What ever their goal is, a side effect of singling out a certain people is an increase in discrimination against those, followed by dehumanization and persecution. Of all people you Germans should know the best about how dangerous that is. I don't think you already forgot what happened in your country in the 1930s which began in the small and innocence and ended up with millions dead.
I don't really think you are in a place to criticize muslims since you are not at the receiving end. You are a part of the majority which doesn't suffer from discrimination and persecution.
I am sorry but this bastard guy is a fascist and a racist, his politics and values stems not out of rationalism and reason but instead out of ignorance, racism, ethnocentrism and prejudice. But congratulations to the Dutch, they practiced their democratic right, let's see what this maniac will bring them.
He is not 'singling out' anyone in his policy suggestions.
Here's why Muslim immigrants are in the center of criticism though:
Muslims are the most numerous immigrants (in the Netherlands),
on statistical average they are also the least educated, the ones who burden the social systems the most and the ones who insist on special pleading the most times. That are simply statistical facts, many of them have numerous equivalents collected in other European countries.
Some statistics and surveys even show Muslim immigrants to be more prone to violence and antisemitism on average (These
might be questionable, I have not looked into that in enough depth.)
But even with those factors none of the
measures (although obviously some of the rhetoric) proposed, targets Muslim immigrants specifically (as opposed to other immigrants). The criticism is based on
actual problems, not on trying to scapegoat a minority for general problems like the economy.
Comparing their situation to the Jews in 1930 is cheap and nonsensical and bringing it up adds to the point I raised in the previous post, not undermine it(catchwords victimizing themselves).
You know my generation of Germans has about as much to do with the holocaust as yours from Palestine (they were involved as you might know, if you know your history).
Read: Nothing whatsoever.
That doesn't mean we forgot, quit the opposite, we are reminded during our education numerous times and in gruesome detail, but don't try to shame or silence me by bringing it up...
See other than the Jews in 1930, who were a scapegoat,
some percentage of Muslim immigrants actually forces open European societies via their behavior to become less open. They are the ones making it necessary to lower immigration rates, because some insist to stay in ghettos and some even want to enforce their own laws (and do in some areas of Britain, for example).
You live in Denmark, don't tell me the government (of which a party similar to Wilders is part) is prosecuting you, is it? I'm not saying their isn't skepticism (and even some antagonism) against Muslims in parts of society, yes their is for a number of reasons, but I'm talking about the government here...
And don't invoke exclusivity of criticism doesn't make sense, won't work..
Do you have to be a Neo-Nazi to criticize them? No? There you go...
Also by that logic, you couldn't criticize Christians or Atheists...
P.S. "Muslim" is not a race, so if you want me to talk you seriously at all, refrain from at least that hyperbole..
Also thanks to Aamir Zia for proving my point again, by exclusively looking to blame others for the problems of Muslim societies and the violent extremism of a subset.. and even invoking Palestine, textbook 'false grievance'..