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Islamophobia: A heavily pregnant Muslim woman was brutally attacked in Sydney

Does living in concentration camps equates to living a better life, then why don't you go and live there with them?

Even though the policeman in this video was wrong, he still didn't touch any of the victims and he got sacked for his conduct.

While you are labeling Australia a racist country and i as a Muslim living is defending it. However you guys are forcing abortion on Muslim women
Putting them in concentration camps

Finally if Australia is so racist why is it that the highest number of people visiting Australia are from your country?


tell them to contact me, i will help them leave


You should not argue with him anymore.

When a Chinese does not tolerate other race, it was called xenophobic, when an Australian does not tolerate other race, it was called racism. I know because I am a Chinese from Hong Kong, the mainland people even discriminate against us, calling us cockroaches and we are of the same race lol

My friend works in a shop, and the video was taken from the same video camera. In next two or three days of that robbery, he received the evidences in bank login that these two card numbers of public transport were also charged from his debit card.
I think, if we have to establish everything thing, then lets establish the punishment as well, in this case cutting their hands off. And I am sure they both don't have to present any proofs to police in that case, as they are whites, and Australians are racist religious maniacs.
And that I call failure of justice and law and order situation.

I did not see the video so I cannot comment on it, but talking in a lawyer prospective. There are many legal hurdle to be able to charge that.

Any lawyer can argue the video does not show the process or general legitimacy of the video (the stuff I talk about before) and also, the debit card can be challenge too, defence can claim your friend give them the card willingly, because you cannot use the card without number, so how they would be able to use the card unless your friend give him the number? Also, how to proof your friend is being coerced? I mean I suppose the video does not capture sound?

All these have to be proven in court by the prosecution (not you, the police and the DPP) and the is the weight of the law goes, and unless they can do that, they can't prosecute.

If you want to share the video and I could comment further, but as I said, judging from the face value of what I have heard and know, it's hard to proof a crime on your friend have been committed.
You should not argue with him anymore.

When a Chinese does not tolerate other race, it was called xenophobic, when an Australian does not tolerate other race, it was called racism. I know because I am a Chinese from Hong Kong, the mainland people even discriminate against us, calling us cockroaches and we are of the same race lol

I did not see the video so I cannot comment on it, but talking in a lawyer prospective. There are many legal hurdle to be able to charge that.

Any lawyer can argue the video does not show the process or general legitimacy of the video (the stuff I talk about before) and also, the debit card can be challenge too, defence can claim your friend give them the card willingly, because you cannot use the card without number, so how they would be able to use the card unless your friend give him the number? Also, how to proof your friend is being coerced? I mean I suppose the video does not capture sound?

All these have to be proven in court by the prosecution (not you, the police and the DPP) and the is the weight of the law goes, and unless they can do that, they can't prosecute.

If you want to share the video and I could comment further, but as I said, judging from the face value of what I have heard and know, it's hard to proof a crime on your friend have been committed.
Nice story and fake account. You behave just like those masked protestor , hiding behind an identify and make up an account of your story and spread false opinion. Check out this forumer past posting and you will see how biased his view anything regards to China. Typical American bot behavior.
Westerners don't go around bombing mosques and commercial areas in Muslim countries

So the wars in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mali, etc are all fake news? What about European colonisation?

engaging in molestation of Muslim women

Yes they did, such cases have been documented in the conflicts I just mentioned.

trying to christianize Muslim majority nations

Not our problem that they want to become Muslim, but we don't want to become Christian.
You should not argue with him anymore.

When a Chinese does not tolerate other race, it was called xenophobic, when an Australian does not tolerate other race, it was called racism. I know because I am a Chinese from Hong Kong, the mainland people even discriminate against us, calling us cockroaches and we are of the same race lol

You are not Chinese, never will be. CPC is trying to be merciful with you guys, but we will not.

Even the riot has been extinguished this time, the Mainlanders will start to boycott HK even more, and to ensure the HKers to live with an even more miserable life.
You should not argue with him anymore.

When a Chinese does not tolerate other race, it was called xenophobic, when an Australian does not tolerate other race, it was called racism. I know because I am a Chinese from Hong Kong, the mainland people even discriminate against us, calling us cockroaches and we are of the same race lol

I did not see the video so I cannot comment on it, but talking in a lawyer prospective. There are many legal hurdle to be able to charge that.

Any lawyer can argue the video does not show the process or general legitimacy of the video (the stuff I talk about before) and also, the debit card can be challenge too, defence can claim your friend give them the card willingly, because you cannot use the card without number, so how they would be able to use the card unless your friend give him the number? Also, how to proof your friend is being coerced? I mean I suppose the video does not capture sound?

All these have to be proven in court by the prosecution (not you, the police and the DPP) and the is the weight of the law goes, and unless they can do that, they can't prosecute.

If you want to share the video and I could comment further, but as I said, judging from the face value of what I have heard and know, it's hard to proof a crime on your friend have been committed.

Look at this imposter. Probably another RSS pos.
Nice story and fake account. You behave just like those masked protestor , hiding behind an identify and make up an account of your story and spread false opinion. Check out this forumer past posting and you will see how biased his view anything regards to China. Typical American bot behavior.

He is just a typical HKer, and I don't feel the need for making excuses for those HKers.

Since over 70% of HKers hate the Mainlanders with gut, it is a series of transformation from the condescending attitude toward the jealousy then eventually toward the hatred.

Just read the report from our PLA General.

Look at this imposter. Probably another RSS pos.

We Han Chinese can even rely on Uighurs/Tibetans/Mongols/Manchus and any other non-Han minorities from China.

But never trust any HKer or Taiwanese.

These two groups are by far the most despicable, and they always believe their Han blood can always give them a free pass by betraying China with impunity.

I don't care if my comment here could offend any other HKers or Taiwanese, but that's the reality.

They have no gene from the modern Mainland China or any pride within their heart.
Westerners don't go around bombing mosques and commercial areas in Muslim countries, engaging in molestation of Muslim women, trying to christianize Muslim majority nations.

View attachment 591213

Nah... Western countries Colonized dozens and dozens of countries... killed half their inhabitants/raped/destroyed and went back home with 100% of it's wealth... Then the Westerner came back few decades later... and Killed Few million Muslims in ME and to this day...stealing their wealth...
As I said before...
Keep your Sh*tty morality in your pocket...

But Westerners do not blah blah blah blah.... Beta gen at his best...
Get your Muslim/Islam hate elsewhere...
A heavily pregnant Muslim woman was brutally attacked, repeatedly punched and stomped in the head by a man in a #Sydney cafe. The Police say the attacker was screaming anti-#Islam slurs at the women who were all wearing head scarves.

There are also people from same place who jumped to save that women.......He may be have some mental issues.....see how people around her save her from this psycho beast....

Try to be optimistic ... sometimes.......

Humanity never dies.......

Bravo...hats of to the people of Sydney who save this women from maniac.....

He is just a typical HKer, and I don't feel the need for making excuses for those HKers.

Since over 70% of HKers hate the Mainlanders with gut, it is a series of transformation from the condescending attitude toward the jealousy then eventually toward the hatred.

Just read the report from our PLA General.

We Han Chinese can even rely on Uighurs/Tibetans/Mongols/Manchus and any other non-Han minorities from China.

But never trust any HKer or Taiwanese.

These two groups are by far the most despicable, and they always believe their Han blood can always give them a free pass by betraying China with impunity.

I don't care if my comment here could offend any other HKers or Taiwanese, but that's the reality.

They have no gene from the modern Mainland China or any pride within their heart.

Thanks for educating me on this.
Thanks for educating me on this.

Yep, the most traitorous groups are HKers and Taiwanese.

Although they were descended from the Han Chinese, but I don't consider them as proper Chinese right now.

I won't have any shame to admit our family feud, especially you got several traitorous members from your own family.
Westerners don't go around bombing mosques and commercial areas in Muslim countries, engaging in molestation of Muslim women, trying to christianize Muslim majority nations.

View attachment 591213
I can clearly see your hate against Muslim population in the west.
I thought you said you are a Buddhist. Anyway here goes your dose.

-Westerners are lambs according to you plz help me understand who became an uninvited guest and enslaved Indian subcontinent for 150 years?

- Who was running the missionaries in this subcontinent and converting muslims and Hindus to christianity in that period and even after that sending missionaries in this region?

- Who are the people taking advantage of the poor, crippled and war torn people of Afghanistan and almost forcing them to convert to christianity by providing them with some bread.

-Who are the people who have written sixty thousand books against my beloved prophet since 1860?

- How many books do you find muslims have written against jesus or even against buddha?

Westerners always behave like some little girl who was treated unjustly. Crybabies. They always have the same strategy, provoke us and then cry.

Plz do some homework before making statements here.

As I said before if the westerners don't want muslims in their countries why don't they try to ban us in any one of their country. I openly dare the world to try it. Plz
I can clearly see your hate against Muslim population in the west.
I thought you said you are a Buddhist. Anyway here goes your dose.

-Westerners are lambs according to you plz help me understand who became an uninvited guest and enslaved Indian subcontinent for 150 years?

- Who was running the missionaries in this subcontinent and converting muslims and Hindus to christianity in that period and even after that sending missionaries in this region?

- Who are the people taking advantage of the poor, crippled and war torn people of Afghanistan and almost forcing them to convert to christianity by providing them with some bread.

-Who are the people who have written sixty thousand books against my beloved prophet since 1860?

- How many books do you find muslims have written against jesus or even against buddha?

Westerners always behave like some little girl who was treated unjustly. Crybabies. They always have the same strategy, provoke us and then cry.

Plz do some homework before making statements here.

As I said before if the westerners don't want muslims in their countries why don't they try to ban us in any one of their country. I openly dare the world to try it. Plz

The Buddhist guy is an Indian.
The Buddhist guy is an Indian.
That's why I am surprised that this Buddhist is having so much stomach crunches and standing by the side of these westerners.
I am sure this love for the westerners and hate for the muslims have something to do with that enslavement period of the subcontinent. After all genes play their part even after generations. [emoji6]
Nice story and fake account. You behave just like those masked protestor , hiding behind an identify and make up an account of your story and spread false opinion. Check out this forumer past posting and you will see how biased his view anything regards to China. Typical American bot behavior.

So, you are saying this does not happens?

Nobody from China is calling Hong Konger "Cockroaches?" My bad, I must be seeing things 2 weeks ago when I was back in Hong Kong.

You are not Chinese, never will be. CPC is trying to be merciful with you guys, but we will not.

Even the riot has been extinguished this time, the Mainlanders will start to boycott HK even more, and to ensure the HKers to live with an even more miserable life.

For the ten hundred time, I am NOT a Chinese in a way these people here used. I am a Hong Konger. I never, past, present, and future would identity myself as a Chinese with the like of you. I prefer we have different statistic from your guys in term of general attribute at international level.

I honestly don't care what you think you would do, nor what you think the Chinese government would do. Because.

1.) You are not representing either Hong Kong or Chinese Government.
2.) You are a Canadian. You can't even use the word "we" in a sentence that relate you and China, you don't live there anymore.
I do not know about mix , i know they love black and asians not south asians (brown) in Canada as well as Australia , my question is again do they like Brown guys ?

There is no brown guy in this pic either lol
Most white Canadian girls like Punjabi Jatt guys. I've seen stormfront canada guys mad at blue jays games seeing Punjabi Jatt guys with white females. Seems like you just don't have game. Also bunches of those Iraqis and Afghans are brown. These are average Afghans

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