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ISI used LeT for anti-India activities: UN report

Another point on the report - the report investigated BB's murder. It did not investigate GoP/PA/ISI links or connections with the LeT or what have you. That would indicate that its comments on ISI links with the LeT are not a result of its investigation, but just opinion and/or some sort of background information the members of the team decided to include in the report, based on already available information about the ISI's past links with the LeT.
Where exactly does the UN report place the blame for the Mumbai attacks, or Parliament attacks or any other terrorist attack (different from support for an insurgency) on Pakistan?

I didnt mention Mumbai or Parliament.. Did I?? Freudian slip ;) ?

Anyway.. The report points out to the linkages of Pakistani Military and ISI with LeT. LeT has been designated as a terrorist organization by UN and Pakistan..That's all..
Another point on the report - the report investigated BB's murder. It did not investigate GoP/PA/ISI links or connections with the LeT or what have you. That would indicate that its comments on ISI links with the LeT are not a result of its investigation, but just opinion and/or some sort of background information the members of the team decided to include in the report, based on already available information about the ISI's past links with the LeT.

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207. The jihadi organizations are Sunni groups based largely in Punjab. Members of these groups aided the Taliban effort in Afghanistan at the behest of the ISI and later cultivated ties with Al-Qaida and Pakistani Taliban groups. The Pakistani military and ISI also used and supported some of these groups in the Kashmir insurgency after 1989. The bulk of the anti-Indian activity was and still remains the work of groups such as Lashkar e Taiba, which has close ties with the ISI. A common characteristic of these jihadi groups was their adherence to the Deobandi Sunni sect of Islam, their strong anti-Shia bias, and their use by the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Kashmir.

Doesnt look like an opinion to me that would have been shrouded in maybes and could haves..

Any way.. The report is made on behest of your own country and accepted by your own president. Take it as you will
I didnt mention Mumbai or Parliament.. Did I?? Freudian slip ;) ?

Anyway.. The report points out to the linkages of Pakistani Military and ISI with LeT. LeT has been designated as a terrorist organization by UN and Pakistan..That's all..
The report only makes allegations that are known already, of the ISI's past links with the LeT. The commission was not investigating those links, it was investigating BB's murder, therefore the statements regarding the ISI and LeT are nothing but a reference to existing claims, and not some sort of indictment of the ISI for being complicit in terrorism such as the Mumbai attacks.

Before the LeT was accused of the Parliament attacks and Mumbai, it was an insurgent group fighting Indian security forces - that is not terrorism.

When the LeT was declared a terrorist group it was cracked down on in accordance with the requirements of the UN.

As for Freudian slip, when you imply terrorism you imply acts such as the ones mentioned, and you compatriots have said as much any way. Support for an insurgency is not terrorism.
Page 49

207. The jihadi organizations are Sunni groups based largely in Punjab. Members of these groups aided the Taliban effort in Afghanistan at the behest of the ISI and later cultivated ties with Al-Qaida and Pakistani Taliban groups. The Pakistani military and ISI also used and supported some of these groups in the Kashmir insurgency after 1989. The bulk of the anti-Indian activity was and still remains the work of groups such as Lashkar e Taiba, which has close ties with the ISI. A common characteristic of these jihadi groups was their adherence to the Deobandi Sunni sect of Islam, their strong anti-Shia bias, and their use by the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Kashmir.

Doesnt look like an opinion to me that would have been shrouded in maybes and could haves..

Any way.. The report is made on behest of your own country and accepted by your own president. Take it as you will
'Anti-Indian activity' by insurgent groups run the gamut of fighting Indian occupation forces as well as other acts not endorsed or supported by Pakistan.

There are various ways this can be read, not just the way Indians want to read it.
'Anti-Indian activity' by insurgent groups run the gamut of fighting Indian occupation forces as well as other acts not endorsed or supported by Pakistan.

There are various ways this can be read, not just the way Indians want to read it.

:rofl: OK, what is your interpretation of the sentence ??
I am really interested to understand your interpretation.
:rofl: OK, what is your interpretation of the sentence ??
I am really interested to understand your interpretation.

Can you read, or too busy trolling to bother? Since I have offered it in at least two posts already.
'Anti-Indian activity' by insurgent groups run the gamut of fighting Indian occupation forces as well as other acts not endorsed or supported by Pakistan.

There are various ways this can be read, not just the way Indians want to read it.

The way UN writes it is that ISI has had and still has links with LeT and LeT is a declared terrorist organization by both UN and Pakistan. You really cant seperate LeT into 2 parts. One that supoports insurgency in Kashmir and the other that plans terror strikes in rest of India. As an entity it is a terror outfit and as per this report Pakistan Army and ISI has present links with it.

That makes Pakistan army and ISI an accomplice after the fact..

After that, you can spin it any way you want.

And I am not even getting into civilians being killed by LeT etc in Kashmir..
Again, what evidence is there of ISI's current involvement? If UN was passed down evidence by someone else, the evidence still needs to be shown by UN or those who gave the evidence to UN.
The report only makes allegations that are known already, of the ISI's past links with the LeT. The commission was not investigating those links, it was investigating BB's murder, therefore the statements regarding the ISI and LeT are nothing but a reference to existing claims, and not some sort of indictment of the ISI for being complicit in terrorism such as the Mumbai attacks.

Not at all.. Not past links but past and present links.. Also it mentions it in the Threats and Possible culpability for assasination section. Its not a 3rd rate detective agency that is making these statements that it will copy allegations and reference to existing claims. Please note that it is not refering it as alleged linkages.. It is stating it as a result of the investigation and as a part of the report...
The way UN writes it is that ISI has had and still has links with LeT and LeT is a declared terrorist organization by both UN and Pakistan. You really cant seperate LeT into 2 parts. One that supoports insurgency in Kashmir and the other that plans terror strikes in rest of India. As an entity it is a terror outfit and as per this report Pakistan Army and ISI has present links with it.

That makes Pakistan army and ISI an accomplice after the fact..

After that, you can spin it any way you want.

And I am not even getting into civilians being killed by LeT etc in Kashmir..

First, did the UN commission specifically investigate present links between the ISI and the LeT? Because as far as I know the investigation was focussed on BB's killing, not the relationship between the ISI and LeT.

If it did not investigate the current ISI-LeT relationship, then the comments are nothing but unsubstantiated opinion.

Second, the LeT can have as many parts as it wishes to. It is an insurgent group after all, not bound by an laws or restrictions. It is entirely possible for a group of people from within the LeT to act contrary to agenda set by the leadership.

And the PA/ISI also has self-admitted ties to the Taliban. Gen. Petraeus himself said the US intelligence has similar ties with various insurgent and terrorist grou

'Ties' does not mean support for all or any actions of a particular group.

So I do think that you are parsing words and clutching at straws here again.

P.S: And I am not even getting into the civilians murdered, tortured and raped by the Indian Army in Kashmir here.
Can you read, or too busy trolling to bother? Since I have offered it in at least two posts already.

'Anti-Indian activity' by insurgent groups run the gamut of fighting Indian occupation forces as well as other acts not endorsed or supported by Pakistan.

There are various ways this can be read, not just the way Indians want to read it.

You say "not endorsed or supported by Pakistan". But why would ISI have close links with those organisations whose activity it can't support ?

207. The jihadi organizations are Sunni groups based largely in Punjab. Members of these groups aided the Taliban effort in Afghanistan at the behest of the ISI and later cultivated ties with Al-Qaida and Pakistani Taliban groups. The Pakistani military and ISI also used and supported some of these groups in the Kashmir insurgency after 1989. The bulk of the anti-Indian activity was and still remains the work of groups such as Lashkar e Taiba, which has close ties with the ISI. A common characteristic of these jihadi groups was their adherence to the Deobandi Sunni sect of Islam, their strong anti-Shia bias, and their use by the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Kashmir.

And if you find a difficult question, don't label it trolling.
Not at all.. Not past links but past and present links.. Also it mentions it in the Threats and Possible culpability for assasination section. Its not a 3rd rate detective agency that is making these statements that it will copy allegations and reference to existing claims. Please note that it is not refering it as alleged linkages.. It is stating it as a result of the investigation and as a part of the report...
But what was the objective of this commission in Pakistan? Investigate BB's assassination correct? So when did it investigate ISI-LeT ties?

And what are these 'ties'? Support for insurgent operations in Kashmir? Support for charitable operations in Pakistan? Or support for terrorist attacks? You are choosing to solely focus on the last interpretation, when the UN commission nowhere makes that claim.
Again, what evidence is there of ISI's current involvement? If UN was passed down evidence by someone else, the evidence still needs to be shown by UN or those who gave the evidence to UN.

@SMC.. Your president had engaged UN for creating this report and has accepted that report with satisfaction. Any evidence that may have been required by your president to feel satisfied would have been shown to him only

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Babar satisfied over UN report, says it has given direction to investigation
You say "not endorsed or supported by Pakistan". But why would ISI have close links with those organisations whose activity it can't support ?
We supported insurgent groups fighting Indian occupation forces - at the moment we are not doing much of that either, given the drop in infiltration across the LoC and the ceasefire.

And if you find a difficult question, don't label it trolling.

The 'question' already had an answer that you chose to overlook. The manner of your question was that of a troll.

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