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Is Pakistan ready for a male contraceptive pill?

I do not believe or go for any Mufti or Fatwa blindly, i go for the Quran / Hadith reference. I've read Bukahri & Muslim to some extant, on this topic a couple years back. Would like to see here, if i missed any thing that time. Plz post any Sahih hadith or Riwayat related to BOLD point of yours. Will appreciate if you come up with any Riwaya that backs PULL OUT.

P.S unable to see Utube Vid b/c its blocked in my Office.

I am challenging you sir, how did you come to this conclusion?
i found nothing in Bukhari,Tirmizi.. or Anything in the life of the Prophet WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE EXPLANATION OF THE QURAN that would point to this..Please provide the riwayat to your claim.
And if you are able.. provide word by word translation of the arabic used.
Ajtr has given good points..
Sir when you judge a current issue you judge it in the light of Quran and Sunnah and Quran and Sunnah encourage to have more and more children for for example once a person came to HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and said I want to marry a girl but the problem is that in their family women mostly produce few children HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW became angry and turned his face away and he used to do it when he used to get really very angry and than he said marry those who love you more and produce more children

Sir it is against Islam and its over all behaviour

Where is it written?
In what context?
Where is it?

Show me.

Abu Dawud Book 05. Marriage
Chapter : Not known.

Narated By Ma'qil ibn Yasar : A man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said: I have found a woman of rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I marry her? He said: No. He came again to him, but he prohibited him. He came to him third time, and he (the Prophet) said: Marry women who are loving and very prolific, for I shall outnumber the peoples by you.

Abu Dawud Book 005, Hadith Number 2045.

People may get the bold part wrong but it is about the Women that want to have less children, its not for a women that cannot be a mother.
I am challenging you sir, how did you come to this conclusion?
i found nothing in Bukhari,Tirmizi.. or Anything in the life of the Prophet WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE EXPLANATION OF THE QURAN that would point to this..Please provide the riwayat to your claim.
And if you are able.. provide word by word translation of the arabic used.
Ajtr has given good points..

Yes I may, But it will take time don't get too personal.
But there you said

"pulling out" has been practices as contraception from the early days of Islam..
& then
Pick up the Book, Read about the prophets life.. and then comment on such matters sir

I am collecting my stuff to prove my point but if I was wrong, I will notify you here and will withdraw.
But just want you to come up with something that back yours, can you prove it.
Abu Dawud Book 05. Marriage
Chapter : Not known.

Narated By Ma'qil ibn Yasar : A man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said: I have found a woman of rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I marry her? He said: No. He came again to him, but he prohibited him. He came to him third time, and he (the Prophet) said: Marry women who are loving and very prolific, for I shall outnumber the peoples by you.

Abu Dawud Book 005, Hadith Number 2045.

People may get the bold part wrong but it is about the Women that want to have less children, its not for a women that cannot be a mother.

Apart from the fact that this hadiath has a lesser number of "raavis".

The translation is incorrect.
This is the arabic
جاء رجل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال إني أصبت امرأة ذات حسب وجمال وإنها لا تلد أفأتزوجها قال لا ثم أتاه الثانية فنهاه ثم أتاه الثالثة فقال تزوجوا الودود الولود فإني مكاثر بكم الأمم

The question is not of birth to children, but of spreading the ummah. The woman in question did not wish to procreate, hence was not interested in a married life and its associated act.
Since it had always been the Prophets wish to have his Ummah outshine and outnumber those of the other prophets...today there are over a billion Muslims in the world..
Moreover, the Prophet used the reference of love to emphasize why he said NO. Hence he wished for loving wives who would love their husbands and families.
I see no Arabic in there that would say that the prophet said Allah loves those that produce like bunny rabbits.
Having more children is taken as pride.. not a command..
Moreover, it still has no mention of sex.. as you seem to point it to.
It is about having children and not about the frequency of intercourse and the like.

birth control was known to the arabs then as well... More Children were preferable.. but intercourse never always resulted in Children... nor was it always done for that purpose.
Hence this hadiath is irrelevant to the Topic of Birth control or the frequency of intercourse.. but is more applicable to family planning.
this thread is going to invite a lot of trolling,just wait and watch
and yes it is not related to defence news

anyways i can see everything in PDF except defence news.....:whistle:

I do not believe or go for any Mufti or Fatwa blindly, i go for the Quran / Hadith reference. I've read Bukahri & Muslim to some extant, on this topic a couple years back. Would like to see here, if i missed any thing that time. Plz post any Sahih hadith or Riwayat related to BOLD point of yours. Will appreciate if you come up with any Riwaya that backs PULL OUT.

P.S unable to see Utube Vid b/c its blocked in my Office.

do you want me to show to your boss what you do while working???:P
This is another face of Causal factor ...

Pakistan has one of world’s highest preterm birth rate

A new report sponsored by the World Health Organization and several child-welfare charities says Pakistan has one of the world's highest rates of preterm birth, with nearly 16 for every 100 babies born.

The report, which features the first-ever estimates of preterm birth rates by country, says nearly 750,000 babies were born prematurely in Pakistan in 2010.

Only India and China had a greater number.

Belarus had the lowest preterm birth rate of 184 countries included in the report, with just over four per 100 babies born.

The report estimates that 15 million babies are born early every year, with more than 1 million dying.

It also says that 75 percent of those deaths could be avoided through inexpensive maternal and neonatal health care.

Pakistan has one of world
Though its one hidden cheesy comment but it deserve the answer otherwise it wont put the stop.God has given the human brain to think about so that they dont behave as animals.And with brain God has given the gift of knowledge to man so that he put that to use for his well being instead of calling and complaining to god in his Dua everytime he sits f0r prayer. And if god as given the knowledge of contraceptives for human that mean he wants us to use that to our well being.
And as for my mom and dad they were quite clear not confused as professionals they always wanted only single child if its not for me there would have been other child but only single child.:tup:

Population and Birth Control in Islam


I remember our Islamic Studies teacher at LUMS believed that one should have as many children as one can since the Quran says that God will take care of them all1. With the world population exploding, naked and hungry children crowding the streets of many muslim countries and the limited resources on earth the argument seems to be weaker in my eyes than ever before. I'm interested in the actual ayat in the Quran and their context which guide the Muslims on this issue of birth control.

Does the Quran really tell us to multiply by as much as we want. Does it tell us that using contraception is forbidden. Could you quote the verses in your detailed reply.


I am not aware of the specific line of argument put forth by the Islamic Studies instructor, therefore I will try to explain different points of views regarding the issues that have been raised in the question to give as full a treatment as I can.

The first argument against family planning is derived from the following verse:

... وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَوْلاَدَكُم مِّنْ إمْلاَقٍ نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُكُمْ وَإِيَّاهُمْ ...
... Kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them ... (Quran 6:151)
From this verse, two things can be clearly derived:

Provisions are bestowed by God; we just earn.
We must not kill our children when we are short on provisions.
In effect what this line of reasoning suggests is that we must not consider ourselves as providers and sustainers and even if we think we cannot provide for our children, we must believe that God can and will, and therefore we must not plan our families.

This argument seems weak because not having children in the first place is not equivalent to killing children primarily because children possess both life as well as soul whereas a child that has not even been conceived in mother's womb does neither. However, it must still be borne in mind that the ultimate provider is God alone and as a result . even though this argument does not hold directly against family planning . it outlines an important principle that must be kept in mind while taking a decision on the issue.

The second argument against family planning is based on the following verse:

نِسَآؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَّكُمْ فَأْتُواْ حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّى شِئْتُمْ وَقَدِّمُواْ لأَنفُسِكُمْ وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّكُم مُّلاَقُوهُ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to God, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers. (Quran 2:223)
Our relationship with our wives has been called out as that of a cultivator and the cultivated land, and in such a relationship, one never sows a seed and then not expect any produce. The same analogy is used to derive that when a male and a female copulate, they must also leave it for nature to act and cause something to be produced or not in the same fashion.

Scholars who have disagreed with this point of view have further elaborated that in the same way as a farmer who waits for the best season for cultivation and does his best for the produced yield to be high and the quality to be the best possible, we, as humans, should act similarly when bearing children. Since we are responsible for the well-being of our children, we should also be prepared and bear them at a good time when we can fulfill our duties as responsible parents.

Keeping the above discussion in perspective, I am of the opinion that family planning which determines the total number of children beforehand, while not knowing the future, is not really accepting God as our ultimate provider. With respect to the spacing between the children, I am of the opinion that the couple making such a decision must understand that bringing up children well and providing them with education, moral values and so forth is responsibility of the parents. It is important in this context to note that, like any other decision in our life, our decision here must also be based on the value we will get in the Hereafter and not in this world. Consequently, a couple should not avoid a child in order to afford a better than the life-style permitted by Islam or to fulfill their other desires that are solely associated with this world. However, when the same choice is made taking into account factors like health, upbringing and education of the children, and making them into people who will be successful in the Hereafter, the couple may practically be taking the same decision but the thought process makes it quite different.

In my opinion, the naked and hungry children appearing on the streets of Muslim countries are failures of the governments to provide enough for their citizens. In general, a careful government should not only strive to arrange provisions for its existing citizens but also plan for the future. I am not convinced that a government should force family planning on citizens of a country for its own inability to create a system that can earn for all. Prophet Joseph (pbuh)'s example illustrates this well: When he was asked by the chief of Egypt to save the nation from upcoming drought, he not only managed to plan for Egypt, but he also arranged for food for the neighboring lands.

1 The view of Dr. Khalid Zaheer on family planning seems to have been misunderstood by the questioner. For his understanding on the subject, see a related response on his website.
Dr Khalid Zaheed famous student of the biggest fitna Javed Ahemd Ghamdi famous for giving American interpretation of Islam and now both cowards hiding in different countries Contraceptive is completely against Islam Islam encourages to have many children but contraceptives concept discourages it

I am challenging you sir, how did you come to this conclusion?
i found nothing in Bukhari,Tirmizi.. or Anything in the life of the Prophet WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE EXPLANATION OF THE QURAN that would point to this..Please provide the riwayat to your claim.
And if you are able.. provide word by word translation of the arabic used.
Ajtr has given good points..
Sir Hadees are orders of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and the life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW which you know is from the source of Hadees Sir they are not separate things and secondly when ever people used to come to HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW to talk about issues he always encouraged them to marry those women who produce more children and also love them more that is over all concept of Islam and order of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW remain always valid

Abu Dawud Book 05. Marriage
Chapter : Not known.

Narated By Ma'qil ibn Yasar : A man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said: I have found a woman of rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I marry her? He said: No. He came again to him, but he prohibited him. He came to him third time, and he (the Prophet) said: Marry women who are loving and very prolific, for I shall outnumber the peoples by you.

Abu Dawud Book 005, Hadith Number 2045.

People may get the bold part wrong but it is about the Women that want to have less children, its not for a women that cannot be a mother.
Sorry Sir you had the wrong translation it was that in her family women have less children and after marriage it should be with consent but more power is given to men in this case to decide
Dr Khalid Zaheed famous student of the biggest fitna Javed Ahemd Ghamdi famous for giving American interpretation of Islam and now both cowards hiding in different countries Contraceptive is completely against Islam Islam encourages to have many children but contraceptives concept discourages it

Sir Hadees are orders of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and the life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW which you know is from the source of Hadees Sir they are not separate things and secondly when ever people used to come to HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW to talk about issues he always encouraged them to marry those women who produce more children and also love them more that is over all concept of Islam and order of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW remain always valid

Sorry Sir you had the wrong translation it was that in her family women have less children and after marriage it should be with consent but more power is given to men in this case to decide
You Know i remember that powerful dialogue of Bol movie basically the Punch line of the whole movie...

"Jab Paal nahi saktay to Paida hi kyon kartay ho".

Instead of we thinking about giving our kids bright future we worry about number of mouths to feed in the family..

Just think about it.And Bol is not a movie for entertainment it carries very powerful social message which people just laugh away in endless debates like whats allowed and whats not.
You Know i remember that powerful dialogue of Bol movie basically the Punch line of the whole movie...

"Jab Paal nahi saktay to Paida hi kyon kartay ho".

Instead of we thinking about giving our kids bright future we worry about number of mouths to feed in the family..

Just think about it.And Bol is not a movie for entertainment it carries very powerful social message which people just laugh away in endless debates like whats allowed and whats not.

I dont know if u are Muslim or not.

But what that movie gave a message was wrong.It was against the message Allah has given to us Muslims in Quran.

“And whoever fears Allah, for him Allah brings forth a way out, and gives him provision (Rizq) from where he does not even imagine…” (Surah At-Talaq: 2/3)

“And whoever places his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him.” (Surah At-Talaq: 3)”

I am still looking for the ayah where Allah (S.W.T) promises rizq for every soul born.I will update here once i have that........
Or if anyone knows he or she can add the surah on this forum.
You Know i remember that powerful dialogue of Bol movie basically the Punch line of the whole movie...

"Jab Paal nahi saktay to Paida hi kyon kartay ho".

Instead of we thinking about giving our kids bright future we worry about number of mouths to feed in the family..

Just think about it.And Bol is not a movie for entertainment it carries very powerful social message which people just laugh away in endless debates like whats allowed and whats not.

I dont know if u are Muslim or not.

But what that movie gave a message was wrong.It was against the message Allah has given to us Muslims in Quran.

“And whoever fears Allah, for him Allah brings forth a way out, and gives him provision (Rizq) from where he does not even imagine…” (Surah At-Talaq: 2/3)

“And whoever places his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him.” (Surah At-Talaq: 3)”

I am still looking for the ayah where Allah (S.W.T) promises rizq for every soul born.I will update here once i have that........
Or if anyone knows he or she can add the surah on this forum.
You Know i remember that powerful dialogue of Bol movie basically the Punch line of the whole movie...

"Jab Paal nahi saktay to Paida hi kyon kartay ho".

Instead of we thinking about giving our kids bright future we worry about number of mouths to feed in the family..

Just think about it.And Bol is not a movie for entertainment it carries very powerful social message which people just laugh away in endless debates like whats allowed and whats not.
The movie made by a person who is know for his corrupt views and this line in it self is against Islam ALLAH is the one who provides rizq ALLAH can turn good fealty person into a poor one in no time and if he only one child even than he can have problems of rizq ALLAH is the one who increases or decreases the rizq and who ever will try to challenge him he knows how to teach him or her a lesson
According to the Shi 'ah fiqh, family planning as a private measure to space or regulate the family size for health or economic reasons is permissible. Neither is there any Qur'anic verse or hadith against birth control, nor is it wajib to have children in marriage. So basically, birth control would come under the category of ja'iz, lawful acts. Moreover, we have some ahadith (especially on the issue of 'azl, coitus interruptus) which categorically prove that birth control is permissible. Imam 'Ali once said, "One of the two (means) of affluence is to have few dependents.'' (Nahju'l-Balaghah, saying No., 141; Tuhaf, p. 214) Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq said that, "[Imam] 'Ali ibnul Husayn (peace be upon him) saw no problem in coitus interruptus and he used to recite the verse that 'When your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam (i.e., from their loins) their seed...'[7:172] So from whatsoever [seed] Allah has taken a covenant, it is sure to be born even if it is [spilled] on a hard rock." (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 105) The Imam is saying that the creation is in the hand of Allah alone. Whether or not we practice birth control, if Allah wills, the child will be conceived. In effect, these ahadith are a positive proof that birth control is allowed in Islam.

Islam allows the preventing of pregnancy, but does not allow its termination. However, the problem arises in defining the beginning of pregnancy from the shari'ah point of view. Before we look at various methods of birth control, we must first define the beginning of pregnancy; and only then will we be able to say which method is permissible and which is not. My research has failed to find a discussion in the classical fiqhi books on the shari'ah definition of pregnancy. Even the present mujtahids have not discussed it. I intend, by putting my trust in Allah, to briefly study the issue in light of the scientific explanations and try to arrive at a shar'i definition of pregnancy.

A few words on the criteria of shar'i definitions is necessary in order to understand the purely legal discussion on the definition of pregnancy.


There are three possible criteria for definitions of things and concepts in fiqh: shar'i, 'urfi and 'ilmi.

(1) If something is clearly defined in the shari'ah, then it is known as the shar'i definition; for example, the definition of the word "salat" as the ritual prayer consisting of specific actions and recitations.

(2) 'Urf means conventional, common tradition. 'Urfi definition means a definition acceptable to the common people without any scientific or shar'i precision.

(3) 'Ilmi definition means a definition presented by science; for example, the definition of pure water as H20, a liquid compound consisting of 2 parts of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen, or the definition of the beginning of day as the astronomical twilight. (I have used the terms "shar'i definition," "'urfi (common) definition," and "'ilmi (scientific) definition" to simplify the matter for the non-specialist readers, however, in the terminology of fiqh, the three definitions or perceptives are known as "al-'urfu 'sh-shari'," "al-'urfu 'l-'amm," and "al-'urfu 'l-khass" respectively. The specialist reader may refer to Shaykh Murtaza al-Ansari's al-Makasib, p. 193 for further details on definitions and perceptions in the shari'ah.)

If the shari'ah defines something, then we must follow the shar'i definition. But if it is silent on the definition of certain things, then should we follow the 'ilmi definition or the 'urfi definition? Anyone who is familiar with the shari'ah will agree with me that in the absence of a shar'i definition, one has to follow the 'urfi definition. One has to go by the common perception of things, not the scientific perception. For example, when the shari'ah says that the water for ritual ablution must be pure (mutlaq) does it mean scientifically pure? Certainly not! Otherwise, the running water in this part of the world is not scientifically pure, it has some purifying chemicals in it, for example, fluoride. The shari'ah says that such water will still be classified as pure unless the common people can sense (without the help of a scientific lab) the difference in its color, taste or smell.

However, there is one case where the ilm definition will prevail: in cases where the common people have no way of defining the issue. So in cases where the shari'ah is silent and the 'urf has no opinion, one has no choice but to follow the 'ilmi (scientific) definition. The definition of the beginning of pregnancy is one such case where the 'ilmi definition would prevail; this is so because the shari'ah is silent, and it is beyond the common people to define when pregnancy begins. Therefore, in this case, we will first see how science describes the beginning of pregnancy and then attempt to find secondary proofs from shari'ah sources to arrive at a conclusion.

Can a woman practice birth control without the consent of her husband?

The wife has full right to the use of contraceptives even without the approval of her husband. (Minhaj, vol. 2, p. 276) However, she should not use a method which may come in the way of her husband's conjugal rights. For example, she cannot force him to use condom or practice coitus interruptus. This rule is based upon the principle that the extent of the husband's conjugal rights over his wife is just that she should be sexually available, responsive, and cooperative. This right does not extend to that of bearing children for him. Bearing children or not is a personal decision of the woman; and therefore, she may use contraceptives provided they do not come in the way of her husband's conjugal rights.

This was the legal aspect of the shari'ah. But on a practical level, such decisions are best made with mutual consultation between the husband and the wife; otherwise, it could lead to misunderstanding and mistrust. The legal aspect is to protect the basic rights of women; but in the real world, man and woman must base their life on love, mercy and cooperation as the Qur'an says, "And We have created between you love and mercy."

Chapter Four: Contraceptives & Abortion

The movie made by a person who is know for his corrupt views and this line in it self is against Islam ALLAH is the one who provides rizq ALLAH can turn good fealty person into a poor one in no time and if he only one child even than he can have problems of rizq ALLAH is the one who increases or decreases the rizq and who ever will try to challenge him he knows how to teach him or her a lesson
I wonder if we have imaan to pass judgement on others.If Movies is man made then from where that inspiration come?We say mostly Allah willing for every job we do.I dont think that person who made that movie made on the Will of shaitan.its the Allah's will that made him to come up with such a beautiful concept in form of movie.
Chapter Four: Contraceptives & Abortion

I wonder if we have imaan to pass judgement on others.If Movies is man made then from where that inspiration come?We say mostly Allah willing for every job we do.I dont think that person who made that movie made on the Will of shaitan.its the Allah's will that made him to come up with such a beautiful concept in form of movie.
Sir contraception not allowed if you are doing it because you are afraid you will have shortage of food or rizq what is called in Arabic but for some other reason it can be allowed but it is not encouraged by any fiqh the basic rules still remains to have more children and avoid contraceptives and illegal if you are thinking of lack of money or being afraid of poverty

Chapter Four: Contraceptives & Abortion

I wonder if we have imaan to pass judgement on others.If Movies is man made then from where that inspiration come?We say mostly Allah willing for every job we do.I dont think that person who made that movie made on the Will of shaitan.its the Allah's will that made him to come up with such a beautiful concept in form of movie.
No Sir ALLAH has given human freedom either he can follow satan or he can follow ALLAH first clear your concept before talking sir and their was anti Islam concept not a single beautiful concept in that film
Why throwing everything just on the common man and holding him responsible for the population explosion that is in Pakistan?

The government is equally responsible rather more responsible that common man for the problem we are facing.

Government fails to have a proper planning to run the country as they are not eligible to run a hotel let alone a country. :tdown:

Government fails to provide basic necessities of life to the common man. :tdown:

Government fails to provide employment opportunities (be it private or public sector) to the common man. :tdown:

Government fails to provide proper education to the common man so that the standard of living of the common man rises. :tdown:
It was not an insult, it was an accurate description of his behavior.
If he takes it as an insult then that's his business :)

Dude its not a he , its a She
And a few days ago She was brandishing a Pakistani Flag and Trolling against India

Many Indian Actually Believe Ajtr to Be the online alias of the dreaded Arundati Roy
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