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Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

The only problem Arabs/Muslims have with is that everytime Israeli strikes they kill more Palestineans. If Palestineans had better firepower they could have inflicted more damage on the Israelis and the unhappy would have become happy.
So forget all about brotherhood, its all about hatred.

And i cant understand who are these bros crying all around ME, they all have done nothing to help the palestinean cause, not even supplied them with proper weapons. lol.
This would be a big folly on the Israel's part to prepare for joint strike against Pakistan .They are suppose to keep in mind Pakistan is no Iran,Iraq or Afghanistan.We are a missile power and Israel is very much in our missiles reach reach..

You might have a missile that can reach moon, but you nor any country wopuld have the balls to launch it against Israel. It would be WW3 and you would be the shooting target. Israel is a proxy US state in ME.
You might have a missile that can reach moon, but you nor any country wopuld have the balls to launch it against Israel. It would be WW3 and you would be the shooting target. Israel is a proxy US state in ME.
Yes, Muslims are all talk, no Action! Qadhafi slams arabs, Arabs slams Israelis, Israelis Murder Palestinians-Qadhafi slams arabs-arabs slam Israelis, Israelis Murder Palestinians!!!!
And a bunch of kids telling they will arm hamas!!! with what??? AK47s? theres already enuff lying around from the last intifada! lol

India recently provided millions of dollars to the Palestinians when their leader had come to Delhi!!!!! Yes India buys Weapons from Israel, because its the best! Dont cry over India Buying weapons, India has got good relations with both Palestine and Israel. Besides the arabs dont care for their brothers! Just think why India should! atleast its giving its share of relief!
You might have a missile that can reach moon, but you nor any country wopuld have the balls to launch it against Israel. It would be WW3 and you would be the shooting target. Israel is a proxy US state in ME.

Mate!I meant if they attack us then we will retaliate with our missiles and yes we do have the balls to do so!and BTW What option do u think we will be left with, if Israel and India go for joint strike against Pakistan?Do u think we are keeping missiles just as a show piece?I Am sure that both Israel and India don't have the balls to attack Pakistan but if for instance we are being attacked then Mark my words,we will launch our missiles towards East and West both.
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This would be a big folly on the Israel's part to prepare for joint strike against Pakistan .They are suppose to keep in mind Pakistan is no Iran,Iraq or Afghanistan.We are a missile power and Israel is very much in our missiles reach reach..

The Shaheen II has NOT been inducted. Therefore, as of now, Pakistan is NOT a threat to Israel.
well folkshello to u and a very happy new year,remeber me i m the one who broke first the news about israeli phalcons in india{actual israeli jets with israeli markings}.Well guys i want to ask why the thread called "israeli f 16 in india" has been closed. i wanted to post some updates on the situation
thank u
About daring and proxy state! well in past decade or so lot of daring acts has been undertaken just count them and see in how many of them involves Pakistanies, dont u dare us!!!

By the way all these pehnomenas that Isrilies are un touchable un harmable is bull **** of the peace times when war would broke out and Pakistan is hurt nobody would give damn to americans and thier proxy.

Dont forget Suicide Attacks had been our haul mark from quite some time, In pakistan 99% people belive in death and life after death, so as a nation we are not afraid of dying, so before perperating with india Israilies, for direct involvement, would think hundard times.

Besides there is a certain segment n forces who belives this 'proxy state saga' can even be used to twist the arm of US. How aout a dozens or so nuke capped in vicinity.... all you need is a furtile mind!!!
well folks as the thread israeli f 16 in india has been closed i m going to post the update about it in this thread,as i said israeli phalcons r already in india{not phalcons mounted on il 78} many people have confirmed about this the situation about f 16 is very hush hush,but i think chances of them being in india r high meanwhile other news that israel has secretly passed on ucavs and survaillence gear to india well as for ucavs{unmanned combat arial vehicle} my source tell me this r "The Elbit Systems Hermes 450 " these r high endurance uavs which can be converted to fire hellfire missile,now usa wont allow to sell hellfire missile hence a couple humdred anti ration missile have also been passed on these most probably r spike well about the survaillence gear india has pulled a rabit out of hat well folks u might recollect that india had placed order for embraber r 99a which r awecs just recently well far before this india probably in 2002 india managed to to get on board with brazil and had got a embraber 99b which is a air to ground survaillence aircraft well it is no where in the league of e-8 joint star but preety good now this aircraft arrived in india in mid 2006 secretly offcourse but india wasn't satisfied with SAR radars on this crafts well instepsd israel and offered to fit them TechSAR, LEO X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar now this radar were huge and the challenge was to be able to make it to fit on ERJ 145 jet airframe well they managed to do that as result there was no room on board the aircraft for consoles to process all data collected as a result all data is tranfered via datalink to ground station were it is processed and bingo india had air to ground surviallence aircraft well still not comparabe to j8 but almost second best these r also equiped with FLIR and indian developed multi-spectral scanners and onboard mission softwares these aircraft were not seen till september 2008 well they sprang to life since these crisis have developed and can be regularly seen on skies above mohali wherethey r thought to be based now iaf response is they r vip aircrafts but why should 2 passibly 3 vip carfts be based at mohali forward air base the numbers of this aircraft is still highly speculative.INDIA is also believed to be developing an ISAR{Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar }the details of this r not very forthcoming but will update about it asap,by the way the israeli phalcons r based at gwalior afb
thank u :wave::wave::wave:
You might have a missile that can reach moon, but you nor any country wopuld have the balls to launch it against Israel. It would be WW3 and you would be the shooting target. Israel is a proxy US state in ME.

well have u heard of a suicide mission which pakistan planned in 1999? incase israel would have attacked pak neuclear facility when their jets were in india, paf planned a suicide mission in which pak f 16s would have gone to israel to bomb them. and this would have been a one way ride coz f 16s wouldnt have been able to come back due to the long distance. so please dont even think pak will sit quietly if israel messes around with us. we are muslims and we love to die with honour as for us death is a start of never ending life. if we can plan a thing lik that in 1999 then im sure we can do a lot more in todays date.:pakistan:
I guess, there is no such thing as a joint strike on pakistan by israel and india. The reason is that India would have done a surgical strike against some madrisas in pakistan on the plea of targeting terrorists who were involved in mumbai attacks. Israel had no business participating with india on terrorism issue. Secondly, israel is already busy with hammas. Thirdly, if this was true, than pakistan must have prepared for some missile attack on israel which is not the case. So, in my opinion, there is no joint strike.
About daring and proxy state! well in past decade or so lot of daring acts has been undertaken just count them and see in how many of them involves Pakistanies, dont u dare us!!!

By the way all these pehnomenas that Isrilies are un touchable un harmable is bull **** of the peace times when war would broke out and Pakistan is hurt nobody would give damn to americans and thier proxy.

Dont forget Suicide Attacks had been our haul mark from quite some time, In pakistan 99% people belive in death and life after death, so as a nation we are not afraid of dying, so before perperating with india Israilies, for direct involvement, would think hundard times.

Besides there is a certain segment n forces who belives this 'proxy state saga' can even be used to twist the arm of US. How aout a dozens or so nuke capped in vicinity.... all you need is a furtile mind!!!

First of all India is never going to be party to a joint attack mechanism with anyone,let it be US / Russia or Israel. India has a policy of strict NO NO with reagrd to this. And as far as the Israeli planes are concerned, the eye account has only seen an AWACS with few escorts, this might have something to do with the training for the 3 AWACS ordered by IAF.

And with respect to suicide attacks, one resorts to that only when you have been hammered and have lost wars in all fronts, sea, air and land; as you can see everywhere. Be it Palestine or Iraq.

So this claim that we are strong bcoz we can do suicide attack is tacitly approving that you will lose and civilians would have to resort to sucide bombing to fight the invader.
well have u heard of a suicide mission which pakistan planned in 1999? incase israel would have attacked pak neuclear facility when their jets were in india, paf planned a suicide mission in which pak f 16s would have gone to israel to bomb them. and this would have been a one way ride coz f 16s wouldnt have been able to come back due to the long distance. so please dont even think pak will sit quietly if israel messes around with us. we are muslims and we love to die with honour as for us death is a start of never ending life. if we can plan a thing lik that in 1999 then im sure we can do a lot more in todays date.:pakistan:

I dont expect any country to sit idle after being attacked, even though almost every month US attacks Pakistan in its territory.

And coming to your point that you are muslim and so blah blah, every human will fight for its land / cause, not only muslims. America burned in Veitnam who were vietnameese, British almost lost in falklands, who were Argentineans?

And please see the size of Israel and guess how many Palestineans / Jordanians / lebaneese would lose their lives due to a nuke atack on Israel.
And please see the size of Israel and guess how many Palestineans / Jordanians / lebaneese would lose their lives due to a nuke atack on Israel.

i never talked about nukes. there are many other ways.
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