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Is the problem at the heart of Islam, the silence of sensible Muslims?

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May 25, 2010
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Is the problem at the heart of Islam, the silence of sensible Muslims?

Events of the last few weeks have once again thrown into sharp relief why numerous commentators across the political divide, ideologies & cultures worry greatly about Islam. Some do not just worry; they fear.

They worry about and fear an ideology that apparently condones killing of “followers” who may have second thoughts; they fear an ideology which justifies war and violence against the “infidels” and enemies as long as it is for a “just” cause[ii]. They fear an ideology that shows no qualms in killing and maiming fellow believers simply because they have a difference of opinion or interpretation.

They worry about an ideology that considers half of humanity somehow “lesser” than the other half[iii]; that condemns young girls to a lifetime of ignorance and servitude[iv] and that justifies people getting into a paroxysm of rage over perceived or real “insults” to their sacred texts, symbols or figures.

And yet, the one refrain that almost invariably accompanies each such outbreak of barbarity and violence is “Islam is a religion of peace”. Except for one inconvenient fact: If it is, why do its adherents find it so hard to contain and condemn violence?

In the latest incident of such violence, Buddhist homes and temples were targeted and burnt in Bangladesh after a picture of a burnt Quran was posted on facebook[v]. Meanwhile “protests” against a poorly made film on Islam continue across the Arab world, in Africa, in Asia and of course in India too[vi]. “Protests” that have led to hundreds injured and several dead, including the cold-blooded killing of a diplomatic representative – raising questions on whether such “niceties” like diplomatic immunity and privilege are concepts that are no longer relevant. In Baghdad, the wave of violence engulfed fellow-believers too[vii]. Someone mentioned to me a few days back that Islam stands for brotherhood. I am finding it hard to see evidence of that.

What do the Muftis and the Imams have to say on all this? The vast majority keep quiet; some call for more “retribution” so the “infidels” can be taught a lesson. How can a religion whose leaders and followers openly call for the death of an alleged “blasphemist” call itself a “religion of peace”[viii]? Or is it “peace” only on our terms – and of our choosing?

Where are the Muslim reformists? And why are they silent? Why do even the most progressive Muslims limit themselves to just “condemning” these incidents rather than taking the next step and actually fighting for reforms?

Reforms that would make the faith much more compatible with the values of openness, with the values of a liberal culture? Reforms that would create space for tolerating alternative interpretations & alternative approaches to “Truth” – whatever that may be?

Reforms that would make the faith much more relevant – instead of setting the stage for a clash of civilisations?

Why don’t community leaders and scholars denounce these unacceptable, barbaric acts committed in the name of Islam[ix] and forcefully argue that Islam can co-exist with civilisation? And that the Taliban are murderous perverts who have no place in a civilised society?

Why don’t the Muftis and the Imams take upon themselves the task of convincing Pakistanis and Arabs and Muslims elsewhere that it is quite alright to make fun of “Gods[x]”- and that there are other, alternative and peaceful ways to protest and express grievances or hurt sensibilities?

Or is the problem simply that unlike almost all other major religions, Islam has not yet undergone any reform or catharsis? Is this what holds Islam back?

Witness Saudi Arabia – the figurative heartland of Islam – where women are literally treated as “not equals” – and sometimes worse than second-class citizens[xi]?

Look at Maldives where the Islamic Affairs Ministry recently issued a circular banning “mixed-gender” dance events and where the Adhaalath Party, part of the Government, considers “youth’s addiction to music and songs, something that is 'haram' (forbidden)[xii]”

Or Malaysia where government has begun holding seminars aiming to help teachers and parents spot signs of homosexuality in children, in order to curb the "problem" of homosexuality[xiii]

Or Iran where the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament regards law that prohibits girls below the age of 10 from being married off as ‘un-Islamic and illegal[xiv].”

Or closer home in Afghanistan, where a woman was publicly executed recently for the crime of adultery[xv] or Pakistan where more than a dozen girls aged four to sixteen were recently “traded” to resolve a dispute[xvi].

Which makes you wonder just who are these people who are making these rules and laws? And why do sane voices fear speaking up against them[xvii]? Is the problem at the heart of Islam, the silence of sensible Muslims?


End notes:

* http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2010/12/Pew-Global-Attitudes-Muslim-Report-FINAL-December-2-2010.pdf

When asked about the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion, at least three-quarters of Muslims in Jordan (86%), Egypt (84%) and Pakistan (76%) say they would favor making it the law; in Nigeria, 51% of Muslims favor

[ii] From The Age of Sacred Terror” by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, Random House, 2002 (p. 55) and Douglas Streusand, "What does Jihad mean?", Middle East Quarterly, September 1997; quoted here: » SRK: “Jihad…a small little word” . || Satyameva Jayate ||

[iii] women being naqisat al-’aql (short of reason) and naqisat al-iman (short of faith) from Women and faith | DAWN.COM

[iv] Taliban Vows To Kill Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani Peace Activist, If She Survives Attack

[v] Bangladesh Muslims torch Buddhist temples over Facebook photo  - NY Daily News

[vi] Anti-Islam film protests - every verified incident | News | guardian.co.uk

[vii] BBC News - Iraq car bomb attacks target security forces and Shias

[viii] Girl, 11, Could Face Death in Pakistan for 'Blasphemy' - ABC News

[ix] BBC News - Pakistan mob burns man to death for 'blasphemy' Pakistan mob burns man to death for 'blasphemy' by Shahzeb Jillani 4 July 2012

[x] The right to laugh at gods The Right to Laugh at Gods, by Tavleen Singh, Feb ‘06

[xi] Women's rights in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[xii] Maldives stamps down on

[xiii] Malaysia holds seminars to help teachers spot 'gay children' | World news | guardian.co.uk

[xiv] Child marriage and Islam | DAWN.COM

[xv] Manhunt is on for Taliban militants who executed Afghan woman accused of adultery | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

[xvi] And a cut for bosses Proposal seeks more fuel for police underdogs | DAWN.COM Girls traded to settle blood feud - ucanews.com

[xvii] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raheel_Razaand https://www.irshadmanji.com/Memo-YouTube-Dont-censor-death-threats and Malaysia: Muslim Reformist 'Irshad Manji' Assaulted on Book Tour Then Finds Book Is Banned - YouTube
When ever I read of Islam being vilified or Islamic nations being spoken of poorly or Islamic education being branded. I feel sorry.

If a religion were bad, it would not have survived so long. By a process of evoloution it would have faded away.

Unfortunately, those who can make a difference are silent or not doing enough. This is for sure.

‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
There is no problem with Islam. It is a victimized religion. Like the Jews during WWII.

Every religion has its nutcases and hotheads.

What we see as a supposedly incremental phenomenon today is a Neo-colonial Western and Zionist backed conspiracy stemming from the insecurity of losing out to Islam in the numbers stakes.
No problem with Islam really. Infact no problem with any religion. Its just how you interpret it. Unfortunately its the nutjobs that are the loudest in Islam, and hence the stereotype. And yes sensible Muslims should be quick to condemn and act against these nutcases.
There is no problem with Islam. It is a victimized religion. Like the Jews during WWII.

Every religion has its nutcases and hotheads.

What we see as a supposedly incremental phenomenon today is a Neo-colonial Western and Zionist backed conspiracy stemming from the insecurity of losing out to Islam in the numbers stakes.

you may not be entirely correct. There are some point you must think about.
1. Jews were not liked by christian and Islam coz they refused to convert, Instead of adversary they protected there religion.
2. Christian hated jew for many centuries, The stories of shakespear shows prejudice agaisnt Jews .
3. This is when Jesus himself was a Jew.

Now come to Hitler
Hitler Hated Jews coz
1. He was racial , he believed in aryan supermacy thories.
2. He had some bad memories against jews from His childhood.
3. He believed aftr first world war jews did nothing to save Germany, instead they keep making money at the cost of nation. (Not sure how right he was).

Now come to Topic, The topic AJTR made is very good topic. Introspection is needed.
1. Muslim can't be victimize coz they are not minority, Muslim own 100s of country and they are biggest cult/religion on earth.
2. Radical Islam is followed by many Muslims. When u argue them they give reference of same book (Koran) and justify there act.
3. The So called liberal Muslims are either less in number or weak, there version of Islam is not seen .
4. Radical muslim are following same book, Liberal follow same. I am not Muslim so I can't decide who is correct.
well dear all ...all i have thought and lived with muslims well the biggest concrn and the reason to me about muslims is such a tragic situation as they often find them selfs is because of mainly three reasons

1. they believ onli they are the true representatives of the almighty and all else are ...BEIMAAN to them (onli islam is the virtue of imaan to them not the commpassion , being truth ful to owr fello citizens and the world & respecting other and themselfs)

2. converting one non beliver to islam will wash way all there sins and mirsries and

3. there elite and clergy + so called muslim librals keep fanning ignorance and use islam as a shield to hide al theree lust for power and keep the general muslim ignorant of the facts

rest we can debate it as much as we like caree on:angel:
you may not be entirely correct. There are some point you must think about.
1. Jews were not liked by christian and Islam coz they refused to convert, Instead of adversary they protected there religion.
2. Christian hated jew for many centuries, The stories of shakespear shows prejudice agaisnt Jews .
3. This is when Jesus himself was a Jew.

Now come to Hitler
Hitler Hated Jews coz
1. He was racial , he believed in aryan supermacy thories.
2. He had some bad memories against jews from His childhood.
3. He believed aftr first world war jews did nothing to save Germany, instead they keep making money at the cost of nation. (Not sure how right he was).

Now come to Topic, The topic AJTR made is very good topic. Introspection is needed.
1. Muslim can't be victimize coz they are not minority, Muslim own 100s of country and they are biggest cult/religion on earth.
2. Radical Islam is followed by many Muslims. When u argue them they give reference of same book (Koran) and justify there act.
3. The So called liberal Muslims are either less in number or weak, there version of Islam is not seen .
4. Radical muslim are following same book, Liberal follow same. I am not Muslim so I can't decide who is correct.

All what you say is historically true.

But the Jews and Christians have decided to bury the hatchet.

For the time being.

As the Jews are cheek by jowl with the muslim world in the middle east.

Friction is inevitable.

The christian world and the muslim world is not all that different. I honestly believe that they are in fact very similar, just separated by technology and a headstart of half a millenium.

The clash of ideolgies is not that of ideologies per se, but of who gets to lead.

Take a look at my avatar. It speaks volumes.
why is the reform not happening in Islam ?

Because you closed all doors for a chance of reform in the first place by

1.Force, threatening etc
2.By blasphemy laws, by shying away from debates showing religious sentiments,
3. By making a theory that koran is written for all mankind for all times, no timely adaptations, no changes can be made.

By decades Islam, Muslims has been adamant on walking backward by withholding all kinds of orthodoxy. Their first identity is Islam and are proud of it and yet when others who recognise this points out about terrorist activities done by Muslims in the name of Islam, they complain - don't target Islam, terrorist got no religion, how can you blame Muslims for the acts of a few...

Muslims should abandon political Islam, welcome modern liberal ideas, stop victim mentality , become ready to understand collateral damage is a reality and necessary price to pay to pluck out terrorists..list goes on..
Problem is the concept of organized religion itself.Which categorize people between believers and nonbelievers.Religions teaches it adherents believers goes to heaven and nonbelievers goes to hell.Such blatant discrimination is the root of all problem.Religion is just another barrier that divides mankind.
No need to complain that the world thinks badly about Islam. No need at all.

We got what we asked for. There is no denying about this fact.

Oh meray Indian bhai logo, my friends you must understand (that we Muslims do not know) about two key aspects of Islam.

A) There is Islam the religion. The book, the prayers, the hujj, the zakat, the namaz etc.

B) Then there is political Islam. The Ayatullees from Iran, the Mullees from Saudi, and Talibaboons, and Jamat Islami in Pakistan.

Is the world worried if I go for hujj? No.
Or I pray, give charity? No.

So why all this noise then? Why all this fuss then?

Well brothers, the noise from within or outside comes due to "political Islam" the B-side, the baaaaaaad side. People love the A-side of Islam. Can you get any better religion that says that I clean myself 5 times a day, I speak truth, I be trustworthy, I take care of my street, my neighbors, my neighborhood, my city? Can you get a better religion that says respect women, lower your gaze when you see one on the street. Work hard. be honest, otherwise you will be punished on the day of judgement?

Sure there are other religions who say the same thing. But we are talking about the side A of Islam.

It is the B-side that is fing up the whole thing, stinking up the world, messing us up and others. It is the B-side that is hell bent on destroying itself and in the process destroys the A-side too.

You know guys!

In 100 years or so, just like Europeans of middle ages, we the Pakistanis too will realize that religion gets destroyed when you mix politics with it. It gets corrupted when you allow a politician to be the leader in a mosque.

So, we will remain in the deep $hit as long as we continue allowing 2-bit politicians to run our mosques.

The day we kick out a Mullee from our mosque who talks politics, and Ayatullee form Imam bargah the moment he talks politics $hit, we will be in paradise on earth. heaven on earth for sure. I guarantee it.

And there are many many Mullahs and many mosques that do not mix politics with religion. But they are being drowned out with the noisy and hateful characters from Shia and Wahabi groups. As these two can overwehlm using their petro-dollars, overwehlm anyone who stands against the B-side of Islam and tries to kick it out or mosques, and our homes, and our countries. But the day is not far when petro dollars will be gone and when Ayatullees and Mullees will come to us begging for food. That day the B-side the baaaad side of Islam would be dead for good.

Hope you guys understand this.

In 100 years or so, just like Europeans of middle ages, we the Pakistanis too will realize that religion gets destroyed when you mix politics with it.

Islam has been interested in political power since the very beginning.

There is no problem with Islam. It is a victimized religion. Like the Jews during WWII.

One needs to do an objective analysis on the basis of the Quran and the conduct of the Prophet, as depicted in the Sahih Hadith.

It is true however that some Muslim peoples have been victimized, for example Iraq, Libya, now Syria etc.
The liberal voices are few and far between. The conservatives shout from the rooftops and they get all the media attention. This leads to the image building as a highly conservative, hate filled religion. I am not blaming the conservatives. the media is also responsible. Anti Islamism is the "flavour of the season" It sells like hot cake and everyone wants a pie of it.

The reason it became so are 3 fold. First is terrorism. I repeat the cliched line " All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim" The second part is not true but when more than 90% of the terrorist attacks are by Muslims the cliche sounds true.
When a Muslim carries out a terrorist attack he finds a justification from passages of the Koran. A Hindu or Christian Terrorist does not claim that he killed people because it is written in the Geeta or the Bible that the Kafirs or Non Believers have to be killed. When this happens a Non Muslim starts to equate terrorism with Islamic teaching.

The second reason for anti Islamism being the flavour of the season is the disproportionate emotional display for any slight or insult to Islam. a badly made film leads to rioting and burning across the world. People are killed on a govt. supported "Love the Prophet day" There are Fatwas and death threats issued not only from obscure mullas but also Ministers in the govt. The end result - people believe that the muslims are voilent people who kill at the drop of the hat. It is not that other religions are not mocked. The pictures of goddess Swaraswati are displayed in bikinis, books and movies are made about the secret love life of Jesus Christ. The Hindus and Christians protest against these things but in a controlled manner. You do not see large scale rioting and killing of the ambassadors or a death threat being issued.

The third reason for anti Islamism is the presence of Oil in the Islamic Countries. Energy Scarcity is a worldwide challenge and western countries target the oil reserves. Their best weapon is the media with the power to mold the world opinion.

I feel if Islam does something about the first 2 factors under its control then the third factor will also lose its power and we will see a more positive outlook towards Islam
Islam has been interested in political power since the very beginning.


I see what you are saying.

Perhaps a better way to say the same is:

------------ Politicians have been interested in fing and abusing Islam to gain power, from the time of Mohammad pbuh.

During the time of Mohammad pbuh, Muslims were tiny minority surrounded by the sea of attackers.

First war of Badar, the second war of Uhud and the third war of Khandaq were all "defensive" struggles, where the attackers came to annihilate Muslims. But no Muslim was going over to attack enemy cities.

However once Muslims increased in number and dominated the scene, their leaders abused Islam to extend their rule.

Us Pakistanis do not study the Arab history in an honest way, and thus live in the fantasy world that Arabs were all lovey dovey softy softy playboy bunnies and they lived their lives in complete harmony and with no bloodshed.

Few Pakistanis ask why 3 of the 4 (75%) Khalifa Rashideed got killed while they were the rulers.

And the simple answer is that they were mixing A-side the good side of Islam, with political Islam the B-side the very baaaaad side.

Because so many of my fellow pakistanis do not understand or do not want to understand the true history, they keep on repeating like parrots, keep on repeating that Islam should combine religion and politics. No we should not. We should never combine the two.

@ajtr.....being a simple mind...tell me one Islamic nation apart from Turkey...where they beleive Muslims allow people from other religion to coexist with other people with equal dignity....(Leave aside Turkey.....TURKEY is far ahead ideal nation many nations)...
That explains most of the question.....I donot want to create a debate about religion...but its the people that needs to be accounted....
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