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Israel and a Solution to Its Conflict

What is the most suitable solution for Isreal's conflict?

  • Israel has the right to exist regardless its conflict with the Palestinian

    Votes: 14 29.8%
  • Israel should agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • Israel should agree for the two nations state solution

    Votes: 14 29.8%
  • The Jewish people cannot have the right for self-determination in the Middle East

    Votes: 7 14.9%

  • Total voters
Same Way means, They have Right to Live over there. Like a State or something like today but peacefully. I am not Saying Its only Israel.

You tell me 1 thing. What Bigger countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon did for Palestine ?? What Middle-East Countries Did ??

Don't tell me they 30 Odd Middle East countries combined were not capable against a small country i.e. Israel.

This is 1947 Map as per UN Partition Plan.


There are 2 Kinds of History,

One Says ( less people ) Palestine didn't existed 100 years back and Israel has existed for thousands of years over there and it was originally controlled by the Jewish.

Second Says (Most of the People) Israel never existed pre WW2, after that U.K. gave some part of Palestine to Jews to Live over there and later on slowly and gradually they captured most of the Palestine with U.S. Support.

I will only say, Whatever History . Israel is reality today and fast developing nation . Accept it. But Give Some way for Palestine to Survive.

The other Nations did not kick the million Palestinians out in 1948. See thats where the whole sh*t started, get it ?
joker... south syrians... haha

there always was a Palestine... it is Israel which never was and never will be... so enjoy the present... the future is bleak...

You ve only managed to survive this long in the absence of the Caliphate... once we retake power... well your own PM knows what that means for Israel... hes been talking about us taking over in Pakistan... and/or Iran getting a nuclear weapon...

I think its only the first one that he is really worried about...
"Palestine" is name of the region. This name is derived from Hebrew root PLST and has nothing to do with the Arabs.

But I was talking about Palestinian people. Show me any mention of Palestinian people before 1964.You wont be able. As I said, Palestine Arabs considered themselves as South Syrians. Mufti of Jerusalem, the leader of Palesine's Arabs, was publishng a newspaper called "Suriyya al-Janubiyya" - "Southern Syria".

The other Nations did not kick the million Palestinians out in 1948. See thats where the whole sh*t started, get it ?
Both 650 K Arab refugees and 850 K Jewish refugees are result of Arab aggresion against Israel.
Same Way means, They have Right to Live over there. Like a State or something like today but peacefully. I am not Saying Its only Israel.

You tell me 1 thing. What Bigger countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon did for Palestine ?? What Middle-East Countries Did ??

Don't tell me they 30 Odd Middle East countries combined were not capable against a small country i.e. Israel.

This is 1947 Map as per UN Partition Plan.


There are 2 Kinds of History,

One Says ( less people ) Palestine didn't existed 100 years back and Israel has existed for thousands of years over there and it was originally controlled by the Jewish.

Second Says (Most of the People) Israel never existed pre WW2, after that U.K. gave some part of Palestine to Jews to Live over there and later on slowly and gradually they captured most of the Palestine with U.S. Support.

I will only say, Whatever History . Israel is reality today and fast developing nation . Accept it. But Give Some way for Palestine to Survive.

If people start thinking like this (and yes some actually do) then no change can ever come to the world...

It is a reality yes... but not one that anyone has to accept... Its the very source of bloodshed and turmoil in the middle east and for the rest of the world...
"Palestine" is name of the region. This name is derived from Hebrew root PLST and has nothing to do with the Arabs.

But I was talking about Palestinian people. Show me any mention of Palestinian people before 1964.You wont be able. As I said, Palestine Arabs considered themselves as South Syrians. Mufti of Jerusalem, the leader of Palesine's Arabs, was publishng a newspaper called "Suriyya al-Janubiyya" - "Southern Syria".

650 K Arab refugees and 850 K Jewish refugees are both result of Arab aggresion against Israel.

This is total nonsense... The Mufti of Palestine was no "leader" of the Palestinians (just like Arafat was no leader either)... Its funny how you guys label a traitor as leader and expect everyone to accept that as fools...

There has been a region called Palestine for thousands of years... Its Israel which is the cancer inside the holy land... The only reason why Israel exists is thru the help that Europe and America provides you... on your own you are nothing...
This is total nonsense... The Mufti of Palestine was no "leader" of the Palestinians (just like Arafat was no leader either)... Its funny how you guys label a traitor as leader and expect everyone to accept that as fools...

There has been a region called Palestine for thousands of years... Its Israel which is the cancer inside the holy land... The only reason why Israel exists is thru the help that Europe and America provides you... on your own you are nothing...
He was. And he coined the miilitant opposition to Zionism which you follow. Other Arab leaders were not so aggressive and tend to accept Jewish state.

There has been a region called Palestine for thousands of years...
I repeat once again: name Palestine is derived from Jewish (Hebrew) root PLST and has nothing to do with the Arabs. Palestinians considered themselves as South Syrians.

Its Israel which is the cancer inside the holy land...
The only developed and democratic state in Midle East is a canser for you.

The only reason why Israel exists is thru the help that Europe and America provides you... on your own you are nothing...
Hehe. Lets make a deal: Israel fights only with Israeli made weapons (Merkava tank, Tavor guns, Spike, LAR, LORA, Delilah missiles, Saar 4.5 missile boats, wide range of UAV's, spy stallites....) and Arabs will fight only with Arab made weapons (battle camels). Who do u think will win?
As an outside observer, i see that:

1) Israeli's want too many concessions in negotiations from Palestinians.

2) Palestinians are delusional when they think they can remove Israel by force.

Palestinians hold the key to peace and prosperity; by adopting a consistent policy of peaceful resistance coupled with media attention.
Ghandi got the British out of India that way.
As an outside observer, i see that:

1) Israeli's want too many concessions in negotiations from Palestinians.

2) Palestinians are delusional when they think they can remove Israel by force.

Palestinians hold the key to peace and prosperity; by adopting a consistent policy of peaceful resistance coupled with media attention.
Ghandi got the British out of India that way.

Hitler forced the British to leave India.
He was. And he coined the miilitant opposition to Zionism which you follow. Other Arab leaders were not so aggressive and tend to accept Jewish state.

I repeat once again: name Palestine is derived from Jewish (Hebrew) root PLST and has nothing to do with the Arabs. Palestinians considered themselves as South Syrians.

The only developed and democratic state in Midle East is a canser for you.

Hehe. Lets make a deal: Israel fights only with Israeli made weapons (Merkava tank, Tavor guns, Spike, LAR, LORA, Delilah missiles, Saar 4.5 missile boats, wide range of UAV's, spy stallites....) and Arabs will fight only with Arab made weapons (battle camels). Who do u think will win?

Hehe... what are you... a clown?

Democratic? Developed?

Yeah... the poor Germans have been paying you money until now... You Jews are the classic shylocks demanding your pound of flesh... but the world has no flesh left... The lizards have already taken away all the flesh... so its time to kill the lizards...

And no... there can be no dealing with you... the only thing that we will give you is war...

As for your assertion that the Mufti was some sort of a militant against Palestine... (or even Yasir Arafat)... you are indeed a fool (either that or you take everyone as fools)... The real hero for Muslims who initiated military struggle against the Jews in Palestine was Izzudin Qassam...

Arafat and Mufti were nothing but stooges... So is the present Fatah and Hamas... as well as Hizbollah...

Once you realize the size and might of your real enemy (islam)... you wont be so confident anymore... the only hurdle against the total destruction of Israel into the dustbin of history is the present corrupt regimes of the Muslim world... a Zardari here and a Bashar there...

Give it ten years... we will come to you like we came to Khyber... God willing...
"Palestine" is name of the region

Palestinian is the name of peoples who were living in that Region. You are really that stupid to understand it

The Palestinian people, (Arabic: الشعب الفلسطيني‎, ash-sha`b al-filasTīni) also referred to as Palestinians or Palestinian Arabs (Arabic: الفلسطينيون‎, al-filasTīnīyyūn; Arabic: العرب الفلسطينيون‎, al-`Arab al-filasTīnīyyūn), are an Arabic-speaking Levantine people with origins in Palestine

Palestinians represent "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times."[17] Since the time of the Muslim conquests in the 7th century, Palestinians have been predominantly Muslim by religious affiliation and linguistically and culturally Arab.[13] Most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims, but there is a significant Palestinian Christian minority of various Christian denominations, as well as Druze Palestinians and a small Samaritan community. Palestinian Jews made up part of the population of Palestine prior to the creation of the State of Israel, but very few identify as "Palestinian" today. The vernacular of Palestinians, irrespective of religion, is the Palestinian dialect of Arabic. For those who are Arab citizens of Israel, many are bilingual and fluent in Modern Hebrew. Those in the diaspora speak the languages of their host countries in addition to Arabic or to its exclusion.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Palestinian is the name of peoples who were living in that Region. You are really that stupid to understand it

The Palestinian people, (Arabic: الشعب الفلسطيني‎, ash-sha`b al-filasTīni) also referred to as Palestinians or Palestinian Arabs (Arabic: الفلسطينيون‎, al-filasTīnīyyūn; Arabic: العرب الفلسطينيون‎, al-`Arab al-filasTīnīyyūn), are an Arabic-speaking Levantine people with origins in Palestine

Palestinians represent "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times."[17] Since the time of the Muslim conquests in the 7th century, Palestinians have been predominantly Muslim by religious affiliation and linguistically and culturally Arab.[13] Most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims, but there is a significant Palestinian Christian minority of various Christian denominations, as well as Druze Palestinians and a small Samaritan community. Palestinian Jews made up part of the population of Palestine prior to the creation of the State of Israel, but very few identify as "Palestinian" today. The vernacular of Palestinians, irrespective of religion, is the Palestinian dialect of Arabic. For those who are Arab citizens of Israel, many are bilingual and fluent in Modern Hebrew. Those in the diaspora speak the languages of their host countries in addition to Arabic or to its exclusion.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes but he will keep insisting that there is no such thing as Falesteeni and that they are south syrians... and as for Israelis they were the people living there thruout history... when in reality the cancer on earth that is Israel is actually a composition of all Zionazi Jews collected from different parts of the world... (mostly Europe)... i.e they are not endogenous and have no right to that land... its only military means that they have taken it and thats the only means that they will finally be removed from there...
Same Way means, They have Right to Live over there. Like a State or something like today but peacefully. I am not Saying Its only Israel.

This is 1947 Map as per UN Partition Plan.


There are 2 Kinds of History,

One Says ( less people ) Palestine didn't existed 100 years back and Israel has existed for thousands of years over there and it was originally controlled by the Jewish.

Second Says (Most of the People) Israel never existed pre WW2, after that U.K. gave some part of Palestine to Jews to Live over there and later on slowly and gradually they captured most of the Palestine with U.S. Support.

I will only say, Whatever History . Israel is reality today and fast developing nation . Accept it. But Give Some way for Palestine to Survive.

Imagine Britian occupied Hindustan in past. would it be fair for them to give the lands of hindustiani to outsider? Would it be fair for outsider to invade hindustan and claim that this land belong to them? Would you blame local hindusnani if outsider were used forced to kick native population out from their houses and occupied their lands . I am sure that you will agree that it was not fair for jews to come from different countries to get settle themselves in place where peoples are already living for thousands years.

The Arabs were in Palestine for the majority of the 19th century. There was no doubt that they were the rulers and owners by association of the land they inhabited. They originally belonged to the Ottoman Empire based in Turkey. But as time went on the Arabs formed a dream of a state they called Palestine. Then a movement formed. Jews began returning in mass numbers due to widespread renewed belief in the value of what they called The Holy Land. They eventually took power and control of the state by force and named it Israe, and in many ways suppressed and opposed the Arabs in the country. This to me is criminal because they had peacefully left and then came back with the express purpose to take over by overpopulation. Many Arabs called this the "Zionist Movement".

There was never a country called Isreal or shown on any atlas until 1947 and UN authorised the birth of the independent Jewish state but not on the scale which it has had since 1967. Israel's continuing occupation of the so called 'Territories' is illegal in international law and the actions of some of its citizens there are an affront to humanity.The world has forgotten the Palestinian people, they view them as animals, meant to be caged, starved and inihilated if they do not obey. How many of the Palestinian suicide bombers were even around before Israel was a state? Almost none of them.
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