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ISI dumping rave drugs to destroy youth: RR Patil

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Jan 12, 2012
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United States
After smuggling fake currency notes into the country, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s intelligence agency, has now taken to the sinister plot of supplying rave drugs to destroy the cream of India’s youth, said state home minister RR Patil, while replying to a calling motion by Shiv Sena member Neelam Gorhe in the state assembly on Wednesday.

Even as Gorhe wondered why the media is invariably present at every raid, she pointed out that even the innocent, often dining at such party venues, are presumed to be taking rave drugs. “Today, middle-class people are scared to hold parties, for they never know when the police will land up, slap drug charges against them and arrest whoever is present,” she said. Considering that the media presence at the raids often resulted in images of innocent people being flashed on TV, the Sena member further demanded that the media should not be allowed to cover them.

To this, Patil insisted that the police never ask the media to accompany them. “The media comes to know of the parties and raids beforehand and is present there,” he said. In case of the recent rave bust on May 20, Patil informed the house that of the 92 people whose samples were collected, 44 have tested positive, two were clean, while the remaining reports are expected in a few days.

Defending the hockey-stick wielding assistant police commissioner Vasant Dhoble, Patil said, “If someone is playing hockey at the time of being informed of a rave, do you expect him to drop his stick and then proceed? Wrong motives are being attributed to an innocent act, while the focus must be on stopping the ISI, which is actively pushing these drugs into the country.”

ISI dumping rave drugs to destroy youth: RR Patil - Mumbai - DNA
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yet another gem from Indian media :lol:
It makes me wonder how Indians always figure out it's ISI. :woot:

:rofl: Paranoid Indians....
it truth..i dont care about pakistani view..

i dont know about ISI hand but drugs are transferred through border and huge percentage of the punajb youth is addicted to drugs...its huge issue in punjab.
by drugs they cant destroy muslims no. 1 enemy america and they are trying to destroy that country where a youth always thinks of studies and carreer.
Whats wrong with having some wild time??

Come on guys we know , Indian media has become psychopathic about the ISI.
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RR Patil is the same buffoon who said in the aftermath of 26/11 - "Such minor incidents happen" and was forced to resign. He is a bonafide fool.
lol.. not sure if ISI dose it to destroy our youth. They could do it just make some money. If it is to destroy our youth, they wouldn't be letting their own youth to be addicted in huge numbers.
Idiotic story.
ISI becoming an excuse to blame for misgovernance
I have no words.......


by drugs they cant destroy muslims no. 1 enemy america and they are trying to destroy that country where a youth always thinks of studies and carreer.

If there was something worth rebutting, I would, but I wont, that should talk volumes about the post itself.
Wow!!! Indian media is cheap to lowest levels. Their major newspapers are also like tabloids. But this one was just brilliant. I fell of my chair, almost and now I m :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wow!!! Indian media is cheap to lowest levels. Their major newspapers are also like tabloids. But this one was just brilliant. I fell of my chair, almost and now I m :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Not the newspaper its RR Patil.
After 26/11 he called it a minor incident.
Nobody takes him seriously i think.
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