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Israel set to deliver warning to US over Iran

I dont agree with you about Ahmadinejad but you are right. After the scientist killings the ''neutral'' Iranians even started hating them. Our battle has now become legitimate and be sure that we will win it

I like ahmadinejad in a sense that he invests alot in scientific projects.
anyway israel biggest mistake is comparing us to the arabs, that will be their downfall.they think they are smart, but they know nothing about us.

if it was not for their daddy the yanks helping them, do you think they will be talking so tough.
I like ahmadinejad in a sense that he invests alot in scientific projects.
anyway israel biggest mistake is comparing us to the arabs, that will be their downfall.they think they are smart, but they know nothing about us.

if it was not for their daddy the yanks helping them, do you think they will be talking so tough.
Cut US from Israel now, just right now and see if they can tackle the Iranian challenge themself. You think they can ? they wouldnt come out of their bunkers.

@Ahmadinejad. Did you see the parliament election results ? go on fars and see it, the Parliament has become pro Khamenei. So this means next year we get a more ''tougher'' president than Ahmadinejad. The zionists would then dream to be back in the days of Ahmadinejad.
Cut US from Israel now, just right now and see if they can tackle the Iranian challenge themself. You think they can ? they wouldnt come out of their bunkers.

@Ahmadinejad. Did you see the parliament election results ? go on fars and see it, the Parliament has become pro Khamenei. So this means next year we get a more ''tougher'' president than Ahmadinejad. The zionists would then dream to be back in the days of Ahmadinejad.

We need president will massive balls, the yankee pricks disrespect our culture with films like 300, by saying our ancient writing system in jiroft in fake. and they say we should be annihilated.

we need nukes..hundreds..and let them **** with us again.

Persia was the first superpower in this planet, during our reign we have about half the worlds population under us, now these pricks are trying to tell us what we can and cant do.
We need president will massive balls, the yankee pricks disrespect our culture with films like 300, by saying our ancient writing system in jiroft in fake. and they say we should be annihilated.

we need nukes..hundreds..and let them **** with us again.

Persia was the first superpower in this planet, during our reign we have about half the worlds population under us, now these pricks are trying to tell us what we can and cant do.
Well, we got them by their balls now.
So attack a country because of, so far, speculation that Iran may be developing nukes? Cause millions of deaths? Global economic meltdown? North Korea flouts NPT. Does blatant nuke tests. Fires missiles over the Sea of Japan. And gets away. Why is that? Because North Korea does not have the Israeli Lobby riding on its back.

BTW, while it is far from sure Iran is developing nukes--it may be laying down the infrastructure for it--just in case, it is also evident that nukes seem to provide some kind of insurance against an overt attack. And don't give me example of Pakistan to say that nukes are not a deterrent. They are, even for Pakistan.

Fact is, to paraphrase Chomsky, Israelis want to be the top bully in the region and nukes afford them that bullying power. The bullying power ensures Israel can dictate its policies in the region, starting from gobbling up the Palestinians' land. Iran challenges that. And Iran with nukes will also deprive Israel of the advantage.

There are two inaccurate assertions.(I am playing Devil's advocate)
A. Attack is Attack on Nuclear Installations not (Iraq or Afghanistan), which BTW might help Iran in carrying out the much needed Political and social Reforms. So assumption about invasion and Million deaths is sad and frankly Propaganda.
B. North Korea opted out of NPT and even when it remained signatory, it didn't have the benefits of NPT being the closed Nation.
Iran's case however is different.
C. Iran has no threats or Benefits being a Nuclear Power.

---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 PM ----------

You mean surgical, right? :)

NO, i meant clinical. Surgical is more of a military term.
Israel Govt/Jewish rabbis/regular Jewish People all over the world don't talk about annihilation of countries, kill a particular group of people with firm conviction that end times won't come until the last one of them is killed. As matter of fact, it's Iran being the bully here playing rhetoric about Jews using the words "Zionist regime"(we all know where the regimes operate and where the governments operate). They could have simply kept supporting Palestine without using the threats. so we need to stop using the rhetoric about Iranian regime being the victim here. They have done their part in the issue.
We need president will massive balls, the yankee pricks disrespect our culture with films like 300, by saying our ancient writing system in jiroft in fake. and they say we should be annihilated.

we need nukes..hundreds..and let them **** with us again.

Persia was the first superpower in this planet, during our reign we have about half the worlds population under us, now these pricks are trying to tell us what we can and cant do.

Just the reason why they wanna take your nukes out...some of you guys dont talk sense.

Peace...Live and Let Live...:angel:
There are two inaccurate assertions.(I am playing Devil's advocate)
A. Attack is Attack on Nuclear Installations not (Iraq or Afghanistan), which BTW might help Iran in carrying out the much needed Political and social Reforms. So assumption about invasion and Million deaths is sad and frankly Propaganda.
B. North Korea opted out of NPT and even when it remained signatory, it didn't have the benefits of NPT being the closed Nation.
Iran's case however is different.
C. Iran has no threats or Benefits being a Nuclear Power.

It is a mistake to think that Israel will get away with any 'surgical' strike. The death toll from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan runs into hundreds of thousands combined over past 10 years. And Iran is much bigger, more powerful, and has been preparing for a showdown since 1979. There will be a bloodbath for sure. And as far as I see, Iranians are going to unite behind their mullahs and attack anything within the region, with everything they have. And, as far as I see, Iranians cannot be subjugated short of the eventual use of tactical nukes against them.

And your example about N. Korea getting out of the NPT actually makes your case weaker: By getting out of the NPT, NKo were more likely to be challenged than to be given food even as they flouted their nukes. Good for NKo that Japan does not have the feared Lobby in America working for Japan. Too bad for America, Americans, and the world that a few thousand well-connected war-mongers have held the entire Congress in its firm, blackmailing vice like grip! After all, when it comes down to, 'America' policies are basically those of a few hundred Congressmen/Senators and a few dozen powerful media empires. You take hold of them, you get the country! Now, I am aware that there is a sizable fundamentalist Christians hoping for their damned Rapture but they are probably no more than 20% of the population.
The 'Liberals' in America--as evidenced in the NY Times 'Comments' over past few days--can see how this rapacious, mean-spirited, blood-thirsty Israel Lobby has managed to hijack the Congress. They are fuming over it. One day the majority of Americans will join them--and the world, including Israel itself, will be better for that.

As to Iran having nukes or not, well, it is chicken or egg! Don't have nukes means face the music like Iraq or Libya. Have the nukes then that would give 'justification' for attacks. What should Iranians do? May be make their conventional deterrence so strong that they raise the cost of war too high--perhaps the cost is too high for all anyway and that's why no direct attacks since 1979. Nukes should be weapons of no use. They should be destroyed ALL OVER THE WORLD, ASAP! But, alas, we may see some being used in our own lifetime.

[Written quickly--will try to fix the typo later...]
Israel simply wants to get U.S. involved in the next war with Iran. Well, Obama is smart enough to know that U.S. cannot afford another war with Iran. BTW, I do not think Israel will foot the bill either.

Without some countries to pay the bill, U.S. is not that dumb to involved in another war this quickly after the disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If this were like the first gulf war with Saudi, Kuwait and Japan happily paying for the war expense, I think U.S. would have been glad to drop a lot of bombs onto Iran since those military corporations could have made billions out of such wars.
Obama will be/may be ousted in next election,then it will be easy for Israel
It is a mistake to think that Israel will get away with any 'surgical' strike. The death toll from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan runs into hundreds of thousands combined over past 10 years. And Iran is much bigger, more powerful, and has been preparing for a showdown since 1979. There will be a bloodbath for sure. And as far as I see, Iranians are going to unite behind their mullahs and attack anything within the region, with everything they have. And, as far as I see, Iranians cannot be subjugated short of the eventual use of tactical nukes against them.

And your example about N. Korea getting out of the NPT actually makes your case weaker: By getting out of the NPT, NKo were more likely to be challenged than to be given food even as they flouted their nukes. Good for NKo that Japan does not have the feared Lobby in America working for Japan. Too bad for America, Americans, and the world that a few thousand well-connected war-mongers have held the entire Congress in its firm, blackmailing vice like grip! After all, when it comes down to, 'America' policies are basically those of a few hundred Congressmen/Senators and a few dozen powerful media empires. You take hold of them, you get the country! Now, I am aware that there is a sizable fundamentalist Christians hoping for their damned Rapture but they are probably no more than 20% of the population.
The 'Liberals' in America--as evidenced in the NY Times 'Comments' over past few days--can see how this rapacious, mean-spirited, blood-thirsty Israel Lobby has managed to hijack the Congress. They are fuming over it. One day the majority of Americans will join them--and the world, including Israel itself, will be better for that.

As to Iran having nukes or not, well, it is chicken or egg! Don't have nukes means face the music like Iraq or Libya. Have the nukes then that would give 'justification' for attacks. What should Iranians do? May be make their conventional deterrence so strong that they raise the cost of war too high--perhaps the cost is too high for all anyway and that's why no direct attacks since 1979. Nukes should be weapons of no use. They should be destroyed ALL OVER THE WORLD, ASAP! But, alas, we may see some being used in our own lifetime.

[Written quickly--will try to fix the typo later...]

A. You seriously need to get out of your "America runs the world" thinking. There are many other legitimate, under the carpet Players and overtly Anti Brit-American Ideological Players in the world. Iran is simply being the naive here.
B. Your whole case about NoKo is just another thesis of "How Nuclear Weapons Technology can save Failing regime controlled nation states". It has no practical aspect to it. why can't Nations be simply run by legitimate states and be responsible player in International Politics?
So far, it seems that those supposed mad men/moolahs have not attacked Israel, but the other way around.

I think Netanyahu need stop his war chanting slogans.

No, Israels' main strategy is to save itself from some mad men/moolahs.
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