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Islam's image: reformation and makeover

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Jul 31, 2009
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Thank you. How Israel came into being etc. is just a small part of the bigger jigsaw. The bigger picture is that there needs to be a sweeping rethink by the Muslim world in order to manage an image makeover amongst the rest of the world. Media management is an important cog, but would lack credibility without a perceptible change in the way the Muslim world re-integrates with the bigger world - both the Christian one as well as the others. And there are hardly any real neutrals here, that is very obvious.

So here is where the very pertinent exchange between you and Vinod on the issue of "open wounds" comes in. And there lies the real big difference between senior statesman world religion of Christianity and the bad boy maverick religion of Islam in the way the world at large sees them. let me explain.

Islam is now an old world religion that is unfortunately not yet matured or grown up. In many pockets of the world even today, it behaves as a brand new infant religion that is in peril, that needs constant re-affirmation and protection, that needs to be actively spread at the risk of dying out, and that is always at war with and suspicious of other faiths and their followers. A religion that is close to a millenia and a half old needs to come across very differently. But it does not. A here lies the reason for the open wounds.

It is in the nature of all wounds to heal with time. For closure one way or the other. Either the wound heals or it suppurates and leads finally to loss of limb or life. Both Christianity and Islam have over centuries inflicted serious wounds upon the world. Upon the lands and people they have conquered in their relentless march towards propagation and consolidation. But over time Christianity has changed. At least on the outside, in its overt missionary zeal, in the larger give and take with other religions and people. The Church has learned to live alongside other houses of faith that it once ravaged and pillaged and destroyed.

Islam has not learned to do so.

Even today, in the modern world where people have moved on as you put it, Islam has not. That is why there is a degree of intolerance and separatism linked with the people and political leadership and clergy of Muslim countries, that is not seen overtly in Christian dominated ones. Hence "the other" world, non-muslim and non-christian, have learned to be more comfortable and accepted and integrated into mainstream Christian dominated society than Muslim. Hence where the wounds inflicted by champions of the cross have slowly healed and the past forgiven, such is not the case for the warriors of the crescent.

The world's perception of Islam will not change by the change in behavior and outlook in pockets of liberated no-radical Islam. Instead, Islam will be judged by its behavior where it is the majority faith with unbridled power, and un-enforceable social responsibility. That is the need of the hour. Everything else will follow.

That raises an interesting question: is the 'other' forgiving of Christianity because it has reformed, or simply because it dominates the world financially, technologically, militarily and culturally?

It's hard to hold a grudge against your banker, your teacher, your policeman or your favorite entertainer.

Judaism has also had a reformation, but Israeli politics is dominated more by hardliners, including ultra-Orthodox fundamentalists. Yet countries, including India, want to do business with them, partly because they have excellent technology and can provide benefits to their partners.

So, while I agree that Islam needs a reformation, for its own good as much as for the rest of the world, I am not sure that it will be enough to garner respect from the world.

China has always been respected, in a nebulous way, for its ancient culture but proper recognition and respect only came recently with its economic might. Same is true, to a lesser degree, about India.
Great, let's hear what ideas people have for this.

I would say that cosmetic changes won't do. And given the history, there will be tremendous opposition to them.

I also think that the separation of Church from the state in the West is real. They may derive their ideology from Christianity but not their politics.

That kind of separation is anathema to Islam where they are one and the same.
Thanks Developereo and Vinod. Promises to be an interesting thread in itself. Promise to contribute tomorrow. Right now am heading home. :)
"I will believe your ideology only if i can see that it help you to grow economically and socially."
This is the general mentality of mankind. You look at most islamic state and you will find chaos all over. Economies are shattered, society is intolerant and heading toward nothing. That gives a negative perception of Islam to people.
Mere reform in Islam wont bring any change in the perception but allround reform in Islam followers will surely do the job.
First of all I want immunity from whatever I speak here. :lol:

First and the most important is that Islam is currently in a phase that Christianity was in Europe during the so-called Dark ages , around the 14th and the 15th centuries when the meddling of the church in the politics and nation running was its peak.

Subsequently with the new discoveries in science and the receding monopoly of the Vatican due to the Reformation of Martin Luther leading to the formation of Protestant-ism, the influence of the Vatican on politics gradually reduced and went back to where it was in the beginning - the confines of the Church.The Industrial Revolution only accelerated this.

Steps that should be taken :
  • So unless the Muslims stop mixing religion in Politics and stop meddling in other countries affairs claiming Ummah this aversion towards Islam will not reduce.
  • Another reason why there is general aversion to Islam is because of its ultra-sensitive nature to any sort of criticism or even perceived criticism.
  • Their almost literal interpretation of a book written almost 15 centuries ago. C'mon , every religion has its book. But no one clings to such a rigorous interpretation of the book in the Twenty First century. Surely there are many parts that are relevant even today and will be forever bu that doesn't mean each and every word is relevant today. Read it, and adapt it to the changing world.
  • The concept of Jihad that has been hijacked of its original meaning for the Terrorists own purposes must be made clear to the world that is just a hijacking of the word;s true meaning for self-serving purposes.
  • Above all if you are new comer into another country live according to that country's rules and not according to the rules of your religion in case both intersect. This non-integration only feeds a cycle of hate whereby the 'Others' hate the Muslims for not integrating and the Muslims hate the 'others' for hating them and thereby refusing to integrate.
Great, let's hear what ideas people have for this.

That raises an interesting question: is the 'other' forgiving of Christianity because it has reformed, or simply because it dominates the world financially, technologically, militarily and culturally?

It's hard to hold a grudge against your banker, your teacher, your policeman or your favorite entertainer.

In my opinion the above highlighted mindset needs to go. Who sees their teacher, banker, or entertainer in the light of religion? Stop looking at everything from a religious point of view. Theres a new religion for which the the rest of the world is fighting for, its called money.

Use your religion to connect to God, not run a country and do politics.
In my opinion the above highlighted mindset needs to go. Who sees their teacher, banker, or entertainer in the light of religion? Stop looking at everything from a religious point of view. Theres a new religion for which the the rest of the world is fighting for, its called money.

Use your religion to connect to God, not run a country and do politics.

I guess you did not understand the context of his post. PLease read it again.
^^^There it goes - Nipped in the bud.

No wonder a phenomenon called Islamophobia is on the rise.
In my opinion the above highlighted mindset needs to go. Who sees their teacher, banker, or entertainer in the light of religion? Stop looking at everything from a religious point of view. Theres a new religion for which the the rest of the world is fighting for, its called money. Use your religion to connect to God, not run a country and do politics.
I think you misunderstand him.
He is just saying that Christain world doesn't get respect bacause of religious reforms only but because they grow economically and technically.
Islam doesnt need a makeover. If people dont like the style and traditions of Muslims, then tough. But we cant change Islamic beliefs for anybody.
Why would Islam care about its 'makeover'? It's the others' problem they can't accept the way, not of the way itself. One day it could be too late for the others!

One those do not vary their pace with others are left alone and secluded.
Why would Islam care about its 'makeover'? It's the others' problem they can't accept the way, not of the way itself. One day it could be too late for the others!

This what p!sses of ppl from other religion..y cant u accept other religions..?the disdain towards ppl from other religion is clear in ur above statement..
No wonder islamphobia is in rise all over the world
I guess you did not understand the context of his post. PLease read it again.

I think you misunderstand him.
He is just saying that Christain world doesn't get respect bacause of religious reforms only but because they grow economically and technically.

No I didn't. I don't agree with that point of view. For instance look at what madrassas have done in Pakistan and compare that to the schools being run in Pakistan or even India by Christians.

Christianity is respected for the reforms and the work it has done in the world.
This what p!sses of ppl from other religion..y cant u accept other religions..?the disdain towards ppl from other religion is clear in ur above statement..
No wonder islamphobia is in rise all over the world

You clearly dislike Muslims. So why are you on this Forum?
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