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Israel claims that it will only suffer 500 casualties in a war against Iran

Syria is in real mess , so thats out of mind , i dont think Iraq will allow iran , US wont allow .

From where is Israel going to attack? Whos airspace
My point is also that a war between Iran and Israel is improbable. However we witness today proxy wars already between these two countries, 2006 Lebanon war, Syria etc...
Yes,and Hitler predicted WWII is going to have only thousands of casualties.:smokin:
Who the hell predicts the number of casualties before any war?
Tensions between Iran and Israel continue to escalate amid reports over the past week that Tel Aviv has drawn up plans for a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities before the US presidential election in November.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the country’s new ambassador to China, Matan Vilnai, recently discussed precise estimates of Israeli casualties, and the timeframe of a possible war with Iran. A hypothetical war with Iran would probably last a month, and include about 500 estimated Israeli casualties from Iranian missile strikes, Vilnai told Israeli newspaper Maariv on Wednesday.
Though Israel has repeatedly threatened preemptive strikes against Iran over the country’s controversial nuclear program, this latest round of saber-rattling is taking place under slightly different circumstances.
A new, last-minute National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) update provided to the Obama administration mirrored Israeli intelligence that Iran had made bigger nuclear advances than previously thought, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday. Iran’s alleged progress towards nuclear weaponry was “far beyond the scope known” to UN inspectors, the report said.
Haaretz did not name any sources or confirm any information in its report, quoting a senior Israeli official who declined to be identified.
Tel Aviv seems to be taking action in support of its hawkish stance, testing emergency text-messaging services in some cities, and increasing the sale and distribution of gas-masks. Recent polls also suggest that, while domestic Israeli opinion is still opposed to war against Iran without international support, that stance is gradually softening as the government seems to be preparing its citizens for war.
Israel to strike Iran as window of opportunity narrows? — RT

seems Israel is delusional.In my opinion Israel will have 10,000-20,000 casualties in a missile war with Iran.Though Israel can win .

They have the Fuxs news as their spokesperson, so they won't be allowed to suffer even fifty casualties. All the casualties will be on Iran's side.
What are you smoking? Try going for chemical or biological attacks on Israel, or even massive bombardments, and you'll find the world suddenly has one less Muslim nation.

Oh really you really seems to be smoking too.
So many ppl hate Israel that u would have to kill the whole world xpt Indian to make this world free of jew haters?

ur post proves ur real identity u r just a false flager just like this thread pure BS.

Most people have better things to do than to hate Jews, like living their lives.
I suggest you take another English lesson or two, if you cannot understand why i said what i said.

Here, i'll dumb it down for you this time: Atilla suggested that we should hate Germany for killing 6 million Jews and i implied that if we decided to go after every single nation that ever persecuted the Jews, only half of the Asian countries would remain.
Do you understand now? It was a sarcastic remark.

Enemies change and living in the past is not wise when the present brings new enemies.
Tensions between Iran and Israel continue to escalate amid reports over the past week that Tel Aviv has drawn up plans for a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities before the US presidential election in November.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the country’s new ambassador to China, Matan Vilnai, recently discussed precise estimates of Israeli casualties, and the timeframe of a possible war with Iran. A hypothetical war with Iran would probably last a month, and include about 500 estimated Israeli casualties from Iranian missile strikes, Vilnai told Israeli newspaper Maariv on Wednesday.
Though Israel has repeatedly threatened preemptive strikes against Iran over the country’s controversial nuclear program, this latest round of saber-rattling is taking place under slightly different circumstances.
A new, last-minute National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) update provided to the Obama administration mirrored Israeli intelligence that Iran had made bigger nuclear advances than previously thought, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday. Iran’s alleged progress towards nuclear weaponry was “far beyond the scope known” to UN inspectors, the report said.
Haaretz did not name any sources or confirm any information in its report, quoting a senior Israeli official who declined to be identified.
Tel Aviv seems to be taking action in support of its hawkish stance, testing emergency text-messaging services in some cities, and increasing the sale and distribution of gas-masks. Recent polls also suggest that, while domestic Israeli opinion is still opposed to war against Iran without international support, that stance is gradually softening as the government seems to be preparing its citizens for war.
Israel to strike Iran as window of opportunity narrows? — RT

seems Israel is delusional.In my opinion Israel will have 10,000-20,000 casualties in a missile war with Iran.Though Israel can win .

False reporting nowhere the total estimate is 500. The number 500 is just by missiles alone. In case of armed engagement (I don't know if its possible?) of forces the casualty rate is not even mentioned
mak2000 i think you are a brainless little child. You think Russia is going to get involved? Russia was the one accepted sanctions against Iran . They stopped the sale of S-300. Seems you know absolute 0.

I consider that it is now Russia's moral responsibility to save the world from turmoil and looming disaster, because it is in position to do so. You should join in prayer at least (unless you are an atheist) for peace and also should wish that Russia interferes NOW, before it is too late. Otherwise the fire incited by treacherous countries like Turkey is going to engulf all in your region and beyond. Why should we, who are not a party to the conflicts in any way, should pay the price of evil designs of others? I wouldn't care so much if the turmoil in your region would be limited to your part of the world. Voicing protest and pointing finger towards the culprit is the least we should do.

Well, I admit it could be wishful thinking of many like me when it comes to Iran ( also Syria), but one needs to consider that if both Iran and Syria are threatened, Russia could be next target. This is the reason why it is expected that Russia will behave quite differently when it comes to destruction of Syria and Iran.

I don't blame you, for your insult directed towards me, because many morons thought, it would be a cakewalk in Syria like in Libya. But, look what is happening now. Russia already vetoed thrice to thwart anti Syria resolutions. FSA terrorists are begging for No Fly Zone. It could mean that their supply line and communication lines are cut by Syrian Army and they are in dire need of more military hardware from Turkey. Alternatively, they are begging for No Fly Zone to restrict Syrian Army’s ability to unlish havoc on the terrorists.

I hope your mature brain will let you see that Russia's reaction is indeed quite different than it was during the game plan against Libya??? Thanks God!!! Russian FM has issued some unusually strong statements recently going beyond usual diplomatic language, which can HOPEFULLY be interpreted that they will not allow the game plan in which your wannabe European country is criminally involved in supporting the terrorists. This is a shame indeed!!!
Iran is getting tougher. I thought it has like 20 Mig-29s. Surprisingly, news broke last week that they have upgraded 100 of them. Interestingly enough we've known that they purchased 1 F-16 in the 70s. However, another news broke everywhere that Venezuela sold some.... With F-14s, Azarakhsh , Shafaq, Mirage F-1, Mig-27, Su-25, F-5s, F-7PG and 1000s of SAMs in the league, I think it's a pretty decent air force.

I think it is unlikely that USA would venture to attack any country who is armed to the teeth like Iran at this moment. Although Zionist lobby is pushing relentlessly otherwise. US policy makers ( some of them) are smart enough to make them wait eventually, till Iran is economically devastated, morally shattered and struggles to feed the population due to crippling sanction. We have seen all these three elements in Iraq worked so perfectly, that we knew Iraq attack was just a matter of time at one stage, and then came the 9/11 out of blue. Rest is well known.
it is interesting that how the so-termed Islamic people are now turning towards Russia (ex-communist) and China(currently communist, atheist, and add to that avid pork eating country) in percieved retaliation against 'god-fearing' Israel and US of A.

It is an interesting situation where Muslims are making alliances with straight out pork-eaters and wine-guzzlers in a battle against cousins, Ahl-e-kitaab.Neat jokes.
it is interesting that how the so-termed Islamic people are now turning towards Russia (ex-communist) and China(currently communist, atheist, and add to that avid pork eating country) in percieved retaliation against 'god-fearing' Israel and US of A.

It is an interesting situation where Muslims are making alliances with straight out pork-eaters and wine-guzzlers in a battle against cousins, Ahl-e-kitaab.Neat jokes.

My country uses equipment made by pork-eating, vodka-drinking, hamburger-eating, evil Chinnies, Ruskies and Yankees :rofl:
I think it is unlikely that USA would venture to attack any country who is armed to the teeth like Iran at this moment. Although Zionist lobby is pushing relentlessly otherwise. US policy makers ( some of them) are smart enough to make them wait eventually, till Iran is economically devastated, morally shattered and struggles to feed the population due to crippling sanction. We have seen all these three elements in Iraq worked so perfectly, that we knew Iraq attack was just a matter of time at one stage, and then came the 9/11 out of blue. Rest is well known.

Iran is not armed to the teeth.But yes the sanctions are meant to shatter them as a nation.
Iran is not armed to the teeth.But yes the sanctions are meant to shatter them as a nation.

They have a very defiant government. Even though they are not practical, they are very firm on their decision.
They have a very defiant government. Even though they are not practical, they are very firm on their decision.

And why not will they resist.Its the West that has subjudgated and tried to crush them since the past 50 years.

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