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Islam and science

I'm not bringing anything, its history. Theology is a study of religions in the context of History as well.

The Quran unlike many Hindu and Christian teachings does not exclude Science but encourages it. Westerners are this far ahead only because they choose to not follow their religion.

The bible for example is so obsessed with the creation theory that the evolutionists are having a field day knocking out any other possibility.

request you to limit yourselves to prove or disprove your own religion... bringing other's religions which you don't have faith in result in unnecessary mud slinging... hope you understand...
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The whole Idea that every muslim thinks that Islam is the only solution.. same way, a catholic thinks that Catholicism is.. and a Hindu thinks hinduism is..
your point that 'unfortunately some people do not see the light' would refer to both sides of the wall. It means all other religious people live in darkness other than Islam.. and for me this istelf amounts to 'bad etiquette'.

rather, having respect to all people, irrespective of religion would be much more effective Imho.

disagree... hinduism does not think so... and Hindu's are busy fighting within ourselves...
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your thoughts are the clear reflection of your limitation, you are taking hindusim as your frame of reference where world is every thing, every liviing being has to taste the death.

If you understand the concept of life & death you shouldnt passes these types of remarks, the God is most mercyful and forgiving. Diesease washes our bad deeds like water washes the dirt, heavy is the true reward, while world is like a examination hall.

All the trouble we are facing today are from our side, Aids what do you think how Aids is introduce to human. If we follow what God has ordered us to do so we will not mess up with it. Blaming God is not right. Dying from Hunger, why coutries of 1st or 2nd world dumpted tones of grains/food stuff in sea water, why not they donate it instead of desposing it off. God will not help those who didnt wish to help themselves. You are blaming God but you didnt see the curel humans among you. You and human being couldnt do anything that god doesnt want to. You have to admit his supermacy, you dont have a single idea about Hell, I regret to state your reflections came from hindusim a fabricated faith where all the ideas/images are production of human mind.

What kind of argument is this... why would you want to bring in another religion ? and who said that Hinduism is a fabricated faith ? if you want to argue that Quran has science in to, do so with your points... do realize that passing bad remarks about other's religion unwantedly is barabarism...
we need huge science centers funded by muslim governments and allowing the brightest muslims access for free. Science needs to spearhead the development of muslim lands like it used to do
Very commendable indeed. Alas, most mullahs dont share your views. Religious lobby hasn't todate quite forgiven Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for educating the subcontinent muslims. In Pakistan, more backward the area, more devout the muslims.

In the NWFP, hundreds of devout muslims were willing to swear that they had sighted the Eid crescent on Sunday which was scientifically impossible. Hope some members of this august forum can contribute solid arguments in favour of Islam favouring scientific advancement.

We have seen that in Taliban Afghanistan;supposedly a very pious Islamic State, radio and TV was banned. Suppose there is a complication a child birth, woman cant find a female doctor ( women are forbidden to go to school, so how can there be women doctors?) and cant see a male doctor because it is against Isalm, thus no option but to suffer and die. This was an extremely bad fortaste of any future Islamic theocratic state and opposite view to what you are trying to illustrate in this thread.

Summerized it well.
many people now days are converting to Islam because of what Islam said 1400 ago now Science has proved all that was right
many people now days are converting to Islam because of what Islam said 1400 ago now Science has proved all that was right

can you give details of it friend....which are those science proved right..
or any good links about it.
I not arguing whether Quran has science in it or not, just clearing a misconception about got, as far as Fabrication is concerned, what prove do you have against it. In your religion how a man is supposed to live his life.

What kind of argument is this... why would you want to bring in another religion ? and who said that Hinduism is a fabricated faith ? if you want to argue that Quran has science in to, do so with your points... do realize that passing bad remarks about other's religion unwantedly is barabarism...
I not arguing whether Quran has science in it or not, just clearing a misconception about got, as far as Fabrication is concerned, what prove do you have against it. In your religion how a man is supposed to live his life.

After studying of many religions and being a sort of atheist, I share my point of view. Religions like Christianity and Hinduism grew as the time passes by and they denied few rules of their religion which were obsolete or geographic specific hence they always added values to their religion. Old testament/ New testament are example for Christianity side and missing many obsolete traditions like Sati, Pardah etc are example of Hinduism faith.

While I found Muslim scholars always said that Islam is perfect and Quran is world of Allah hence no changes were accepted and if accepted then widely criticized. Hence it was a bit difficult of nurturing Islam from scientific point of view.

Remember one thing, how much strong a faith would be on something, It would be more difficult to prove it wrong scientifically.

PS: I tried my best not to offend anyone, if it does please PM me I will delete my post.
can you give details of it friend....which are those science proved right..
or any good links about it.

watch the documentary of Dr. Zakir Naik about Islam and modern science, or if Admins allow me i can share here RS Links to DL

Quran and The Bible in the light of science


Quran And Modern Science Conflict or Conciliation


Islam,Medical Science & Dietary Laws


and this 1 is good too Why The West Is Coming To Islam

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watch the documentary of Dr. Zakir Naik about Islam and modern science, or if Admins allow me i can share here RS Links to DL

no need to post here can u pm me the link.thanks in advance
I not arguing whether Quran has science in it or not, just clearing a misconception about got, as far as Fabrication is concerned, what prove do you have against it. In your religion how a man is supposed to live his life.

it was very hard for me to prevent myself from name calling you...
See, religion is something which is personal, you have no rights to comment about other people's personal things...
So shut up... don't try to have an argument about whether some religion is fabricated or not... else you will end up getting so many flames from so many members... not necessarily from people who believe in Hinduism only, may be from people who belong to your own religion as well....

any decent educated people can tell you that other people's religion should never be commented upon...
watch the documentary of Dr. Zakir Naik about Islam and modern science, or if Admins allow me i can share here RS Links to DL

Quran and The Bible in the light of science


Quran And Modern Science Conflict or Conciliation


Islam,Medical Science & Dietary Laws


and this 1 is good too Why The West Is Coming To Islam


there is no links...any way got the name of articles... thanks:tup:

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