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ISI used LeT for anti-India activities: UN report

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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ISI used LeT for anti-India activities: UN report

Pakistan's powerful spy agency ISI continues to have close links with Lashkar-e-Toiba and has used the terror group's services to foment anti-India passion in Kashmir and elsewhere, a UN report said on Friday.

"The Pakistani military organised and supported the Taliban to take control of Afghanistan in 1996. Similar tactics were used in Kashmir against India after 1989," said the much-awaited report by UN-appointed independent panel to probe the killing of former Pakistan premier Benazir Bhutto.

The three-member panel concluded that such a policy of the Pakistan military to use terrorists as a tool to achieve its strategic objectives against its neighbours resulted in active linkages between elements of the military and the establishment with radical Islamists at the expense of national secular forces.

Noting that the jihadi organisations are Sunni groups based largely in Pakistan's Punjab, the 65-page report said that members of these groups aided the Taliban effort in Afghanistan at the behest of the ISI and later cultivated ties with Al-Qaida and Pakistani Taliban groups.

"The Pakistani military and ISI also used and supported some of these groups in the Kashmir insurgency after 1989. The bulk of the anti-Indian activity was and still remains the work of groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has close ties with the ISI," said the panel headed by Chile's UN ambassador Heraldo Munoz.

"A common characteristic of these jihadi groups was their adherence to the Deobandi Sunni sect of Islam, their strong anti-Shia bias, and their use by the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Kashmir," the report said.

It said that while several Pakistani current and former intelligence officials told the Commission that their agencies no longer had such ties in 2007, but virtually all independent analysts provided information to the contrary and affirmed the ongoing nature of many such links.

The report said Qari Saifullah Akhtar, one of the founders of the extremist Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami (HuJI), was reportedly one of the ISI's main links to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and is believed to had cultivated ties to Osama bin Laden, who lived in Afghanistan during that period.

"Akhtar's one-time deputy Ilyas Kashmiri, who had ties with the Pakistani military during the Afghan and Kashmir campaigns, had been a senior aide to bin Laden's deputy Ayman al Zawahiri," it said.

"It was such links and connections between elements in the intelligence agencies and militants, which most concerned Bhutto and many others who believed that the authorities could activate these connections to harm her. Given their clandestine nature, any such connection in an attack on her is very difficult to detect or prove," the report said.

ISI used LeT for anti-India activities: UN report
Channel 4 's Unreported World documentary is worth watching. Has the latest info on the current state of L-e-T/JuD in Pak.

Link for watching it online .
Link for download from file sharing.
Link for torrent.
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So whats new? The level of coordination, planning and sophistication shown during the Parliament attacks and 26/11 were evident hallmarks of a professionally trained organization. And with Headley even saying that serving PA members were involved, it just proves that ISI and its military masters haven't desisted from their proxy wars against India. And then they allege India is the one who desn't want to talk.:disagree:
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Umm, what about the ''Extremest jihadis'' ISI used to bring down the Soviets?
Hmm, post something new please.
wow! No unnamed sources.. A formal report from UN (with no Indian involvement) with an indictment against ISI for supporting terrorism in India.. Lets see how the Pakistani establishment (and Pakistani members on this forum) reacts to this...

Also, the report talks about the links in present tense and not past tense, indicating that the links exist even during the time of this investigation
ISI used LeT to foment anti-India passion in Kashmir: UN report

NEW YORK: Pakistan's powerful spy agency ISI continues to have close links with Lashkar-e-Taiba and has used the terror group's services to foment anti-India passion in Kashmir and elsewhere, a UN report said today.

"The Pakistani military organised and supported the Taliban to take control of Afghanistan in 1996. Similar tactics were used in Kashmir against India after 1989," said the much-awaited report by UN-appointed independent panel to probe the killing of former Pakistan premier Benazir Bhutto.

The three-member panel concluded that such a policy of the Pakistan military to use terrorists as a tool to achieve its strategic objectives against its neighbours resulted in active linkages between elements of the military and the Establishment with radical Islamists at the expense of national secular forces.

Noting that the jihadi organisations are Sunni groups based largely in Pakistan's Punjab, the 65-page report said that members of these groups aided the Taliban effort in Afghanistan at the behest of the ISI and later cultivated ties with Al-Qaeda and Pakistani Taliban groups.

"The Pakistani military and ISI also used and supported some of these groups in the Kashmir insurgency after 1989. The bulk of the anti-Indian activity was and still remains the work of groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has close ties with the ISI," said the panel headed by Chile's UN ambassador Heraldo Munoz.

"A common characteristic of these jihadi groups was their adherence to the Deobandi Sunni sect of Islam, their strong anti-Shia bias, and their use by the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Kashmir," the report said.

It said that while several Pakistani current and former intelligence officials told the Commission that their agencies no longer had such ties in 2007, but virtually all independent analysts provided information to the contrary and affirmed the ongoing nature of many such links.

The report said Qari Saifullah Akhtar, one of the founders of the extremist Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami (HuJI), was reportedly one of the ISI's main links to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and is believed to had cultivated ties to Osama bin Laden, who lived in Afghanistan during that period.

"Akhtar's one-time deputy Ilyas Kashmiri, who had ties with the Pakistani military during the Afghan and Kashmir campaigns, had been a senior aide to bin Laden's deputy Ayman al Zawahiri," it said.

"It was such links and connections between elements in the intelligence agencies and militants, which most concerned Bhutto and many others who believed that the authorities could activate these connections to harm her. Given their clandestine nature, any such connection in an attack on her is very difficult to detect or prove," the report said.

ISI used LeT to foment anti-India passion in Kashmir: UN report - India - The Times of India
@Karan....you will not find a Pakistani poster commenting on this thread ......the only comments would be like the one above.......and some more flames focussed at derailing the thread.....at the most you will see this thread deleted by end of day today.....or may be wait for couple of hours.

same online keyboard warriors who love to blast India using UN reports on Toilets and Poverty will try to defame UN by saying that they are following a Zionist agenda to defame and Capture Pakistan nukes.

Supporting terrorism in India? I think India already pretty much has it, being evident by the recent Maoist killings.

Blame that too on ISI.

What i meant was that Pakistan has become used to such news. Nothing new. Anything that happens in India, ISI is supposed to be behind it. Let's face it, they might have labeled the article as ...''ISI supporting Guerrilla tactics in India...'' which i think they would do, calling it terrorism would be like calling the Afghan mujahideen of Soviet war also terrorists.

Sorry, but without historical context in such threads, your posts means nothing and just proves how ill-informed you might be......

and stop bringing in
''....same online keyboard warriors who love to blast India using UN reports on Toilets and Poverty will try to defame UN by saying that they are following a Zionist agenda to defame and Capture Pakistan nukes....'' like claims.

That's the reason why all threads get derailed. The thread is not even worth discussing, feel free to indulge yourself.
Supporting terrorism in India? I think India already pretty much has it, being evident by the recent Maoist killings.

Blame that too on ISI.

What i meant was that Pakistan has become used to such news. Nothing new. Anything that happens in India, ISI is supposed to be behind it. Let's face it, they might have labeled the article as ...''ISI supporting Guerrilla tactics in India...'' which i think they would do, calling it terrorism would be like calling the Afghan mujahideen of Soviet war also terrorists.

Sorry, but without historical context in such threads, your posts means nothing and just proves how ill-informed you might be......

and stop bringing in
''....same online keyboard warriors who love to blast India using UN reports on Toilets and Poverty will try to defame UN by saying that they are following a Zionist agenda to defame and Capture Pakistan nukes....'' like claims.

That's the reason why all threads get derailed. The thread is not even worth discussing, feel free to indulge yourself.

Lets stick to the topic. This is a UN report on Pakistan and the historical and present record of ISI's involvement in Afghnaistan and India. It also talks about linkages of Pakistan military and ISI with terrorists.

The report is not created by India. It has been created by the UN on special request of Pakistan govt.

Again.. Lets stick to that..
Supporting terrorism in India?

Are we saying this ??......Sir.. its the UN report that is discussing a Pakistani leaders Murder ....and Terrorism mentioned here is effecting both countries... and you can continue to deny it for as long as you can.

I think India already pretty much has it, being evident by the recent Maoist killings.

Blame that too on ISI.
I would have loved to do that...but we know thats not the truth... Maoists re India's internal problems a....and they don't go around killing in other Nations......

What i meant was that Pakistan has become used to such news. Nothing new.

We can see that....

Anything that happens in India, ISI is supposed to be behind it.
I would have loved to say that...but I don't think that they are that capable.

Let's face it, they might have labeled the article as ...''ISI supporting Guerrilla tactics in India...'' which i think they would do, calling it terrorism would be like calling the Afghan mujahideen of Soviet war also terrorists.
Thats the problem Pakistan is facing now......still there is a good taliban and bad taliban.....I wonder how quickly a Good Taliban in Afghanistan transforms into a bad taliban when he crosses Af- PAK border.

Sorry, but without historical context in such threads, your posts means nothing and just proves how ill-informed you might be......

and stop bringing in
''....same online keyboard warriors who love to blast India using UN reports on Toilets and Poverty will try to defame UN by saying that they are following a Zionist agenda to defame and Capture Pakistan nukes....'' like claims.

That's the reason why all threads get derailed. The thread is not even worth discussing, feel free to indulge yourself.

The reason behind that Is "India is using its strong hold in US and then offcourse UN to isolate Pakistan&to hide the recent blames on itself of involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan".But the point is that these efforts Increase steadily after the Col.Prohit case in which active service Indian Army colonel was Charged in Samjhota express Bombing.I think big question still remains That"Is all the IN was sleeping at that night when so called terrorists of Mumbai Attacks were passing through their Territory?".An open question for every Indian..
Old story, every Intelligence agency is against ISI, Kyun ke ISI her kisi ke pol jo khol deta ha, no big deal :cheers:
Its Hilarious that Pakistanis believe that India has enough hold on the UN for it to come out with such damning comments on Pakistan State's involvement in terror activities, but doesnt have enough hold to prevent embarrasing comments on India's sanitation and poverty.. How naive can you get.....

btw, this also puts the non state actor theory in the dock...

The interesting thing is that Pakistani President's office has expressed satisfaction on the report. Is that an acceptance of the above fact ? ;)

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Babar satisfied over UN report, says it has given direction to investigation
Its a tit for tat game; however RAW is not as strong or resilient to carry out coordinated attacks on its own merits.

RAW with KGB and KHAD wrecked havoc in Pak in the 80's, same in the present with CIA and RAMA but ISI is much stronger in terms of its reach and capabilites.

Telegraph newspaper reported a high level diplomat that everyone from CIA to MI5 knew what ISI does but lacked the courage to confront Islamabad.

Nothing new here; ISI is dangerous.
The reason behind that Is "India is using its strong hold in US and then offcourse UN to isolate Pakistan&to hide the recent blames on itself of involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan".But the point is that these efforts Increase steadily after the Col.Prohit case in which active service Indian Army colonel was Charged in Samjhota express Bombing.I think big question still remains That"Is all the IN was sleeping at that night when so called terrorists of Mumbai Attacks were passing through their Territory?".An open question for every Indian..

Wel brother... for your information Col purohit is cooling his heels in an indian jail.. unlike your hafeez saeeds mazood azhars who are roaming around freely on your streets.

And for whehter we where sleeping... ofcourse we where caught sleeping when they came... else these rats couldnt have come inside our terrirtory and killed all those people.... however after 26/11 the inteligence agencies have woken up and is working in coordination... which have resulted in foiling of lot of attacks on our territory.

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