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Where did Israelis get the wealth to develop the occupied land as such?

Part of the reason is Israel receives $3 billion in US aid annually, since 1985.

Also, the correlation between getting U.S. aid and disliking the U.S. is far from absolute. To cite just one counterexample, the leading recipient of U.S. aid is Israel, which gets more than $3 billion annually, and 83 percent of Israelis surveyed had a favorable view of the U.S., making it one of the most U.S.-friendly places on the globe.

Source: Which Nations Hate The U.S.? Often Those Receiving U.S. Aid : Parallels : NPR

Israeli nationals and Jewish persons across the world also brought a lot of FDI to Israel.
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You can't create something out of blue...initial investment has to come from somwhere...
Many Jews who came here were well educated and brought money too.

Not all of it is military aid. In the past at least there was a civilian portion and military portion, now much of the aid is probably spent on military as Israel's infrastructure and development are doing well.

U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades - BusinessIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source
US aid consist some 25% of Israel's military budget. I.e. it is not enough to cover even half of our military spends.
Some beautiful pics and no doubt Israel has some great historical and touristy locations, will hopefully visit one of these days.
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its a shame that Palestinans cannot access this place
Who said they cant?


Beach party video:

Israel / Palestine is a beautiful country. I hope one day Jews and Muslims will live peacefully.

Peace (Salam / Shalom) :)
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Beautiful country Israel ! Amazing progress, friendly people
[Bregs];4736621 said:
Beautiful country Israel ! Amazing progress, friendly people

Beautiful country = Yes
Amazing progress = Yes
Friendly people = Absolutely not. They are horrible and tend to stick with each other. They hate to mingle with people of other nationalities.
I would rather use the word "Beautiful" for the people of israel, not "friendly". Persians and Israelis are some of the most beautiful people on earth
What a disgusting thread. The JEWS don't deserve it, they produce nothing & live with the public debt imposed to the people in JEW USA & JEW Europa
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