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Israel Defense Forces

The IDF armor in recent conflict:









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I had a question.

What are Israeli "reserves"? Are they "active" reserves?

Active Reserves as in people with military background working in civilian sectors who..after one month or so..go back to military training for a week etc.

Or are IDF reserves retired soldiers?

Please clarify..

I had a question.

What are Israeli "reserves"? Are they "active" reserves?

Active Reserves as in people with military background working in civilian sectors who..after one month or so..go back to military training for a week etc.

Or are IDF reserves retired soldiers?

Please clarify..
Reserves are retired soldiers who typically are called to serve for about 3 weeks each year. In case of war they can be called too.
Reserves are retired soldiers who typically are called to serve for about 3 weeks each year. In case of war they can be called too.

OK..a little more clarification needed.

You said "retired soldiers"...what do you mean here?

Soldiers who have served in IDF all their life..and are 40+ in age..and retired now. Those soldiers?


Soldiers who served their compulsory service..3 years..and then "retired" from IDF...Those soldiers?
OK..a little more clarification needed.

You said "retired soldiers"...what do you mean here?

Soldiers who have served in IDF all their life..and are 40+ in age..and retired now. Those soldiers?


Soldiers who served their compulsory service..3 years..and then "retired" from IDF...Those soldiers?
Of course soldiers who served 3 years. After that they became reserves and serve 3 weeks a year.
Of course soldiers who served 3 years. After that they became reserves and serve 3 weeks a year.

Oh ok. Thanks.

IDF's reserves are listed as 450,000 in numbers.

I don't get it. Literally everyone in Israel has served in IDF (bar children, haredis etc)...the number of "reserves" should be atleast one million..no?

Also, why does Israel call for "reserves" for everything? In last Gaza conflict, Israel called upto 82,000 reserves. Why? Israeli military is more than enough to handle the operation..then why call the "reserves"?
why are Israel buying 600 AIM-9X missiles?
I thought the Python 5 was suppose to be like one of the best SR-AAM in the world.

Israel - AIM-9X Sidewinder Missiles | The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency

The Government of Israel has requested a possible sale of up to 600 AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II All-Up-Round Missiles, 50 CATM-9X-2 Captive Air Training Missiles, 4 Dummy Air Training Missiles, containers, missile support and test equipment, provisioning, spare and repair parts, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical support services, and other related logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $544 million.

one sexy missile though

Oh ok. Thanks.

IDF's reserves are listed as 450,000 in numbers.

I don't get it. Literally everyone in Israel has served in IDF (bar children, haredis etc)...the number of "reserves" should be atleast one million..no?
1) Women, beside very few exceptions don's make reserves.
2) Not all males are needed for reserves either.

Also, why does Israel call for "reserves" for everything? In last Gaza conflict, Israel called upto 82,000 reserves. Why? Israeli military is more than enough to handle the operation..then why call the "reserves"?
1) Israeli army is largely based on reserves since we dont have enough manpower compare to our neighbors. For example Syrian army prior civil war had 600 K total, 50% of them active, 50% - reserve. Israeli army has about similar total force, but active are only 28% and reserve 72%.

2) 82,000 is total number called in 50 days of the operation. Many reserves replaced previously called ones so if exclude this double count the number will be 50 K and less. With these 50 K Israeli army is still much smaller that active Syrian army prior war.

3) Reserves are called mainly to replace regular forces stationed in West Bank and borders.

4) Every time Israel launches operation on one front, the chances for escalation on other fronts also considerably grow. So Israel needs to increase manpower there.

5) Reserves are also called as deterrence, flexibility and psychological war measure. For example, even if u dont plan to conquer the entire Gaza its good to have enough forces to do so if necessary.

why are Israel buying 600 AIM-9X missiles?
I thought the Python 5 was suppose to be like one of the best SR-AAM in the world.

Israel - AIM-9X Sidewinder Missiles | The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency

one sexy missile though

Two reasons:

1) Python 5 is too big for F-35 internal carriage.
2) AIM-9X u can buy with US aid money.
1) Women, beside very few exceptions don's make reserves.
2) Not all males are needed for reserves either.

1) Israeli army is largely based on reserves since we dont have enough manpower compare to our neighbors. For example Syrian army prior civil war had 600 K total, 50% of them active, 50% - reserve. Israeli army has about similar total force, but active are only 28% and reserve 72%.

2) 82,000 is total number called in 50 days of the operation. Many reserves replaced previously called ones so if exclude this double count the number will be 50 K and less. With these 50 K Israeli army is still much smaller that active Syrian army prior war.

3) Reserves are called mainly to replace regular forces stationed in West Bank and borders.

4) Every time Israel launches operation on one front, the chances for escalation on other fronts also considerably grow. So Israel needs to increase manpower there.

5) Reserves are also called as deterrence, flexibility and psychological war measure. For example, even if u dont plan to conquer the entire Gaza its good to have enough forces to do so if necessary.

Two reasons:

1) Python 5 is too big for F-35 internal carriage.
2) AIM-9X u can buy with US aid money.

Python 5 too big for internal carriage da hell :o: what was the designers thinking. they are about the same length but Python is thicker :(

well if it's with U.S taxpayer money what the hell. just don't sell a few to china or misplace them if you know what I mean:enjoy:
Python 5 too big for internal carriage da hell :o: what was the designers thinking. they are about the same length but Python is thicker :(
I'm not sure Israel got the necessary access to the F-35's code to integrate the Python 5 into it.
the F-35 will give israel the quality advantage again vs. it's enemies. that's vital when we compare the numbers.

i mean who knows if saudi-arabian f-15 will not fall into the hand of a new more extremist regime there? in this case it's good to have a fighter better then the stuff the USA deliverd to arab countries.

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