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Is There a Storm Brewing !

This "foolish idea" has been exercised for a number of times, even in the modern history. "Nation States" don't agree; they are forced to agree, by the compulsion of circumstances.
Point taken, now you have to answer to yourself whether the Pakistan State or the Kashmiris in South Srinagar have the might and resolve to "force" Indian Nation state to agree to their terms...

Deep down in your heart you have the answer, its just the bravado and pride not allowing you to accept it ...
Tumar kaam nai aaru eiburok bujabo goisa. Xihotok discuss kori thakibo diya be. Iman dine forumot thaki buja nai ne iyat eku sane discussion nohoi, khali xunyo bravados..

Just relax, sit back, read and enjoy...
an Assamese, nice to know connect bro ... :)
It’s the first I have heard this happening — would be interested of a source or reputable name in defense established verifying it.

I have no idea if this is true or not.i heard it from a member here.i Don't know whether they will help us or not but why not discuss China? If we lost Kashmir,China will be sidelined and they understand this fact.there will be no more cpec and no more trade routes.china will have to face american Navy in South china sea.it is not simple to defeat pakistan but I want to know if help from China is a possibility or not? Afghan talibans are totally different thing.we need numerical superiority as well.
In case of attack on Kashmir,india will try to block routes that are vital for pakistan and they will definitely block cpec route or any other route that connects us to china so my question is will China allow India to do whatever it wants to do with pakistan? Will they do something to make sure that these vital routes will remain open?
India will not show aggression until they got all the chess pieces. In this case, Rafales, S-400 which are due until 2022 as far as I know.

elders of this forum might know more, i am simply a rookie in this
Point taken, now you have to answer to yourself whether the Pakistan State or the Kashmiris in South Srinagar have the might and resolve to "force" Indian Nation state to agree to their terms...

I have not mentioned the resolve and the "force" of the Pakistan State or the people of Kashmir, "as at present"; but the "force and compulsion of circumstances", hidden somewhere in future, beyond the realm of our limited imagination.

Deep down in your heart you have the answer, its just the bravado and pride not allowing you to accept it ...

You appear to be narrating your own "deep down" psyche, not mine.
Imran Khan will have to declare a world wide JAHAD against India in that case. I am pointing towards the fact since long time that when India attacks Pakistan, Indian army will be accompanied with millions of chaddi guys. At Pakistani side, we don't have such arrangement.
You really are crediting these ‘chaddi guys’ far more than they actually deserve. They are really scared as hell shitty people who run away from basic street fights when a pakistani is infront of them especially a Pakhtun. These so called shitty people are accompanied by a non funtioning, ‘katakat’able brain which doesn’t guide them how to fight rather only sends sensory signals to legs on how to run away. They are NO THREAT TO PAKISTAN OR US neither are their common infantry or commandos as they are all shitbags. The only obsession indians have mostly is ‘Taller you are, more dangerous you are’ while it’s totally BS. We on the other hand, are quite different, religiously motivated with a fierce, brave and unprecedented 1400 years history of victories and empire building. Physically, we are blessed as well with better built and stability (not taking into account sindh and pujab police). We can very well take care of ourselves incase God Forbid, during a war, temporarily our village/city are seized.
but the "force and compulsion of circumstances", hidden somewhere in future, beyond the realm of our limited imagination.

"force and compulsion of circumstances" -that you don't control or can imagine, but hope that one day it will swing the situation in Pakistan's favor. Really appreciate you optimism ...

Well that is what is sold to you guys for last 70 years, a wonderful dream that will come true some day. But everybody seem to have forgotten to ask the question "How ?"
You really are crediting these ‘chaddi guys’ far more than they actually deserve. They are really scared as hell shitty people who run away from basic street fights when a pakistani is infront of them especially a Pakhtun. These so called shitty people are accompanied by a non funtioning, ‘katakat’able brain which doesn’t guide them how to fight rather only sends sensory signals to legs on how to run away. They are NO THREAT TO PAKISTAN OR US neither are their common infantry or commandos as they are all shitbags. The only obsession indians have mostly is ‘Taller you are, more dangerous you are’ while it’s totally BS. We on the other hand, are quite different, religiously motivated with a fierce, brave and unprecedented 1400 years history of victories and empire building. Physically, we are blessed as well with better built and stability (not taking into account sindh and pujab police). We can very well take care of ourselves incase God Forbid, during a war, temporarily our village/city are seized.
My point is : dushman ko sambhalna ka moqa mat do.
See below two videos, and you will understand what I mean:

Better be prepared, better get some training from Talibs. Some of our boys are deadly in such warfare, just got to arrange them.

And India is after these of our boys. Killing of Sami ul Haq, attack on Ulama and current attack on JUI's guy is enough to see the pattern. India is really is after breaking our teeth before they start. We better start our work in India.
@Irfan Baloch @Maarkhoor @Aamir Hussain
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"force and compulsion of circumstances" -that you don't control or can imagine, but hope that one day it will swing the situation in Pakistan's favor. Really appreciate you optimism ...

Thank you.:lol:
And I equally appreciate your optimism that Kashmir issue stands resolved, in India's favor, with merely some paperwork done, at your end.

Well that is what is sold to you guys for last 70 years, a wonderful dream that will come true some day. But everybody seem to have forgotten to ask the question "How ?"

Well that is what is sold to you guys for last 72 years, a wonderful dream that will come true some day. But everybody seem to have forgotten to ask the question "How ?"
Thank you.:lol:
And I equally appreciate your optimism that Kashmir issue stands resolved, in India's favor, with merely some paperwork done, at your end.

Well that is what is sold to you guys for last 72 years, a wonderful dream that will come true some day. But everybody seem to have forgotten to ask the question "How ?"

You are getting delusional -
Jammu and kashmir is "integral part of India" is a reality since 1947
Jammu and Kashmir will be part of Pakistan or independent is a dream since 1947..

and please don't put up the argument that Azad Kashmir is with Pakistan. For that i made the first comment that status quo on boarder is the reality that we have to accept..
You are getting delusional -

I entertain the same idea about you and other Indians like you.

Jammu and kashmir is "integral part of India" is a reality since 1947

It is as much "integral part" of India; as was British India part of the Great Britain, and remained so for a long long time.

Jammu and Kashmir will be part of Pakistan or independent is a dream since 1947..

At least, my dream is not that Kashmir shall essentially become part of Pakistan. It is that people of Kashmir shall get their due right of self determination; as we the people of Pakistan (including Bangladesh, then erstwhile East Pakistan) got in 1947.

and please don't put up the argument that Azad Kashmir is with Pakistan. For that i made the first comment that status quo on boarder is the reality that we have to accept..

I haven't placed the said argument; so don't impose it on me.
Sir, your experience of life is lot more than mine, let me give you a good example from human history.
In WW2, Germans had everything good. Weapons, tactics everything. See the demage done by U boats and MG3s. Allies were simply helpless infront of German weaponry.
But then came Russians with simple weapons but with great great brute force.
Pakistan is good at tactics, and I have no doubt that we are more professional and more tactical than Indians.
In short clashes, we will cluch Indian arm with no problem.
The problem will be when conflict is prolonged. And in long conflict, we will definitely be needing Afghan help, as they have better/evolved/more developed brute force than Pakistan.
So Taliban, not our tactics, will be our last line of defense, anyway. What happened in 1948 and 1971 are evident on my thesis.


You are incorrect about the russian resistance as you stated---.

The russians were slaughtered by the german military---. The civilians were butchered and murdered enmasse by the germans---.

The russians were ready to join hand with the german if treated right to fight against communism---but the arrogance of the reich and the terrible decisions that it made resulted in russians fighting for their motherland---.

To top all that the russians had THE WEATHER and vast amounts of land behind them.

Pakistan neither has the weather nor the land behind it---.

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