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Israel, India Fomenting Trouble In Pakistan’s Tribal Region

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@ tefal
i have been watching your remarks in this forum and 8 our of 10, your remarks are either anti-pakistani or flamable stuff which leads to hot aurguments with the other memebers.

Just bear in mind, this is not a chatting channel, this is a forum for duscussions, opinions and information.

There are many indian friends here and most of them are quite good and sensible while leaving their remarks but i am only pointing out you because just today you left 13 masala remarks which lead to quite a long argumental wars
You Indians have nothing else better to do than troll around in Pakistani websites. Geez the obsession you indians have over PAKISTAN!

Hope moderators are noticing how indians troll around this forum.

I dont understand why are getting so frustrated? Is there something offensive in my above comments? My obsession is with logical and matrure dialoge? If you are so fed up with Indians being here, why not ban alll Indians here and your problem will be solved.
I dont understand why are getting so frustrated? Is there something offensive in my above comments? My obsession is with logical and matrure dialoge? If you are so fed up with Indians being here, why not ban alll Indians here and your problem will be solved.

We all know what your intentions in this forum are. You Indians will always hate Pakistan and Indian members have shown nothing but hate in this forum and every Pakistani website.

We all know how Indians feel about Pakistan and Pakistanis and still every other day theres a new Indian member here spreading their hate.

There was only one decent Indian member here by the name of "white_pawn" but that member doesn't come here often anymore, instead we have trolls like you here speaking against Pakistan. If it was upto me, I would've banned you a long time ago.
We all know what your intentions in this forum are. You Indians will always hate Pakistan and Indian members have shown nothing but hate in this forum and every Pakistani website.

We all know how Indians feel about Pakistan and Pakistanis and still every other day theres a new Indian member here spreading their hate.

There was only one decent Indian member here by the name of "white_pawn" but that member doesn't come here often anymore, instead we have trolls like you here speaking against Pakistan. If it was upto me, I would've banned you a long time ago.

Omar, once I admired your nationalism but I think you are filled with hate too. I dont know weather you have a magic wand that you have realized my intentions but you couldn't be more wrong. Well if you think there are Indians who hate Pakistan, then yes you are right 100%. But this also a fact there just as many Pakistanies who hate India, you happened to one of them. Not criticizing you for hating India, it's you right to hate any body you want but just labeling Indians as haters is just childish and amature comments. If you consider my comments backed by NEUTRAL source as a trolling and hatefull toward Pakistan, then yes I am troll and I will keep being a troll.

Good day to you sir!!!
I think we can make this forum either war zone or a usefull means of exchange of views.
most of indian and pakistani members are good and full of logical and discuss matter in a very constructive way but few are bad boys, i must say, from both sides. they start a flame and let it flow they it goes.

so we should try to bring those brothers in circle of produtive ad logical discussion
There are credible reports that Indian and Israeli intelligence involvement in U.S.-controlled Afghanistan has deepened in the past seven years. American military and intelligence officials are impressed with the record of both countries in fighting Islamic groups in Kashmir and the Mideast. Israel invested heavily in establishing schools that study the art of Islamic indoctrination. These schools were used to learn how clerics can brainwash recruits and then exploit them politically. Israeli spymasters have used this knowledge to penetrate Islamic groups and plant agents. They have passed this technique on to the Indians to help them counter pro-Pakistan religious groups in Kashmir. In the Kargil war in 1999, Pakistanis and Kashmiris faced a direct Israeli special operations intervention on the side of the Indian military.


Wednesday, 1 July 2009.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

Pakistan’s mass-circulation Urdu-language newspaper Roznama Jang quotes senior Pakistani military officials as saying that Israel and India are fomenting trouble in Pakistan’s Baluchistan and Waziristan region.

According to the report, senior military and national security officials have submitted to the Pakistani government “irrefutable evidence” of the involvement of Indian and Israeli secret agencies in Baluchistan and the tribal region of Waziristan and Malakand.

The Urdu daily did not disclose the names of the Pakistani officials, but added that there is irrefutable evidence that Indian and Israeli agencies are providing financial aid and modern weapons to the militants in the tribal region.

According to Roznama Jang, the military leadership has urged the civilian government to take up the issue at diplomatic levels with the nations whose secret agencies are supporting Taliban commanders Baitullah Mehsud and Maulana Fazlullah.

The agents of India’s external intelligence agency Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) are operating from the Indian consulates in many Afghan cities and militants in Pakistan are being supplied with weapons from there, the report added.

According to a similar report carried by the Urdu-language newspaper Roznama Express, “The majority of the staff in the Indian consulates in Afghan cities including Kandahar and Herat belongs to RAW. They are not only supplying weapons to extremists from there but the RAW agents are also visiting training centers of terrorism.”

Evidences of Taliban commanders Maulana Fazlullah and Baitullah Mehsud’s meetings with RAW agents have also be ascertained, the report said, adding: “It is being stressed that either India should close these consulates or it should be stopped for using them against Pakistan.”

“The security officials have also confirmed that the weapons seized [from militants recently] were Russian, Indian and U.S.-made, while Israel provided them modern technology. Evidences have also been secured regarding the use of such technology in the installation of FM Radio by Maulana Fazlullah,” it concluded.
This is known all along however the government is trying to hide the facts because some one in Washington isnt too happy about it.
Israel invested heavily in establishing schools that study the art of Islamic indoctrination. These schools were used to learn how clerics can brainwash recruits and then exploit them politically. Israeli spymasters have used this knowledge to penetrate Islamic groups and plant agents.

I don't know whom to laugh at -- You, Israel or the Muslim Clerics.
Again there is no proof of it...India is doing this .....India is doing that...India is destabalising pakistan.....Israel is brain washing the clerics, Israel is financing taliban, israel is killing it own people............

Show some proof dear and then talk
These useless articles are just a waste of bandwidth and time
every week these kinds of articles are coming .i request mods to open one thread about Indian involvement in Afghanistan and merge these all threads in that.
This is known all along however the government is trying to hide the facts because some one in Washington isnt too happy about it.

Hey, i am searching for the news when gillani join the chair & said that he has a report from ISI about RAW involvement in Baluchistan. Because i personally hear that news on "Geo" but no body spoken about it, afterwards. Don't know why!!

Not even GEO!!!
Hey, i am searching for the news when gillani join the chair & said that he has a report from ISI about RAW involvement in Baluchistan. Because i personally hear that news on "Geo" but no body spoken about it, afterwards. Don't know why!!

Not even GEO!!!

Independent media can not servive ,basically all these chanels are buisness oriented .

Media , finance and politics are major departments of US crusades in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Wednesday July 01, 2009

During last few days numbers of foreign sponsored terrorists have been apprehended by intelligence agencies and police in the campaign against militancy. On 26th June, 2009 two terrorists including a female have fled away once Faisalabad police raided on a house located in Madina Town.

The culprits left behind huge quantity of weapons and ammunitions. The government has already pointed out time to time that recovered arms and ammunitions in going drive are of US origin. Since last 24 hours according to a press release of Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), four soldiers and a civilian embraced shahadat and 16 soldiers got injured in Swat, Muzaffarabad and North Waziristan Agency.

In Muzaffarabad, a suicide bomber exploded himself as the guard of Army Public tried to stop him entering into the school. In sabotage activity a military convoy was targeted by an IED followed by fire in North Waziristan Agency at Miranshah, resultantly three personnel including two FC soldiers and a civilian contractor embraced shahadat and 11 soldiers were injured.

The security forces have killed Shah Doran deputy to Taliban Chief of Swat Fazlullah. On June 22, 2009 Director General ISPR, Major General Athar Abbass stated that Security forces are in the final phase of eliminating terrorist hideouts and camps in Swat. He further added that so far 1,592 terrorists had been killed in the operation while 60 to 70 others had been arrested, who were being interrogated. It is also mentionable here that Afghans and Uzbeks terrorists have been arrested too.

The forces are continuously clasping with the success in elimination of militancy from FATA and Swat. The security forces consolidated their positions around Swat areas of Kabbal and Rangeela. Security forces cleared area around Khazana, Tangar, Bartana, Libat and villages Baidera and Gamkot. During clearance operation, two terrorists were apprehended and three IEDs were neutralized. Jabbar Kalle is in fully control of he forces.

Our forces are not only busy in elimination of militancy but are also simultaneously carrying out the restoration and relief activities. Recently, repairing and filling work has been completed around Mingora city by Army Engineers. Repair work to restore 76 damaged water pumps is in progress in Mingora city. Complete Pakistan Army has donated one day ration and pay to the IDPs. The efforts of search and sweep operation in the effected areas are progressing well which is a direct threat to the Indian nefarious design. New Delhi and her co-partner Israel are not happy on the progress.

Pakistan government has ordered her forces to eradicate terrorism from Waziristan too. On June 25, 2009 Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani and Commander 11 corps Lt General Masood Aslam visited the troops in Waziristan. Both the generals have appreciated the high moral of soldiers and their determination of throwing the militants out of the country. At this occasion, he stated that Pakistan Army is executing a deliberate campaign plan to achieve the desired end to reestablish writ of the state.

At this stage Pakistan would be looking towards NATO and US forces for some positive responses / assistance in the shape of stopping terrorists from border crossing, forcing India for closing of her consulates and training camps located all along the Pak Afghan border, provision of technical and material support. President Zardari in his talks with Gen Jones also asked US to provide drone technology to Pakistan to shore up its indigenous counter terrorism operational capacity. Though, US President Obama’s has tried to display soft corner for the Muslim world during his recent visit of Arab countries. In my opinion, effective Jewish lobby present in America would never let Obama to implement his thoughts.

Thus, Washington will never provide drone technology to Pakistan in the near future. US is more tilted towards New Delhi since she considers India a major player of the grand game. Therefore US will never annoyance her co- partners Israel and India for coming closer to Muslim world particularly Pakistan. Here, I would like to add that supporting India at the cost of Pakistan is likely to bring real defeat to America in War against terrorism.

In Pakistan, there is a strong perception that India is being backed by Washington in spreading terrorism in the neighbouring countries. The official circles and masses are viewing the great game with concern. The series of bomb blasts and suicidal missions in the recent past against security forces, schools, govt buildings, hotels, mosques and innocent people have direct connections to masters sitting in India. It is a common practice that terrorists cross the Indian and Afghan borders, enter in Pakistan and carryout sabotage activates.

Moreover, in this regard NATO and US actions in the current scenario are not being well received as they facilitate terrorists crossing the Afghan border. Though US is using drone attacks against the locals militants but still Baitullaha Mehsood allegedly involved in the murder of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has not been taken on task at number of occasions. On June 24, 2009 US Drones prowled the sky over Pakistan’s South Waziristan and about 70 militants were killed but Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud has fled away just an hour prior to the drone attack. There are number of incidents when Baitullah has not deliberately been targeted by the US. Thus, Taliban leader Baitullah seem to be a foreign sponsored militant operating in his country.

The question arises why Indian authority is so much interested time and again in targeting Pakistan. The main reasons could be that they never like to see flourishing and progressing neighbours. So the current attack in school in Muzaffrabad and recent blasts in rest of the country have been sponsored by India through RAW. Thus, Pakistan govt should keep her eyes and ears open to meet the potent threat. At the same time I request my so called intellectual louts to put themselves right rather than using electronic and print media for disintegration of country. Politicians and religious leaders like Imran khan, Qazi Sahib, Dr. Munnawar Hussain and Maulana Fazlul Rehman to stop backing Taliban as the whole nation is facing their brutality and barbarism. The leading TV channels like GEO and DUNYA should make contributions regarding the elimination of terrorism instead of providing forums to the public hated personalities like Prof Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy and Najam Sethi for projecting their anti Pakistan views.

The concerned authorities should take notice of Prof. Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy who is criticizing national institutions and policies being a govt employee. The nation is united now and all out for elimination of foreign sponsored militancy and our security forces will definitely defeat the international conspiracy against Pakistan. At the end I salute to all those heroes and people who laid their lives and become internally displaced during Pakistan Survival War.
Just one questioni: Where are the evidence?

The whole article is about that RAW is doing this and that. Also terrorists are crossing Indian border to attack Pakistan. But author has not presented one evidence, suspect and logical connections.
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