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Islam is a religion of peace not terrorism : Zardari

Probaly Islam is the only religion in the world about who repeated assertion has to be made to say that " Its is a religion of peace not terrorism" .
wtf are you talking. Your country has one of the worst sex ratios in the world. Just because you don't face with your problems, it doesn't make you better. You you even check your county's state before posting your usual nonsense? You guys are decades behind India in empowering your women.


Not bad at all.
You look straight in the eye, and lie.
You have the potential to be a successful used car salesman.
wtf are you talking. Your country has one of the worst sex ratios in the world. Just because you don't face with your problems, it doesn't make you better. You you even check your county's state before posting your usual nonsense? You guys are decades behind India in empowering your women.

Buddy, that figure is not the over all sex ratio. Thats the sex ratio for people 65 and over(which just means that woman in Bangladesh have lower life expectancy than men, as compared to India). India's overall male/female sex ratio is higher than that of Bangladesh.

However its not as bad as the sex ratios is Arabc countries. Hopefully this trend for India will reverse soon.


at birth: 1.04 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.01 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 0.89 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.93 male(s)/female
total population: 0.93 male(s)/female (2011 est.)


at birth: 1.12 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.13 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1.07 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.91 male(s)/female
total population: 1.08 male(s)/female (2011 est.)
I am personally not religious. However it is important to set the records straight. Which is what I am doing at 2:34 am. :whistle:
The problem is all other religion are getting decline except Islam which create fear in minds of many non Muslim or non religious peoples and they always try to come up with propaganda against Islam to create negative impression of Islam in minds of peoples by using terrorism as a tools. According to English our freedom fighters were also terrorist. Bghat Singh is consider hero of India while for british he was terrorist. For isreali Hamas is terrorist but for palestinians they are freedom fighter. Kasmiri militants are terrorist for Indian but for local kasmiri all their struggle is for freedom.
when Muslim extremists kill someone than its called terrorism, when american forces kill 65,000 innocents than its war?

why did nato kill 30,000 tribal Pakistanis who were innocents.

all religions have extremists but media shows Islam as villain, screw western media
The Truth Is Israeli Jews And Christians & Above All America Is The Real Terrorist. they only knw to accusing us & nothing.shame america,same jews
Islam is deen. Code and conduct of life. How u will run a govt. in quran it is written, How u will do business that is also written. So by the name of moderate muslim, They are just trying to demotivate islam and muslims. As now they are new crusader.
when Muslim extremists kill someone than its called terrorism, when american forces kill 65,000 innocents than its war?

why did nato kill 30,000 tribal Pakistanis who were innocents.

all religions have extremists but media shows Islam as villain, screw western media

The world differentiates between targetting known pure civilian targets which is illegal,
and targetting military objectives, which could result in civilian casualties.
There is NO special protection for innocent civilians in International Law, and killing them
is not neccessarily a crime (but it may be).

The difference between Muslim terrorists and soldiers following the Geneva Convention
is that the former are criminals and the latter are not.

Pakistan has signed the Geneva Convention, and if Pakistan wants to change
the convention, the proper procedure is to adress it there, instead of whining on Forums.
Muslims often complain of "misconceptions" about their religion in the West. We took a hard look, and found that the most prevalent myths of Islam are the ones held by Muslims and Western apologists.

The only exception may be the misconception that all Muslims are alike (they aren't, of course), but many Muslims apparently believe this too, which is why there are various factions insisting that they are true Muslims, while those who disagree with them are either infidels, hijackers, or hypocrites.

Don't be fooled! Hear the myths, but know the truth.

Islam Means 'Peace'- Inner and outer

Islam respects Women as Equals- What 1400 years ago Prophet (PBHU) shown us, Now it is western administrative org. In the ear of 2016.

Jihad Means 'Inner Struggle'-

Jihad means Outer Struggle. ( If there is no islamic state, In that case that Jihad is not applicable. )

Islam is a Religion of Peace-

Islam is Tolerant of Other Religions

Islam Facilitated a 'Golden Age' of Scientific Discovery

Islam is Opposed to Slavery

Islam is Incompatible with Terrorism

Islam is not a Democracy.

The Quran is the Muslim Counterpart to the Bible
Islam is inherently peaceful, but it is being hijacked by certain people to achieve their geopolitical, strategic objectives. The rising Islamic extremism in the world is troubling though, because it means that people are falling right into the ploys of those that want to exploit & tarnish the image of Islam.

It is said that 95% of the BMW drivers give the rest a bad reputation.
American Christianity is true form of religious terror and bane of evil. KKK ring any bells?
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