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Is the World War 3 Coming?

It's not that simple to start a world war, you need economic meltdown, mass militarization(not on India's scale, I mean HUGE), social stigmatism. Among other catastrophes. You say Jews are going to start WWIII ? I think if it does start, it will be the muslims in Europe that will face the haulocaust this time. Think about it, hatred for them is growing in Europe and they still aren't naturalizing, you need to blend in with the local population, not move to England a tramp, take money from the govt and then label them as "Kafirs" followed by a call to war and demand for the imposition for Shariah in the UK.
Sorry, India and America will not be a part of that war.

Look at the complete decline many European nations went through after WW2.

Why would you want that in Asia?? Have it in Europe again.:wave:
There is no simple answer.

It is a yes, but not soon. It must be minimum a decade away.
A lot of things are clear, if you try to look for them. But for some ignorant people,
who do not believe in this stuff, it is never gonna happen.

I disagree I think its already too late. The west is in decline. I think the americans were at their zenith late 80's early 90's. I think its lmost already too late for the west. I think in the next 10 years the situation will be reversed and the likes of china will be in a position to decimate americans without much loss. Apart from anything els think about how many engineers chinas turning out. Even if 1 in a 100 is a genious they will invent weapons that america will have no answers for in the futire.
the third world war is already happening, the only difference is that now usa is attacking one country at a time.
I disagree I think its already too late. The west is in decline. I think the americans were at their zenith late 80's early 90's. I think its lmost already too late for the west. I think in the next 10 years the situation will be reversed and the likes of china will be in a position to decimate americans without much loss. Apart from anything els think about how many engineers chinas turning out. Even if 1 in a 100 is a genious they will invent weapons that america will have no answers for in the futire.

80's it was the Japaneses are taking over the world - America is going down chants ( just some history for you).

however you and bilahaider crack me up- you proclaim and pray for the west's demise daily , yet you scurry into your houses on " western world" streets.
80's it was the Japaneses are taking over the world - America is going down chants ( just some history for you).

however you and bilahaider crack me up- you proclaim and pray for the west's demise daily , yet you scurry into your houses on " western world" streets.

There are major differences.

US soldiers were sitting in a barracks about 20 km away from the Japanese Emperor. There's no realistic way that Japan could ever challenge the US because USA can kill all of Japan's government with machine guns alone.

Second, Japan has NO natural resources and doesn't drill its own oil. The US can squeeze it off any time it wants.
It is only a 'war' of there is some parity between the opponents. In case of a global conflict between Muslims and the West, it will be a one-sided extermination. Not one single Muslim country possesses the capability to inflict any serious damage on the US mainland.

It will be a contest between those who live in a fantasy world of prophesies, and those who do the hard work with science and technology.
during the second world war we din't have organization's like UNITED NATION'S which would stop countries from going on war , but today we have such organization's . Apart from this during the second world war only U.S had used a nuclear weapon , while this time many other nation's like china and russia will also use their nuclear aresnal , hence leading to world destruction and then scientific phenomenon's like nuclear winter , change in climate cycle , which are being seen as a major threat in many countries :cry:, so i guess people are not foolish though some people on pdf are:lol: , they will never go on any war anymore :disagree:.
There are major differences.

US soldiers were sitting in a barracks about 20 km away from the Japanese Emperor. There's no realistic way that Japan could ever challenge the US because USA can kill all of Japan's government with machine guns alone.

Second, Japan has NO natural resources and doesn't drill its own oil. The US can squeeze it off any time it wants.

Don't get that flustered that you reply to the wrong guy :D
When I was a child, I once read an Al-cheapo book of Prophecies of Naustredamus. It said, among a lot of other "uninteresting" prophecies (many of which have already been fullfilled, the book claimed), that the WW III will be faught somewhere in early 21st century, between US & China. Surprisingly it said that Russia will fight together with US against China. It will be much more horrible than any war faught ever. Most countries will indirectly get involved, including India. Both China & US will destroy each other completely. India will suffer with destruction too but will emerge quickly and will be the next superpower in coming years thereafter(ofcourse, the book was published in India, what else would you expect? :D ).

One more thing, it said the war will be started by someone from China, with blue hair/band. Now i suspect, Kahi MMS to nahi? Our PM!! Even Naustredamus can err slightly.
When I was a child, I once read an Al-cheapo book of Prophecies of Naustredamus. It said, among a lot of other "uninteresting" prophecies (many of which have already been fullfilled, the book claimed), that the WW III will be faught somewhere in early 21st century, between US & China. Surprisingly it said that Russia will fight together with US against China. It will be much more horrible than any war faught ever. Most countries will indirectly get involved, including India. Both China & US will destroy each other completely. India will suffer with destruction too but will emerge quickly and will be the next superpower in coming years thereafter(ofcourse, the book was published in India, what else would you expect? :D ).

One more thing, it said the war will be started by someone from China, with blue hair/band. Now i suspect, Kahi MMS to nahi? Our PM!! Even Naustredamus can err slightly.

Can you give me a link to that specific prophecy?

I read Nostradamus as well, and he referenced the "Mongols" as being a part of the end of the world. Not China.

Of course, the year 2000 came and went without incident. End-of-the-world theories are a dime a dozen, and Nostradamus didn't do very well either.

Wow infowars.com!!! These guys are on some very powerful and potent form of hallucinogen. And to think that India TV was the best of this breed? Really these guys take the cake. India TV has a lot of catching up to do.
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WWII ended with nuke and WWIII will only start with a nuke.
Thats highly impossible so no WWIII
Can you give me a link to that specific prophecy?

I read Nostradamus as well, and he referenced the "Mongols" as being a part of the end of the world. Not China.

Of course, the year 2000 came and went without incident. End-of-the-world theories are a dime a dozen, and Nostradamus didn't do very well either.

Link?? You missed the part where I wrote "some Al-cheapo Book".
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