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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

I agree with Guru ji. There can and will be no compromise on our holy places on which masjids are standing. The masjids will be brought down eventually if our Muslim brothers do not bring them down themselves. There is more than enough land in India for places of worship of all faiths. As there is enough space in Indian society and law for beliefs and people of other faiths.

Hindus have allowed that.

That does not automatically mean that you stand on our heads and do a tandav.
That is exactly what i call "saffron terrorism".

Before thinking of constructing a new temple look around there are 100s of temples which need maintenence.If RSS really wants to bring down something then go ahead and bring down the caste barrier within the hindu society.Its a shame that even in 21st century ppl follow caste system.
And where was RSS when Kashmiri pandits were thrown out of Kashmir??
well mam with all deu respect read history it was onli RSS that still raises its voice about kashmiri pandits and wants KP enclaves in kashmir for ther uprooted kashmiri pandits of valley

and if taking back the house which was snached from us by a invader after killing millions of owr ancesstors is called terrorism then so be it ...as i said no apology no remose for taking what was always owrs ...period
Agreed he's a gem of a personality.But thats about his individuality.

Narendra Modi- He has yet to wash his hands off Godhra riots.

No matter how much RSS tries all their efforts to earn a good name gets watered down by the violent pictures of Babri masjid demolition.

It was really not required.


NaMo has been cleared by Supreme court appointed SIT, so prejudiced opinions of 'self appointed thekedars of secularism' do not matter. :disagree:

Babri masjid demolition was the one of the best things RSS did. As Nair mentioned, only regret is it did not happen faster or that building the Ram Mandir was delayed
Ram mandir or so called "babri masjid" was a bolt on owr Ghirat ayodhya is to us indians what jeruslam is to muslims tell me why all muslims hate israel in the first place = because they control jeruslam and muslims took it over after 200 years under christians when sallauddin sacked it from richard

so we are proud we took it back still the masjids on krishna janm bhoomi and kashi vishwanath stand we will take them too

it will be good if muslims surrender it or we will take them forcefully no remose no opology as they are owr birth right and we will have them

those who say demolition of so called babri masjid was not required live in a dream land or are impotent ...tell me if a goon snatches a house from a weak but good man and when weak mans kids grow up and snatch back there fathers property from the goon will you say that the childern of weak man are wrong in doing so


It was really not required.
Those pictures are beautiful.
well mam with all deu respect read history it was onli RSS that still raises its voice about kashmiri pandits and wants KP enclaves in kashmir for ther uprooted kashmiri pandits of valley

Too much water has gone down the bridge by now....just raising your voice is not enough.

If RSS has the kind of strength that it says it has ,then why werent those men sent to kashmir to protect the hindus on ground zero while they were being threatened and killed???
Let me remind you the list of hindus to be killed used to be released a week before they would be killed.
Ask those who have bore the brunt of it.
Are you also proud of the this fact that more than 2,000 people were killed in clashes in New Delhi, Mumbai and other cities after the Babri mosque in Ayodhya was torn down on December 6, 1992 by protesters seeking to build a Hindu temple on the site.
Proud of everything that is done to Protect Dhrama ...

Like Indias No First Use nuclear policy ... Its the same for Hindus of no first use of Violence ...

Let it be Loud and and clear If u start it ... We will make sure its end is from our Hands ..
NaMo has been cleared by Supreme court appointed SIT, so prejudiced opinions of 'self appointed thekedars of secularism' do not matter. :disagree:

Thats like saying "Rajiv Gandhi is cleared off the bofors case".

Dont be childish...
Namo's home mister knew about it and Namo says he didnt know anything about the plans???
(Namo...i am liking his pet name though :coffee:)
Too much water has gone down the bridge by now....just raising your voice is not enough.

If RSS has the kind of strength that it says it has ,then why werent those men sent to kashmir to protect the hindus on ground zero while they were being threatened and killed???
Let me remind you the list of hindus to be killed used to be released a week before they would be killed.
Ask those who have bore the brunt of it.
RSS has the Strength Even to Protect the Pandits in Kashmir itself ...

But its the Hijda Government of India Congress and Seculars who are stopping Us from performing our Dharma by entering into Kashmir ...

Once our Soldier Modiji Comes in Top Post we will even show u that...
Too much water has gone down the bridge by now....just raising your voice is not enough.

If RSS has the kind of strength that it says it has ,then why werent those men sent to kashmir to protect the hindus on ground zero while they were being threatened and killed???
Let me remind you the list of hindus to be killed used to be released a week before they would be killed.
Ask those who have bore the brunt of it.
well maam RSS was never in power in NDA rule also we tried realli hard to do away with abolishon on article 370 in kashmir but all the sicular and congress led media, and polituical class started making hue and cry ...lolzzz even the kashmiri pandits in power like beurocracy and forces and IAS/IFS/IRS kinda services tehy all were dead against it but dont worry that is one of the unfinished buisnesses left we will do that aswell no matter what
RSS has the Strength Even to Protect the Pandits in Kashmir itself ......
I want to believe that you have the strength to create your own ARMY....just that you dont strike where and when needed.So thats another thumbsdown.
pray to god the Namo comes to power your wish about kashmiri pandits will be fullfilled within a year
Stop dreaming.....
Every day is not sunday.....what he might have achieved(or not achieved) in Gujarat as CM he might not be able to achieve for India as PM.
Remember the hype Obama and his election had created???

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