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Is the World War 3 Coming?

WW4 is just around the corner , WW3 was war on terror


ACT One :
1900's world saw World War 1 , 1990's world saw beginning of War on Terror


1913's was it when it was crash in financial markets, and there were no jobs and no bread on shelves , we 2005 we saw financial crisis in world
which was averted temporarily with fake money (Borrowed cash)

Population % vs Job ration was low there were far many Males in world - vs jobs , in 1900's and same is true now , as there are too many ppl in world and very few jobs being created

Also Note the amount of Food we produce , by Farming and by fishing is going down , and population is going way out of control , all of the Analyst also predict chaos just by the mere calculations and projections in their mathematical formulas - Humanity cannot sustain itself with out Chaos, which is why , war and Humans go hand in hand. Wars are considered , human`s biggest flaw and their biggest asset as well.

Fishes in Sea waters are dying - so forget about getting food from there - people are seeing giant squids searching for food in areas where they never used to be seen and captured (indicates water fish levels are low)

Plague in 1900's a dangerous virus - its counter part is ready now its called Avian Flu / Swine Flu which is temporarily being controlled by drugs.

ACT 2:
WW2 - WW4 comparisons

Well there is ample room for world war 4 to commence

WW2 started because there were illegal sanctions against Japan , well now these sactions are being applied against Libya, Pakistan , Iraq , Iran in general all muslim nations are under some sort of hidden sanctions.

Japan retaliated with Pearl Harbor , and obvious now we see false flag 911 as means to rally the troops perhaps a fake nuclear attack would be pretext for new war.

Can world war start ? Why not ?

Also one has to remember Jews took out their $$ from Europe and moved it to USA , and now we hear talks of this Money being moved out of USA to new destination.

One must also remember - that USA is under 13-20 trillion dollars debt enough to keep it in debt for 20-30 years , and it will still be under debt one way for it to get out of debt is if it starts a war with China and then use that as an excuse to not pay its owed debt

WW1 started with assassination of European head of state , we have seen similar attempts to kick start this process by deaths of Benazie Bhutto , to some how kick start a new war (did not happen) , then we saw attempts to kick start war in Mumbai (again war did not happen) - Obviously the Abbotabad attack was also a possible scenario where WW4 could have started - but it was averted. We have seen things intensify in North korea - South Korea issue - it was almost a war starter.

Day by Day we are infact seeing legitimate possibility of war being started.

NATO started to kick start it by Attack on Libya but Russia stayed calm - but now we are seeing talks of Attack on Syria / Iran and we know after these two nations likely Pakistan will be also targeted

So anything is possiibility

Effect of war on Economy :

World war - in effect cured global economies , new jobs were created, and there were abundance of jobs available as Most men of working age had gone to war.

When man used to live in tribes wars were common , every few years - now we live in global stage and we see a pattern emerging every 80-100 years the world becomes so congested and full of people that a self cleansing mechanism starts up , which ends up restarting human evolutionary process.

What I mean is war gives us the maximum level of evolutionary progress - technology , learning , R&D

Lastly , WW1 was started due to economic jealously by Western Nations against Ottoman / Germans
I mean Suez Canal - the train from China to Turkey were all instrumental for reason for British to go to war

We see same situation now as China becomes a dominant player in world economy - ppl are eager to destroy the modern day revival of old silk trade routes on land via China - India - Pakistan - Iran - Europe

The next major war could likely be - that separation in Homo Sapiens class - One group of humans will emerge as technologically savy and superior and other would be ruined sent back to stone age from where they might go extinct with in 30-150 years period

There is also a chance 95% of world human population would disappear , this conflict the remaining class of humans might not even have technological knowledge to retain even 10% of what humans have discovered in science , and humanity would reset it self , back from 1200 AD , horse and carts - 95% of knowledge as we know it will also be lost in the upcoming war -

Likely after the mass killing of humans - a secondary wave of human deaths would likely occur due to Virus invading remaining populations.

NOTE: All deadly viruses are healed in USA , and Russia , they have not destroyed samples of deadly viruses from 1900's these are kept in safe locations - to be used in case a major world war starts. If these are
also deployed in war , likely all but 1 % of human population would survive

In worse case scenarios : if we do become extinct due to Virus + Nuclear war in planet
the next likely animal with a brain , and rational thinking would continue to evolve over Million years - that would be our closes class of Chimpanzees or Gorillas

Reference: There is a female gorilla that already knows sign language 400-500 words , this is not science fiction So these creatures can articulate language and communicate - they will likely inherit the planet as a dominant species. Do a Google search on gorilla and sign language , and we have 1 female gorilla in captivity that can communicate thoughts with Humans because she was taught sign language.

Lastly all this vast knowledge we attained in last 100 years would vanish, and knowledge transfer would be gone, no paper (No mills or chemical plants) no scientist , and also no teachers so all advance science we have will vanish , and people with most basic skills (Africa or Aboriginals ) would likely survive in wild if the actually do survive.

In wild two tribes of Monkeys fight for resources like water or bananas , in our case its oil , farm land , food
I dont think that world war 3 will ever take place . I seriously hope not . Cause world war 3 will be far far more destructive than world war 2 . Here atleat 60-80 well armed countries will kill the planet . The scenario will not b the one they had in WW2 where only a dozen countries fought .
There is no possibility of WW III. Reasons:
1. Muslims are divided, and no Islamic country has guts to go against USA. Infact Islamic powers like KSA, Egypt and Pakistan is in USA side.
2. First point leave possibility of WW III in middle earth.
3. In East China and North Korea are most powerful state. Even if china start it the war will over in weeks (Coz Russia and Japan will ally USA).

So see there is no war coming... Just chill, have some beer...
History tells us that zionist / jewish banking practices are well associated with causing wars and destruction. Quran tells us that yahood or nasara see war as a business for profiterring. Quran also tells us to refrain from Intrest and riba in finance as it leads to war and destruction. Today if we looked towards united states, the situation is not much different than WW2 nazi Germany. Armed to teeth with weapons and industrial might but economy in total chaos with national debt climibing high everyday and national sense of pride total humiliated. The only way to wipe the debt is to take everyone down with them that is laying the foundation for World war three.
All historic conflicts from colonial era are being spurred up. NATO bombing in Libya, possible military engagements with Syria, Arab oil sheikhdoms comfortably serving Zionist goals, Pakistan and Afghanistan being cornered while India flooding with lucrative investment..much like the British came for trade. Why do I have a feeling that world war is coming just around the corner and UN will be dissolved as a impotent organization much like the League of Nation? And the whole fool making drama will continue under a new name and game of peace!

to take everyone down with them that is laying the foundation for World war three.

is that prompt you to write such messages..
WW3 is not going to happen at least in next couple of decades. I think few still has memories of 1940's by reading history. Common it's 70 Year Old. Every now and then, There is some articles on WW3. Now Scenario has changed a lot. There could be some War. But World War3 is highly unlikely. Most of the countries will not participate in that including Russia, India, Europe. I even Doubt, Countries like China, Japan, U.S. will indulge in such act. There could be some possibility in Middle-East due to few countries like Iran, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Taliban Factor, etc. But Still, No WW3.

Now, War will be fought in Economical and Diplomacy Way. The Countries which will have better Diplomacy and Economy will emerge as winner. Those who has nothing to lose will only talk about WW3 but eventually lose all the way slowly and gradually in 21st Century.
Only people dumb enough like the OP would start world war 3.

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

we are also taught how aussies got into place called australia ........ and how brits colonised it

I hope you are also educated how well the country is doing or you live in the past?
History tells us that zionist / jewish banking practices are well associated with causing wars and destruction. Quran tells us that yahood or nasara see war as a business for profiterring. Quran also tells us to refrain from Intrest and riba in finance as it leads to war and destruction. Today if we looked towards united states, the situation is not much different than WW2 nazi Germany. Armed to teeth with weapons and industrial might but economy in total chaos with national debt climibing high everyday and national sense of pride total humiliated. The only way to wipe the debt is to take everyone down with them that is laying the foundation for World war three.
All historic conflicts from colonial era are being spurred up. NATO bombing in Libya, possible military engagements with Syria, Arab oil sheikhdoms comfortably serving Zionist goals, Pakistan and Afghanistan being cornered while India flooding with lucrative investment..much like the British came for trade. Why do I have a feeling that world war is coming just around the corner and UN will be dissolved as a impotent organization much like the League of Nation? And the whole fool making drama will continue under a new name and game of peace!

Ahhhh.... Hummmm.... Ohhhh.. yesss.

Now I understand....

Its aaaaaaaaaaaaa Joooooooooooooooooooooke. Good for health to laugh..:yahoo:
Isnt it sick, that some sickos blame jews for everything, jews didnt cause the two world wars, they were peaceful,but when some people started to treat them as vermin, jews had to vouch for a different state.
Your signature speaks your IQ!

'Hindus and Muslims have so much in common,two hands to work, two legs to walk, "a" god to pray and yet they consider themselves as different ,why'?

Hindus dont have "a" god to pray..that is the fundamental difference between monotheism and polytheism and the foundation of historical conflict!
Your signature speaks your IQ!

Hindus dont have "a" god to pray..that is the fundamental difference between monotheism and polytheism and the foundation of historical conflict!

Brother i wont speak like that if iam u. We have been taught not to speak like that.
Your signature speaks your IQ!

Hindus dont have "a" god to pray..that is the fundamental difference between monotheism and polytheism and the foundation of historical conflict!

oh yeah..
that's why Muslims killed millions of Hindus n converted them forcefully...And ur forefather was one of them who was converted forcefully..

The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. The Islamic historians and scholars have recorded with great glee and pride the slaughters of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children to slave markets and the destruction of temples carried out by the warriors of Islam during 800 AD to 1700 AD. Millions of Hindus were converted to Islam by sword during this period.

When Muhammad Kasim invaded Sind in 711 AD, Buddhism had no resistance to offer to their fire and steel. The rosary could not be a match for the sword and the terms Love and Peace had no meaning to them. They carried fire and sword wherever they went and obliterated all that came their way. Muhammad triumphantly marched into the country, conquering Debal, Sehwan, Nerun, Brahmanadabad, Alor and Multan one after the other in quick succession, and in less than a year and a half, the far-flung Hindu kingdom was crushed, the great civilization fell back and Sind entered the darkest period of its history. There was a fearful outbreak of religious bigotry in several places and temples were wantonly desecrated. At Debal, the Nairun and Aror temples were demolished and converted into mosques.[Resistors] were put to death and women made captives. The Jizya was exacted with special care.[Hindus] were required to feed Muslim travellers for three days and three nights.

Muhammad Ghori committed genocide against Hindus at Kol (modern Aligarh), Kalinjar and Varanasi, according to Hasan Nizami's Taj-ul-Maasir, 20,000 Hindu prisoners were slaughtered and their heads offered to crows


Another ruler of the sultanate, Shams-ud-din Iltutmish, conquered and subjugated the Hindu pilgrimage site Varanasi in the 11th century and he continued the destruction of Hindu temples and idols that had begun during the first attack in 1194

One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolators, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives....on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and enemies of Islam at liberty...no other course remained but that of making them all food for the sword.


World is not so dumb to believe it

N Tvsivram..read these quotes once again..They don't feel ur as brother...don't be delusional..

The Indian muslims(converted muslims) with their ideology ,may repeat this again when they r majority....
oh yeah..
that's why Muslims killed millions of Hindus n converted them forcefully...And ur forefather was one of them who was converted forcefully..


World is not so dumb to believe it

N Tvsivram..read these quotes once again..They don't feel ur as brother...don't be delusional..

The Indian muslims(converted muslims) with their ideology ,may repeat this again when they r majority....

Well, my forefathers were Sufis from Persia.

They didn't come along with a naval armada or something like that. Similar can be said about Indonesia or Malaysia, hell even Maldives.

Some people are confused between fighting for land and fighting for the sake of religion!

The ancient building you posted is still standing there. Good God, do you always have to bring religion into every topic so often?
oh yeah..
that's why Muslims killed millions of Hindus n converted them forcefully...And ur forefather was one of them who was converted forcefully..


World is not so dumb to believe it
N Tvsivram..read these quotes once again..They don't feel ur as brother...don't be delusional..

The Indian muslims(converted muslims) with their ideology ,may repeat this again when they r majority....

Are u blind ...dont u see ure worship place/building is standing and not destroyed......If it was destroyed centuries ago then u wouldn't have seen its building like that there....
ure picture is the evidence that the Muslim rulerz didn't destroy anything......:azn:
Are u blind ...dont u see ure worship place/building is standing and not destroyed......If it was destroyed centuries ago then u wouldn't have seen its building like that there....
ure picture is the evidence that the Muslim rulerz didn't destroy anything......:azn:

Don't try to defend indefendable

If u see that building in clean shape then go get tested
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