"What happens in the womb?" Not a very difficult question I assume?
Asking whom ? There is nothing to suggest that he had any correspondence or acquaintance with a man of science ! Therefore thinking that somehow 1400 years ago a merchant with no formal or informal education whatsoever would find himself asking questions of a nature that seasoned academics were debating in Constantinople.
The evidence suggests otherwise, if we are to assume that we have his, that is Muhammed's Quran, which we don't.
I'm sorry I don't quite follow.
It's possible, but what you are suggesting is a theory. I'll get back to you on this some other time though. Btw, modern embryologists who have studied this say it's wrong.
Firstly, there is no clot of Blod.
Secondly, the bones and flesh form simultaneouly, not one over the other.
Oh its no theory, Galen himself had to rewrite some of his manuscripts because of forgeries & there really is no authoritative collection of work that can be attributed to him.
I wouldn't know that ! I never studied Biology; I think @
Talon would be a better bet at explaining away this !
Either way I found a nice article on this maybe its right maybe its not but it does seem referenced reasonably well enough :
Embryology in the Qur’an: Fetus acquires a skeleton « The Islam Papers
It said 8th century, but even so :"The manuscript is incomplete, only a third of the Quran surviving:[1] it begins in the middle of verse 7 of the second sura and ends at Surah 43:10. The manuscript has between eight and twelve lines to the page and, showing its antiquity, the text is devoid of vocalisation."
Actually the San'aa Manuscripts predates that by quite a few years & maybe written between 15 & a few dozen years after the Prophet (PBUH) 's death.
But what exactly does this establish ? That the Oldest surviving copy of the Koran belongs to the 7th or 8th century ? So ? The authenticity of the Koran is established through historical continuity between generations & not individuals where one generation transmitted the oral, written & historical evidence to the succeeding generation. And this continued on for generations upon generations without any evidence to suggest that the Koran was tampered with or reconstructed from any of the historical sources, to the best of my knowledge, from that era all the way up til the 8th century & later on.
Furthermore the role of the Hufaz cannot be belittled because herein there was no ecclesiastical structure to suggest that anything close to a differentiation between the Holy Texts being made available to the common man from the clergy. Thousands of Hufaz learned this at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) with one generation transmitting it to the other till now they measure in the millions each reciting the Koran in the same manner down to the last letter.
The oral tradition is the worst way of transmitting knowledge, at one point or another, the "hufaz" would've had revert back to the their local copy of the Quran.Think about it though, if there were many 'incomplete' variants of the Quran, can we trust the believers to submit this to history?
Were this the Iliad I would agree with for the original was contingent on one man & one man alone whereas in this oral tradition you've got thousands who gave it to hundreds of thousands who in turn gave it to millions. There is no evidence to suggest that there was ever a break in this historical continuity; no source from that time or after that, that I've ever come across that asserts to the contrary.
Answered already, this is not an Einstein question, I can't believe your seeing this basic verse of: blood:semen:limp: Flesh:bones as something miraculously awesome, it is a primitive verse and reflects the primitive understanding of the embryology of the time.
This is one of many alleged scientific miracles of the Koran from everything from the Nature of the Universe to the parting of seas.
Think about it; how did he know so much...not one, two but quite a few !