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ISI success against CIA Secret War by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Role of intelligentsia has never been negated in any type of war. During World Wars (WW) I & II, the allies remained successful in number of operations because of timely receipts of information and clandestine operations. However, after WW-II U.S launched agency CIA against KGB.During Cold War period both the agencies remained dagger drawn against each other. Anyhow, Pakistan felt a threat on western its frontiers once in 1979, Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. At that time U.S and Pakistan came closer to each other despite differences over the development of our nuclear programme. The coincidence of interests also forced ISI and CIA to operate jointly against Soviet Union. Thus, CIA in collaboration with ISI have activated against KGB and finally able to defeat and disintegrate Great Soviet Union.
But just after the disintegration of Great Russian Empire, CIA has shaken hands with a new ally agency i.e. RAW. Change of ally was obvious since Pakistan can never be party to U.S. against China. CIA in collaboration with RAW and MI-6 again accelerated her campaign against nuclear programme and started overtly and covertly. At this occasion ISI unfolded the foreign conspiracy and security of the country. The role of major intelligence agencies in international relations, threats are often addressed within the context of security studies — especially those focusing on nuclear deterrence, alliance formation and interstate conflict. In general, a threat perception is “understood as anticipation on the part of an observer (the decision maker) of impending harm – usually of a military, strategic or economic kind – to the state”. Thus, in international relations we talk about threats aimed at the territorial integrity, political sovereignty, major national interests and core ideology of the state and its regime. The truth of this quoted statement has been proved once Al-Qaida launched attack in U.S. on 9/11.
Pakistan was forced to become ally after 9/11 in Mushraf’s regime. Since then Pakistan has faced in fact two types of threat, e.g. external and internal. Foreign sponsored ethnicity, sectarianism and economic instability emerged as fundamental variables of internal security threats which gave birth to local Taliban and exploited by external forces. Religious extremism has created an unenviable image of Pakistan in the eyes of rest of the world and has affected the country adversely. CIA penetrated foreign agents along with sophisticated weaponry, suicide attacks and target killings have become everyday occurrence in the country. Indian intelligence agency RAW of under the garb of development programmes has established 13 consulates’ along the western border. It was ISI and country’s security agencies which came out to fight back the foreign sponsored covert and overt agenda against sole Islamic nuclear power.
It may be mentioned here that Pakistan security forces and ISI defeated foreign sponsored war on terror in FATA and Swat which was appreciated by the nation too. RAW, CIA, RAAM and Mossad from 2005 onwards tried their best to destabilize Pakistan. Weapons like Kalashnikovs, MI-4 American rifles, Israeli sniper rifles, 12.7mm, 14.5mm and 107mm guns, mortars, pistols, RPG-7s, grenades, explosives, equipment like, remote control sets, jamming devices, sophisticated telephone and wireless sets, bullet proof and suicide jackets, kits, and currency of different countries have been provided to the militants. Terrorist have been sent to Pakistan through Indian training camps located at Afghanistan.
Almost four divisions of force have been involved in elimination of militancy in FATA and Swat area. Pakistan Army also managed to take care of her eastern border too. The forces came all out to undertake Operation Rah-e-Rast and her soldiers set the gallant examples while clearing Swat, Dir, Buner, Kanjoo, Shangla and other areas.
General Kayani and his team has displayed excellent professional capabilities, ISI unveiled the foreign agenda and fully supported security forces in eradication of terrorists. In this regards over 5000 civilians and 3000 troops including officers and men have laid down their lives. It also includes the martyring of over 78 intelligence officials while fighting in global war against terrorism. While addressing in-camera session General Pasha very loudly mentioned that 112 check posts of the allied forces as opposed to the 812 of the Pakistani forces. 2.8 million Individuals of Swat and surrounding area became IDPs. Pasha while addressing also maintained parliament that the actions of the United States were not expected from an ally in war against terrorism. He said that there is difference between India and the United States.
From 2007 till today, American and western media is alleging ISI for supporting Haqqani group against American forces in Afghanistan. In this connection, American, Western and Indian media has criticized ISI, instead of suggesting Afghan government to fence the border and carrying out negotiations with the true representatives of Afghan nation. Notably, American military and civilian leadership has started irrational demand of restructuring ISI when Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha took over the agency as Director General in September, 2008. ISI chief instead of acting upon Assistant Secretary of State, Richard Boucher demand of forming and restructuring.The agency has took interest to improve upon the efficiency of the organization in the light of national interest. On rejecting the false and baseless allegations, US top officials intensified blame game again aftermath Osama’s death in a unilateral action of 2nd May 2011. Thus, relations between two capitals and their agencies went to its lowest level Pakistan. CIA intentionally did not involve Pakistan and her supreme intelligence agency in killing Osama, despite receiving information regarding a call made by someone from Osma’s Compound located in Abbottabad. It was ISI that first time interrupted and passed on information to the CIA for evaluation anyhow CIA mistrust over ISI, created vast distance between two agencies.
However, during a meeting with the CIA Director Michael Morell in July, 2011,it was Lt. Gen. Shuja Pasha who categorically told that we will continue anti-terror and intelligence sharing cooperation between the two agencies but would never tolerate a private ‘network’ the CIA is secretly maintaining in Pakistan. ISI under the leadership of Gen Pasha very successfully exposed the American and Indian intelligence agencies activities in Kashmir,FATA and Balochistan. The local CIA Chief Jonathan Banks has been forced to leave his station after Pakistani Intelligence services exposed his identity. It was U.S embassy that where CIA started recruiting Pakistani nationals who were vulnerable and could work on their payroll. In this context, with the pre-information of ISI, Pakistan’s police and other security agencies arrested a number of agents. For instance, on September 19, 2009, police raided the Inter-Risk, a private security company in Islamabad, and arrested its two employees, namely Tauqeer and Muhammad Khan, possessing unlicensed shotguns, handguns and ammunition. On the other side, US embassy spokesperson Richard Snelsire pretended, “The US contract with the Inter-Risk is to provide security at the embassy and consulates. Moreover, U.S ambassador address to Balochistan Jerga in 2011 Quetta has also a great concern for responsible circle of Pakistan. In memo gate issue ISI again played very vital role to expose another CIA plan against Pakistan sovereignty which is under investigation at the right forum Judicial Commission structured by Supreme Court of Pakistan .
Concluding, I say that invisible warriors of ISI under the leadership of Lt General Ahmed Shuja Pasha with very meager resources have successfully proved their superiority while defeating CIA and her sister agencies RAW and Mossad. U.S. has been forced to resolve Afghan issue as suggested by Pakistan and its intelligence Agency. In short, Intelligence organizations are not a fighting machines in its conventional sense but no army can fight without the support of an efficient Intelligence Organizations, collect, collate and disseminate information in a most efficient and reliable manner that is the key to the success of any war or battle. The job of a good organization is not only to collect information but through its mechanism, it denies or feeds false information to the enemy to achieve its goals.
The writer can be approached through zameer36@gmail.com
Global Issues and World Security - zameer36
If this article is true,
then the author must sincerely pray for his life.
Only Pakistani Institution i am proud of is ISI-
Even the Army has disappointed me recently- quite a few times-

I give PA benefit of doubt cos we don't know the constraints they face. But remember one thing majority of army is soldiers not generals. Our soldiers who are prepared to lay their life in the line of duty of protecting Pakistan against enemies of Islam and Pakistan must always occupy a high place in our society and in our hearts
Mr. Zaheerul Hassan.

Do you know that you are violating the laws by posting classified stuff?
Do not be surprised if you land yourself in trouble by posting this online.
Are you also proud of their role in 26/11.

In the absence of evidence stop this conspiracy theories. ISI does whatever it needs to do to protect Pakistan. We could also make charges against RAW, why you need 13 consulates in Afghanistan- you want Taliban tourism?

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

Mr. Zaheerul Hassan.

Do you know that you are violating the laws by posting classified stuff?
Do not be surprised if you land yourself in trouble by posting this online.

I don't think it requires a genius to guess what has been going on??? We all suspect and come to these conclusions. We can see whats going on in the ground
Why do you believe there is a conspiracy theory involving the ISI? -There has never been any evidence of ISI involvement. It would be good for all to stick to facts. I believe the ISI is rock solid and i am super proud of their endevours and efforts.
What about Major Iqbal,
the one whom DAVID HEADLEY identified as the ISI officer who funded his surveillance trips to India.
What about Major Iqbal,
the one whom DAVID HEADLEY identified as the ISI officer who funded his surveillance trips to India.

Just two words- western propaganda

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------

I doubt R&AW has such friendly relations with the CIA.

Oh and why India never have 13 consulates in Afghanistan until american invaders put puppet in Kabul???
What about Major Iqbal,
the one whom DAVID HEADLEY identified as the ISI officer who funded his surveillance trips to India.

Are you the little mouse going round and round on a wheel? Lets stick to the thread title and subject - if you want to have an obsession with David Headley theory then open another thread - i dont wish to discuss the theory behind him on here. Its beggers belief how attempts are made to belittle the ISI - The most envied agency in the world.
Just two words- western propaganda

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------

Oh and why India never have 13 consulates in Afghanistan until american invaders put puppet in Kabul???

See I don't disagree to what you think about the 13 consulates,but i just said that we haven't reached that level of relationship with the CIA like the ISI had.It will take time.I wouldn't disagree that Mossad and R&AW have a good relation.But I'll point that CIA knows what goes in R&AW very well after Rabinder Singh's defection to the US.
See I don't disagree to what you think about the 13 consulates,but i just said that we haven't reached that level of relationship with the CIA like the ISI had.It will take time.I wouldn't disagree that Mossad and R&AW have a good relation.But I'll point that CIA knows what goes in R&AW very well after Rabinder Singh's defection to the US.

Our ISI know CIA and there shenanigans very well. I also think that ISI experience in Afghanistan is second to none. The CIA involvement to a large degree in the eighties was financial and weapons to ISI. The ones who got involved in and have always been involved on the front line is the one an only ISI
Our ISI know CIA and there shenanigans very well. I also think that ISI experience in Afghanistan is second to none. The CIA involvement to a large degree in the eighties was financial and weapons to ISI. The ones who got involved in and have always been involved on the front line is the one an only ISI

Bcs CIA/USA wanted plausible deniability. Remember it was the cold war era and neither side wanted it to turn hot.
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