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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

I have seen all that - they are all cosmetic & temporary, but nothing irrepairable or earth shattering.

Turkey has not cancelled its defence deals or other business deals with Israel till date.

Give it a few months and all the heads will cool down & probably Israel will issue some kind of apology and probably take some steps to ease Gazans life and both Turkey and Isreal will be happy and back to normality.
I have seen all that - they are all cosmetic & temporary, but nothing irrepairable or earth shattering.

Turkey has not cancelled its defence deals or other business deals with Israel till date.

Give it a few months and all the heads will cool down & probably Israel will issue some kind of apology and probably take some steps to ease Gazans life and both Turkey and Isreal will be happy and back to normality.

I dont want any war between two states , If israel opens the Illegal blockade that is what we all want!
In the next Year new Elections going on, the Goverment will gain more Votes from it's islamist Base. The Goverment exploit this accident to strengthen it Popularity.

Very apt analysis of the remarks made by the Turk Pres.

Politicians always play for the gallery.

BTW, I don think it will make a diff to Israel.
Till 1991 or so--a large part of 'modern' Indian history from 1947--there were hardly any manifestation of this 'natural affinity'. Indeed, India, as part of NAM (the Non Aligned Movement) rightly rooted for the Palestinians. It may also be because India, being part of the Soviet block, rooted for the Palestinians more then.

It was ALWAYS about which side was buttering the Indian bread.

These 'grew up reading...' kind of arguments are so fake, so false, so stupid that it is not even a joke. Plain n simple: Just like Indians stabbed Iran in the back during the nuclear-vote, Indians are now trying to piggy-back the prevalent global war against Islamic extremism to finally settle its own geopolitical goals, with Kashmir being the foremost goal.

As I have kept saying: The bloggers here need to note that Indians are dis-proportionately supportive of Israel in this forum. They are coming up with the same old excuses of Israeli attack which have been discredited even by many Israelis.

Any Arab, or Turk, or Iranian reading these lines should realize that the true hateful nature of these Indian bloggers.

I would not agree with what EyelessInGaza has to say about “reading about their survival, and their military accomplishment etc…”

Neither do I agree with what you have posted.

In international relation most things are not black and white but shades of grays. The things you are accusing of India could apply to Pakistan also.

Nobody is saint here. The only thing that matters is SELF INTEREST. If not for India, what is bonding China and Pakistan? Why Pakistan has opposed India’s entry into OIC? Why does Pakistan use OIC as PR forum for its version on Kashmir? Why Pakistan is opposing India’s presence in Afghanistan, despite Afghanistan being a sovereign country? Why Pakistan asks for parity with India in all matters, in spite of India being totally different than Pakistan? Why Pakistan is interested in internal affairs of India?...I can go on… Answer these and you will get the answer for all the accusation you are making against India.

For your information, India still support the Palestinian cause, in spite of the bonhomie in relationship between India and Israel, neither did India back stabbed Iran on nuclear vote. I do understand Iran’s dismay on the vote, but India was acting on its goal of denuclearization of the world. India values its relationship with Iran very much. India considers Iran to be its best ally in this region, in spite of the protest made by US or Israel on this issue.
Reclusive Turkish Imam Criticizes Gaza Flotilla

SAYLORSBURG, Pa.—Imam Fethullah Gülen, a controversial and reclusive U.S. resident who is considered Turkey's most influential religious leader, criticized a Turkish-led flotilla for trying to deliver aid without Israel's consent.

Speaking in his first interview with a U.S. news organization, Mr. Gülen spoke of watching news coverage of Monday's deadly confrontation between Israeli commandos and Turkish aid group members as its flotilla approached Israel's sea blockade of Gaza. "What I saw was not pretty," he said. "It was ugly."

Reclusive Turkish Imam Comes Out Against Flotilla - WSJ.com

One of the greatest AKP Supproter critisize the Gaza Flotilla.:cheesy::blink:
In the next Year new Elections going on, the Goverment will gain more Votes from it's islamist Base. The Goverment exploit this accident to strengthen it Popularity.

I dont think they would have to mention it or Ardogan needs such an incident to win the elections.

I just support for what Turkey has done , its admirable.
they are some people who didn"'t like it in Israel
and they are some people who make fun of dead people
new york fun way???
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Till 1991 or so--a large part of 'modern' Indian history from 1947--there were hardly any manifestation of this 'natural affinity'. Indeed, India, as part of NAM (the Non Aligned Movement) rightly rooted for the Palestinians. It may also be because India, being part of the Soviet block, rooted for the Palestinians more then.

It was ALWAYS about which side was buttering the Indian bread.

These 'grew up reading...' kind of arguments are so fake, so false, so stupid that it is not even a joke. Plain n simple: Just like Indians stabbed Iran in the back during the nuclear-vote, Indians are now trying to piggy-back the prevalent global war against Islamic extremism to finally settle its own geopolitical goals, with Kashmir being the foremost goal.

As I have kept saying: The bloggers here need to note that Indians are dis-proportionately supportive of Israel in this forum. They are coming up with the same old excuses of Israeli attack which have been discredited even by many Israelis.

Any Arab, or Turk, or Iranian reading these lines should realize that the true hateful nature of these Indian bloggers.

Going to office; I will respond here in a few hours.

I do not know how much of this discussion is going to be off topic for this thread; but the fault, if any, is mine because I started it. No doubt the will delete if it veers off course.

Its' in the eye of the beholder. Pakistani conspiracies of the India Israel nexus will gold for some people, but unfortunately that is not the case.

The reality is that Egypt and Jordan recognised Israel before India did. Turkey had much stronger military relations that India did with Israel. And Pakistani generals like Zia-ul-Haq suppressed the Palestinian uprisings during Black September protests and when he was in power, took the soviet weapons for Palestinians captured by Israel to provide to the so-called jihadis fighting the soviets.

The GoI and the Indian people have always supported the two state solution even now.

The proof is in the action. HOW much has Pakistan contributed for the uplift of the Palestinian people? Compare that to the historical contribution of India to the Palestinian people. As they say action speak louder than words.

I hope Arab, Iranian and Turkish members taken note of THAT.

I think that there is a shortage of info for some people in India on what the CURRENT situation is. This is not he same as 1980s. Arabs are ready to recognise Israel, PA and even HAMAS are ready to do the same.
What needs to be done is to end the occupation of West Bank and Gaza. Since 2002, Israel has not been fighting for its survival but has been perpetrating atrocities. One of the reasons why leading Jews and Zionists around the world have been condemning the Govt. of Israel.
The proof is in the action. HOW much has Pakistan contributed for the uplift of the Palestinian people? Compare that to the historical contribution of India to the Palestinian people. As they say action speak louder than words."

You have no idea how many resolutions at the UN Pakistan has sponsored or co-sponsored on the Palestine issue. In the times of Nehru, India did go to bat for the Palestinians, but after him, this support has constantly been on the decline.

Zia did have a part to play in the 70s uprising in Jordan, but more than made up his relationship with Yasser Arafat who was a regular visitor to Pakistan during Zia's time.

Your fact less points are not helping the discussion much. Pakistan never diverted Israeli captured Palestinian arms to Afghan mujahideen. The Israelis offered captured inventory from Egypt and Syria from the 73 war through an intermediary and Pakistani side rejected these due to sensitivities. This is documented in Charlie Wilson's book but the detractors of Mujahideen and Pakistan keep on bringing this point up to show that these folks are hypocritical because they had no qualms accepting these arms from Israel but bad mouth it. A simple fact is that by the time the Israelis made this offer, the Egyptians were producing Soviet origin equipment in their state factories. This provided the Mujahideen a considerable source of equipment. The CIA placed multiple orders with the Egyptians for the equipment which in turn negated the need for any supply from the Israelis. There was no Palestinian connection here which you seem to have unfortunately conjured up to add to your bash-Pakistan list.

Altogether, Pakistan has always supported the Palestinian cause and continues to do so with the same gusto and vigor today which is quite contrary to India's support which is increasingly becoming marginal by the day as the GoI and the Indian security establishment tries to chummy up to Israel.

Qualitatively, Pakistan's support for the Palestinians, as compared to that of India is much better.

I agree with your point to EyelessinGaza.
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Muslims in India particularly dont care about palestine so much and they have no issues with Israel as well.

GOI has no domestic complusion to show unnecessary solidarity with arabs like pakistan has. Hence number of pak sponsored reolutions etc etc.

FACING A CROWD: A Palestinian woman whose house has been occupied by Jewish settlers argued with Israelis who came to celebrate Jerusalem Day in the mainly Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, Wednesday. (Ahmad Gharabli/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images)

Pictures of the Week: May 9 - May 14 - Photo Journal - WSJ

You can see the arrogance in the faces of these rotten spoilt brats! I am not sure if despite our differences with the Indians, I could ever do something like that to an elderly Indian lady or a female. These people are devoid of even the basics of chivalry and humanity.

This is the point that is lost on most supporters of Israel. This is not about Israel's survival. Its about the denigration of the Palestinian people.

One could simply change the clothing of these brats into Nazi SS uniforms and you can well imagine the type of ridicule and humiliation the ancestors of these brats suffered at the hands of the Nazis yet they have learned nothing from the ignominy of the past and do their level best to inflict the same on a people who are poor and constantly suffering.
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You have no idea how many resolutions at the UN Pakistan has sponsored or co-sponsored on the Palestine issue. In the times of Nehru, India did go to bat for the Palestinians, but after him, this support has constantly been on the decline.

Zia did have a part to play in the 70s uprising in Jordan, but more than made up his relationship with Yasser Arafat who was a regular visitor to Pakistan during Zia's time.

Your fact less points are not helping the discussion much. Pakistan never diverted Israeli captured Palestinian arms to Afghan mujahideen. The Israelis offered captured inventory from Egypt and Syria from the 73 war through an intermediary and Pakistani side rejected these due to sensitivities. This is documented in Charlie Wilson's book but the detractors of Mujahideen and Pakistan keep on bringing this point up to show that these folks are hypocritical because they had no qualms accepting these arms from Israel but bad mouth it. A simple fact is that by the time the Israelis made this offer, the Egyptians were producing Soviet origin equipment in their state factories. This provided the Mujahideen a considerable source of equipment. The CIA placed multiple orders with the Egyptians for the equipment which in turn negated the need for any supply from the Israelis. There was no Palestinian connection here which you seem to have unfortunately conjured up to add to your bash-Pakistan list.

Altogether, Pakistan has always supported the Palestinian cause and continues to do so with the same gusto and vigor today which is quite contrary to India's support which is increasingly becoming marginal by the day as the GoI and the Indian security establishment tries to chummy up to Israel.

Qualitatively, Pakistan's support for the Palestinians, as compared to that of India is much better.

I agree with your point to EyelessinGaza.

I believe you may have your facts wrong there. A book review of "Charlie Wilsons War" by the Pakistani daily times is as follows.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Pakistan got Israeli weapons during Afghan war

Daily Times Monitor

Most of the Afghan war against the Soviet Union was fought using Israeli arms supplied after General Ziaul Haq entered into secret deals with Tel Aviv, says a recently published book, Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History.

The book reveals that the Pakistan Army was not averse to secret defence cooperation with Israel, although it did not acknowledge any contact with that country publicly. Congressman Charles Wilson — a pro-Pakistan activist and the central figure to get CIA-funded weapons for Pakistan — is credited in the 550-page book as the man who broke up the Soviet Union with the help of a 48-year old Houston woman “whom General Ziaul Haq fancied”.

The book claims that Wilson asked Zia to deal with the Israelis during his first visit to US after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The proposal was made at a grand dinner hosted by the Houston lady, Joanne Herring, who was later named as Honorary Consul of Pakistan.

The book says that Charlie Wilson informed Zia the Israelis had shown him the “vast stores of Soviet weapons they had captured from the PLO in Lebanon”. The weapons were perfect for the mujahideen. If Wilson could convince the CIA to buy them, would Zia have any problems passing them on to the Afghans? Zia, ever the pragmatist, smiled, saying, “Just don’t put any Stars of David on the boxes”.

“With that encouragement,” the narrative goes on, “Wilson pushed on. Just the previous month, he had learned that the Israelis were secretly upgrading the Chinese army’s Russian-designed T-55 tanks. In Islamabad, he had been startled to see that the Chinese were supplying Pakistan with T-55s. The congressman now proposed that Zia enter into a similar secret arrangement with the Israelis.

“It was no simple proposition. Three years earlier, a mere rumor that Israel had been involved in an attack on the Great Mosque in Mecca had so radicalized the Pakistani Muslim population that thousands had stormed the US embassy in Pakistan and burned it to the ground. Zia was mindful of his people’s hatred for both Israel and the United States [but] he encouraged Wilson to continue.”

The Congressman cut the Pak-Israel deal “even without CIA knowledge”. The CIA man in Islamabad, Howard Hart, when asked years later, if he knew about Wilson’s efforts to bring the Israelis into the Afghan war, dismissed the story out of hand, insisting that the Pakistanis would never have permitted it. Yet, an astonishing collection of weapons was developed for the Afghan war in no time. The Spanish mortar, for example, was designed to make it possible for the mujahideen to communicate directly with American navigation satellites to deliver repeated rounds within inches of their designated targets.

The weapon’s name was chosen to conceal the fact that major portions of the gun were being built by the Israelis, claims the book.

It was decided that a new weapon would be introduced into the battle every three months or so, in order to bluff the Red Army into thinking their enemy was better armed and supported than it was.

The book has been selling well in the USA but is still not available in Pakistan.

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