zionist dreams. France is a bastion of Zionism.

I lived in Paris and I know.

You also support the greatest Zionist regime after Israel in the region in Al-Asshead, better known as The Child-Murderer.

He lets Israel occupy Syrian territory for 40 years without any resistance. Zionist by heart and action.

Golan Heights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am starting to think that you are some kind of bot hired by Mossad/Iranian wannabe Arab Mullah to spread misinformation and fool the gullible Muslim masses on this forum.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: You truly are a funny guy
They killed him while he was already neutralized and handcuffed.
Where are you from in Brazil if I may ask? I always wondered how come an Brazilian like you, with a non Brazilian-Arab background, was interested in the Palestine-israel conflict.

But anyway please continue your excellent work.
RFS_clown is a lying troll just like "Vietnamese" sun piwa.
RFS_clown is a lying troll just like "Vietnamese" sun piwa.

I don't think so. @RFS_Br is an excellent member.

Yes it is, but the people against are not to blame

Then you for admitting to being an accomplish and aiding the Zionists. Why are the people silent then and eating baguettes instead?
Where do you live in France?

Anyway Paris is full of us Arabs as is France. Maybe one beat you for being a troll in real life. That would explain a lot. Soon we will conquer it as we failed to do almost 1300 years earlier.:yahoo: We got Al-Andalus though and kept it for nearly 1000 years.
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Living is not a zionist act, only supporting the wars if the zionists is a zionist act
All he is doing is spamming articles from Electronic Intifada, sometimes Haaretz.

'Cause I'm done discussing with y'all. The hasbara mills here can't even understand such basics in any discussion like what counts as evidence and what not. For example, you specifically tend to think that you can refute any number of unpalatable facts about your country's history, presented to you from scholarly sources, with half-baked self-assured remarks. You can't, ok. You don't have Chosen People privileges on this forum. But if you can't understand this, there's no point engaging with you. I'll just post the stories here and people will take the conclusions they're going to take.
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