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Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?

Take what you just wrote to your bollywood forum. This is an international forum.
From 185 BC to 1850, that's 2000 years, there was never an unified sovereign empire in South Asia. Culture and religion doesn't define a country/empire, sovereignty does. Mid east share the same culture but they were never one country, ditto East Asia. You cannot have 20 kings and 10 emperors and called yourself one country. India was a British creation in 1947. Period.

Britian carve a large portion of India and create pakistan and bangladesh .by divided and rule .period.
Who are you to question Bollywood?.I am a keralite .but i can read and hear Hindi and i saw very good films in Bollywood.3 Idiots is run in your country and bag good collection and Bollywood also India's important soft power and cultural power ,Something you cant understand and we cant see any Chinese soft power internationally.We only see US hollywood and it is lot more powerful than Bollywood.But large number of peoples in world love Bollywood.
Your quality is below in International forum.India not maintained as a 20 countries for long time ,most of time it will combined like Ashoka.You cant understand anything from my post and you talk about international forum.Developing large number culture due to invasion.If china is invaded like that china ,then present china will become ridiculous .You got buddhism from India.Before that Buddhan is hindu king siddharta.Pakistan, Bangladesh and all of south asia is one way or another way still dependent India.Invaders got Initial advantages and then they decline like mughal.Hinduism will dilute all invaders barbaric nature.You claim about Chinese but your are cried in WW2 due to japanese invasion.If their no west and US ,chinese will become mere colony of Japan like former korea and remain like that.So you must thank USA and china is in present glamour due to USA .I hope you got understand.
IF their is no britian India will be large country with pakistan and bangladesh.
Former president Musharraf is one of them I think.

Like the majority of Indians Musharraf has Australoid features, but in character he is through and through a clown.

Britian carve a large portion of India and create pakistan and bangladesh .by divided and rule .period.

The white master created it, and the white master divided it. Period.
Britian carve a large portion of India and create pakistan and bangladesh .by divided and rule .period.
Who are you to question Bollywood?.I am a keralite .but i can read and hear Hindi and i saw very good films in Bollywood.3 Idiots is run in your country and bag good collection and Bollywood also India's important soft power and cultural power ,Something you cant understand and we cant see any Chinese soft power internationally.We only see US hollywood and it is lot more powerful than Bollywood.But large number of peoples in world love Bollywood.
Your quality is below in International forum.India not maintained as a 20 countries for long time ,most of time it will combined like Ashoka.You cant understand anything from my post and you talk about international forum.Developing large number culture due to invasion.If china is invaded like that china ,then present china will become ridiculous .You got buddhism from India.Before that Buddhan is hindu king siddharta.Pakistan, Bangladesh and all of south asia is one way or another way still dependent India.Invaders got Initial advantages and then they decline like mughal.Hinduism will dilute all invaders barbaric nature.You claim about Chinese but your are cried in WW2 due to japanese invasion.If their no west and US ,chinese will become mere colony of Japan like former korea and remain like that.So you must thank USA and china is in present glamour due to USA .I hope you got understand.
IF their is no britian India will be large country with pakistan and bangladesh.

Got to disagree here. Siddarth Gautam was a Nepalese Prince, ruling over the Lumbini province. I think I am partially going to agree with fatty acid here. While South Asia has always has its own identity, from a larger perspective, it was never a same country. You are confusing "empire" with "country". Empires could have been multi cultural , while a country was largely homogeneous (in culture). Had the britishs not created the modern day India, it would have remained a closed knit mini continent (that extended all the way to Thailand).
Got to disagree here. Siddarth Gautam was a Nepalese Prince, ruling over the Lumbini province.

Being a ruler somewhere is not necessarily indicative of being originally of that place. Buddha was from the Sakya clan, a brief look at their history will indicate the deep-rooted connection to the Indian heartland.
Britian carve a large portion of India and create pakistan and bangladesh .by divided and rule .period.
Who are you to question Bollywood?.I am a keralite .but i can read and hear Hindi and i saw very good films in Bollywood.3 Idiots is run in your country and bag good collection and Bollywood also India's important soft power and cultural power ,Something you cant understand and we cant see any Chinese soft power internationally.We only see US hollywood and it is lot more powerful than Bollywood.But large number of peoples in world love Bollywood.
Your quality is below in International forum.India not maintained as a 20 countries for long time ,most of time it will combined like Ashoka.You cant understand anything from my post and you talk about international forum.Developing large number culture due to invasion.If china is invaded like that china ,then present china will become ridiculous .You got buddhism from India.Before that Buddhan is hindu king siddharta.Pakistan, Bangladesh and all of south asia is one way or another way still dependent India.Invaders got Initial advantages and then they decline like mughal.Hinduism will dilute all invaders barbaric nature.You claim about Chinese but your are cried in WW2 due to japanese invasion.If their no west and US ,chinese will become mere colony of Japan like former korea and remain like that.So you must thank USA and china is in present glamour due to USA .I hope you got understand.
IF their is no britian India will be large country with pakistan and bangladesh.

There was never one unified empire, what is there to carve out from?????? Do you understand logic and reasoning?
Chinese soft power? The world knows Bruce lee or jackie Chan and chinese movies win international awards, but globally nobody knows indian movies or stars. I told you to seek help.
Only 18% are Buddhist, we have Confucian and Taoism.
Japan invaded, but never conquered China. We fought the Japanese on our land. That's why we are one of the 5 permanent members of security council, at a time when you don't even have your own country. Without Britain, there would be no India. Can't accept fact? Go see a psychiatrist.

I'm NOT here to give you treatment. Bye! Remember to take your medicine.
Being a ruler somewhere is not necessarily indicative of being originally of that place. Buddha was from the Sakya clan, a brief look at their history will indicate the deep-rooted connection to the Indian heartland.
lol please stop this. India isnt the only place in south asia with ties to vedic culture/civilization. You act as though Nepal is an isolated place somewhere in the orient lol.

Sakha clans were tied to indo Aryans ;) , and probably looked more like the people from Himachal, Uttar Akhand and western Nepal than anywhere else in India. Should the Tocharians (where the Indi Aryans came from) claim stake to Buddhism then?
Good grief! Not the Buddhism legacy fight again! Buddha and Buddhism belong to Indic people, lets just leave it at that!

He was born in what is known as Nepal today, got enlightenment and died in what is known as India today.
Good grief! Not the Buddhism legacy fight again! Buddha and Buddhism belong to Indic people, lets just leave it that! He was born in what is known as Nepal, got enlightenment and died in what is known as India today.

I never insinuated that Nepal has some kind of exclusive patent to Buddhism. I do find it mind boggeling when someone tries to claim an entire Nepalese dynasty /empire as being part of India.

I do think that Buddhism has deep ties to south Asia, and I will leave it at that.

I will admit that if it weren't for emperor Ashok and his priests, perhaps Buddhism would never have flourished outside of the current Himalayan states.
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I never insinuated that Nepal has some kind of exclusive patent to Buddhism. I do find it mind boggeling when someone tries to claim an entire Nepalese dynasty /empire as being part of India.

I do think that Buddhism has deep ties to south Asia, and I will leave it at that.

Exactly, not to forget there was no Nepal or India back then. Its really silly to fight over such things, but somehow every thread about India and Nepal ends up being a fight about Buddha!

Exactly, not to forget there was no Nepal or India back then. Its really silly to fight over such things, but somehow every thread about India and Nepal ends up being a fight about Buddha!
Yea I understand what you are saying. Its annoying because south asian culture =/= Pan India is all I am saying. People should not be fighting over Buddha, because it was his teachings and philosophy which stood the test of time (and not his dynasty or his physical features)
There was never one unified empire, what is there to carve out from?????? Do you understand logic and reasoning?
Chinese soft power? The world knows Bruce lee or jackie Chan and chinese movies win international awards, but globally nobody knows indian movies or stars. I told you to seek help.
Only 18% are Buddhist, we have Confucian and Taoism.
Japan invaded, but never conquered China. We fought the Japanese on our land. That's why we are one of the 5 permanent members of security council, at a time when you don't even have your own country. Without Britain, there would be no India. Can't accept fact? Go see a psychiatrist.

I'm NOT here to give you treatment. Bye! Remember to take your medicine.

I know the fact.Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan become star only through Hollywood not chinese film industry.An it is happen due to western presence in Hong Kong.We dont need white people certification .We make our own film industry in our national language.India has only one race and culture(Hinduism) before invasions and after invasions we got several cultures and languages and kings.Last invasion is of Britian and it permanently divided India in to three.and that is also manifestation of Mughal rule.
Even if there is no Britian India will remain as a country .period .
You can take it or leave it.I dont need yellow man preaching and teachings.You dont know about free world and Go study your own culture .You invade tibet even if they have their own culture and language and add to china.All this can do because of USA defeat Japan ,while China cry .You invade Tibet because they have mangloid look.Chinese security council member ship is favour of west .Even if a big country you cant defeat Japan and you are her boasting .It is perfect you must take psychatric treatment. after allCCP china suicide rate is considerably increasing.
lol please stop this. India isnt the only place in south asia with ties to vedic culture/civilization. You act as though Nepal is an isolated place somewhere in the orient lol.

Sakha clans were tied to indo Aryans ;) , and probably looked more like the people from Himachal, Uttar Akhand and western Nepal than anywhere else in India. Should the Tocharians (where the Indi Aryans came from) claim stake to Buddhism then?

Stop what? You were the one suggesting that being born in Nepal made Buddha somehow different. I just pointed out his clan and their connection to the mainstream of puranic history. As for your throwing in of the Tocharians and their connections with the Indo-Aryans, I would not want to even start approaching that topic. As for how the Sakyas looked, I have no idea except to note that Ikshvaku dynasty(not directly people of the Rg veda) of whom the Sakyas are an offshoot hardly had the reputation of being limited to the regions mentioned by you. The claim to Buddhism is not only connected to the absence of an political divide between India & Nepal but also to the fact that it was in India that Buddha lived most of his life. In any case, the whole argument is simply silly trying to connect political borders of the 20th century to the 6th century BCE.
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Himalayas shielded China??? Do you know where your invaders came from? They came from the steppe of mongolia, right next to China!!!!!! We've been fighting these nomads for 2000 years.

You built Great Wall of China against Manchus but still they were able to conquer China and you have united China and came close to our borders because of these foreign invaders who conquered China. :wacko:

Got to disagree here. Siddarth Gautam was a Nepalese Prince, ruling over the Lumbini province. I think I am partially going to agree with fatty acid here. While South Asia has always has its own identity, from a larger perspective, it was never a same country. You are confusing "empire" with "country". Empires could have been multi cultural , while a country was largely homogeneous (in culture). Had the britishs not created the modern day India, it would have remained a closed knit mini continent (that extended all the way to Thailand).

Buddhism came from India, (not Nepal) @sreekumar said the same thing.. So why you feel difficult to accept that truth.
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You built Great Wall of China against Manchus but still they were able to conquer China and you have united China and came close to our borders because of these foreign invaders who conquered China. :wacko:

Great Wall was built against Xiongnu. Ming general allied with Manchu, they were let through the gate without a fight. Learn and debate based on proper history, or are you going to start another bout of your brainless concoction of history again?

Buddhism came from India not Nepal, so why you feel difficult to accept that truth.

There was no India or Nepal. Buddhism came from South Asia.
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Great Wall was built against Xiongnu. Ming general allied with Manchu, they were let through the gate without a fight. Learn and debate based on proper history. Or are you going to start another bout of your brainless concoction of history again?

After Ming conquest, same Ming general tried to bifurcate China segregating South China from the rest of China, even in this case Manchus saved the integrity of United China. Then they added more territories in Qing Empire until the frontiers with India.

There was no India or Nepal. Buddhism came from South Asia.

That was the time of Mahajanapada in India. Also no entity called China existed at time of Buddha.
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