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Israel does not need US permission to strike Iran


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Former intelligence chief says Israel does not need US permission to strike Iran

In a rare interview with the American magazine The New Republic, former IDF intelligence chief Amos Yadlin has revealed that the coming year will be the decisive year for resolving the perceived nuclear threat from Iran, and that Israel does not require a green light from the US to attack Iran because it is willing to unilaterally strike if it concludes that doing so is necessary.

Throughout the interview Yadlin stressed that Israel should not and does not oppose any diplomatic efforts "that will halt the Iranian dash toward the nuclear bomb", but also warned that unless a reasonable deal is reached in the coming year, and by reasonable he means a deal that meets Israel's strict requirements, then he believes that Israel will have the "legitimacy to take preventive action to stop Iran". While he was still intelligence chief back in 2010, Yadlin strongly opposed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak's push for a military strike against Iran, saying that diplomacy must be given a chance.

However during the interview he clarfies that: "I supported them on the notion that if we come to the fork in the road, where we have to choose between very tough alternatives-the 'bomb' or the 'bombing'-I’m with the prime minister, for 'the bombing'." And it is obvious that Yadlin now believes that such a fork in the road is fast approaching. As he says, "the Iranians are now very close". Indeed he foresees Israel taking military action "in late 2013 or early 2014, especially if America sees that Iran is not serious about reaching an acceptable agreement and only continues to buy time." He adds that by then, "the US will accept an Israeli attack".

However Yadlin also revealed that Israel is willing to carry out a strike against Iran even if the US was not in full agreement, affirming that, "Israel doesn’t need America on D-Day. It can do it alone. It even can cope with the day after, but it does need the US for the decade after." He explained that while an Israeli strike would theoretically disable Iarn's nuclear programme for about five years, more damage could be done if the US was on board. According to the interviewer, Yadlin "is widely considered one of the nation’s leading security authorities". He was one of the eight Israeli F-16 pilots that destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981 and is also thought to have been a key player in Israel’s discovery and destruction of a Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007.

- See more at: http://www.middleeastmonitor.com/ne...ermission-to-strike-iran#sthash.L2kOzRAm.dpuf
of course these jews don't need anglosaxon permission to be the dirty, , vicious, wild beasts that they are, just like continental eurasians don't need permission from anyone to slaughter these jew animals.

the difference is: if we are to kill these jews, we won't even be here talking about needing or not needing permission from anyone. just shows how cowardly these jews are. dirty jews...
Last I heard, Rouhani is all smiles, and refuses to allow unconditional inspections. So i've got a mail to Obama & team planned urging them not to fall for the Iranian lies.
In another thread posted by same member, Israel was asking US to attack Iran... what is this crazy circus?
In another thread posted by same member, Israel was asking US to attack Iran... what is this crazy circus?

I bet the Israelis are nervous about Obama's diplomacy with the Iranians..
Rest assured, nervous Israelis, I'm convinced I can get Obama & his team to sing the following tune to Iran on the issue of nuclear weapons, because they'll understand the danger of a middle east filled with bunkers containing nukes that can be "lost" (handed off to alQuada and their also-hell-bound allies), and the fact that Rouhani (also!) doesn't allow unconditional inspections says more than enough; the Iranians are lying while smiling.

nato/israeli spooks : mail gets sent within 72 hours to US gov & intel. It'll be short and effective.
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You knew Israel don't need permission of USA for attacking anywhere , no doubt about it as USS liberty incident shows that . in fact it's the other way around as USA always need to report anything they do to Israel and after any travel a USA government member do to other countries their return ticket pas through Jerusalem .and more hilarious at the time of election the senate committee interviewed the proposed vice presidents of the candidate and one of the question was if USA interest and Israel interests were in conflict which one you support ? and there is no need to repeat here what was the right answer gave by all hopefuls .:rofl:

but for attacking Iran Israel need something far more serious than USA permission and that's called balls , now do they have it ?
You knew Israel don't need permission of USA for attacking anywhere , no doubt about it as USS liberty incident shows that . in fact it's the other way around as USA always need to report anything they do to Israel and after any travel a USA government member do to other countries their return ticket pas through Jerusalem .and more hilarious at the time of election the senate committee interviewed the proposed vice presidents of the candidate and one of the question was if USA interest and Israel interests were in conflict which one you support ? and there is no need to repeat here what was the right answer gave by all hopefuls .:rofl:

but for attacking Iran Israel need something far more serious than USA permission and that's called balls , now do they have it ?

any evidence on your assertions.
In another thread posted by same member, Israel was asking US to attack Iran... what is this crazy circus?

Does these Reports are came directly from the Knesset or What ..Just some Hypo Journal posting what they think when they Interviewed several Peoples across the Country May be from Israel or America
Last I heard, Rouhani is all smiles, and refuses to allow unconditional inspections. So i've got a mail to Obama & team planned urging them not to fall for the Iranian lies.
stop your fanatic lies
Israel must give US-Iran talks a chance to be completed before starting these war mongerings
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