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Islamists impose sharia law in Timbuktu; 95 percent of Christians flee...

1. This "midival law" is actually the base of modern western law.
2. Why do you people think you have a right to tell us what to do?
We don't go around forcing you to stop eating pork or drink Alcohol.
3. If Muslims chose to enact Sharia, we have every right in the world to do it.
Problems only arises when people force their ideals onto others, much like you guys are doing now.

But really, not a single one of you could tell me anything about Sharia out side of the stereotype, so really this "discussion" is just people voicing their bigotry.
Rusty dear have you lost it, we all know when Taliban introduced sharia in Afghanistan what happend.
Sharia is an midivial law which has no place in modern society.
only one solution for better earth. ppl Revert back to original religions (hindu, jew, pagan, and parsi).
Trying to measure the hatred for islam by hindus......

Access denied, value is too big to show. :angel:
Dear sir if you mix religion with politics it has dangerous consequence, why do you think there is so much sectarian violence in Pakistan among Shia, Sunnis and Ahmadiyas.

Haven't the Ahmadiya's have been declared non Muslims by Pakistani constitution, a time will come when the majority Sunni's in Pakistan will declare Shias also as non Muslims just because they do not Interpret Islam in the same manner as they do.

Dear sir religion has no place in politics laws like sharia are a danger to Islam and humanity as a whole.

only one solution for better earth. ppl Revert back to original religions (hindu, jew, pagan, and parsi).
I have even better solution lets all of as become atheist or agonist no body will say my religion is better than yours peace at last, religion for me is figment of human imagination which has only divided man and brought suffering to the innocent's.
He's saying kill all the Muslim Kashmiris before they rebel even more against Shining India. Also, that will make Kashmir non-Muslim majority, in which case then India will force the UN to hold a referendum so that it can quickly ceede the whole region to itself. Simple, but clever plan :rolleyes:

Thanks for the input but the Q was directed to someone else.

Brilliant plan suggested completely out of context.
Personally I am for Sharia Law for Muslims in India, so that we can behead scums like Ajmal Kasab,Afzal Guru etc at public squares
Islamic law is light years ahead of
Indian Law.
:) lol indian laws can be modified to suit changing needs.

¤We don't throw people in Jail for
simply eating beef.
> Now bring my roasted pork :)

And Islamic law doesn't give cows
more rights then humans. Or allow the discrimination of
> Yeah... Only overtax them , make them feel 2nd grade citizen 24/7 and kill them softly on charges of blasphemy .

ps: all religion are good in their own way as long as they r kept away 4m politics and power.
O chal oye, take a hike :lol: Sharia doesn't necessarily mean bad things :woot:

Yeah we can see that wherever Sharia has even been proposed. Don't know about you guys, but non-Muslims have to suffer a lot under it. Besides, all these countries are not 100% Muslims to have it imposed. Don't see why non-Muslims have to adjust to Sharia being imposed on them.

Personally I am for Sharia Law for Muslims in India, so that we can behead scums like Ajmal Kasab,Afzal Guru etc at public squares

Sharia consists of two parts, mate. It is more trouble for non-Muslims. India is a non-Islamic country and will remain so. People here have to adjust to common CIVIL law observing respect to the ancient Dharmic cultures and traditions of the nation. Sharia is a no-no here.
You should understand that not only hindus, but everyone outside islam religion, even those moderate muslims within islam religion are afraid of those radicalization of islam by sharia this or halifa that...

Trying to measure the hatred for islam by hindus......

Access denied, value is too big to show. :angel:
Let the dust settle before making long tales.

Shariah is already tolerated in Saudi Arabia by the United States, so that alone is no excuse for alarmism.
Personally I am for Sharia Law for Muslims in India, so that we can behead scums like Ajmal Kasab,Afzal Guru etc at public squares

don't get emotional my brother. the chance of misuse of such law is high. we have seen mny example where it is misused by fanatics.
You should understand that not only hindus, but everyone outside islam religion, even those moderate muslims within islam religion are afraid of those radicalization of islam by sharia this or halifa that...

Do not mix islamic sharia with taliban sharia they are two different things.
Better sharia than forced HINDUTVA Philosophy rammed down my throat.

Who is ramming Hindutva down your throat ?..And no in Hindutva they dont cut hands in case someone steals a loaf of bread or stone them to death if they commit adultery. Actually can you explain what is Hindutva..what are its rules and regulations etc..would be interesting to know.
Well, how many muslims including those so-called scholars have openly criticized talibans and indicated they are not muslims???

Do not mix islamic sharia with taliban sharia they are two different things.
Those who are talking about sharia here knows nothing about real sharia. What they know is fox news sharia and taliban sharia.
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