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ISI hired architect for Osama compound: Report

to be honest the way this operation at Abbotabad was conducted and the body of OBL was disposed (allegedly)... I have all my reasons to doubt if OBL was there in the first place.
It is hard to imagine a guy (OBL) who regularly needs to be treated for his kidneys and is the most wanted person on God earth can live through this long, that too undetected. US had played the card of OBL for long enough and it was time to kill his name as well.
I don’t even feel like commenting on this cocooned story of some architect working for ISI or whatever... I mean cmon :what:

if osama was not there why is the doctor 'who hepled identify osama's compond' arrested?
Mock all you want but we are the one having the last laugh.
We are marching toward prosperity and you are marching in opposite direction of prosperity.
You all are mocking balouchistan bill few days back,but we all know that americans will also have the last laugh in that matter.

The only thing certain about change is change.
Only time will tell who will have the last laugh, for now, the Americans are neck deep in shyte and need us for the dialogue in Afghanistan to succeed. As for prosperity, may congratulations to you but we do not intend to keep at this state(mind you we still maintain a rebellious growth rate of 2.4% per Annum), soon we will be completely free of the terrorist menace and we will be back on our way to progress like in 2004-08(8.4% per annum).
1) It was owned by two Pakistani brothers, I don't know how it goes in India but in Pakistan Tax officials and Census Officers don't barge into your house, get every living being to stand in line and strip search you.
2) The brothers owned the car, nothing suspicious in that, again, I can't say about India.
3) If it's a fact then we have an expert in our midst, kindly prove it WITH THE SO-CALLED FACTS.

In india, govt officials do conduct a census alteast once in 5 years, voter id identification etc.
if osama was not there why is the doctor 'who hepled identify osama's compond' arrested?

Excellent question my dear sir. Consider this sir, if this was all just an American BS, would you not like to dig deeper to find out what really happened? and where best to start?
1) Abbotabad is not a Garrison, it is a city which has a Garrison. It's like Dehradhun, but do we call Dehradhun a GARRISON CITY ?
2) How is it that 10 teenagers ran a mock in your financial capital and played with your security forces for 4 days?

Or is that not embarrassing ?

true it was embarrassing..i accept that...but there again
our agencies did not harbour or protect them ....we found out and made public about how they ended up in Mumbai.....we caught one and made him confess...and we managed to kill the rest....

compare that to
1)arresting a doctor for "revealing the secret hideout"....
2)still no explanation for how OSAMA came to live there for so long without being spotted ( i can see no investigation going on regarding this aspect which only shows that the ISI knew or they were the ones who had him there)....
true it was embarrassing..i accept that...but there again
our agencies did not harbour or protect them ....we found out and made public about how they ended up in Mumbai.....we caught one and made him confess...and we managed to kill the rest....

compare that to
1)arresting a doctor for "revealing the secret hideout"....
2)still no explanation for how OSAMA came to live there for so long without being spotted ( i can see no investigation going on regarding this aspect which only shows that the ISI knew or they were the ones who had him there)....

No explanation that YOU know, obviously the intelligence will release information when they believe that it is dry and holding it from the public can produce no further results. We didn't see the body, but I'm not saying he wasn't there.
then please explain how OSAMA was in ABBOTABAD ? that is a military garrison?....its either

1)your military and army and the ISItotally suck and are totally incapable or
2) they have been hiding him

choose any one ....both are equally embarassing (even if you chose the second one-it shows that your ISI and Army incapable of protecting OSAMA...which again implies option 1)

Can you explain how 9/11 attacks occured, or how Mumbai attacks occurred? It's either

a) your security agencies must totally suck and are incapable or
b) they must have carried out those attacks
Same applies to all the big attacks in Pakistan, like attack on SL cricket etc..

Now let me know how you feel..

Please read my initial post, the post that I was responding two, and my second post. You clearly don't understand what I am trying to say.
HA HA HA HA HA ... made me laugh ... can`t stop

That piece of garbage building was made by an architect 4 -5 lousy walls
In india, govt officials do conduct a census alteast once in 5 years, voter id identification etc.
The last time a census was held in Pakistan was 1998, and even during a census census workers do not barge into homes to identify everyone present - typically forms are handed out and the recipients are expected to fill them out accurately and answer questions accurately.

There is nothing unusual about OBL being able to hide in the area for years, given that he kept a very, very low profile and no one in the neighborhood (vendors, residents, travelers) saw him or even suspected he was there.
Badly built?
It had all the luxury one can have... They had a car too....
Did the officials never checked in their 3 years?
Tax officials, census officials never checked out the house?
U must be kidding.....
Err... have you really no clue about houses in Pakistan?

Go to any upper class neighborhood (even regular neighborhoods) and you'll see mansions that would fit in Beverly Hills.

You expect the authorities to just go barge in and scrutinize every house that is 'large' and 'has a car'? I hope you realize how absurd these claims are.
They received some amount of support from military agencies which is a fact....
Nope - still completely unsubstantiated and nonsensical speculation, based on inane arguments such as the one made earlier in your post.
Another source that never was, how come these sources never come to light for themselves and how much value can we attribute to the claims of these anonymous, possibly non-existent sources?

Of course, why would you believe The Washington Post. With its "anonymous sources". Right? But then its quite acceptable and reputable when two investigative journalists employed by the same newspaper outed the Watergate Scandal, citing an anonymous source - Deep Throat, who was 'outed' only as recent as 2005 - which ultimately led to the resignation of Richard Nixon. Also, New York Times - another reputable newspaper has also published numerous articles questioning the relative ease with which OBL lived in Pakistan.

Ultimately the fact is someone in the Pakistani Establishment knew about OBL's presence in Abbottabad. The question is, Who?
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