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Islam and science

In early last century or probably later part of 19th century. A full 1300 years hence after !!
Until more research is done on this subject and Muslim scholars deliberate in detail on various aspects of this research, humbly following recommendations are in order:

It is claimed by the experts in the field that the research on stem cells has great potential to relieve human disease and suffering. If this is the case then it is not only allowed but it is obligatory (fard kifayah) to pursue this research.

The use of embryonic stem cells should be very heavily limited. Only allow isolation of stem cells from frozen embryos that were created for the purpose of in vitro fertilization and would otherwise have been destroyed. Obtain full consent from the donors. Provide safeguards against monetary compensation to embryo donors and against the creation of embryos in excess of what is required for in vitro fertilization.

Perhaps research using stem cells derived from adults will eventually prove to be most promising. We should encourage further research on the use of adult stem cells, to the point where it will be unnecessary to use embryos for this purpose. Specifically, we should find better ways to isolate existing stem cells in the human body.

Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp?

I would like to point out that citing part of the creation mythos as science is absurd. Now if it had said and He set the moon to reflect the light of the Sun I would buy into it. But the verse convey the meaning that the moon is emititng light not reflecting it.

Impress me, give me some real meaty science.

Am I allowed to post questions where the Koran seems to be disagreeing with science?
Science in Quran’s light

By Muhammad Iqbal​

AL-QURAN, the main source of Islamic faith, is the book believed by its followers to be completely of divine origin. Muslims also believe that it is for entire humankind and since the message of the Quran is for all times, it should be relevant to every age. But the question arises; does the Quran pass this test.

The Quran challenges mankind to produce the like of it. “And if ye are in doubt as to what we have revealed from time to time to our servant, then produce the surah like there unto; and call your witness or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah. If your doubts are true. But if you cannot, and surely you cannot, then fear the fire whose fuel is man and stones which is prepared for those who reject faith” (Al-Quran 2:23-24).

According to famous physicist, and Nobel Prize winner Albert Einstein, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” George Lawairte pointed out in 1931 that if the outward movement of all the galaxies were traced backward, then they would presumably meet at a single point i.e. singularity. This large blob of matter known as the “Primeval Atom or Cosmic Egg.” He suggested that for some reasons this giant blob of matter exploded flinging outwards like the bomb. This marked the creation of the universe. Lawaitre’s idea later became known as the “Big bang theory.”

The Quran states in (21:30), “Why don’t the unbelievers realise that the heavens and the earth were refused into the singularity, and then we parted them.”

Later in 1950s, the big bang theory was first propounded by Rah Alpher, Hans Bethe and George Gosmow. This fact has been described in the Quran 1400 years ago. Can we still say that it is not the God’s word?

Fourteen hundred years ago neither science was advanced nor did people have enough knowledge about astronomy. So how can one come up with such a scientific fact which is still the hypothesis theory in the 21st century? It is only God. It cannot be the word of human being or any Prophet. The Quran states in (7:67) “For every announcement there is a term, and ye will come to know.”

Science tells us that we have created the single light system but it is in the process … and they will take time to establish a Multiple Light System. As we all know our Prophet (P.B.U.H) travelled in Buraq while going to the far distant place in the speed of light. Buraq is the plural of Barq meaning light … And our Prophet travelled in the Mulitple Light System 1400 years ago which science established more than 100 years later. Is it not a miracle?

Our universe is expanding. The Quran gives the Shadah of it in (35:1). “All praises are for Allah. The Creater of the spatial strata of the universe, heavens and the earth. He keeps expanding in his creation what He wills. Indeed Allah is potent over things.” Newton theory could not find out the reality, even Einstein’s in 1915.

It was in fact Alexander Friedman, a Russian physicist, who gave the assumption of expanding universe in 1922,which was scientifically discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1929 and finally certified by Arno Penzias and Robert Willson in 1965 in New Jersey, who were awarded the Noble Prize in 1978. But it was stated in the Quran 1400 years ago in (51:47). “And we have built the heaven with might and undoubtedly, we are expanding the universe vast”. It is the undoubtedly a scientific miracle of the Quran.

Scientist agree that before galaxies in the universe were formed, celestial matter was initially in the form of gaseous matter, In short huge gaseous matter or clouds were present before the formation of the galaxies. The Quran states: “Moreover, He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke.”

It studies the process of birth of human life and the steps involved in the creation of the foetus. These processes can be divided into two parts.

1. Cellular division

2. Organ formation and getting shape

Modern science tells us that the beginning of human creation is by the fertilisation of female ovum with the male spermatozoa resulting in the formation of a Zygote. The Quran states: “Indeed we created man from a mixed or mingled fluid.” (76:21)

Modern science tells us that this Zygote or fertilised ovum divide into two and then keep on dividing. The Quran states in (4:1): “Who created you from a single cell and then created another one from it to make it a pair and then from those created multitude of men and women.”

A verse of the Quran describes the whole process involved in the creation of foetus. The Quran states in (23: 12-14): “And indeed we created man from element of dust. Then we put him in a secure place (uterus) in the form of a cell. Then we made him a being like a hanging nest fixed (in the wall of uterus). Then, we fashioned him a chewed lump. Then out of chewed lump we made bones and clothed bones with muscles. Then gradually out of it, we developed another creative. So blessed is your Lord who is the best of the creators.”

When such Quranic verses were placed before Prof. Keeth Moore, a leading expert in the field of embryology, for his comments, he said he could say about some verses and it is established. But for another, neither he could say it was right nor it was wrong. Because it is still established by science.

Further, he said he believed that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah and this divine book (Quran) is the God’s word.

Backward compatiablity of a religious text is no good boss. Show us real science. Lets say something like a new forumla to cure cancer. Gods grace should be infinite. Its a pity that he acts like a cruel fiat and kills little children with cancer.

What exactly has been the contribution of the holy Quran to modern Science ?

We know and understand the contribution of Muslims, but since somehow the religion itself is connected to science show us some of the real meat.

Something pathbreaking not like 'look this is proven scientifically and this phrase in the Quran also means the same'.

A month or two ago I was explaining this French femme as to why I dont 'worship' any God. I told her if God is this all powerfull big dude like you say why does he watch so many many kids die of cancer, aids and silly HUNGER.

That heartless being!
No excuse is good enough for killing little ones like that. Their suffering is as real as their innocence. If there ever was a God who can tell us about science in a book like Quran and yet watch so many kids suffer - I told her that I will never want to bow to THAT being.

If God is any one of the things that these Bibles, Qurans and Veda's make out to be then I want to be on the side of an anti-God, if ever one was possible. He could put me in a hell and torment me to eternity. Never shall I respect that cruel thing.

She said 'What you say is right!' and quit the conversation. I dont know if she realised she was just told the first of the four noble truths.
The Quran never claims to be a book of science. It has claimed to be a book of relevance only.

And thus all the scientific elements that you come across in the Quran do have relevance till today. But it's not something to be used for actual science. The Muslim empires of the past didn't actually discover new things from the Quran, but they were the first ones to put most of the Pagan sciences to good use. Their architecture reflected Greek mathematics and made the use of Paper a commonplace adapted from China.

They never looked towards the Quran for actual science. But the Quran and the Prophet both urged seeking knowledge. The first command revealed to the Prophet in the Quran was to "Read!" aka "Iqra".

They were thus good to adapt and put to use most of the Pagan sciences that were ******* away in the libraries of Alexandria just because Christian Rome found it appalling to even consider using something Pagan. This was the time period when the Christians were in their dark ages. The true renaissance came with this adaptation of the Muslims, they were never in any dark age (except maybe today). And the Christians only became enlightened once they captured the Muslim cities in Europe.
The Quran never claims to be a book of science. It has claimed to be a book of relevance only.

Much like what Nostradamus wrote except with more of religion I guess. All the same. You want to believe because you want to. I dont find it appealing to talk about a religious book and compare it to todays science.

We want more science. Not religion.
It's not compared for the purpose of applied sciences, but as a matter of theological study.
(Qur'an, 51:47)

Quran talking about the expension of the universe 1400 years ago.

(Qur'an, 71:15-16)

Quran talking about the moon as being the reflecter of the light given from the sun and the sun being the one that is always burning. It's in the book i gave the link to

It is always easy to interpret if you already have a pre-concieved notion on what you want it to be.
I dont think any of those two line's expresses anything of the universe in a quantifible manner nor do Moon being a Light mean a Refelector.
The Quran never claims to be a book of science. It has claimed to be a book of relevance only.

And thus all the scientific elements that you come across in the Quran do have relevance till today. But it's not something to be used for actual science. The Muslim empires of the past didn't actually discover new things from the Quran, but they were the first ones to put most of the Pagan sciences to good use. Their architecture reflected Greek mathematics and made the use of Paper a commonplace adapted from China.

They never looked towards the Quran for actual science. But the Quran and the Prophet both urged seeking knowledge. The first command revealed to the Prophet in the Quran was to "Read!" aka "Iqra".

They were thus good to adapt and put to use most of the Pagan sciences that were ******* away in the libraries of Alexandria just because Christian Rome found it appalling to even consider using something Pagan. This was the time period when the Christians were in their dark ages. The true renaissance came with this adaptation of the Muslims, they were never in any dark age (except maybe today). And the Christians only became enlightened once they captured the Muslim cities in Europe.

even in science you have to bring muslim and christain.
Every scientific discovery has been proved again and again. Westerner's in the current generation are far ahead of any other race in science and tech. They took from other's what they thought relevent. Simple.
I'm not bringing anything, its history. Theology is a study of religions in the context of History as well.

The Quran unlike many Hindu and Christian teachings does not exclude Science but encourages it. Westerners are this far ahead only because they choose to not follow their religion.

The bible for example is so obsessed with the creation theory that the evolutionists are having a field day knocking out any other possibility.
Quran may have encouraged science,
from wht is being posted here, in the first page; i dont think God was telling you about anything in a scientific nature. Moon is a said as light not a reflector. But if that belief suits your brain, who am i to tell you otherwise.
Quran may have encouraged science,
from wht is being posted here, in the first page; i dont think God was telling you about anything in a scientific nature. Moon is a said as light not a reflector. But if that belief suits your brain, who am i to tell you otherwise.
Ok if you want to drag that on, let me take the bait. The word that the Quran uses for the light of the moon, is "Noor". Noor is a variation of light. The usage of the word noor is often done for example while praising a pious person "Issay naiki ka Noor jhalakta hai". Noor is almost always used as a reflective light and not an emitting light.

Quran 1, skeptics 0.

I've had these debates for many many years now. Most of the claims against Quran are downright ridiculous and some are just not even translated right. But I do agree that nothing was said from a scientific point of view. But whatever that was said, was relevant.
I dont know your language!! so i wont comment, from what is written in english it is no such thing. As far as I am concerned it is a centuries old book, which is taken out of context.
I dont know your language!! so i wont comment, from what is written in english it is no such thing. As far as I am concerned it is a centuries old book, which is taken out of context.
Interestingly notice how it compares it to the Sun while calling it "blazing" lamp and the moon as the light (nur - generally synonymous with something calm).

As I said its not a scientific hypothesis but written in a way that a layman of all times would understand and easily differentiate.

Nour is quite often used in urdu (probably Hindustani Hindi too) so I thought pointing out the correct word would make it more meaningful.

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