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Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

Israel is too big an entity to BOO away! The palestinians should not give even an iota of excuse to the Israelis to attack them!! For that Non VIolence is the only way I feel. Call me an Idiot, but again to each his Own.

yes, I guess they should all line up and voluntarily step into human cremation chambers in non violent way , this way Israelis would have less of a headache
Giving small arms is useless man, Small arms cant fight Merkavas, or the IDF!!! They got enuff small arms. What I say is that the Palestinians tried Violence to get their rights but Failed, Now I say they Try Non Violence!!!! Loft maybe, but Gandhiji tried it and got us Independence and if they got the Moral Highstand, then support will come naturally.

Israel is too big an entity to BOO away! The palestinians should not give even an iota of excuse to the Israelis to attack them!! For that Non VIolence is the only way I feel. Call me an Idiot, but again to each his Own.

Gandhiji's non-violent process would not work if there was no World War II.Because after the war Britain was too weak to rule vast empire.Moreover,because of people like Subash Chandra Bose,Baghat Singh who chose the violent way,the Independence process accelerated.
If only Gandhiji's ideals were followed we would still be licking British boots.

The palestinians also tried non-violent ways with Yasir Arafat and just ended peace process.Did it work???NO
Who says small arms can't do damage.Hezbollah showed how dangerous small arms can be against Merkava Tanks.
Giving small arms is useless man, Small arms cant fight Merkavas, or the IDF!!! They got enuff small arms. What I say is that the Palestinians tried Violence to get their rights but Failed, Now I say they Try Non Violence!!!! Loft maybe, but Gandhiji tried it and got us Independence and if they got the Moral Highstand, then support will come naturally.

Israel is too big an entity to BOO away! The palestinians should not give even an iota of excuse to the Israelis to attack them!! For that Non VIolence is the only way I feel. Call me an Idiot, but again to each his Own.

They should try non-violence but there must be some mechanism to put pressure on Israel to stop the genocide of Palestinians other wise this non-violence would not work.
no one can pressurize Israel. The US envoy was ready to VETO any resolution in the UN which would critisize Israel, just think how much clout they hold. The Only way would be to Adopt King Faisals idea, Stop Oil! lol sounds preposterous kya? well I am always on the wild side lol.

Subash Chandra Bose was great, but he was defeated Squarely. Same goes for Bhagat Singh. They were all Martyrs for the Nation but they didnt have much effect I feel. Lastly It was Gandhiji who emerged Victorious without a Single Bullet Fired!

Maybe non Violence wont work, but then what will? And Lets See, soon IDF will be in Gaza, lets see what Hamas will do. I will be Impressed even if a single Merkava is lost, coz I am sure The Israelis learnt a lesson from Hezbollah
Our Dear Paistani friends are very volatile with emotions. One good article most of them start praise Allah, next negative article and they become sad.
This is due to whole country's moral is down and confused. I am sorry to say but this looks a stark reality.

Presently our moral is much better than it was at the start of India Pakistan tensions. One good thing that came out of present scenario is that entire nation is united and moral has been boosted especially after PAF excercises.

Its you people who are now running away.
This would be a big folly on the Israel's part to prepare for joint strike against Pakistan .They are suppose to keep in mind Pakistan is no Iran,Iraq or Afghanistan.We are a missile power and Israel is very much in our missiles reach reach..
the time has come for pakistan too directly say israel that we know that you are planning attacks against us and send some of our agostas to israeli waters and fully support palestanians war against israel and sell some Al khalid to plastanins and train plastanian armed forces in pakistam to give answer to israel if arabian countries fund plastaninans Al khalid purchase and training and i dont think so why they dont they will if pakistan give them idea and also sell some anza 2 for ant aircraft shoot al israeli are very scared for plastaninans if we can help plastine with this definatley israeli armed forces willl be on the run israel surely thinks pakistan as a threat ler send some threat from pak till now pak was very lack luster against israel but we need to act fast
Israel will not directly participate in striking Pakistan, it will help India more then ever with intel, technology, hardware to enable it. For example, it might expedite the delivery of Phalcon AWACS at a faster rate. All other arguments are pretty useless.
Pakistan has this leverage over Israel because they can always scare of Israel with the threat of supporting Hamas or Hezbollah with small arms and equipment.

Just curious how you plan to supply these arms ? By Land Sea or Air ?

Israel will bendover and say please do ?

the time has come for pakistan too directly say israel that we know that you are planning attacks against us and send some of our agostas to israeli waters and fully support palestanians war against israel and sell some Al khalid to plastanins and train plastanian armed forces in pakistam to give answer to israel if arabian countries fund plastaninans Al khalid purchase and training and i dont think so why they dont they will if pakistan give them idea and also sell some anza 2 for ant aircraft shoot al israeli are very scared for plastaninans if we can help plastine with this definatley israeli armed forces willl be on the run israel surely thinks pakistan as a threat ler send some threat from pak till now pak was very lack luster against israel but we need to act fast

Good luck to air dropping the Khalids into Hamas area. Pakistan I must say is all hot air when it comes to Palestinians cause.

Hamas is a problem and sooner the common man understands that the better.

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Good luck to air dropping the Khalids into Hamas area. Pakistan I must is all hot air when it comes to Palestinians cause.

Hamas is a problem and sooner the common man understands that the better.


Dont blame the Paks, just look at the Arab bros lol! I feel Muslims as a whole are just hot air!!!! Muslims (Me Included) need to reform, from within. Get Islam back on track, like it was ages ago and Kick out Bin Laden and the Mullahs from our Minds. But the Majority of Pakistanis I know are a Progressive lot.

Arming Palestine will do no Good! Especially with Al Khalids when the Israelis Have the worlds latest tech laden Merkavas! Now please dont come telling me that Merkavas were killed off by Hezbollah! Yes they were able to take out a few. But like I said, Israel is too big an entity to Shoo or Boo away!!
Good luck to air dropping the Khalids into Hamas area. Pakistan I must say is all hot air when it comes to Palestinians cause.

Hamas is a problem and sooner the common man understands that the better.


Didn't the Israelis bomb you??I think you termed them as terrorists,didn't you??But the Israelis termed them as freedom fighters.

Hamas is a problem and sooner the common man understands that the better.

It depends from which point of view you are viewing.As far as I can see Israel killed more than 250 people which includes civilians.To me ISRAEL IS THE TERRORIST.
Begging that comes to Pakistan much more easily than India.You just got your beggers share from worldbank to feed. Israel is helping India bcoz we pay them good $.

Who took aid from US for hunting down its own citizens and then turning them on to US?

Who gets aid to buy F-16s?

But we don’t claim to be a super power.;)

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