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ISI under fire for failure to prevent Quetta bombing.

Hazara Killers - Support from the Middle East to Punjab


In the aftermath of the Quetta massacre, the arrests of a few Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) militants have been looked upon warily as nothing more than a ploy to placate an angry nation.

If there was sincerity and strategic considerations behind this move, however, the headquarters of the Sunni extremist group in Punjab would have been dismantled much earlier.

But with elections approaching, a full-fledged and whole-hearted operation against such militant groups seems highly unlikely, especially in the Punjab, the breeding ground of sectarian militants. This has much to do with the fact that in Punjab, extremist and militant groups have a strong electoral presence.

“I doubt that there will be a real crackdown,” says author and journalist, Zahid Hussain, talking to Dawn.com: “The Punjab government has been looking the other way for too long and pursues the policy of appeasement.” He added that it had even made a covert deal for the release of LeJ leader Malik Ishaq.

Seconding Hussain, defence analyst Hasan Askari Rizvi added: “The Punjab Government is known for patronising the LeJ and (its predecessor) Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP).”

But it’s not only the Punjab government complicit in the inaction against extremist sectarian outfits. The centre hasn’t appeared earnest about the issue either.

Hussain has serious reservations about Pakistan’s National Counter Terrorism Authority, for example. The authority was created in 2009 under an executive order. “It remains dormant and a toothless body because the bill has yet to be passed in the National Assembly. There is also the unresolved matter of whether it should fall under the umbrella of the interior ministry when in the original charter, it was to be under the prime minister,” he explains.

And so the scourge of extremism will continue, as was seen last week when terror revisited the Shia Hazaras on Kirani Road in the south-western Pakistani city Quetta. The attack was also a grim reminder that without a national consensus in Pakistan on how to deal with domestic terrorism, the next attack is not far behind.

The bomb that killed over 90 people and injured more than 160, many of them critically, was the second major attack on Pakistan’s minority Shia Hazaras this year. A twin-suicide attack at a snooker club on January 10 had killed 92 and wounded 121. With the Hazara community living huddled together in certain localities, they have become an even easier prey and large numbers can be annihilated in minutes.

Hazara Democratic Party (HDP) Chairperson Abdul Khaliq Hazara told Dawn.com that the terror and fear had reached such a crescendo that the Hazaras had stopped venturing out of their locales. “There is no place left in Quetta that remains safe for Hazaras, be it an educational institution, school, bus stops, government offices or a marketplace. Public space is increasingly shrinking for us,” he said.

Where the LeJ derives power from

The LeJ, which claimed responsibility for these attacks, is born out of SSP. It also has ties with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). In fact, some of the top TTP leaders, like the current spokesperson, Ehsanullah Ehsan, were all members of LeJ in Punjab, before they became part of the TTP.

“These groups morph and gel and even support each other,” says Rizvi, who fears that “unless the government adopts a tough position and keeps up the pressure over an extended period of time” these attacks will continue.

Equally, if the government decides to pull the rug from under them, and has some successes to show to the people, it will gain legitimacy. “Nothing succeeds like success, and we saw that in Swat once the government decided to go all out; their efforts were lauded not criticized,” he points out.

The HDP chairperson agreed that “The state is more powerful than the militants. We believe the state knows who the culprits are and if it wants it can round up the militants, cleanse the city off them, even kill them, in just three days.” But, he adds, “They don’t want to.”

According to Rizvi, “Organisations like the LeJ, the SSP and the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat (ASWJ) are politically convenient, especially for all the Punjab-based political parties and even the present Punjab PML-N government – and they will not go beyond a certain point to enrage them.”

“So while they will condemn acts of sectarian attacks and militancy, they will never muster the courage to condemn a particular group,” he explains.

In addition, says Rizvi, these groups have embedded themselves in society by setting up schools, hospitals, mosques and other welfare organisations and created a strong support base, including those in the lower ranks of the police and the intelligence agencies.”

“There is no place left in Quetta that remains safe for Hazaras, be it an educational institution, school, bus stops, government offices or a marketplace. Public space is increasingly shrinking for us.”

It is very easy for the LeJ, a predominantly Punjabi group to thrive in Balochistan, he further explains. “With a non-existent provincial government and the support of the Taliban, the place became a safe haven.”

The LeJ made inroads in Balochistan and had steadily spread its wings (since 2004-05), where the ethnic Hazara community has been their main target. Talking to Dawn.com, senior journalist Rahimullah Yusufzai said: “Call it infiltration, or what you will, but the LeJ has succeeded in recruiting many Baloch, once considered quite secular.”

According to Hussain, the Baloch have “been indoctrinated into hating the Hazara community.”

Khaliq points out that the whereabouts of the militant camps was common knowledge. According to reliable sources, the training camps are run in Mastung and Khuzdar, from where earlier attacks on Shia pilgrims going to Iran have taken place. Those who are apprehended, meanwhile, are released for want of enough evidence – and if the evidence is there, it’s not produced in the courts.

The desire to eliminate Shias altogether is also constantly fed from the outside. “A proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is being waged in Balochistan.” says Khaliq. It is widely held that these anti-Shia militants receive funding from the Wahabi sheikhdoms in Saudi Arabia. The Shias, on the other hand are perceived to be supporting Iran.

Hussain, meanwhile, expresses surprise over the mushrooming of madressas in Balochistan, which lacks “even the most basic facilities for locals”. The senior journalist adds that it’s common knowledge such ‘nurseries’ of extremism were being financed by Wahabi leaning elements in Saudi Arabia.

So where do the agencies come in?

Some experts are also of the view that these assaults are carried out to deflect international attention from the ongoing separatist movement in Balochistan.

The HDP spokesperson insists that such acts of terrorism are carried out in collusion with the security and intelligence agencies.

Yusufzai, however, does not believe in this commonly held viewpoint. “These agencies would never allow their own country to get destabilised and they would never want to eliminate the Shia community. After all there are many Shias within these organisations too,” he points out.

According to Yusufzai, the intelligence agencies’ ‘incompetence’ can be attributed to “overwork”.

“Their hands are full with the ongoing separatist movement in one province, and the attacks by the TTP in others – and then these other militants fanning sectarianism. And if that were not all; these agencies are also being used for political purposes!” says Yusufzai.

Hussain plays down the involvement of the agencies, but adds, “They have the knowledge of who the culprits are but they are not focused on fighting these groups. So while they may not be in direct collusion; by their inaction they are helping these extremists gets stronger.”
The chief justice asked how a tanker loaded with over 800 kg of explosives could enter a crowded area without being checked by any one despite the fact that the FC had its check posts in the area................

Hazara town carnage: SC questions role of intelligence agencies – The Express Tribune

With all due respect, does the Chief Justice have any idea what it is like to man such a checkpost? It is impossible to check every vehicle thoroughly enough to catch any alteration to carry explosives without causing massive traffic jams. Impossible.

If a water tank has been cut open at the edges and a bomb placed inside, then welded and repainted, how is the jawan/officer at the checkpost going to find out? Does he have thermal imaging camera or backscatter x-ray scanners? Mere eyes cannot see inside the water tank. The same is true for all other daily traffic: water tankers, trucks carrying sand for construction, pickups carrying degs and shamianas for weddings, the list goes on.
effective intelligence will prevent that incident and inform the law enforcement while the bomb is being prepared and the plotters are procuring the material.

the questions are valid in a way and so is your question, by the time the truck is already on its way without raising any alarm its already too late for the check posts to stop the terrorism. they would only serve to block the entry and exist of the marked terrorists or cursory inspection of people so the checkposts cant be blamed alone but someone was supposed to alert them and that was the missing part.

it is true that we have been reluctant to criticise our Arabian brothers for funding and fanning the radicalization of Pakistani society but now that we have built up the courage to point at the source of the TTP, LeJ funding then we need to be honest enough to share the blame as well for being played a fool and a tool to play this bloody war where both the killers and killed are Pakistanis.

when Indians and Americans blame us for supporting "Good" taliban in Afghanistan and LeT in Indian occupied Kashmir then we say that we are ourselves victims or terrorism and point at our people lost due to this war. the Saudis also do the same thing when they are blamed for funding and supporting Al Qaeda and LeJ they say that they are themselves the targets of Al Qaeda so the truth may be somewhere in the middle

if we can have "non-state actors" then Saudis and other Arab brothers might have "non-state directors" as well who are secretly funding the sectarian terrorists to cause chaos in a fellow Muslim country
effective intelligence will prevent that incident and inform the law enforcement while the bomb is being prepared and the plotters are procuring the material.

the questions are valid in a way and so is your question, by the time the truck is already on its way without raising any alarm its already too late for the check posts to stop the terrorism. they would only serve to block the entry and exist of the marked terrorists or cursory inspection of people so the checkposts cant be blamed alone but someone was supposed to alert them and that was the missing part...................

It depends on the type of alert. The information has to be specific enough, and early enough. After all, stopping a truck bomb at a checkpost still exposes a lot of innocents to extreme danger. Such a truck bomb needs to be captured at the site of assembly, not at the checkpost, and that is the job intelligence agencies should be doing.
effective intelligence will prevent that incident and inform the law enforcement while the bomb is being prepared and the plotters are procuring the material.

the questions are valid in a way and so is your question, by the time the truck is already on its way without raising any alarm its already too late for the check posts to stop the terrorism. they would only serve to block the entry and exist of the marked terrorists or cursory inspection of people so the checkposts cant be blamed alone but someone was supposed to alert them and that was the missing part.

it is true that we have been reluctant to criticise our Arabian brothers for funding and fanning the radicalization of Pakistani society but now that we have built up the courage to point at the source of the TTP, LeJ funding then we need to be honest enough to share the blame as well for being played a fool and a tool to play this bloody war where both the killers and killed are Pakistanis.

when Indians and Americans blame us for supporting "Good" taliban in Afghanistan and LeT in Indian occupied Kashmir then we say that we are ourselves victims or terrorism and point at our people lost due to this war. the Saudis also do the same thing when they are blamed for funding and supporting Al Qaeda and LeJ they say that they are themselves the targets of Al Qaeda so the truth may be somewhere in the middle

if we can have "non-state actors" then Saudis and other Arab brothers might have "non-state directors" as well who are secretly funding the sectarian terrorists to cause chaos in a fellow Muslim country

You've hit the nail on the head. One of the best posts on the topic under discussion - period.
A question for those saying "this is internal its not the ISI's problem"

If an action is externally funded or planned even though the execution may be by Paksitanis in Pakistan would it not still be the responsibility of the ISI because of the external connection?
TTP signals the Sharif brothers, if stopped, no doubt the brothers will get another signal:

Female suicide bomber enters Punjab: NCMC
February 25, 2013 - Updated 2210 PKT

LAHORE: National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) has disclosed in a circular that a female suicide bomber has entered the limits of Punjab province, citing information gathered by intelligence agencies.

The Cell further disclosed that the female bomber has been identified as Nazia daughter of Muhammad. She traveled from Bhabra, Bajore Agency to Punjab and carrying a fake National Identity Card bearing a name Salma, it said.

The circular has directed Home Secretary Punjab, IG Police and Director General Punjab Rangers to adopt adequate security measures to pre-empt any eventuality.

The copy of the circular has been dispatched to the President, Prime Minister, Defence Minister and heads of intelligence agencies.
Aik tou chori opar se seena zori.....on one side they calling for.talks and on other they sending in death squads
Aik tou chori opar se seena zori.....on one side they calling for.talks and on other they sending in death squads

If one group is orchestrating this thing entirely, then may I say it's neither chori, nor seena zori...but perhaps Good Cop, Bad Cop.

Or- Good Taliban, Bad Taliban!
If one group is orchestrating this thing entirely, then may I say it's neither chori, nor seena zori...but perhaps Good Cop, Bad Cop.

Or- Good Taliban, Bad Taliban!

I know what yu re trying to say......and my point of view from now on is kill these suckers......
With all due respect, does the Chief Justice have any idea what it is like to man such a checkpost? It is impossible to check every vehicle thoroughly enough to catch any alteration to carry explosives without causing massive traffic jams. Impossible.

If a water tank has been cut open at the edges and a bomb placed inside, then welded and repainted, how is the jawan/officer at the checkpost going to find out? Does he have thermal imaging camera or backscatter x-ray scanners? Mere eyes cannot see inside the water tank. The same is true for all other daily traffic: water tankers, trucks carrying sand for construction, pickups carrying degs and shamianas for weddings, the list goes on.

It takes 30 second to jump up a tanker with a hand held flash light and inspect the inside of the tanker. If Saudi's can do it then we can do it as well. Enough of lame excuses!
It takes 30 second to jump up a tanker with a hand held flash light and inspect the inside of the tanker. If Saudi's can do it then we can do it as well. Enough of lame excuses!

You are right there. A flash-light to check inside the insides of the tanker. Plus a hammer; to tap around and check for hidden cavities within. Both of them can be used very effectively. I know from experience.
TI Cameras and X-Ray machines are fancy gadgets for fancy people. And maybe even quite redundant at that.
It takes 30 second to jump up a tanker with a hand held flash light and inspect the inside of the tanker. If Saudi's can do it then we can do it as well. Enough of lame excuses!

That simple approach will not work with smaller false compartments surrounded by water or other liquids.
That simple approach will not work with smaller false compartments surrounded by water or other liquids.

The ring test, with a Hand Hammer works quite well to unearth inner false compartments. And if you combine that with a dip-stick; you can't go very wrong.
That simple approach will not work with smaller false compartments surrounded by water or other liquids.

Everyone is a self professed scientist here.
The dry weight of the truck is always mentioned in the paper work.
We know the density of water, put the truck on weighing bridge and if the discrepancy is huge lets say 500-600 Kilo then something is wrong. Saudi Customs uses these primitive tricks to bust massive narcotics smuggling rings!

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