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ISI ordered journalist's murder - More US Propaganda?

from: Pakistan govt may have sanctioned Shahzad’s death: US | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON: The US military’s top officer said Thursday Pakistan’s government may have sanctioned the killing of a Pakistani journalist, voicing grave concern over the attack.

Asked about media reports that Islamabad sanctioned or approved the killing of the reporter, Admiral Mike Mullen said: “I haven’t seen anything that would disabuse that report.”

He said he was “concerned” about the incident and suggested other reporters had suffered a similar fate in the past.

“His (death) isn’t the first. For whatever reason, it has been used as a method historically.”While acknowledging that Pakistani officials have denied the government had any role in the death of Saleem Shahzad, Mullen said the episode raised worrying questions about the country’s current course.

“It’s not a way to move ahead. It’s a way to continue to quite frankly spiral in the wrong direction,” said Mullen, who has held numerous meetings with Pakistani counterparts during his tenure as chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The New York Times, citing US officials, reported Monday that the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency ordered the killing of the 40-year-old Shahzad to muzzle criticism. Mullen said he could not confirm whether the ISI was behind the killing.

The ISI has denied as “baseless” allegations that it was involved in the murder of Shahzad, who worked for an Italian news agency and a Hong Kong-registered news site.
And what exactly has he 'seen' that makes him believe that the abduction and killing was authorized by the ISI/PA?

Sadly, yet more propaganda and smear campaigns by even the man Kayani trusted on the US side.
And what exactly has he 'seen' that makes him believe that the abduction and killing was authorized by the ISI/PA?

Sadly, yet more propaganda and smear campaigns by even the man Kayani trusted on the US side.

OK, CNN has more details on his comments:

"But Mullen would not link Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency with the killing. And he said he did not have what he called a string of evidence tying the Pakistan government to the journalist's death. CNN obtained a tape of the Mullen meeting.

So apparently Mullen is accusing the government, not the ISI, if I understand the comments correctly, and he has admitted that he does not possess any really strong evidence to support his view of the GoP's complicity.

Clearly they are putting the heat on Pakistan Armed Forces - Of course all this negative propaganda will go away if Pakistan Army launches OP in North Waziristan (As we have seen before during Swat OPeration American Media was all priase for Pakistan and they will do it again - I find it hard to believe that US Government does not provide false information to news paper like NYTIMES, WSJ etc for their foreign policy section.Raymond David case in point i was stunned to see the silence in US Media about it?)
And what exactly has he 'seen' that makes him believe that the abduction and killing was authorized by the ISI/PA?

Sadly, yet more propaganda and smear campaigns by even the man Kayani trusted on the US side.

Okay, let's try another way of thinking about the issue.

Why are the ISI/PA losing the "propaganda" war of words? Their reactions are feeble and bungled and almost always too little and too late. Even a lie told often enough becomes the truth, right?
Who is claiming this General Mu Lun..It is not true. How MuLun knows that? What is his source, hope it is not fox news.
Proper credible evidence would involve ISI/PA personnel, who had been given these instructions, coming forwarda and confessing to their role. Or it would involve the arrest of the alleged kidnappers and the information they reveal, which would then have to be cross-checked, or it could involve wire-taps or other electronic/documentiary evidence that leads to the ISI/PA.

Ahh ! Now if only that was the standard of evidence used by Pakistanis when they claim involvement of foreign agencies.

I'm not sure wire taps would cut it anyways. Can always argue that the voice is that of an actor or any such and is probably some sort of a "false flag". If not, can always refuse to provide voice samples. Confession would also be difficult. Confess to whom? This is the ISI we are talking about. If the person involved knew that the ISI tortured journalists just because they wrote a story which was not appreciated, he would be reasonably certain that they are probably going to take a dim view of anyone attempting to "confess". Arrest? Surprising isn't it that no one gets arrested in all the cases cited by the journalists. You would have imagined that if the ISI was not involved, there would be at the very least, one case that might have been solved. Maybe whoever did that stuff is almost as powerful as the ISI; actually make that more powerful because they have successfully "maligned" the ISI's good name & the ISI hasn't done anything about it in terms of exposing the plot.

Guess that means the ISI gets a free pass, atleast from you because there is never going to be evidence of the sort that you would be willing to accept as such.
What deal ties the hands of the current judiciary, beyond speculation and conspiracy theories?

Did the same judiciary not end up getting 'dismissed' from service by Musharraf after refusing to cave into his demands?

To argue that somehow now they are 'pliant' towards the military for the sake of their jobs makes no sense given their actions in complete disregard for their 'job security' under a military dictatorship.

Dismissed? I think that the judges are probably aware that the word may have a different connotation in the lexicon of the ISI than it has in the context of governmental service. A judge might also end up getting told that he would be informed if his name & that of his family is found on the hit list of this or the other terrorist.
The recent statement of Mike Mullen on implicating ISI (without proof) for the death of Saleem Shehzad reflects US desperation to pressure Pakistan into bowing to its demand of an operation into Waziristan and against the Haqqani Group.

Lagay Raho Munna Bhai! Es Hamam May tum Bhi puray Nangay Ho!
‎"The US military's top officer said Thursday Pakistan's government may have sanctioned the killing of a Pakistani journalist, voicing grave concern over the attack."


"Asked if Pakistan's intelligence service had been behind the killing of the journalist, Mullen said he could not confirm that allegation."AFP.


Im outa here...
from: Pakistan govt may have sanctioned Shahzad’s death: US | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON: The US military’s top officer said Thursday Pakistan’s government may have sanctioned the killing of a Pakistani journalist, voicing grave concern over the attack.

Asked about media reports that Islamabad sanctioned or approved the killing of the reporter, Admiral Mike Mullen said: “I haven’t seen anything that would disabuse that report.”

He said he was “concerned” about the incident and suggested other reporters had suffered a similar fate in the past.

“His (death) isn’t the first. For whatever reason, it has been used as a method historically.”While acknowledging that Pakistani officials have denied the government had any role in the death of Saleem Shahzad, Mullen said the episode raised worrying questions about the country’s current course.

“It’s not a way to move ahead. It’s a way to continue to quite frankly spiral in the wrong direction,” said Mullen, who has held numerous meetings with Pakistani counterparts during his tenure as chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The New York Times, citing US officials, reported Monday that the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency ordered the killing of the 40-year-old Shahzad to muzzle criticism. Mullen said he could not confirm whether the ISI was behind the killing.

The ISI has denied as “baseless” allegations that it was involved in the murder of Shahzad, who worked for an Italian news agency and a Hong Kong-registered news site.

Yea! they dont shout or cry when Raymond Davis(CIA agent ) killed two of our innocent Pakistanis but shout when one of their paid CIA agent/journalist gets killed by somebody who is involved in activities against Pakistan and Islam.....
We like the CIA game.....Send/create more of ure agents for money........ .Next time we gonna give more gifts to CIA so that they cant sleep at night either ....Insha-Allah....:woot:
Isn't US meddling in the domestic affairs of Pakistan ? Would it be alright if Pakistan or any other country commented on the US's economy or any other domestic affair ? Then people ask why do people view America negatively in Pakistan ?
Saleem Shahzad murder: Pakistan rejects Mullen’s comments – The Express Tribune

Pakistan government may have sanctioned Saleem Shehzad's death: Mullen

“It was sanctioned by the government, yeah,” he told reporters from the Pentagon Press Association.

---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 PM ----------

Pakistan government may have sanctioned Saleem Shehzad’s death: Mullen – The Express Tribune

Now, Mike Mullen is not irresponsible ... not at all.... the whole world cant be irresponsible ..... hard to digest it anymore.
Ahh ! Now if only that was the standard of evidence used by Pakistanis when they claim involvement of foreign agencies.

I'm not sure wire taps would cut it anyways. Can always argue that the voice is that of an actor or any such and is probably some sort of a "false flag". If not, can always refuse to provide voice samples. Confession would also be difficult. Confess to whom? This is the ISI we are talking about. If the person involved knew that the ISI tortured journalists just because they wrote a story which was not appreciated, he would be reasonably certain that they are probably going to take a dim view of anyone attempting to "confess". Arrest? Surprising isn't it that no one gets arrested in all the cases cited by the journalists. You would have imagined that if the ISI was not involved, there would be at the very least, one case that might have been solved. Maybe whoever did that stuff is almost as powerful as the ISI; actually make that more powerful because they have successfully "maligned" the ISI's good name & the ISI hasn't done anything about it in terms of exposing the plot.

Guess that means the ISI gets a free pass, atleast from you because there is never going to be evidence of the sort that you would be willing to accept as such.

Since there are no credible evidences against ISI / PA involvement except that the 'statement' of Uncle Sam which always get appreciation by people who hardly ask for any evidences, therefore the same lead to following two possibilities:

1. Either PA/ISI is involved but could not get caught as it is too professional and never leave any evidence for its involvement.

2. Or, PA / ISI is not involved at all.

It is just your hatred against PA that you will always go for option 1 above, and keep standing alongwith all the propaganda against it, and

There are many journalists who keep writing against PA / ISI on similar levels as SS was doing, but why just SS has been targeted? it is just nothing but a propaganda to malign PA / ISI.

ISI is being named as it can be top most 'beneficiary' of the SS killing. So it is rule the ultimate beneficiary of any incident is the prime suspect, right?

Now tell me who is ultimate beneficiary when Pakistan lost PC3 Orions???

Why dont you apply same standards on every case? hypocrisy?
I would not like to believe that he died because of natural reasons.
Dismissed? I think that the judges are probably aware that the word may have a different connotation in the lexicon of the ISI than it has in the context of governmental service. A judge might also end up getting told that he would be informed if his name & that of his family is found on the hit list of this or the other terrorist.

What are you talking about, he is referring to the proclamation of emergency by Mush and sending judges to home, as those judges who did not took oath, got dismissed, The same judges then restored (by Army intervention too.).

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