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Is Kashmir a lost case?

Norht Indians like Shivani Malhotra and ***** belong together. You guys share culture, language, music, Bollywod, food, etc. Let South India become independent with the Northeast.
700,000 Indian security forces the population in the Indian part of Kashmir has soared to over 13 million thus changing the demographics.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/238443-kashmir-lost-case.html#ixzz2Mcr3Cif7

This 700,000 figure is pure nonsense and has been proven to be nothing more than a sensational number again and again. Yes JK has a higher number of security forces per capita than most of India but that is because of the historic violence that existed in the state which these forces have been able to successfully curb. It is not as if these forces are there for a holiday, they are doing a very important job both for the state of JK and the nation of India as a whole.
@topic The simple fact is India holds all the cards- the conventional military might, the diplomatic power, the economics, 2/3rds of Kashmir, the highest ridges in Siachen etc etc. For Pakistan, it is well and truly a lost cause to those with their heads on straight. I just can't see the logic in why Pakistan still so zealously strives to take complete control over Kashmir when the existing heartlands of Pakistan are on fire. What will happen if Kashmir is integrated (in its entirety) into the state of Pakistan? It will turn into Some sort of Islamic paradise? Or will it be plagued with violence, terrorism and sectarian murders like the rest of Pakistan? At least right now in Indian Kashmir the Indian state is able to keep these sort of law and order occurrences in check.
@Topic The simple fact is India holds all the cards- the conventional military might, the diplomatic power, the economics, 2/3rds of Kashmir, the highest ridges in Siachen etc etc. For Pakistan, it is well and truly a lost cause to those with their heads on straight. I just can't see the logic in why Pakistan still so zealously strives to take complete control over Kashmir when the existing heartlands of Pakistan are on fire. What will happen if Kashmir is integrated (in its entirety) into the state of Pakistan? It will turn into Some sort of Islamic paradise? Or will it be plagued with violence, terrorism and sectarian murders like the rest of Pakistan? At least right now in Indian Kashmir the Indian state is able to keep these sort of law and order occurrences in check.

Plain and simple things.
1) Changing demographics by Insurgency is something that use to work in old times where wars were comparatively easier, its not the case anymore.
2) Even if it was possible, you try something for a year maybe 5 years, bot 65 years.

I agree with @Oscar here, hope we have people like him.
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Norht Indians like Shivani Malhotra and ***** belong together. You guys share culture, language, music, Bollywod, food, etc. Let South India become independent with the Northeast.

You a fool for thinking this.:rofl:
A bigger fool for even thinking of a country consisting on south india and north east.:rofl: :rofl:
Norht Indians like Shivani Malhotra and ***** belong together. You guys share culture, language, music, Bollywod, food, etc. Let South India become independent with the Northeast.

True brother.

We saaauth indians must be free from this roti eating Naaarth indians.

But on one condition - Kerala must return to its parent entity Tamil Nadu. I hope that is agreeable to you.

This thread 'is a lost case' ! The sooner you realize that the better.....! :tup:

This isn't the first Kashmir thread that descends into a pathetic d*ck measuring context & it won't be the last ! So why bother....just have some fun amongst friends & laugh it all away.

Whats more...isn't it comic how we'd exclaim emotionally charged rhetoric espousing the virtues of our respective point of view, blowing away half an evening to make a solid case & then keep on checking back every few minutes just to see whether someone quoted us or not & all the while No one in Delhi or Islamabad gives a foOk about what you or I think ! So why repeat the exercise all over again because we know nothings going to be different in the here & now & no one is going to bring an out-of-box solution to the problem that we all can admire & say - Wouldn't it be something if our respective Governments were to look into this ?

So I think I'll pass on keeping it all that serious because threads like these are little more than a cesspool of claims & counter-claims in an absolutely moronic cycle of point scoring !

If you want that....be my guest ! :tup:
well said bro..
Norht Indians like Shivani Malhotra and ***** belong together. You guys share culture, language, music, Bollywod, food, etc. Let South India become independent with the Northeast.
well brother why this north India-South India division?i mean we all belong to the same country which is India and we all share the same culture for the past 3,000 years at least,so at the end of the day we are all INDIANS.btw don't categorize me as a North Indian as i belong from Bengal and i do have a significant no. of both North and South Indian friends here in my city.
Norht Indians like Shivani Malhotra and ***** belong together. You guys share culture, language, music, Bollywod, food, etc. Let South India become independent with the Northeast.

independence lolz you south Indians will be under our occupation till the end of time :devil:
When I see poor people everywhere, and our many challenges, and I realize that we are one and the same people yet we do this to each other, I keep wondering what it would be like if there was total peace and each country was free to concentrate on growth and development. We have lost 70 years in this fighting still we have come a long way from where we were stripped and raped by the goras. But we could so easily have been so much more, when you realize that every war sets a nation back 10 years. And we have fought five. Not to count the non stop low grade war that has never ended since we parted.
The history and culture of India is the history and culture of the former Punjab. From the Kurukshetra war to the vedas. If South India was to seperate they would have no culture or history.
Highlight of the week:

Norht Indians like Shivani Malhotra and ***** belong together. You guys share culture, language, music, Bollywod, food, etc. Let South India become independent with the Northeast.
The history and culture of India is the history and culture of the former Punjab. From the Kurukshetra war to the vedas. If South India was to seperate they would have no culture or history.

that's the bullshit , though i am not south ind. but they have better/older history , culture , language . tamil is considered as oldest language today in India. Buddhism spread by south Indians in east Asia
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