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Israel claims that it will only suffer 500 casualties in a war against Iran

why Iran Hates Israel? what is the main bone of contention between these two countries. Why cant they be friends? I can see they are not even neighbors. Also Israel being friend of India, if Iran is good to them, they can have lots of technological benefits.

I hope it has again not got something to do with Religion. :lol: and I hope Iranians are much BROAD MINDED people so hopefully it is not because of support for Palestine that Iran hates Israel.

(I for one believe since Israel is very much a nation with kids and women, it is better for any SANE person to accept Israel as a nation and move on. Live Peacefully and have good relations with Israel so it benefits whole humanity and Arabs also with its Technological prowess. Also the Palestinians should also be allowed to live their life peacefully and should concentrate on EDUCATION and HEALTH of their people, and not on Fighting and Guns)
They believe it is their Islamic duty to destroy Israel.

Living in Lalaland won't do you much good in the real world. The superiority of Israel over Iran in every military way is common knowledge. You kill 10 Israelis, Israel will kill a 1000 Persians. And we'll liberate the Southern Azerbaijanis you're occupying if you do not wise up and topple your lunatic regime.

Israel 'will disappear,' Iran says ahead of rallies

(AFP) – 8 hours ago

TEHRAN — Israel is an artificial "outgrowth" in the Middle East that "will disappear," Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said ahead of rallies on Friday against the Jewish state and supporting the Palestinians.

The annual Quds Day marches were started in 1979 after the founding of the Islamic republic. The protests use the word Quds, derived from Arabic, to designate the city of Jerusalem.

Khamenei, in a speech late Wednesday, said the "star of hope" that shined on Iran during its Islamic revolution, and in its 1980-1988 war with Iraq "will also shine for Palestine and its Islamic land will definitely be returned to the Palestinian nation."

He railed against Israel, saying: "This bogus and fake Zionist outgrowth will disappear off the landscape of geography."

Friday's rallies, he said, would be "a blow to the enemies of Islam and Palestine" and added that Iran views supporting the Palestinian cause "a religious duty."

This year's Quds Day marches will take place amid heightened tensions between Iran and Israel.

The Jewish state has greatly raised bellicose rhetoric threatening air strikes against the Islamic republic's nuclear facilities, which Israel believe are being used to develop atomic weapons that could destroy it.

Iran denies its nuclear programme is anything but peaceful.
if each country were to think about itself alone that will be more then enough. CARE FOR PEOPLE IN YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR COUNTRYMEN IRRESPECTIVE OF RELIGION.

IF you cant care for someone who lives in your country for hundreds of years (because he is not muslim, or because he is not Sunni or Shia or Ahmedi etc) how can you every truly care for Some Other Country People. Its never gonna happen.

And in case if it ever happens SUPPOSEDLY and this union takes action against some NON MUSLIM country as a group, you could be in a serious trouble and may lead to a clash of civilizations and the near destruction of Muslims. Becuase when you think not for your country but for your religion then this indirectly means u would be raising your head and interfering in EVERY COUNTRY's AFFAIRS including CHINA (for Xinxiang), Russia (it also has muslims), France (for Muslims again), India and every other country in this world who has Muslims. And when you will interfere in other countries affairs you gonna make them all the enemy of your grouping.

do you think a grouping like this can ever raise its voice against China? Russia? US? India? and for each and every Muslim in each and every country of this world. FIRST OF all Do you have the RIGHT to SPEAK for the CITIZENS of Another Country or INTERFERE in other Countries AFFAIRS?

If Yes, then Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists (Chinese) also have a RIGHT to demand RIGHTS for their Religion People in YOUR ISLAMIC COUNTRIES? HOW about all these NATIONS INTERFERING in your Islamic nations and demanding rights for their religions. Will you support and provide those rights? and if not will it be OK with you if US, Russia, China and others were to form UNION (like urs) and attack your countries.

And they say we are the only ones getting into conspiracy theories.....
They believe it is their Islamic duty to destroy Israel.
if this is the case then the IRANIANS who support this are NUT CASES and are narrow minded. I wish for the health and life of every Israeli and may they prosper and do good for their countrymen.

And for the Islamics who want to destroy Isreal, may God give them WISDOM and open their minds to value humanity above everything else. (and also a mirror to look into their own invasions of past)

I for once can also say NO WAY Israeal occupies even 2% of as much land as Pakistan and Bangladesh. WE INDIANS lost that much land to ISLAM, but I have ZERO intention of waging JIHAD against them. I pray we live happy as we are now.
It surprises me that you believed his lie that Muslims or Iran wants to destroy Israel,like literally destroy it.Palestine is a sacred land for Muslims and other religions and no one wants to destroy it.Muslims want the regime in Israel gone the same way U.S wanted Soviet Union gone,did U.S nuke Russia or 'wiped it off the map'?Of course not.Israeli warmongers are just crying and playing victim by saying Iran wants to destroy Israel or drop nuclear weapons on it.It's the most stupid and biggest lie of Zionist warmongers.
If you respect a right for Jews to live there,so you you should for Palestine too.Israel has stolen and occupied their land and everyday taking another bite of it.No one wants to kill any Jews or anyone else,It's just that Palestinians should be able to decide their fate.But Israel is harassing them everyday.Israel know only the language of war and blood,so we should only talk to her with the same language.

It seems you are sooo angry,I'm happy to see that.Now go get a cool shower,it might chill your *** out.You can't do crap.Everyday,Netanyahu and Barak are just barking and barking,nothing else.If you are so superior,why don't you attack?Why just talk and huffs?
Iran is not occupying anywhere,those are our historical lands.How can you liberate a land that has belonged to Iran for more than 2000 years.At least we're sure that we haven't stolen them like Israel.We don't live on stolen land.You can't liberate crap,now please just stop making us laugh.
It surprises me that you believed his lie that Muslims or Iran wants to destroy Israel,like literally destroy it.Palestine is a sacred land for Muslims and other religions and no one wants to destroy it.Muslims want the regime in Israel gone the same way U.S wanted Soviet Union gone,did U.S nuke Russia or 'wiped it off the map'?Of course not.Israeli warmongers are just crying and playing victim by saying Iran wants to destroy Israel or drop nuclear weapons on it.It's the most stupid and biggest lie of Zionist warmongers.

Exactly, its strange to see some still believing 100% propaganda how "Iran wants to destroy Israel and kill the Jews" and similar lies. One would think, with access to internet and with cross-referencing info, people would be more enlightened about Iran, but it seems not.

It was funny to see how Netanyahu was continuing telling lies directly to UN's Ban Ki-moon face just few days ago, while these claims were debunked even by Israel's officials some time ago. Bibi just cant stop himself from spreading BS, and some here still believe him :disagree:

I am just saying that anyone who hates Israel and wants it to vacate that land is NUT CASE and NARROW MINDED. Also it is easy to see the hatred in Islamics which is baseless. Accept the nation of Israel and move on, and whatever land is left outside of Israel be given to Palestinians. I dont support anyone who says they NEED to recover the LAND from Israel or anyone who HATES Israelis for this stupid reason.

I can safely say Islamics have CONQUERED/INVADED/CONVERTED Lands and People across the world. I dont see other Religions uniting in their hate against Islamics? I am an Indian and I have seen loss of Pakistan and Bangladesh to Islam Conquest. Do u see Indians hating Islam for this? Do u see Indians making it their RELIGIOUS duty to LIBERATE those lands?

For me this kind of THINKING that it is ISLAMIC duty to Liberate the Israeli land and hating Israel for this reason is indication of a NUT Case and Narrow Minded person, even if I were to assume that Iran will not use nuclear weapon against Israel. I still dont support this ILLOGICAL reason for hate.

Since u seem to at least reply logically. I have one question for you.

Dont you think some of those Lands also have Important Religious Symbols for other Religions?
Do other religions keep same HATRED and REVENGE attitude towards Islam for THAT?

(think about it and Islamics are no more Saint then others. So this is no reason to hate Israel or else all Islamics should be hated more then Israelis)

U know u r a Islamic Country. India and Iran have good friendly relations. But Islam CAUSE MY Country to LOOSE PAKISTAN AND BD. Do u see me RALLYING against Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and MAKING it my religious duty to ERASE Islam from those countries? No you dont.

So I do not support any people in IRAN who hate Isreal for such stupid reason. For me all those people are NUT CASE and Narrow Minded. I wish there are more and more open minded Iranians who have the WISDOM to see that a great friendship with Israel is in great Interests of Iranian people and Humanity indeed.

And you are being greatly mistaken by your hate of Israel. You will come to know the day you will be attacked by the other sects within Islam. INTOLERANCE DOES NOT STOP EVER. There is nothing called Religious interests. First and Foremost are NATIONAL interests and I can TELL you if you had a good relation with Israel your country would be much safer and more prosperous.

It is ridiculous to hate Israel for some STUPID religious reason or for believing they invaded any lands. Or else Islamics should hate themselves the most for invading so many countries in past, and converting them to Islam.
It surprises me that you believed his lie that Muslims or Iran wants to destroy Israel,like literally destroy it.Palestine is a sacred land for Muslims and other religions and no one wants to destroy it.Muslims want the regime in Israel gone the same way U.S wanted Soviet Union gone,did U.S nuke Russia or 'wiped it off the map'?Of course not.Israeli warmongers are just crying and playing victim by saying Iran wants to destroy Israel or drop nuclear weapons on it.It's the most stupid and biggest lie of Zionist warmongers.
If you respect a right for Jews to live there,so you you should for Palestine too.Israel has stolen and occupied their land and everyday taking another bite of it.No one wants to kill any Jews or anyone else,It's just that Palestinians should be able to decide their fate.But Israel is harassing them everyday.Israel know only the language of war and blood,so we should only talk to her with the same language.

It seems you are sooo angry,I'm happy to see that.Now go get a cool shower,it might chill your *** out.You can't do crap.Everyday,Netanyahu and Barak are just barking and barking,nothing else.If you are so superior,why don't you attack?Why just talk and huffs?
Iran is not occupying anywhere,those are our historical lands.How can you liberate a land that has belonged to Iran for more than 2000 years.At least we're sure that we haven't stolen them like Israel.We don't live on stolen land.You can't liberate crap,now please just stop making us laugh.
Transference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here you go, friend. You might understand your feelings better if you make an appointment with your local psychologist.

The almighty Iran, raping Persian women and men when they demand freedom. Truly, your nation has seen enlightenment since the revolution. Let us not forget how you promised little Persian boys heaven if they fought alongside men during the Iran-Iraq war.

In 1984, Iranian President Ali-Akbar Rafsanjani said, "all Iranians from 12 to 72 should volunteer for the Holy War."

Holy war this, Jihad that.

Yeah, you aren't arabized, you are Arabs.
Transference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here you go, friend. You might understand your feelings better if you make an appointment with your local psychologist.

The almighty Iran, raping Persian women and men when they demand freedom. Truly, your nation has seen enlightenment since the revolution. Let us not forget how you promised little Persian boys heaven if they fought alongside men during the Iran-Iraq war.

In 1984, Iranian President Ali-Akbar Rafsanjani said, "all Iranians from 12 to 72 should volunteer for the Holy War."

Holy war this, Jihad that.

Yeah, you aren't arabized, you are Arabs.
We have a proverb in Iran which says: With the wish of a black cat,it doesn't rain.You are the symbol of black cat here.
No matter how hard you try,you can not divert the attention or play the victim role.
Actually you are the one who should refer to your childhood,and look if you had any problems or bad occasions in there,I'm not the one who needs a psychologist here.
Do you think I'm offended when you call me an Arab?They are humans too,like other humans.No one gives a crap what you call us actually.Here comes that black cat again.
After witnessing what a ragtag army (Hezbollah) of a few thousands did to Israel in 2006, I will add two more zeros to the Israeli claim - that's 50,000; and I am not talking about a total war.

Anyway, such tall claims are just another indicator of Israel's frustration. They want to attack but they are too afraid!
AtillaHun, aka Ottoman-Turk aka Grand-Vizier.

Do you never wonder why in every topic you react there is always a meaningless fight going on between you and others? You manage to derail every topic and insult other people.

Just continue and I'm predecting you will get a permanent IP ban.

50% of his anger is generated when anyone insults Turkey, that is understandable. But, he also appears to get excited when someone undermines Israeli policy. This is strange. Probably, he is too loyal to Israelis, like Mr. Erdogan.:D
We have a proverb in Iran which says: With the wish of a black cat,it doesn't rain.You are the symbol of black cat here.
No matter how hard you try,you can not divert the attention or play the victim role.
Actually you are the one who should refer to your childhood,and look if you had any problems or bad occasions in there,I'm not the one who needs a psychologist here.
Do you think I'm offended when you call me an Arab?They are humans too,like other humans.No one gives a crap what you call us actually.Here comes that black cat again.
We have a proverb in Israel as well, but i don't believe you'd appreciate it.

You may be an immoral terrorist sympathizer and maybe you are proud to be a citizen of a terrorist nation that even terrorized her own citizens but in the end, your country's tyrannical regime will meet the same end as those that came before it.

I would like to add that i'm proud that you've accepted what you are, it is the first step.
The sad reality here is that Muslim countries do not share the same goal. We have to understand that Iran and her proxies (Syria, hizbollah) agenda is entirely different, and in fact opposite to KSA's and the Sunnis in ME. Even if the current landscape of ME is divided into 3 groups: Iran (and the shias, backed by Russia), Sunnis (backed by KSA and Turkey), Israel (backed by USA), i do not think Saudi Arabia or Turkey would support or even allow Israel attacking Iran. If Israel can gather support from KSA and Turkey they will have the upper hand against Iran, but they don't have support from Turkey and KSA even though Iran is actually in proxy war against KSA and Turkey in Syria.

There is no "my enemy's enemy is my friend" mentality in ME. All the three groupings, Iran (shias), Sunnis (KSA, Turkey), Israel (USA) fight for influence and territory as we speak. In Syria KSA and Turkey fights off Assad, thus to hand the power to the Sunni Majority. In Iraq, the central Shia government is backed by Iran but the north Kurdish Sunni government is backed by Turkey. The landscape is changing, Syria will be governed by Sunnis, thus Shia influence will vanish. Hence a big blow to Iran and victory to Sunnis.
Edit: No offence to our Iranian members. This is pure math

Only a few humble questions to my Turkish friend without offense:

1. It appears from your post that weakening Iran and strengthening Israel is your ultimate goal at any cost, even at the cost of war against Syria on behalf of Israel. Do you agree?
2. What was the reason behind Arab and Turkish support to ouster Gaddafi?
3. Are you aware that Turkish Spring may be on the offing like Arab Spring and this could also be the smart game plan to weaken Turkey ultimately?
4. There are complaints from Turkish Opposition leadership that Turkey has been hosting a large number of MOSAD ( and CIA) agents near Syrian border to support the terrorists operating in Syria. Is this true? If yes, your government's reaction to Marmara killings were just public eye wash, right?
US should not be involved in the middle east. However, US does and should support Israel by diplomatic means.

If Israel feel threatened by Iranian nukes, then its up to them to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities. Its not up to the United States.

If Iran has any sensibility, it should limit any responses to military targets. But don't be surprised if Israel respond to any counter attacks with greater force. If Israeli civilian is attacked by missiles from Iran, I do not believe that Israel would hold back and bomb the hell out of the Iran.
If Israel destroys whole Lebanon just because 1 soldier, i could not image what they will do when they are under a nuke threat.
Does Iran have any allies?? Serious question. If France or the UK go to war, the US will be with them. And considering the number of jewish Americans in the US government, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, etc. I'm inclined to believe the US will support Israel more than Iran.

And by allies I mean governmntal support, not some muslim brotherhood moral support.
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