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Is Kashmir a lost case?

Arya Desa and Axis of Evil, are you guys really Indian? I have never heard Indians talking such crap man.

I guess you've never heard an NRI speak. It as if we are a vessel which god communicates through.
I guess you've never heard an NRI speak. It as if we are a vessel which god communicates through.

Oh I am sory then brother. I thought you were serious when you said "The history and culture of India is the history and culture of the former Punjab. From the Kurukshetra war to the vedas. If South India was to seperate they would have no culture or history."

Please accept my apologies if you were being sarcastic.
Oh I am sory then brother. I thought you were serious when you said "The history and culture of India is the history and culture of the former Punjab. From the Kurukshetra war to the vedas. If South India was to seperate they would have no culture or history."

Please accept my apologies if you were being sarcastic.

I do accept it humbly. There was a kernel of truth to it though. North India's early history and the roots of her culture was greatly influenced by the people that lived in former Punjab. That's a huge area covering 4 modern states.
I do accept it humbly. There was a kernel of truth to it though. North India's early history and the roots of her culture was greatly influenced by the people that lived in former Punjab. That's a huge area covering 4 modern states.

Yes but North India is not India. India is North, South, East, West, and Central India all together. Today people look down on Bihar and Biharis as bimaru. Yet for most of our history, Bihar was the center of power and learning.
Yes but North India is not India. India is North, South, East, West, and Central India all together. Today people look down on Bihar and Biharis as bimaru. Yet for most of our history, Bihar was the center of power and learning.

which state do you belong to mate??
True brother.

We saaauth indians must be free from this roti eating Naaarth indians.

But on one condition - Kerala must return to its parent entity Tamil Nadu. I hope that is agreeable to you.


Not in a million years .....:no:
Kashmir is a lost cause for Pakistan and LoC should be accepted as internation border.

So it would be better if Pakistan understand this and work towards peace,stability and development towards their own country and region as well as the world otherwise Pakistan would be going deeper and deeper in the pit of no return.
independence lolz you south Indians will be under our occupation till the end of time :devil:

Attitude of such idiocracy is the reason we have a armed rebelion in NE. why don't you try to convince your brothers from the rest of INDIA on the lines of respect and equal rights rather behaving like super beings.
you are not helping but increasing the divide.
The worst part is that no north indian is shutting u up wth a strong reply
Listen I got nothing against North Indians in general but its so obvious you guys are just different from the rest of us. Put a South Indian in charge as PM and watch what we accomplish. Im serious. Northeast INdia has beena security nightmare for decades because of North Indian's BS policies. Look at Bollywood, its a cottage industry. Everybody involved has familial connections stretching back to its creation. They never create new stories or such. It took a foreigner to expose how much Bollywood sucks.

How can you ever expect the Northeast to becoe peaceful when you have never ever seal borders for decades? Even now Nagaland and Manipur has holes in border security like swiss cheese. Again, Im not blaming Northies but most of govt is run by your lot.

You project this white complexion superiority yet it takes nations outside of India to expose this BS. In fact, our prettiest women have been dusky.

So many headlines in the news involve incidents in North India that put us in a bad light. Fix it. The French planned and constructed Pondicherry from the very beginning. Till now no Indian city has been develped as such. Do you really think Guragon is planned?

Come on, prove us all wrong, I dare you with actions not mere words! This country has been shambles due to your lot. Realize that. This is a common perception by all Indian outside of North India.
No Indian can call it lost case....we have to get entire Kashmir...
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