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Is US leaving Afghanistan in 2014 or the Generals lying?

i think the way they are handling the conditions they need to leave by end of 2012 ... looser cannot choose,

Anyone staying after 2012 might go back in a BOX
How is repairing relations with Iran going to solve the Nato occupation problem in Afghanistan? Iran barely has any say in Afghanistan and not sure how it's going to influence anything on the table.

If Pakistan, Iran and Russia are opposed to permanent NATO presence in Afghanistan, then all supply routes are denied. It won't fully eliminate NATO bases, but force them to be drastically downsized.

And, to add insult to injury, India will be squeezed out of Afghanistan. Iran understands full well that India is more and more aligned to US/Israeli interests with each passing day.
^these are the most possible scenarios except the third one, plus if you guys ever go and see their bases in Sharan, Shindand, Bagram, Lashkargah and Kandahar you will not believe it they are going to leave in 2014.

The US needs to start handing over command and governance to the Afghans slowly and systematically.
Most Afghans feel that Pakistan is the invader. How can NATO leave in these conditions?

How u know that RAW told u are did u got call from Afghanista lol ?? We have more than 4 million Afghanies in Pakistan... How many in India ? Why not India open there border and ask there beloved afghanies who India care so much about to come in India. Since you know so badly what Afghans want. I tel u what they want they want Kashmir to be part of Pakistan and after that even more....
Why are retired and current generals lying to the whole nation and misleading the public by constantly giving false hope to the nation that the US/NATO is going to leave in 2014?

When all the evidence suggests otherwise; that they're here to stay and invest in this part of the world and occupy the natural resources for the next century or so to elevate from the deep economic depression and turmoil their countries are facing. For example they participated in WW2 precisely for economic benefit which helped them get out of the deep depression of the 1930s.

Generals like Durrani, Aslam Beg, etc. constantly come on tv shows and give blatant statements that the US is going to leave in 2014, nation need not be worried, etc. however the original withdrawal was supposed to take place in 2011/12, but now its been postponed to 2014. Aren't these blatant lies and disinformation being spread to qualm the rising public sentiments that are questioning Pakistan's shaky participation in WOT? What disappoints me are the so called hardcore self proclaimed 'islamist' genenrals like Hamid Gul that are also on this bandwagon.

But the reality on the ground states otherwise. Logic dictates that a superpower that spends 100s of billion on a country, will never simply walk away from it. They still occupy Germany, Japan, South Korea, to name a few, and have never walked away from an occupation unless they're deliberately kicked out like it was done in vietnam and latin American countries.

It's hard to blindly consume the American propaganda that US is leaving soon in 2014.

Can anyone convince me how a superpower is going to just walk away from $500+ billion investment and thousands of casualties?

They announced that they will withdraw some forces 2011/12 it was political stunt as you know it will help Obama in elections, and they have started to give control to ANA in some areas. The only thing which can lift US economy is opium and drugs and thats what they doing. If you see the current A'stan 60% territory is in Taliban control.

Complete US pull out depends on the following things.

Number of deaths.
Morale of USA forces.
Public support: Only 30% people in USA support this war and after the fake death of Osama its decreasing day by day.
Economy: US and EU economy are in big crises and China is rising fast.
International pressure: China, Russia, Iran and Pakistan and Central Asia will not support US stay after 2014.
In case Israel/USA attack nuclear sites then USA forces will become soft target in A'stan they will face a lot of direct and indirect resistance from Irani fighters along with Talibans.
One thing i like to point out is ,that America has ,an specially in afghanistan's case ,sought out its own interest.If you look back a few decades ,you will find that as soon as the sovient withdrew from afghanistan ,America literally abandoned afghanistan ,left it to civil war.
American public hates this war,futhermore the US is spending more than 100 billions dollars per year.They came here to take out Al Qeada ,they got it.What i see next is a peace deal between taliban and NA,which seems to be the only solution.
If Pakistan, Iran and Russia are opposed to permanent NATO presence in Afghanistan, then all supply routes are denied. It won't fully eliminate NATO bases, but force them to be drastically downsized.

And, to add insult to injury, India will be squeezed out of Afghanistan. Iran understands full well that India is more and more aligned to US/Israeli interests with each passing day. :rofl:

LOL. What a joke. It really thinks so then what about Chabahar-Hajigak 900km rail line and Iran allowing Indian investment in Chabahar Port. The truth my friend is, whole Muslim world don't share what Pakistan thinks about India, whole Muslim world bother only about Israel.
Afganistan is one the best place to keep a check on China,Iran,Russia and Pakistan,,, and if any general in Pakistan is thinking that america will vacate Afganistan then it is big time illusion....
Yes! U absolutely right about their game of planning......:smokin:
realty sinking in for some .. still thinking about strategic assets?
Its never late for pakistan to jump aboard to build afganistan..
the way things are going with Russia , china & Iran NATO staying put in Afghanistan will only make them uneasy its a known fact it has three simple dimension central Asian resources to which Russia will never agree see the power tussle between the the pro-Russia & pro-west political parties in central Asian republics

the other keeping a check at china ( Pentagon's support for Ms. Rebiya Kadeer head of World Uighur Congress & its sister organization The Uighur American Association (UAA) is well known ) for more info visit BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Profile: Rebiya Kadeer

& thirdly Iran's nuclear program & its threat perception felt by Israel coupled up by the financial trouble facing the U.S though the ambition is there to stay but along with that the U.S also needs the financial strength to materialize that goal which is in steady decline strains of which at the moment it simply can't afford so i will say that anything is possible but practically speaking its not feasible or affordable

the only weak link to all this is Pakistan's inability to make a very important & a very big foreign policy shift & its subsequent admission to SCO till 3 years ago i used to shout at the peak of my voice in this very forum for a para-gram shift in Pakistan's foreign policy from its sickness syndrome of look Washington D.C policy i emphasized on the importance of a Russia/Pak relationship viz a viz china/Pak & thus a sino-Russia-Pak relationship but no-body cared the love for f-16 block 52's knew no bounds it could even put Romeo & Juliet to shame , but khair... now its the time for Pakistan to take that step if taken properly as i said a few days before it can be a masterstroke
LOL. What a joke. It really thinks so then what about Chabahar-Hajigak 900km rail line and Iran allowing Indian investment in Chabahar Port. The truth my friend is, whole Muslim world don't share what Pakistan thinks about India, whole Muslim world care only about Israel.

concern or care can you be a bit more specific on this

LOL. What a joke. It really thinks so then what about Chabahar-Hajigak 900km rail line and Iran allowing Indian investment in Chabahar Port. The truth my friend is, whole Muslim world don't share what Pakistan thinks about India, whole Muslim world care only about Israel.

Yes, Iran is letting India fund infrastructure within Iran. Wow, that's mind blowing!

As for Israel, Iran is the one country which is probably the most anti-Israel -- the same Israel that you guys proudly declare as your main military partner.

Russia/Pak relationship

Russia has a long and continuing history with India, so there is a lot of trust deficit in Pak-Russia relationship. Also, it's not clear how Russia feels about Indian entry into the CAR resource tussle. It's already crowded there with Russia, China, and the US.
I think people commenting here has ignored the history of ethnic and tribal Afghan community. The real problem is US is not hunting terrorists there but trying to westernized that country which is going to back fire. Russians have already begun showing concerns about European missile defense shield and has hinted on blocking NDN.

I can understand the disappointment of Indian members here. First they were hell bent to make Pakistan go against NATO after 26/11 attacks on Pakistani checkposts and now they are trying to convince themselves that US/NATO will manage to stay in Afghanistan only to allow more time to India to wreck havoc in Pakistan.
If Pakistan, Iran and Russia are opposed to permanent NATO presence in Afghanistan, then all supply routes are denied. It won't fully eliminate NATO bases, but force them to be drastically downsized.

And, to add insult to injury, India will be squeezed out of Afghanistan. Iran understands full well that India is more and more aligned to US/Israeli interests with each passing day.

I think that India needs to be careful. Russia, china, iran pakistan and the neighbourhood seem to be going one way and india is going another way. It is inevitable that America will fail with so much opposition. Also americans have deficit problems and that might affect their future projection of power.
I think that India needs to be careful. Russia, china, iran pakistan and the neighbourhood seem to be going one way and india is going another way. It is inevitable that America will fail with so much opposition. Also americans have deficit problems and that might affect their future projection of power.

India feels that it will be able to juggle all the players against each other to squeeze maximum benefit for India. It's an ambitious strategy and can pay huge dividends if India can pull it off. India is also lucky not to be in the lead and let China take all the flak from the West's nervousness.
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