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Israel in the first UAE visit since murder of Hamas Al Mabouh

Differentiating between Muslims and Muslims by name is not a difficult task. However, this is something for a whole other discussion.
I hope you are not the decision maker to decide who is muslim and who by name.
I'm glad you made the right decision, yes, it's better for a Turk to stay neutral in this conflict. Makes a lot of sense that you would side with country which supports Greece against Turkey and wants to prevent you from acquiring your resources.
Yes, i made the decision after i saw that there are still people who considered Ottomans as ''Occupiers''.

I don't know how much interaction you have had with the Arabs from the Middle East but we are completely different than your usual Arab American and how the average 3.5 million Arab Americans are.

Time and time again the Arab street has shown that it is with the Palestinian people and Palestine. The leaders though are the ones not doing enough. That goes for all MUSLIM leaders but as always we Arabs seem to get the biggest responsibilities like always and thus criticism.

That was evident when the whole Arab world took the side of Hizbollah 7 years ago. Also the same Syrian Sunni Arabs that the same Hizbollah has been killing for 1 year now in nearby Syria.

Anyway the best thing that could ever happen to the ME politically is for the tiring Palestinian-Israeli conflict to end and for a two-state solution (real one) and a deal on Al-Quds. Then the region can finally move forward and all the interlinked conflicts that are bound in this, the most famous of all conflicts in the modern era, will end.

Arabs and Jews lived peacefully for centuries just less than 100 years ago so there is no reason for why we cannot do this again.

We aren't doing anything at all, I've met many Arabs. They don't sympathize with Israel at all and we are hand in hand when it comes to our beliefs toward the conflict. However, they start coming up with accusations against Hamas which isn't my concern. It's that our policy does nothing at all to alter the situation. We don't use our influence with the US, support Palestinians in any useful way. Are we going to except the trap the US and Israel are preparing? A Palestinian state that doesn't even have any rights, self determination or even consist of the West Bank? They want the situation to stay the same, eventually they will just annex the West Bank.

Do you guys actually believe these people care what we believe? Or care for our rights? They don't bro. I've lived alongside Israelis back in 2004. They are not what you expect, this generation breeds of hatred and they all believe this land will be seized by them sooner or later and want us to move out.

Two state solution is not realistic, we can't throw away our cause and allow these foreigners to impose their rule on us and their agenda.

As for Hezbollah, actually many gulf and Arabic countries were condemning Hezbollah during that period. Shame on them.
Anyway the best thing that could ever happen to the ME politically is for the tiring Palestinian-Israeli conflict to end and for a two-state solution (real one) and a deal on Al-Quds. Then the region can finally move forward and all the interlinked conflicts that are bound in this, the most famous of all conflicts in the modern era, will end.

The two state solution doesnt exist. Stop talking about it, because its a mirage.
I hope you are not the decision maker to decide who is muslim and who by name.

Yes, i made the decision after i saw that there are still people who considered Ottomans as ''Occupiers''.

Hadith will do that not me.

And get over it, I was poking fun at you after you decide to side with the radical secular guy who knows no boundaries besides demonization of occupied people's.

Me and you have gotten along before, don't let him get in the way. I've always supported turkey against Greece and thanked them for their efforts in Gaza. I know turkish doctors and hair stylists whom live in Gaza and I have nothing against Turks.
Hadith will do that not me.

And get over it, I was poking fun at you after you decide to side with the radical secular guy who knows no boundaries besides demonization of occupied people's.

Me and you have gotten along before, don't let him get in the way. I've always supported turkey against Greece and thanked them for their efforts in Gaza. I know turkish doctors and hair stylists whom live in Gaza and I have nothing against Turks.

Oi who you calling 'radical secular guy who knows no boundaries besides demonization of occupied people' ? :mad:
Hadith will do that not me.

And get over it, I was poking fun at you after you decide to side with the radical secular guy who knows no boundaries besides demonization of occupied people's.

Me and you have gotten along before, don't let him get in the way. I've always supported turkey against Greece and thanked them for their efforts in Gaza. I know turkish doctors and hair stylists whom live in Gaza and I have nothing against Turks.
And you know i have allready mentioned that i support a two states solution, because i think thats the only way.

Oi who you calling 'radical secular guy who knows no boundaries besides demonization of occupied people' ? :mad:
Its your best friend @T-123456 :lol:

7abibi I am talking about the rational parties on the Israeli side. Not your typical ZIonist. The Norman Finkelsteins who we already discussed not long ago.

When I say a real two-state solution then I am obviously not talking about the so-called "two state-solution" that we witness today but a real one. This is where the Muslim world need to push forward.

But as @Arabian Legend said then the countries of the Arabian Peninsula that can afford help, Yemen is WORSE off than Palestine on average (believe it or not), have helped more than anyone else. You should at least appreciate this.

Lastly as @Arabian Legend also correctly pointed out then the Palestinians themselves need to stop fighting among themselves and the Hamas/Fatah divide need to end. How can outsiders help a people that is somewhat divided?

Anyway I am not sure that I understood your first part of your post but I certainly do hope that you can at least agree with me that the fast majority of the nearly 400 million Arabs living in the Arab world are by far mostly all with Palestine and against Israel. This is evident.

But I am not interested in movements or political parties inside Palestine. Just like I am not interested with the political movements and parties of Libya. My interest is the Palestinian people (all of them), Al-Quds and for an end to this tiring conflict that has had impacts far away from Palestine and Israel.

This conflict is about Al-Quds, the rights of the Palestinians as fellow Muslims, Arabs, neighbors and human beings. Whether or not they want to associate with Fatah, Hamas or whatever is not any of my interest since those are internal affairs.

After all the Palestinians are going to govern themselves in a future Palestinian state and not anybody else.
@Arabian Legend

Yes, but also came from nearby Iraq, Levant etc. But that happened centuries ago. They are somewhat different today although we share the same blood like most Arabs. Another examples are the Arabs of Morocco and Mauritania near the Atlantic Ocean thousands of km ago. Related tribes and people but due to centuries apart and mixing etc. we differ somewhat.

My view on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is what I wrote above in this post and I still want to see a much harsher stance on Israel from the Muslim world than we see today.

The turning point is the syrian revolution. Get Asshead down then fund and arm the Mujahdeen against Israel. I don't think that will be hard task to do considering Syria Palestine border. We are fighting two battles now one against the mullah who is welling to export self lashing ideology in the region and the other one against Assahead the keeper of Israel safety for 40 years now. Let me take you back to Iran-Iraq war when the mullah stroke a military deal with Israel. Two faces one coin. so you can't fight one and leave the other.
And you know i have allready mentioned that i support a two states solution, because i think thats the only way.

Its your best friend @T-123456 :lol:

You believe Israel is genuine about a two state solution? Alright sir, today is your day.

Give us a reason to believe you go ahead.
BBC News - Israel in first UAE visit since murder of Hamas al-Mabhouh

Israel's energy minister is to travel to the United Arab Emirates - the first such visit since the 2010 assassination of a Hamas commander in the Gulf state.

Silvan Shalom will attend a renewable energy conference in Abu Dhabi.

The visit could mark an improvement in ties between Israel and the Gulf states which share unease over Iran's rising power in the region.

Israel was suspected of killing Mahmoud al-Mabhouh of Hamas in Dubai, although Israel said there was no evidence.

Dubai police said at the time that they were 99% sure that members of Israel's Mossad service were involved in the killing of Mabhouh, one of the founders of Hamas's military wing who was wanted for the alleged murder of two Israelis.

He was found dead in a hotel room on 20 January 2010.

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was found dead in a Dubai hotel in January 2010
Forged passports from several Western countries were used by the 30 suspects identified, leading to a series of diplomatic rows with Israel.

The UK, Irish Republic and Australia all expelled Israeli diplomats later that year.

Days before the killing, an Israeli minister took part in a similar conference in Abu Dhabi. But the incident led to Israelis being barred from entering the UAE.

I think Mossad probably was responsible but you can't really blame them. Hamas is hardly a benign organization. They are at war with Israel and Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was a military commander of Hamas responsible for attacks. What do you expect the Israelis to do?
You believe Israel is genuine about a two state solution? Alright sir, today is your day.

Give us a reason to believe you go ahead.
Thats just my two cents, i just dont believe that Hamas will archieve anything with their rockets, it will only cause more collateral damage.
The two state solution doesnt exist. Stop talking about it, because its a mirage.

Do you read what I am actually writing? Did you not see this ("a real one") that I wrote after the words "a two state solution". At least you quoted it but seemingly ignored it.

Anyway I know very well that what we see today is not a real two state solution but Israeli occupation hence I have always been against that since the time I started to develop a feel of my region and its politics around the age of 10 if not earlier. Pre 9/11 at least.
There is not going to be two states.

I think at the end of the road, it will be a one state. But probably not a binational democracy (that would not be a healthy state, as it would be ridden with violent civil war), but instead something of a Israel-Palestine confederation.
Confederate solution has not gained any traction yet, but I suspect it eventually will

7abibi I am talking about the rational parties on the Israeli side. Not your typical ZIonist. The Norman Finkelsteins who we already discussed not long ago.

When I say a real two-state solution then I am obviously not talking about the so-called "two state-solution" that we witness today but a real one. This is where the Muslim world need to push forward.

But as @Arabian Legend said then the countries of the Arabian Peninsula that can afford help, Yemen is WORSE off than Palestine on average (believe it or not), have helped more than anyone else. You should at least appreciate this.

Lastly as @Arabian Legend also correctly pointed out then the Palestinians themselves need to stop fighting among themselves and the Hamas/Fatah divide need to end. How can outsiders help a people that is somewhat divided?

Anyway I am not sure that I understood your first part of your post but I certainly do hope that you can at least agree with me that the fast majority of the nearly 400 million Arabs living in the Arab world are by far mostly all with Palestine and against Israel. This is evident.

But I am not interested in movements or political parties inside Palestine. Just like I am not interested with the political movements and parties of Libya. My interest is the Palestinian people (all of them), Al-Quds and for an end to this tiring conflict that has had impacts far away from Palestine and Israel.

This conflict is about Al-Quds, the rights of the Palestinians as fellow Muslims, Arabs, neighbors and human beings. Whether or not they want to associate with Fatah, Hamas or whatever is not any of my interest since those are internal affairs.

After all the Palestinians are going to govern themselves in a future Palestinian state and not anybody else.

The government of Israel is largely right wing. And the deadline for talks are around 2015. Who besides the United States can bring the Israelis forward to the table? Nobody.

Israel likes the situation as it is now, they will hinder peace efforts so after 2015 the United States will announce efforts failed and nothing can be done about it so we're gonna leave Israel immune from accountability.

This is what will happen, so will Europe take the lead? No, Israel doesn't care what Europe says. The world lets them get away with their policy and in two years this will be their way of granting Israel immunity. They are doing Israel a favor.

I appreciate things done by all people, whoever I also wish we could all live it as it is so helping one another becomes a duty rather than a favor.

As for Hamas and Fatah, Fatah wants total domination and Hamas has accepted reconciliation and elections but Fatah over and over has derailed any efforts because it's backers encourage it to do so. They don't represent the Palestinian people.

Back then they did, they used to have good people who were no different from Hamas. All of those previous Fatah leaders were assassinated.

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