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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

Stop dreaming.....
Every day is not sunday.....what he might have achieved(or not achieved) in Gujarat as CM he might not be able to achieve for India as PM.
Remember the hype Obama and his election had created???
well mam im not in US so dont know about obama and his campaign as for namo he deserves a shot but its for indians to decide lets see
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Were you in Gujarat then???

Shows your frustration.....i can understand.:omghaha:
no im from delhi but have gone to gujrat for buisness any way calling you mamma was a typo mistake its been aditted ,,,Maam
no im from delhi but have gone to gujrat for buisness
There....you proved me right
So if i am speculating about Obama and his administration....you are speculating about Namo.

any way calling you mamma was a typo mistake its been aditted ,,,Maam
Thanks for correcting it....and being so respectful.

I am moving out of this thread because i feel i am banging my head against a wall.

But just one advice
"theres a very thin line between PATRIOTISM and TERRORISM"....and RSS must realize that it has crossed the line.

I am a hindu too...would love to die as one....but not at the cost of innocent ppl and their blood.

Thats like saying "Rajiv Gandhi is cleared off the bofors case".

Dont be childish...
Namo's home mister knew about it and Namo says he didnt know anything about the plans???
(Namo...i am liking his pet name though :coffee:)

A strawman defense to bring in Rajiv Gandhis name here.

I have no clue about what plans you are alluding to. The plans to kill Hindu women and children by burning the Godhra Train full of RSS Hindu pilgrims ?
A strawman defense to bring in Rajiv Gandhis name here.
Hmmm okay then what about Jagdish Tytler??1984 anti sikh riots??
There are many such politicians who were given clean chits..,and Namo is just one amongst them.
However popular he might be and however much he trumpets his state’s 10 years of peace and prosperity, will never escape his association with the 2002 Gujarat violence because its images are indelibly imprinted on the Indian psyche.

Manvantaratruti said:
I have no clue about what plans you are alluding to. The plans to kill Hindu women and children by burning the Godhra Train full of RSS Hindu pilgrims ?

How conveniently have you forgotten to mention the bloodshed on the streets of Ahmedabad.....how many muslims were killed days after the train was burnt???
I agree charring ppl alive was a barbaric act but killing innocent ppl in return is no way to answer back.
India is a large Hindu nation with one of the world’s largest Muslim populations. This faultline has been exploited for politics time and again....i believe
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What does that mean really? Not having flags is confusing. Are you a Pakistani?
INDIAN to the core....
Just because i support muslims u think i am not patriotic????

This is not done.....you are on a forum where max members are muslims.And i have seen the members have healthy discussions and are pretty friendly with each other.
Then why is my religion/nationality being doubted???
Welcome to Islam Sister !!!
Are you trying to provoke me???

Or this some kind of a joke???


To me "La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammad-Ur-RasulAllah" comes as easily as "om bhurv bhuvasvah tatsa vitur varenyam "
INDIAN to the core....
Just because i support muslims u think i am not patriotic????

This is not done.....you are on a forum where max members are muslims.And i have seen the members have healthy discussions and are pretty friendly with each other.
Then why is my religion/nationality being doubted???

You sound like a Pakistani Muslim that's why I was asking.

Btw, you seem to be new. The majority members here are Hindu, as any PDF census would show.
You sound like a Pakistani Muslim that's why I was asking.
Excuse me???
How do i "sound " like a PAKISTANI and a muslim???
I raised voice against the injustice done to KASHMIRI PANDITS...they are hindus.
I raised voice against saffron terrorism.....is that what lead you to this conclusion???

doppelganger said:
Btw, you seem to be new. The majority members here are Hindu, as any PDF census would show.
Yes i am new.....learning my ways in PDF.

I didnt knw majority is Hindu.Though i did meet many Indians in Naswarville so i did feel this forum had a lot more Indians than i thought.
Hindus believe in many Gods and We muslim believe in Allah. Allah is the greatest. You said Ypu are hindu by birth and believe in one God so i thought you converted or planning to convert to Islam. Wise decision. We welcome you.
Why should i convert???
I am a proud hindu....very proud hindu and hence the hatred against the saffron terrorism.
Now i dont want to sound preachy about it.
And i think we should get back to the topic.. I have already digressed this thread a lot......lol.
Hindus believe in many Gods and We muslim believe in Allah. Allah is the greatest. You said Ypu are hindu by birth and believe in one God so i thought you converted or planning to convert to Islam. Wise decision. We welcome you.

You are wrong there is no single set opinion in Hinduism and the Vedas teach that the Supreme being is 1 which has no form :)
Rss is one of the finest organisations in India which is doing much to remove caste discrimination and promotes education for Women and minorities.

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