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Israel claims that it will only suffer 500 casualties in a war against Iran

‘As a Jew, I’m happier in Turkey than I’d be in Israel’



Prominent Turkish Jewish businessman İshak Alaton has said he couldn’t possibly lead a happier or a more fulfilling life than he enjoys in Turkey if he were to emigrate to Israel, speaking in an interview with a German radio station, news reports said on Friday.
Alaton spoke to a radio show aired on Radio Germany, during a program on the state of Turkey’s Jews and the recent tension between Turkey and Israel. The show’s host underlined that Alaton, who has long been respected for his democratic stance, is also admired for having donated $1 billion to charity efforts to fight famine in East Africa.

Being Jewish in Turkey has never felt like an extraordinary situation to Alaton. He said the crisis between Turkey and Israel certainly doesn’t make it easier for İstanbul’s 25,000-strong Jewish community to live together with Muslims, but noted that he does not have the least concern that the Jewish community will face pressure from the government. “This government is much more understanding toward minorities than any previous government. I remember the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, when we were referred to in legal texts as “foreigners” living here. Today, we are equal citizens of this country. Why should I be more worried now than yesterday?” Alaton said.

Alaton said he has no intention to migrate to Israel because of the crisis. “I can imagine there are segments of Israeli society that wouldn’t be opposed to seeing the Jewish community in Turkey in a difficult situation because of this crisis, because in that case, they could tell us, “come to Israel.” But this is certainly not the case for me. Israel is on the wrong track; the government is increasingly oppressive. I wouldn’t be happier there. The opposite would happen.”

In Alaton’s opinion, the partnership between Turkey and Israel prior to the crisis was not as strong as some make it out to have been. “The truth is coming out now, because the so-called great relationship between the two countries was based on military ties. Contact between the peoples was greatly neglected. The increasing alienation between the two nations was fanned by radical politicians such as Foreign Minister Liebermann, who uses every opportunity to express his hatred of all that is Turkish and Muslim. I’m afraid the relationship between the two countries is likely to deteriorate further than improve.”

Radio Germany said the first wave of Jewish migration to Turkey took place in 1492, when Jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition regime arrived in Turkey. The radio program also noted that although Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had feelings of antipathy toward Israel, he pursues a policy based on Ottoman tolerance towards religious minorities.

Best solution would be to give the holy land back to Turkish hands for peace. Wherever british steps that places becomes a conflict arena.
Does Iran have any allies?? Serious question. If France or the UK go to war, the US will be with them. And considering the number of jewish Americans in the US government, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, etc. I'm inclined to believe the US will support Israel more than Iran.

And by allies I mean governmntal support, not some muslim brotherhood moral support.

If Iran is only against Israel:
Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, New Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan - will be the allies

If Iran is against NATO:
Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, and China - will be the allies
If Iran is only against Israel:
Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, New Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan - will be the allies

If Iran is against NATO:
Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, and China - will be the allies

I mentioned governmental. Will the governments of the respective nations intervene, and supply military aid? You can rule out Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, New Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, because they have no military hardware to supply, and themselve are economically insignificant to provide financial aid as well. At most they can supply men, and that would be the start of the Wahabi infiltration of Iran due to SA's interests.

Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, and China. Cuba and Venezuela won't be able to provide much; being located on the other side of the globe. The latter might be able to offer oil. But Iran has that already.

North Korea????? They need fuel for their cold war era equipment.

Only Russia and China really can do anything. But none are Muslim nations, and Russia has shown to bend in to US demands recently with the abondonment of various projects with Iran.

China remains. It will come down to who they benefit from more; the goods they produce head mostly to the Western nations. So that will play a factor in their descision as well.

Of course it's just purely speculation on my part. I don't expect a war. But we are discussing Iran's allies.
Only a few humble questions to my Turkish friend without offense:

1. It appears from your post that weakening Iran and strengthening Israel is your ultimate goal at any cost, even at the cost of war against Syria on behalf of Israel. Do you agree?
2. What was the reason behind Arab and Turkish support to ouster Gaddafi?
3. Are you aware that Turkish Spring may be on the offing like Arab Spring and this could also be the smart game plan to weaken Turkey ultimately?
4. There are complaints from Turkish Opposition leadership that Turkey has been hosting a large number of MOSAD ( and CIA) agents near Syrian border to support the terrorists operating in Syria. Is this true? If yes, your government's reaction to Marmara killings were just public eye wash, right?

My post was not directed against any groups. My intention was to put the geo-politics in ME in perspective. But i can answer your questions, no problem.
1: My or Turkey's ultimate goal is under no circumstances to neither weaken Iran or strengthen Israel. There are bigger things at stake here. Turkey is, as known by anyone who follows the media, at crossroads with Israel today. We have cut most of our relations because of Israel's aggressive conduct. Why would Turkey wish to strengthen a state that steals land from Palestinians? Or why would we want to weaken Iran? If Iran weakens it is as bad for turkey as well. A strong Iran means a more peaceful ME and bilateral relations. I don't know how it looks from where you are, but the Syrian people are getting massacred as we speak by a despot called Assad. Just to stay in his throne he does not listen to his people and wages war against it. The future of Syria belongs to its people, not to the Assad family. We will witness this within a short period of time.

2: The reason behind Turkish support to ouster Gaddafi is simple. Gaddafi like Assad waged war against his own people, being a despot he had to be removed. There is no bigger hocus pocus behind this.

3: There can't be a so-called "turkish spring" since we have democratic elections. People elect their government unlike in Syria and in fact KSA. So it is a stupid analogy, no offense.

4: Mossad has no access to Turkish soils. But i don't know if MIT cooperates with the CIA in Syria. Possible. Wether you like it or not, and i don't know which media you follow but Sunnis in Syria has been oppressed by Assad for far too long. They demand that their voice be heard, and that is what we witness right now. Assad's time is running, just as Gaddafi's and Mubarak's. We are slowly getting rid of despots in ME, which is only a positive development, but of course collateral damage is suffered, sadly.
My post was not directed against any groups. My intention was to put the geo-politics in ME in perspective. But i can answer your questions, no problem.
1: My or Turkey's ultimate goal is under no circumstances to neither weaken Iran or strengthen Israel. There are bigger things at stake here. Turkey is, as known by anyone who follows the media, at crossroads with Israel today. We have cut most of our relations because of Israel's aggressive conduct. Why would Turkey wish to strengthen a state that steals land from Palestinians? Or why would we want to weaken Iran? If Iran weakens it is as bad for turkey as well. A strong Iran means a more peaceful ME and bilateral relations. I don't know how it looks from where you are, but the Syrian people are getting massacred as we speak by a despot called Assad. Just to stay in his throne he does not listen to his people and wages war against it. The future of Syria belongs to its people, not to the Assad family. We will witness this within a short period of time.

2: The reason behind Turkish support to ouster Gaddafi is simple. Gaddafi like Assad waged war against his own people, being a despot he had to be removed. There is no bigger hocus pocus behind this.

3: There can't be a so-called "turkish spring" since we have democratic elections. People elect their government unlike in Syria and in fact KSA. So it is a stupid analogy, no offense.

4: Mossad has no access to Turkish soils. But i don't know if MIT cooperates with the CIA in Syria. Possible. Wether you like it or not, and i don't know which media you follow but Sunnis in Syria has been oppressed by Assad for far too long. They demand that their voice be heard, and that is what we witness right now. Assad's time is running, just as Gaddafi's and Mubarak's. We are slowly getting rid of despots in ME, which is only a positive development, but of course collateral damage is suffered, sadly.

The freedom fighter movement of Kurdistan(PKK) is the Turk Spring.You have oppressed minorities in Kurdistan,Cyprus,Alawis for too long.And on the Ghaddafi ,most libyan seriously differ from what you say with exception of the people of Benghazi .

So why are you butchering Kurdistan ?
man where did you come again to troll . Didnt MODS ban this idiot after i made him embarrased.
I think its high time they do the walk.

They need to stop the BS and get the fireworks going, else STFU.
‘As a Jew, I’m happier in Turkey than I’d be in Israel’



Prominent Turkish Jewish businessman İshak Alaton has said he couldn’t possibly lead a happier or a more fulfilling life than he enjoys in Turkey if he were to emigrate to Israel, speaking in an interview with a German radio station, news reports said on Friday.
Alaton spoke to a radio show aired on Radio Germany, during a program on the state of Turkey’s Jews and the recent tension between Turkey and Israel. The show’s host underlined that Alaton, who has long been respected for his democratic stance, is also admired for having donated $1 billion to charity efforts to fight famine in East Africa.

Being Jewish in Turkey has never felt like an extraordinary situation to Alaton. He said the crisis between Turkey and Israel certainly doesn’t make it easier for İstanbul’s 25,000-strong Jewish community to live together with Muslims, but noted that he does not have the least concern that the Jewish community will face pressure from the government. “This government is much more understanding toward minorities than any previous government. I remember the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, when we were referred to in legal texts as “foreigners” living here. Today, we are equal citizens of this country. Why should I be more worried now than yesterday?” Alaton said.

Alaton said he has no intention to migrate to Israel because of the crisis. “I can imagine there are segments of Israeli society that wouldn’t be opposed to seeing the Jewish community in Turkey in a difficult situation because of this crisis, because in that case, they could tell us, “come to Israel.” But this is certainly not the case for me. Israel is on the wrong track; the government is increasingly oppressive. I wouldn’t be happier there. The opposite would happen.”

In Alaton’s opinion, the partnership between Turkey and Israel prior to the crisis was not as strong as some make it out to have been. “The truth is coming out now, because the so-called great relationship between the two countries was based on military ties. Contact between the peoples was greatly neglected. The increasing alienation between the two nations was fanned by radical politicians such as Foreign Minister Liebermann, who uses every opportunity to express his hatred of all that is Turkish and Muslim. I’m afraid the relationship between the two countries is likely to deteriorate further than improve.”

Radio Germany said the first wave of Jewish migration to Turkey took place in 1492, when Jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition regime arrived in Turkey. The radio program also noted that although Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had feelings of antipathy toward Israel, he pursues a policy based on Ottoman tolerance towards religious minorities.

Best solution would be to give the holy land back to Turkish hands for peace. Wherever british steps that places becomes a conflict arena.

For his opinion you would hear 1000 opposite, Israeli standard of living is higher than of Turkish, if you rich like he is it will be easy to live in pretty much every country.
My post was not directed against any groups. My intention was to put the geo-politics in ME in perspective. But i can answer your questions, no problem.
1: My or Turkey's ultimate goal is under no circumstances to neither weaken Iran or strengthen Israel. There are bigger things at stake here. Turkey is, as known by anyone who follows the media, at crossroads with Israel today. We have cut most of our relations because of Israel's aggressive conduct. Why would Turkey wish to strengthen a state that steals land from Palestinians? Or why would we want to weaken Iran? If Iran weakens it is as bad for turkey as well. A strong Iran means a more peaceful ME and bilateral relations. I don't know how it looks from where you are, but the Syrian people are getting massacred as we speak by a despot called Assad. Just to stay in his throne he does not listen to his people and wages war against it. The future of Syria belongs to its people, not to the Assad family. We will witness this within a short period of time.

2: The reason behind Turkish support to ouster Gaddafi is simple. Gaddafi like Assad waged war against his own people, being a despot he had to be removed. There is no bigger hocus pocus behind this.

3: There can't be a so-called "turkish spring" since we have democratic elections. People elect their government unlike in Syria and in fact KSA. So it is a stupid analogy, no offense.

4: Mossad has no access to Turkish soils. But i don't know if MIT cooperates with the CIA in Syria. Possible. Wether you like it or not, and i don't know which media you follow but Sunnis in Syria has been oppressed by Assad for far too long. They demand that their voice be heard, and that is what we witness right now. Assad's time is running, just as Gaddafi's and Mubarak's. We are slowly getting rid of despots in ME, which is only a positive development, but of course collateral damage is suffered, sadly.

Looking at your answers to my queries, I actually lost appetite to reply because it appears to have elements of ongoing brainwashing campaign against the helpless Syrian nation. I only hope this is not the opinion of common Turkish people and ultimately they will force the Turkish regime to stop supporting the terrorists poised to destroy the Syrian nation mercilessly. Indeed, mercenaries are supposed to be merciless, because they don’t bother any damage to the life, economy and infrastructures of a nation doesn’t belong to them. I have traveled across Syria myself in the past, though not recently, and I know for sure where Asad stands and how peaceful and nice people the Syrians are. If you don't believe me, ask anyone who has visited Syria or any true Syrian in this forum.

Your answer related to Gaddafi is not true either, because if that is the case, you would have initiated first Arab Spring followed by regime change from elsewhere. But we saw Libya was ousted from Arab League ( just to expedite bombing campaign??) by the initiative of unelected dictators, right?!! Hmmm!! Something is not matching here, if we accept your analogy. Because, we see the same scenario with Syria now.

It seems, either you are brainwashed or you are trying to branwash others!!! Sorry, no offense!!!

btw, I follow Israeli debka regularly, because they disclose many secrets free and frank. You may try. Not like your Zaman, a mouth-peace for propagating lies, though I browse it daily. RT, Presstv are good sources to my opinion. Sorry, I don't watch cnn/fox/bbc/aljazeera.
Looking at your answers to my queries, I actually lost appetite to reply because it appears to have elements of ongoing brainwashing campaign against the helpless Syrian nation. I only hope this is not the opinion of common Turkish people and ultimately they will force the Turkish regime to stop supporting the terrorists poised to destroy the Syrian nation mercilessly. Indeed, mercenaries are supposed to be merciless, because they don’t bother any damage to the life, economy and infrastructures of a nation doesn’t belong to them. I have traveled across Syria myself in the past, though not recently, and I know for sure where Asad stands and how peaceful and nice people the Syrians are. If you don't believe me, ask anyone who has visited Syria or any true Syrian in this forum.

Your answer related to Gaddafi is not true either, because if that is the case, you would have initiated first Arab Spring followed by regime change from elsewhere. But we saw Libya was ousted from Arab League ( just to expedite bombing campaign??) by the initiative of unelected dictators, right?!! Hmmm!! Something is not matching here, if we accept your analogy. Because, we see the same scenario with Syria now.

It seems, either you are brainwashed or you are trying to branwash others!!! Sorry, no offense!!!

btw, I follow Israeli debka regularly, because they disclose many secrets free and frank. You may try. Not like your Zaman, a mouth-peace for propagating lies, though I browse it daily. RT, Presstv are good sources to my opinion. Sorry, I don't watch cnn/fox/bbc/aljazeera.

Syrian people would beg to disagree with you. Since they are the ones who are getting massacred daily by the despot. How do you know i haven't been to Syria?
Here in Denmark, Syrians are all against Assad. Debka, RT, are you kidding me? I don't read only zaman neither to your surprise, but i know for a certainty since i come from Turkey which has been neighbor to Syria for centuries, and in fact ruled these lands, i think i have a better overview on the situation than someone who lives in Bangladesh. I wouldn't come here and tell you about Myanmar or Bangladesh since i have absolutely no perspective to these regions other than what i read on the articles which are always biased in one way or another. My perspective comes from first hand witnesses and from my geographical position and closeness to Arabs. So i think your ideas, which are entirely imported from biased news channels, are non-relevant to anyone from Turkey who has a Uni degree. No offense
Telling yourself a lie, again and again, won't make it any more of a truth.

Israel has never once lost a war and Israel never will. Complete and utter domination is what Israel has accomplished in all of her wars, that is why Hezbollah has not dared to start a war ever since. Even during the Gaza war, they dared not join.

I remember Nasrallah giving a speech out of the rat hole he calls home today, apologizing to the Lebanese people for attacking Israel because it brought so much destruction upon Lebanon.

"Israel has never once lost a war and Israel never will."

You shouldn't think like that, you could well do in the near or long term future and you should thinkabout the future in a situation where you might loose.

Don't make all your neighbours enemies, its very unwise just think about the street you live in you want to fit in with your neighbours and be friends don't you? Well Israel should act the same way with it's neighbours.

At the moment your the top dog in the region because the neighbours are fighting with them selves and still haven't managed to break the shackles of repressive regimes and ideologies.

When they do manage to sort themselves out then you'll see alot of changes.

Sadly your nation has a history of persecution so obviously that make you a paranoid nation with a very keen eye on security, but don't let this paranoia and fear overwhelm you.
They probably base the estimate on the oh so effective Scuds...Iran's missles are nothing but re-painted Scuds with an Ipod glued in.
Syrian people would beg to disagree with you. Since they are the ones who are getting massacred daily by the despot. How do you know i haven't been to Syria?
Here in Denmark, Syrians are all against Assad. Debka, RT, are you kidding me? I don't read only zaman neither to your surprise, but i know for a certainty since i come from Turkey which has been neighbor to Syria for centuries, and in fact ruled these lands, i think i have a better overview on the situation than someone who lives in Bangladesh. I wouldn't come here and tell you about Myanmar or Bangladesh since i have absolutely no perspective to these regions other than what i read on the articles which are always biased in one way or another. My perspective comes from first hand witnesses and from my geographical position and closeness to Arabs. So i think your ideas, which are entirely imported from biased news channels, are non-relevant to anyone from Turkey who has a Uni degree. No offense

Our geographical locations do not matter to know the truth. It matters who is spreading lies and siding with terrorists shamelessly. One doesn't need to be Syria's neighbor to know what is happening there in this age.
Our geographical locations do not matter to know the truth. It matters who is spreading lies and siding with terrorists shamelessly. One doesn't need to be Syria's neighbor to know what is happening there in this age.
Actually geographical proximity is a very important factor. Look I don't want to carry on discussing this nonsense with you. Despots like Mubarak and Gaddafi has fallen, now it is Assad's turn. The people have spoken, your russian propaganda won't change that fact. Whether you like it or not
They probably base the estimate on the oh so effective Scuds...Iran's missles are nothing but re-painted Scuds with an Ipod glued in.
Is that because of those painted Scuds that Israel is begging U.S to attack Iran?I didn't know those Scuds are so lethal.:smokin:
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