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Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

The thing is you guys are not very friendly with China and Pakistan. As long as your animosity exists and you behave like a "client/satellite" to the West i don't think you will be included.

Oh and who exactly is NATO ally?? I want a reply on this one..
I simply tell the truth. If you do not want to hear the truth, that is only your problem.

You are entitled to your opinions. It shows the level of perception you have about the world around you. Hope a majority of Chinese are not like you, that will be a disaster for China.
Beware of mullah , tommorrow they will say this is our country go out , we ruled 1000 years , so go out...Think it ... :) :pop:
[It does not matter to him, devoid of any knowledge of current affairs or recent history that he is, that Buddhists can also be savage and beastly when they can do that without retribution. Ask the Jaffna Tamils.]

And? when I have say Buddhist have never make a war ? (very little compared to Christianity)
Look in my commentaries.


[The Taiping Rebellion? The rebels are now supposed to be Christian, just because their leader declared that he was the brother of Jesus Christ? So any bunch of sectarian fanatics in China can declare themselves anything, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jew, Pastafarian, anything, and their lunatic acts are then the fault of whichever unhappy religion they have affilited themselves?]

Why you speak Taiping Rebellion? you don't know nothing about this subject.
buddhist kill buddhist and pagoda/temple buddhist-Taoist-confucianst ? you are seriously ridiculous. ( example : Porcelain Tower of Nanjing )
Hinduism, Sikh, Jew, Pastafarian,... was practically non-existent in China.
it's why all people was ok to create a christian state based on bible ( seriously ridiculous )
Don't speak a subject you don't know ok ? pathetic
a little research before speaking.


[What next? Is the Cargo Cult in the south Pacific to be the fault of McDonnell Douglas?]

sentence no interest


[Our budding genius elsewhere finds loathing for Christianity in the acts of Christians in Hong Kong praying for democracy]

you will immediately read back the commentaries of my link.
or you don't understand the sentences I have shown or you don't have don't click on the link and read my comments ( you have made pitiful deduction based on the link title and my hatred against christianism ).


[It seems that the wunderkind likes the totalitarian ways of the CPC]

Totalitarian = bad , CPC = bad lol
for me democracy = Bad conclusion population = stupid lol

Yes, I know a stupid deduction like you

read my commentaries in my link before to speak
make the selection that fits in your intellectual self-pride is really is very representative of you.
Big difference between a government who make a good job ( you want I show you why I support the CPC? no sorry it's not for ideology ) and a stupid government who don't make a good job.
sorry I'm not sadistic like you .


[dear readers, here we have the last of the Maoists]

You want to know my ideology ? and no, it's not maoism

-Xenophobia (mainly western people ( not all ))
-conservatism (against werstern country, I have nothing against India cultural or others (for the time being))

A big different between my ideology and maoism ( if you have read but I don't think )
yet your stupid deduction. Don't speak when you don't know the ideology a person .

Pro-CPC = maoism
great deduction on your part.
Look China today and say me if it' maoism
Poor ignorant

CPC is based on 80 millions members.
80 millions people is communist ideology? (great deduction) and no I don't think 80 millions have the same ideology.
there are maoism, liberalism, conservatism, nationalism,....
certain people is in communist party for to have a better life or for others reasons.


[True, Nor the history of any other religion. Already pointed out, but our boy genius does not notice. He is too busy for facts; he wants not to be mocked]

Give lesson yourselft before give to others


Me:[mainly the American Christian tries to convert the poor of our country I can not bear this technical Disgusting.
he takes advantage of their ignorance and their weakness for convertires]

You :[One solution might be to eliminate the poor. Another might be to preach Buddhism, or whatever religion grips the young genius, in the US. It seems singularly futile to resent someone's actions without having the gumption to do something about it]

My answer :

Oh , yes became chrstian = eliminate the poor ( or same religion = eliminate the poor )
You are seriously despairing

definition of poor = According to the most common use, poverty characterizes the situation of an individual who lacks the resources deemed sufficient to live with dignity in a society and its context. Inadequacy of material resources affecting the food, access to clean water, clothing, housing, or living conditions in general. But also inadequacy of intangible resources such as access to education, the pursuit of a rewarding activity, respect received from other citizens, or personal development.

Understand ?

Other deduction many countries in africa and América Latina with christian religion is poor

Example : América Latina : Bolivia, Ecuador, Haití, Honduras, ...
Africa : Republic of the Congo, Angola, Tanzania, Zambia,...
europe : Ukraine, serbia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria .....

Your sentence makes no sense

[So everyone understood him to be a bigot]

Yes, you


[Given the total lack of substance in the author, what else is expected]

Like many your posts.


[On the contrary, my attitude represents a mastery of the facts]

you don't have prove that you mastered the subject (you have nothing presented in any case)
your attitude represent you had simply nothing to say on the subject ( I guess “ ignorance” again )

But me example why I hate content of the Bible

-Deuteronomy 22:20-24 ( stoning )
- 1 Corinthiens chapter 11 (veiled woman)

*Stoning for rape Sabbath, Guiard des Moulins, Bible historiale, Paris, fourteenth century

*Stoning of St. Etienne
Gabriel-Jules Thomas, 1863
Bezel of the portal of Saint-Etienne-du-Mont in Paris

But there are others…

I know the origin. (Paul tarse)
who can to be make in connection with Abrahamic religion ( Islam , Christianism , jew )
Old testament


[facts which rarely make an appearance in the noisy but purposeless comments made by those I contradict].

yes for hide your ignorance


[Stupidity is saying over and over again that you are offended, without correcting your original statements. Already said before]

Look yourselft, before say to others because you are so ridiculous, to speak Taiping Rebelion with many fault.
it's just really representative


[Who cares either way? Not I!]

It’s good for you


[But I am far from reassured, while some dimwits are still running around loose.]

Yes, you especially


[How would an absolute stranger, an illiterate to boot, know this?]
Again my english…. pathetic attack, someone who refuses to put the conversation in French.
And yes, I have refused attack you in chinese my mother tongue.
And after we say me I should respect …


[Lack of substance in someone else's posts is not my problem. I find those quite vapid, empty.]

Like many your posts


[This is a phrase repeated from another thread. It is interesting to note that you are as devoid of substance there as well.]

You understand what do you say ? you understand the definition of substance ? (you use excessively “ substance”)
Substance : essential in a discourse

Sorry it’s not devoid of substance in other thread and here too.

[How difficult is it to understand that we are each responsible for our own content, or lack of it? Whether I wish to make my posts strong, or prefer to keep them weak, is not something where I need guidance from another person.]

no interest


[Why not the language of the forum, English? If you cannot handle it, why did you come here?]

Sorry but .. where there are write the official language use in the forum is english ?
You can search in regulation of forum ?

If, many people speak English here it’s just for a better communication between members because English language is an international language .
it was to designate as the language of every people to learn with their mother tongue.
it's just to have possibilty communicate between nations.

but never there is write in the forum English language is obligatory ! stupid.
You speak with your mother tongue English and maybe hindus.
for me! my mother tongue is Chinese ( mandarin ).
I can speak correctly French , moderately spannish and a little English.

so to be equal I have proposed speak an another language like french !
But you fled like a coward and by your impossibility to speak another foreign language.

You try by all means that our conversation is in English while degrading on my english .
it's dishonest, insulting and derogatory
you are just for me pitiful .


[Have you counted how often you say "I guess..." or "assumption"? Why, when you know so little, do you allow yourself the luxury of guessing and assuming]

Oh , sorry I’m not a forecaster, I don’t know what do you think , I'm not like you with your stupid affirmation.
it’s avoid to be dishonest with me ( or others who read .)
I not saying things I don’t can confirm. ( not like you )
There are a different between realistic and an arrogant like you .


[What rubbish! These are the grounds for your hatred of Christianity? ]

read again


[Thank you for your advice. How very thoughtful of you! As it happens, I had no desire or intention to befriend any and every random poster on the Internet, so you may be quite at peace. I had no illusion that you were my friend.
The tone I use is appropriate to the person I use it with.]

you're welcome

[I couldn't care less.]

no interest


[Do you have anything to say, or do you spend all your time bursting with rage at being ignored?]

My commentaries is not ( in majority ) representative of my emotions .


[Stoning was not a Christian punishment. It was a Jewish punishment, and is an Islamic punishment.]
Read back in the top

=> [On the contrary, my attitude represents a mastery of the facts]

===> Deuteronomy 22:20-24 <===

&#8220;My attitude represents a mastery of the facts&#8221;
&#8220;&#8230;Represent a mastery&#8230; &#8220;
Lol ????


[You understand nothing. I am not a Christian. I am a scholar. And you are in no position to assess my knowledge of the Bible. Whether you doubt my word on that or not is a matter of the most indifference to me.]

Ok you are not a christian confirmation stupid on my part
not need to answer for the rest


[You will get that attention once you start speaking sense.]

Who first did come to speak ( aggressively based on an ironic disdainful i guess ? ) with me ?

Ps : I have a problem with "Reply with quote"
[It does not matter to him, devoid of any knowledge of current affairs or recent history that he is, that Buddhists can also be savage and beastly when they can do that without retribution. Ask the Jaffna Tamils.]

And? when I have say Buddhist have never make a war ? (very little compared to Christianity)
Look in my commentaries.

I looked in your commentaries, and this is what you wrote:

I hope because if we look South Korea it's a coexistence with a lot of conflict christian attack buddhist people
Original Post By Yunsong

There was no mention of the attacks by Buddhists on others. Is that not a blunt accusation that only the Christians are aggressive, and nobody else? Or is there a paragraph in invisible ink stating that Buddhists also attacked others? Buddhist Mongols on Han Chinese, for instance?

and remember you Taiping Rebelion who massacred Chinese culture kill/burn buddhist , taoist , confucianist people/Temple-Pagoda ( mainly buddhist )

[The Taiping Rebellion? The rebels are now supposed to be Christian, just because their leader declared that he was the brother of Jesus Christ? So any bunch of sectarian fanatics in China can declare themselves anything, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jew, Pastafarian, anything, and their lunatic acts are then the fault of whichever unhappy religion they have affilited themselves?]

Why you speak Taiping Rebellion? you don't know nothing about this subject.
buddhist kill buddhist and pagoda/temple buddhist-Taoist-confucianst ? you are seriously ridiculous. ( example : Porcelain Tower of Nanjing )

Are you in any position to judge who knows how much? Are you even in a position to defend your own learning And knowledge first? Do YOU have any idea about the lunatics who led the Taiping Rebellion, lunatics whom you choose to define as Christians? Do you know who constituted the rebels, whether they were exclusively Christian or not?

Hinduism, Sikh, Jew, Pastafarian,... was practically non-existent in China.

Only a complete fool would fail to recognize that this was sarcasm. Only that category of complete fool that thinks that Pastafarian is a religion.

it's why all people was ok to create a christian state based on bible ( seriously ridiculous )
Don't speak a subject you don't know ok ? pathetic
a little research before speaking.

From the evidence so far, where you have provided nothing by way of fact, but depend heavily on denying everything that others say, with no backing or logical support. Your main argument is to call everything you don't understand, or everything you cannot contradict, 'pathetic'. That does not serve as an argument; it merely conveys an impression that you are helpless and can find nothing worthwhile to say.

FACT: the leader of the Taiping Rebellion knew nothing about Christianity, and WAS NOT a Christian. He was given a missionary tract after a fever attack, studied it, and immediately decided that he was the brother of Jesus Christ. That does not constitute Christianity, it constitutes lunacy.

FACT: Both Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon, but especially the latter, were staunch Christians. The Taiping Rebellion was not Christian against the others, it was a band of organised terrorists against the government of the time, and Christian Europeans and Americans contributed most of the effort to vanquish it.

FACT: there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible, as you so blithely claim. What your professors in philosophy and history may have failed to share with you, or what perhaps they did share with you, but you failed to pick up, was that Jesus clearly mentioned that the realm of Christianity was not in this world, but the next. His precise teaching on this was,"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.

None of your facts hold water. Your writings dissolve into a mass of prejudice and bigotry, of a particularly uninformed variety.

[What next? Is the Cargo Cult in the south Pacific to be the fault of McDonnell Douglas?]

sentence no interest

Is it a coincidence that whenever you cannot answer, you declare that the sentence is of no interest?

FACT: the Cargo Cult was a primitive cult in the Pacific Islands. Cargo cult activity in the Pacific region increased significantly during and immediately after World War II, when the residents of these regions observed the Japanese and American combatants bringing in large amounts of material. When the war ended, the military bases closed and the flow of goods and materials ceased. In an attempt to attract further deliveries of goods, followers of the cults engaged in ritualistic practices such as building crude imitation landing strips, aircraft and radio equipment, and mimicking the behavior that they had observed of the military personnel operating them. Obviously, neither the soldiers, civilian personnel nor the machines - airplanes, ships, land vehicles - had any role in bringing the islanders cargo, nor in giving them cargo, irrespective of what the islanders thought.

Precisely in the same manner, Hong Xiuquan fell ill after many attempts at passing the competitive examinations, read a Christian missionary tract, and declared that he was the brother of Jesus Christ!

SUBSTANCE: If a person claims to be a Muslim and declares himself to be a prophet, after Muhammad, do we call him a Muslim? And do we ascribe crimes committed to him to the Muslim community or to the Muslim faith?


[Our budding genius elsewhere finds loathing for Christianity in the acts of Christians in Hong Kong praying for democracy]

you will immediately read back the commentaries of my link.
or you don't understand the sentences I have shown or you don't have don't click on the link and read my comments ( you have made pitiful deduction based on the link title and my hatred against christianism ).

Do we really need to bother?

More....after I return.
[I looked in your commentaries, and this is what you wrote:]
==>[I hope because if we look South Korea it's a coexistence with a lot of conflict christian attack buddhist people]

My sentence says no way that the Buddhists is good or no.
He confirmed just christian is violent. (mainly people that respects the precepts of the Bible conclusion the true practicing )
read again


[There was no mention of the attacks by Buddhists on others. Is that not a blunt accusation that only the Christians are aggressive, and nobody else? Or is there a paragraph in invisible ink stating that Buddhists also attacked others? Buddhist Mongols on Han Chinese, for instance?]

First, you should see the arrival of Buddhism in Mongolia because if you made &#8203;&#8203;reference to invasion by Mongolia in the 13th century on the song dynasty ,the Mongols was shamanism.
There are a big different between a person attack on a person for the religion and a person who attack on a person for human reasons ( emotion, social problem, political .....).


[Are you in any position to judge who knows how much? Are you even in a position to defend your own learning And knowledge first? Do YOU have any idea about the lunatics who led the Taiping Rebellion, lunatics whom you choose to define as Christians? Do you know who constituted the rebels, whether they were exclusively Christian or not?]

Taiping rebellion can to be make in connection with state " Taiping Heavenly Kingdom "

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom : -Capital : Nanjing
-Religion : God Worshippers ( christianism) and the others religion is banned
-Government : Heterodox Christian Theocracy & Absolute Monarchy
-Heavenly King : Hong Xiuquan
Hong Tianguifu
-King : Feng Yunshan
Yang Xiuqing
Xiao Chaogui
Wei Changhui
Shi Dakai

used in first time by western people against Qing Dyansty and next western people support Qing Dynasty against Taiping Rebellion. (for many reason, go read now ).

reform the state with christianism religion (only) based on the bible like laws

avoids speaking a country you don't know (its history or actuality) or without take even a minimum information.


[Only a complete fool would fail to recognize that this was sarcasm. Only that category of complete fool that thinks that Pastafarian is a religion.]

Only an idiot like you, don't understand same Pastafarian is a religion.

seriously, open a "Dictionary" seach "Religion" ( even internet, if you are lazy ).


[From the evidence so far, where you have provided nothing by way of fact, but depend heavily on denying everything that others say, with no backing or logical support. Your main argument is to call everything you don't understand, or everything you cannot contradict, 'pathetic'. That does not serve as an argument; it merely conveys an impression that you are helpless and can find nothing worthwhile to say.]

Because it's true.
Previous comments is representant , you speak really many with no argument ( a little but really pathetic ), you don't know your words, you speak a subjects you don't know (the worst, you continued ) like the bible with stoning, arrogance, attack pitiful against my english but when I have proposed to speak an other language than your mother tongue you flee and try to find a justification to speak in english, you attack me first, you lie, stupid affirmation, ....

my vision on you is a combination of a pathetic and pitiful person. ( to protect his pride in my deduction )

for someone who attribut the title "scholar" I'm extremly disappointed with the informations quality of your comments


[FACT: the leader of the Taiping Rebellion knew nothing about Christianity, and WAS NOT a Christian. He was given a missionary tract after a fever attack, studied it, and immediately decided that he was the brother of Jesus Christ. That does not constitute Christianity, it constitutes lunacy.]

read again "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom"


[FACT: Both Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon, but especially the latter, were staunch Christians. The Taiping Rebellion was not Christian against the others, it was a band of organised terrorists against the government of the time, and Christian Europeans and Americans contributed most of the effort to vanquish it.]

In a first time western people ( France and england mainly ) supported Taiping Rebellion because we were in war against France and England ( Second Opium War ).
And second time France and England support Qing dynasty because "Taiping Rebellion" was against the interests western people in China because the chinese christian Rebellion attacked the interests western countries in China.( i have nothing against that but it's the destruction cultural by christian who are a really problem )

Read again 4 points of British decision.
Read a book "il'y a un siècle la Chine" edition OUEST-FRANCE by Pierre de la Robertie and Christian le Corre
Or internet ( lazy like you )

Both Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon have fight with China (Qing dynasty ) to protect the interest of their country.


[FACT: there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible, as you so blithely claim. What your professors in philosophy and history may have failed to share with you, or what perhaps they did share with you, but you failed to pick up, was that Jesus clearly mentioned that the realm of Christianity was not in this world, but the next. His precise teaching on this was,"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.]

[ there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible]

I have say "he want ( Hong Xiuquan ) to creat a christian state ( chinese people become christian ) + based on the bible ( laws )"
Understand ? read again my commentaries.
I have never say in the bible "there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible" (because I don't know, I have never read that in the Bible ( it's normal I have no read all )).
but Vatican state is really representant, Bible or no Bible Vatican is a christian state.


[None of your facts hold water. Your writings dissolve into a mass of prejudice and bigotry, of a particularly uninformed variety.


This is particulary your image.
for now, anyone can check my arguments in a book or on internet ( i think we know who are the true ignorant )


[Is it a coincidence that whenever you cannot answer, you declare that the sentence is of no interest?]

I say "no interest" why ? hum
a previous sentence that justify the fact that I have no need to justify on a other sentence
Or maybe i don't see the connection !


[Is it a coincidence that whenever you cannot answer, you declare that the sentence is of no interest?

FACT: the Cargo Cult was a primitive cult in the Pacific Islands. Cargo cult activity in the Pacific region increased significantly during and immediately after World War II, when the residents of these regions observed the Japanese and American combatants bringing in large amounts of material. When the war ended, the military bases closed and the flow of goods and materials ceased. In an attempt to attract further deliveries of goods, followers of the cults engaged in ritualistic practices such as building crude imitation landing strips, aircraft and radio equipment, and mimicking the behavior that they had observed of the military personnel operating them. Obviously, neither the soldiers, civilian personnel nor the machines - airplanes, ships, land vehicles - had any role in bringing the islanders cargo, nor in giving them cargo, irrespective of what the islanders thought.

Precisely in the same manner, Hong Xiuquan fell ill after many attempts at passing the competitive examinations, read a Christian missionary tract, and declared that he was the brother of Jesus Christ!]

I see what do you want say same if you explain really not good.


[SUBSTANCE: If a person claims to be a Muslim and declares himself to be a prophet, after Muhammad, do we call him a Muslim? And do we ascribe crimes committed to him to the Muslim community or to the Muslim faith?]

if it's a stranger who is deliberately pretends to be muslim just for destroy Muslim image ? no

If , it's a muslim who think he is really muslim, he is not tolerant with others religions ( yes imagine muslim is tolerant same if it's wrong (excepting christianism and I don't remember for jew)) and the others muslim say nothing they are accomplice.
But if a muslim is violent because he respect the coran for me it's to be muslim same if people say sorry .

It's like Taiping Rebellion the leader and people was christian ( majority ) and intolerant against others religion sorry it's to be christian because the christianism ( bible ) is not tolerate another religion .


You:[Our budding genius elsewhere finds loathing for Christianity in the acts of Christians in Hong Kong praying for democracy]

Me: [you will immediately read back the commentaries of my link.
or you don't understand the sentences I have shown or you don't have don't click on the link and read my comments ( you have made pitiful deduction based on the link title and my hatred against christianism ).]

you :[Do we really need to bother?

More....after I return.]

yet an answer pitiful, who show impossibility answer correctly toward me .
[I looked in your commentaries, and this is what you wrote:]
==>[I hope because if we look South Korea it's a coexistence with a lot of conflict christian attack buddhist people]

My sentence says no way that the Buddhists is good or no.
He confirmed just christian is violent. (mainly people that respects the precepts of the Bible conclusion the true practicing )
read again

"Just that Christian is violent" - that was the point. Proving that followers of one religion were violent on one occasion is meaningless, without simultaneously proving that others, especially for instance those against whom violence was committed, were not violent in other places on other occasions.
[There was no mention of the attacks by Buddhists on others. Is that not a blunt accusation that only the Christians are aggressive, and nobody else? Or is there a paragraph in invisible ink stating that Buddhists also attacked others? Buddhist Mongols on Han Chinese, for instance?]

First, you should see the arrival of Buddhism in Mongolia because if you made &#8203;&#8203;reference to invasion by Mongolia in the 13th century on the song dynasty ,the Mongols was shamanism.
There are a big different between a person attack on a person for the religion and a person who attack on a person for human reasons ( emotion, social problem, political .....).

Some more FACTS:

FACT: The original religion of the Mongols from the time of the Donghu was Tengriism. The Xianbei came in contact with Confucianism and Daoism but eventually adopted Buddhism. In the 5th century the Buddhist monk Dharmapriya was proclaimed State Teacher of the Rouran Khaganate and given 3000 families. In 511 the Rouran Douluofubadoufa Khan sent Hong Xuan to the Tuoba court with a pearl-encrusted statue of the Buddha as a gift. The Tuoba Xianbei and Khitans were mostly Buddhists, although they still retained their original Tengriism.

FACT: Genghis Khan's personal belief system was codified and elaborated into a post-Shamanic religion, long after Buddhism had become central to the Mongols.

Genghis Khan usually fasted, prayed and meditated on this mountain before his campaigns. As a young man he had thanked the mountain for saving his life and prayed at the foot of the mountain sprinkling offerings and bowing nine times to the east with his belt around his neck and his hat held at his chest....Later the imperial cult of Genghis Khan (centered on the eight white gers and nine white banners in Ordos) grew into a highly organized indigenous religion with Tengriist scriptures in the Mongolian script.

FACT: " The Mongol Empire was known for its religious tolerance, but had a special leaning towards Buddhism and was sympathetic towards Christianity "

FACT: " The Mongol nobility during the Yuan dynasty studied Confucianism but mainly followed the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism.. "

[Are you in any position to judge who knows how much? Are you even in a position to defend your own learning And knowledge first? Do YOU have any idea about the lunatics who led the Taiping Rebellion, lunatics whom you choose to define as Christians? Do you know who constituted the rebels, whether they were exclusively Christian or not?]

Taiping rebellion can to be make in connection with state " Taiping Heavenly Kingdom "

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom : -Capital : Nanjing
-Religion : God Worshippers ( christianism) and the others religion is banned
-Government : Heterodox Christian Theocracy & Absolute Monarchy
-Heavenly King : Hong Xiuquan
Hong Tianguifu
-King : Feng Yunshan
Yang Xiuqing
Xiao Chaogui
Wei Changhui
Shi Dakai

used in first time by western people against Qing Dyansty and next western people support Qing Dynasty against Taiping Rebellion. (for many reason, go read now ).

reform the state with christianism religion (only) based on the bible like laws

avoids speaking a country you don't know (its history or actuality) or without take even a minimum information.

From the record, I seem to know substantially more about your country than you do.

FACT: The Heavenly King, Hong Xiuquan, read a tract and declared himself brother of Jesus Christ.

FACT: Some lunatic declaring himself brother of Jesus Christ does not amount to his being Christian, as already pointed out. It amounts to his being lunatic.

FACT: " God Worshippers ( christianism)" means nothing.

They did not follow Christian beliefs, but peculiar beliefs which they made up on their own.

They did not follow the organization of a Christian state, but appointed Heavenly Kings and other Kings as governors of the kingdom. Nowhere in any Christian dominion anywhere else in the world was this administrative method followed.

There was nothing about them that was Christian except their declaring themselves so.

FACT: Their laws were not Christian laws, but were supposedly based on the bible like laws. Not the laws of the Bible, which in any case did not exist, except for the laws of Moses, which were listed in the Bible, or dietary and social rules, largely concentrated in Deuteronomy. Their's were laws and rules that they made up themselves. If some collection of lunatics makes up their own version of Sharia laws, with no reference to the logic behind the derivation of various aspects of Sharia, that does not make the laws Sharia, nor does it make the lunatics Muslim.

[Only a complete fool would fail to recognize that this was sarcasm. Only that category of complete fool that thinks that Pastafarian is a religion.]

Only an idiot like you, don't understand same Pastafarian is a religion.

seriously, open a "Dictionary" seach "Religion" ( even internet, if you are lazy ).

Good, at last a committed position that we can use. Now this pompous little *** shows how little he knows, about how much.

FACT: "The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is a satirical deity used in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to promote Pastafarianism, a parody religious movement. This movement challenges the intelligent design form of creationism promulgated by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute. The "Flying Spaghetti Monster" was first described in an open letter written by Bobby Henderson in 2005 that used satire to protest the the Kansas State Board of Education decision to permit teaching intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public school science classes. In that letter, Henderson parodied the concept of intelligent design by professing belief in a supernatural creator that closely resembles spaghetti and meatballs. Henderson further called for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism to be allotted equal time in science classrooms alongside intelligent design and evolution."

[From the evidence so far, where you have provided nothing by way of fact, but depend heavily on denying everything that others say, with no backing or logical support. Your main argument is to call everything you don't understand, or everything you cannot contradict, 'pathetic'. That does not serve as an argument; it merely conveys an impression that you are helpless and can find nothing worthwhile to say.]

Because it's true.
Previous comments is representant , you speak really many with no argument ( a little but really pathetic ), you don't know your words, you speak a subjects you don't know (the worst, you continued ) like the bible with stoning, arrogance, attack pitiful against my english but when I have proposed to speak an other language than your mother tongue you flee and try to find a justification to speak in english, you attack me first, you lie, stupid affirmation, ....

my vision on you is a combination of a pathetic and pitiful person. ( to protect his pride in my deduction )

What a collection of facts! The only answer against charges of saying nothing, simply denying everything - "because it's true." Interesting.

for someone who attribut the title "scholar" I'm extremly disappointed with the informations quality of your comments

This, from someone apparently pathologically averse to citing facts!
[FACT: the leader of the Taiping Rebellion knew nothing about Christianity, and WAS NOT a Christian. He was given a missionary tract after a fever attack, studied it, and immediately decided that he was the brother of Jesus Christ. That does not constitute Christianity, it constitutes lunacy.]

read again "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom"

FACT: On repeated reading, it remains true as stated, a frustrated applicant for the administration, having failed many times to pass the competitive examinations, had a nervous breakdown, read a missionary tract during his recovery, declared himself brother of Jesus Christ and started persecuting Confucians and earlier faith systems to make up for his rejection in the state exams. A clear example of personal vendetta rather than religious struggle.

[FACT: Both Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon, but especially the latter, were staunch Christians. The Taiping Rebellion was not Christian against the others, it was a band of organised terrorists against the government of the time, and Christian Europeans and Americans contributed most of the effort to vanquish it.]

In a first time western people ( France and england mainly ) supported Taiping Rebellion because we were in war against France and England ( Second Opium War ).
And second time France and England support Qing dynasty because "Taiping Rebellion" was against the interests western people in China because the chinese christian Rebellion attacked the interests western countries in China.( i have nothing against that but it's the destruction cultural by christian who are a really problem )

Read again 4 points of British decision.
Read a book "il'y a un siècle la Chine" edition OUEST-FRANCE by Pierre de la Robertie and Christian le Corre
Or internet ( lazy like you )

Both Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon have fight with China (Qing dynasty ) to protect the interest of their country.

FACT: it was not the western people, but western governments that stayed neutral, not supported, the Taiping Rebellion. Western people, Christians all, funded Ward, who was also funded by representatives of the Imperial Court.

FACT: Ward was appointed mandarin of the fourth class, then of the third class, by the Imperial government. His difficulties with the Imperial Court centered around conduct of the campaign against the Taiping Rebels, not on issues of support to the Western governments.

FACT: Ward and Gordon were both staunch Christians. The overwhelming mass of Ward's first force was Christian. Even the Asian component, Filipinos, whom he called "Manila-men", were Christian.

[FACT: there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible, as you so blithely claim. What your professors in philosophy and history may have failed to share with you, or what perhaps they did share with you, but you failed to pick up, was that Jesus clearly mentioned that the realm of Christianity was not in this world, but the next. His precise teaching on this was,"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.]

[ there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible]

I have say "he want ( Hong Xiuquan ) to creat a christian state ( chinese people become christian ) + based on the bible ( laws )"
Understand ? read again my commentaries.
I have never say in the bible "there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible" (because I don't know, I have never read that in the Bible ( it's normal I have no read all )).
but Vatican state is really representant, Bible or no Bible Vatican is a christian state.

now the bravado starts to wear away, and the ignorance is revealed, inevitable when this hero moves away from blindly denying everything and trying his hand at facts.

FACT: it was my statement that there was no prescription for a Christian state in the Bible.

FACT: There is none.

FACT: The Vatican was the City State controlled by the Pope, not a representative Christian state. It followed Canon Law, not the laws of Moses or of the Jews (listed in Deuteronomy); Canon Law itself was a conversion of Roman law to suit the needs of internal administration of the ancient and mediaeval church. Roman law was NOT the laws of the Bible, whatever that is intended to convey.

FACT: The Pope was representative of the Roman Catholic Church, not of Protestants, not of the Orthodox Church.

FACT: The so-called laws of the Taiping Rebellion were not Catholic laws. They did not follow Catholic religious practice. They did not obey the supremacy of the Pope. They had nothing to do with the Vatican.

[None of your facts hold water. Your writings dissolve into a mass of prejudice and bigotry, of a particularly uninformed variety.


This is particulary your image.
for now, anyone can check my arguments in a book or on internet ( i think we know who are the true ignorant )

Please see above. All the sections marked FACT, as against childish insistence on being right.
[Is it a coincidence that whenever you cannot answer, you declare that the sentence is of no interest?]

I say "no interest" why ? hum
a previous sentence that justify the fact that I have no need to justify on a other sentence
Or maybe i don't see the connection !

NOT SUBSTANCE: "...a previous sentence that justify the fact that I have no need to justify on a other sentence." what is this supposed to mean?
[Is it a coincidence that whenever you cannot answer, you declare that the sentence is of no interest?

FACT: the Cargo Cult was a primitive cult in the Pacific Islands. Cargo cult activity in the Pacific region increased significantly during and immediately after World War II, when the residents of these regions observed the Japanese and American combatants bringing in large amounts of material. When the war ended, the military bases closed and the flow of goods and materials ceased. In an attempt to attract further deliveries of goods, followers of the cults engaged in ritualistic practices such as building crude imitation landing strips, aircraft and radio equipment, and mimicking the behavior that they had observed of the military personnel operating them. Obviously, neither the soldiers, civilian personnel nor the machines - airplanes, ships, land vehicles - had any role in bringing the islanders cargo, nor in giving them cargo, irrespective of what the islanders thought.

Precisely in the same manner, Hong Xiuquan fell ill after many attempts at passing the competitive examinations, read a Christian missionary tract, and declared that he was the brother of Jesus Christ!]

I see what do you want say same if you explain really not good.

Translation needed.
["Just that Christian is violent" - that was the point. Proving that followers of one religion were violent on one occasion is meaningless, without simultaneously proving that others, especially for instance those against whom violence was committed, were not violent in other places on other occasions.]

It's easy you can look many videos in internet like in youtube or others. ( true
+ people commentaries ( impossible to prove his point of view )
+ personal experience ( impossible to prove my point of view )


[FACT: The original religion of the Mongols from the time of the Donghu was Tengriism. The Xianbei came in contact with Confucianism and Daoism but eventually adopted Buddhism. In the 5th century the Buddhist monk Dharmapriya was proclaimed State Teacher of the Rouran Khaganate and given 3000 families. In 511 the Rouran Douluofubadoufa Khan sent Hong Xuan to the Tuoba court with a pearl-encrusted statue of the Buddha as a gift. The Tuoba Xianbei and Khitans were mostly Buddhists, although they still retained their original Tengriism.]

Ok, error on my part


[FACT: Genghis Khan's personal belief system was codified and elaborated into a post-Shamanic religion, long after Buddhism had become central to the Mongols.

Genghis Khan usually fasted, prayed and meditated on this mountain before his campaigns. As a young man he had thanked the mountain for saving his life and prayed at the foot of the mountain sprinkling offerings and bowing nine times to the east with his belt around his neck and his hat held at his chest....Later the imperial cult of Genghis Khan (centered on the eight white gers and nine white banners in Ordos) grew into a highly organized indigenous religion with Tengriist scriptures in the Mongolian script.

FACT: " The Mongol Empire was known for its religious tolerance, but had a special leaning towards Buddhism and was sympathetic towards Christianity "

FACT: " The Mongol nobility during the Yuan dynasty studied Confucianism but mainly followed the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism.. "]

and? I don't see what do you want make connection with my other reviews.
Explain a little the connection with my commentaries ? ( a story has no interest )


[From the record, I seem to know substantially more about your country than you do.]

for someone who self attribute titles "scholar" + does not know his words and don't can speak an other languages ( excepte your mother tongue ).
And to speak about bible saying that stoning has never existed ? hum....

you know better the history of my country since the beginning to now? (Avoids wiki he don't say all ).


[FACT: The Heavenly King, Hong Xiuquan, read a tract and declared himself brother of Jesus Christ.]



[FACT: Some lunatic declaring himself brother of Jesus Christ does not amount to his being Christian, as already pointed out. It amounts to his being lunatic.]

lunatic ? maybe , impossible to prove


{FACT: " God Worshippers ( christianism)" means nothing.]

you should read the definition that he has attributed on wiki ( because I think you read wikipedia + wikipedia is not a web site serious, why ? because all people can to change a subject ) .


[They did not follow Christian beliefs, but peculiar beliefs which they made up on their own.]

You should learn again the Bible


[They did not follow the organization of a Christian state, but appointed Heavenly Kings and other Kings as governors of the kingdom. Nowhere in any Christian dominion anywhere else in the world was this administrative method followed.]

Now, you confirmed me we can to have a christian state.....


[There was nothing about them that was Christian except their declaring themselves so.

FACT: Their laws were not Christian laws, but were supposedly based on the bible like laws. Not the laws of the Bible, which in any case did not exist, except for the laws of Moses, which were listed in the Bible, or dietary and social rules, largely concentrated in Deuteronomy. Their's were laws and rules that they made up themselves. If some collection of lunatics makes up their own version of Sharia laws, with no reference to the logic behind the derivation of various aspects of Sharia, that does not make the laws Sharia, nor does it make the lunatics Muslim.

yes, as having set the equality between women with men, was not in the Bible.
The woman had a low position in the Bible compared to man.


[Good, at last a committed position that we can use. Now this pompous little *** shows how little he knows, about how much.

FACT: "The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is a satirical deity used in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to promote Pastafarianism, a parody religious movement. This movement challenges the intelligent design form of creationism promulgated by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute. The "Flying Spaghetti Monster" was first described in an open letter written by Bobby Henderson in 2005 that used satire to protest the the Kansas State Board of Education decision to permit teaching intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public school science classes. In that letter, Henderson parodied the concept of intelligent design by professing belief in a supernatural creator that closely resembles spaghetti and meatballs. Henderson further called for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism to be allotted equal time in science classrooms alongside intelligent design and evolution."]

"a parody religious movement." ! thank you
definition of religion : Religion is the set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relationship of humans with the sacred or the divine

example in your sentence : " professing belief in a supernatural creator that closely resembles spaghetti and meatballs


[What a collection of facts! The only answer against charges of saying nothing, simply denying everything - "because it's true." Interesting.]

Yes, my point view and for other people I don't know .
For my part it's my vision on you


[This, from someone apparently pathologically averse to citing facts!]

No sorry I'm not sick but thank you


[FACT: On repeated reading, it remains true as stated, a frustrated applicant for the administration, having failed many times to pass the competitive examinations, had a nervous breakdown, read a missionary tract during his recovery, declared himself brother of Jesus Christ and started persecuting Confucians and earlier faith systems to make up for his rejection in the state exams. A clear example of personal vendetta rather than religious struggle.]

wiki : ( because i think you read wiki ...) "It was not until six years later that Hong took time to carefully examine the Christian tracts he had received. After reading these tracts Hong came to believe that they had given him the key to interpreting his visions: the old man was God, and the elder brother that he had seen was Jesus Christ. This interpretation led him to believe that he was a Chinese son of God, and that he was the younger brother of Jesus. After coming to this conclusion Hong began destroying idols and enthusiastically preaching his interpretation of Christianity"

If he had read "Christian tracts he had received" it's the faults of Christians who have influenced Hong compared what was written in the tract.
In conclusion he had just respected the tract of christians .
So it's actions was by respect by the christians tract ( in general it's western people who try christianized China in 19th )


[ it was not the western people, but western governments that stayed neutral, not supported, the Taiping Rebellion. Western people, Christians all, funded Ward, who was also funded by representatives of the Imperial Court.]

supported can to be morals , military , financially,....

the country can to be neutral but can supported a movment or an organization .


[FACT: Ward was appointed mandarin of the fourth class, then of the third class, by the Imperial government. His difficulties with the Imperial Court centered around conduct of the campaign against the Taiping Rebels, not on issues of support to the Western governments.]

Yes , true


[FACT: Ward and Gordon were both staunch Christians. The overwhelming mass of Ward's first force was Christian. Even the Asian component, Filipinos, whom he called "Manila-men", were Christian.]

Stop with your "christian" ( mainly it's not mentioned "staunch Christians" , why do you insist on this point ? because he has no fought for religious reasons.


[now the bravado starts to wear away, and the ignorance is revealed, inevitable when this hero moves away from blindly denying everything and trying his hand at facts.]

for someone who don't admit an error for save that to pride avoid for to be humiliated (contrarily have me ).
You don&#8217;t know your words ( it&#8217;s worst , it&#8217;s a minimum for communicate with the others, I accept a certain faults but no as much as you did )
Someone say study 40 years the bible and say stoning don&#8217;t existed .

[FACT: The Vatican was the City State controlled by the Pope, not a representative Christian state. It followed Canon Law, not the laws of Moses or of the Jews (listed in Deuteronomy); Canon Law itself was a conversion of Roman law to suit the needs of internal administration of the ancient and mediaeval church. Roman law was NOT the laws of the Bible, whatever that is intended to convey.]

Pffff , New testament , Old testament , Council of Jerusalem + others ( no religion )

[FACT: The Pope was representative of the Roman Catholic Church, not of Protestants, not of the Orthodox Church.]
Thank you, I know !

[FACT: The so-called laws of the Taiping Rebellion were not Catholic laws. They did not follow Catholic religious practice. They did not obey the supremacy of the Pope. They had nothing to do with the Vatican. ]

I have never say he was catholic read again me
If we are logic Hong was influenced by several category ( yes in 19th many missionary different Congregationalist, protestant , catholic , etc &#8230;&#8230; ) and he had just make a mixted with old testament.

Please see above. All the sections marked FACT, as against childish insistence on being right.

Bigotry => many details but sometimes unnecessary.
Prejudice => insistence on Christianity ( your execrable insistance defend christianism for people think it's good religion and avoid say it's a violent religion + write in bible ).


[NOT SUBSTANCE: "...a previous sentence that justify the fact that I have no need to justify on a other sentence." what is this supposed to mean?]

Pfffff , I have make a definition of substance &#8230;
Seriously &#8230;
It&#8217;s a substance my sentence .


[Translation needed.]

Sorry I have understand bye.
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