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Is it right to attack South Waziristan now?

Is it right to attack south waziristan now??

  • yes

    Votes: 43 52.4%
  • no

    Votes: 28 34.1%
  • listen to america

    Votes: 5 6.1%
  • after few days

    Votes: 6 7.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
In our eagerness to “Attack” Waziristan we have seriously degraded our conventional posture to a great extent. 1/3rd of the Army has been moved to FATA / Swat / Baluchistan in the belief that the US will “restrain” India from tipping the apple cart we are riding so enthusiastically.

If the US can really exercise such leverage over India then it should be asked to move away 1/3rd of their forces to suppress the Maoist insurgency; and to move the SU-30 from Adampur and to stop the Sea trails of Nuclear submarines to stop development of Brahmos. It is a practical suggestion in view of the fact that Pakistan poses no threat to India.

Waziristan is easy to conquer, so is any other Pushtoon area. But it takes enormous resources to stabilize an area after so much of bloodshed takes place.

Waziristan or any such area is easy to manage, once it is treated as Pakistani territory just like Karachi and Lahore. So called “no-go” areas in Karachi were never blockaded or the population ever turned into refugees.
Lobby against pakistan want to remove actually maximum amount of military and military hardware move from eastren (Indian) side to Westren (Afghanistan) Side. quote my word! India iinterference (Fundd and increase terrorism inside pakistan from Indian border side) in Pakistan more after when we wll start Operation over Wazirstan.

This is a double bluff...either way India will enjoy if it is backing TTP because we shall not take action against TTP and keep facing India...India is deploying its assets on the Pakistan India border to create more confusion in the ranks of Pakistani...

I think our not taking action is in India's favor...if that is the case, that explains why they are supporting that Pakistan clean up...they know Pakistan will always doubt why India wants us to clean up and will smell a conspiracy...which of course India is actually making quite obvious pains to promote...their military build up announcements and hawkish statements only make Pakistan more nervous on the eastern border...

A classic case of double bluff...

But you know what...if all the above is true...and they really do intend to invade...let them come...they should know what our response would be...there is only one thing left for us if all else fails...and having our Army busy in west...we can hint that our threshold for final attack will be even lower...:cheers:

This is why i think we can call this bluff and engage TTP...

Also with the way India is spending on military we are better off acting against TTP now...a few years later they shall even have more edge on us and when they have the nuclear submarine...the second strike option will give them even more confidence...next 5 years the balance of power will only worsen...

This is my hypothesis...no need for anyone to jump on me...i have no evidence...just my two bits...
Waziristan is easy to conquer, so is any other Pushtoon area. But it takes enormous resources to stabilize an area after so much of bloodshed takes place.
The Taliban have left us no other choice - even during the bloody siege of the GHQ< Rehman Malik told the Taliban they had the option of surrendering - any word on whether the took him up on it?

In the absence of the Taliban accepting the government's writ, there is no choice but to militarily destroy their capabilities.

Stabilization and reconstruction will be a challenge, definitely, but we cannot continue to suffer suicide bombings and the existence of Waziristan as territory completely removed from GoP control for fear of failing in reconstruction.
Waziristan or any such area is easy to manage, once it is treated as Pakistani territory just like Karachi and Lahore. So called &#8220;no-go&#8221; areas in Karachi were never blockaded or the population ever turned into refugees.
You are comparing apples and oranges, in terms of the terrain (size and geographical features), the type of militant movement being targeted, the ideology of the movement etc.

AFAIK, the 'no go areas' in Karachi were not sending out suicide bombers and 'Fidayeen squads' to target GHQ, Police Academies and Cricket teams.

We tried 'no blockades' , no bombings and 'no refugees' for several years under Musharraf - the result - almost the entire traditional Tribal leadership assassinated by the Taliban. Taliban control over law enforcement, local justice, administration etc.

You argue for a return to past failed polices, and the definition of insanity is ...

It is time to route out the Taliban disease in SW militarily, ala Swat.

Vengeance will be ours, and these Takfiris will rot in hell.

FATA is Pakistan not TTPistan...we are not invaders...we are not conquerors...
We are the rescue party...

My suggestions are not impractical because we are not US...we are Pakistan...huge difference my friend...

You do know that many tribals are still loyal Pakistanis, right?
They just need some help from PA...TTP has a lot of funding and firepower but they have never faced PA full might...

I dare say PA can do a lot more than US ... because PA will be in its home ground...for every 1 person who hates PA...there will be 10 who love PA...US failed because most of Afghans hate their presence...simple as that...

Brother your guess is wrong , majority is still in favour talaban in FATA,so success rate of PA very low.

Fifty six percent in FATA see Afghan Taliban as &#8216;heroes&#8217;
The irony i see is that despite your concerns which mostly are also my concerns...one thing is certain...an undeniable truth hanging like a sword over all our heads...

War is upon us...whether we fight or avoid it...TTP will not surrender till we squeeze the life out of them...they are not our patriotic tribals...they are all criminals, terrorists and rogue chieftains who have found a common cause...which is money and power...

Already they are doing maximum damage and the reason is that they have funds to support not just a 100 but thousands of terrorists...had they been 100 or even 1000, i would have thought we could have avoided a war and instead just used our tribes to eliminate them but it is way more complex than that now...the proverbial S*it has hit the fan...

It is our desire that FATA areas participate in our national economy but from last sixty years , still it is our desire reason is they totally different life style and economic principles , that is reason local people dont support GOP or PA.

If really Pakistan wanted to control these ares they have to provide better economic alternative solution to their present setup which is still they are running through norcotics,smuggling and arms sale.

Afghan talaban are their buyer to arms and helping them.

In case of operation at least PA will sacrifice itself and earn Shahadat by facing such Terrorists and saving the ordinary citizen who is being targeted anyways...the TTP will have to fight PA seriously unlike any enemy they have faced before...i think we can all agree with that...this shall of course hamper TTP terrorism spree...

Regarding the failure of previous WANA operation, we relied too much on FC and too little on the tribes, the reason is not just failure of GOP but even the tribes did not cooperate that much since they were seduced by the cunning TTP claims of Islamic brotherhood, anti US struggle etc. TTP was till then not openly claiming its hand in the assassinations and other nefarious activity going on in the tribal areas...this was declared more openly when TTP got Swat under their control...by then it was too late

Fifty six percent in FATA see Afghan Taliban as &#8216;heroes&#8217;

You are concluding that WANA defeat was due to low tribel participation still it is same satuation see the link.
PESHAWAR - Most FATA parliamentarians are against the prospect of the Pakistan Army launching an offensive against the Taliban in South Waziristan area.

Fifteen of the 20 members of parliament from FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) have said that they have withdrawn support from the government because they were not taken into confidence about the offensive.

The Daily Times quoted FATA MP Munir Khan Orakzai as saying that an offensive might fail if the government does not simultaneously move to develop the impoverished area.

The US has been pressurizing Pakistan to attack the Taliban stronghold.

Recently, US envoy Gerald Feierstein had said that the US believed that Osama Bin Laden was operating from that area.

According to the UN, the possibility of an offensive drove over 128,000 Waziristan residents out of their homes in September. (ANI)
Or do you mean you are TTP Supporter and a hardcore tafkiri..oh and lets not forget Anti Shia.

The reason to attack now is to get the ttp out of their roost and into the open and cold and on the run---it must be a short term massive strike and then the troops move back before the heavy snows hit the mountains---.
There is never a right time to attack Waziristan. You never attack your own country or countrymen/women.

If there are criminals they are to be nabbed in police actions just like in any other part of Pakistan.
Or do you mean you are TTP Supporter and a hardcore tafkiri..oh and lets not forget Anti Shia.

Your hatred now crossing limits , many times advised you that always think positive and dont spread secterianism .Allah named us with name of muslim ,which is great honour .

If you have any doubts ,please discuss it without any fear but dont distroy the friendly atmosphere.

Mods please take corrective action , no one should be above the law of forum .
There is never a right time to attack Waziristan. You never attack your own country or countrymen/women.

If there are criminals they are to be nabbed in police actions just like in any other part of Pakistan.

My friend, i wish it was that simple...these are not criminals...they are thousands upon thousands of terrorists who are an army which has no qualms about killing anyone, anywhere and anytime...

I hope you understand what it feels like to see them roam free, see them smirk infront of cameras when they make their holy claims in press conferences, see them call us un Islamic...all the while butchering our countrymen and destroying our lives...

We have tried many peace deals but the bottom line is that they think they are safe in their hideouts and we do not have the guts to fight them...till we take them down...this bloodbath will continue...they always have one reason or another to justify their atrocities which are not sanctioned by virtue of any religion, morals or code...
PESHAWAR - Most FATA parliamentarians are against the prospect of the Pakistan Army launching an offensive against the Taliban in South Waziristan area.

Fifteen of the 20 members of parliament from FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) have said that they have withdrawn support from the government because they were not taken into confidence about the offensive.

The Daily Times quoted FATA MP Munir Khan Orakzai as saying that an offensive might fail if the government does not simultaneously move to develop the impoverished area.

The US has been pressurizing Pakistan to attack the Taliban stronghold.

Recently, US envoy Gerald Feierstein had said that the US believed that Osama Bin Laden was operating from that area.

According to the UN, the possibility of an offensive drove over 128,000 Waziristan residents out of their homes in September. (ANI)

For the success of the foray in waziristan its best to keep details in the wraps. We dont want terrorist sympathizers like the malakand commissioner ( Syed Muhammad Javed ) who was involved in Captain Najam Riaz incendet to have ANY info about the operations and we also need to monitor journalist like the *** arif yousafzai who interviewed Captain Najam but did not disclose his location so he could be rescued.

We need to learn from these.

For the greater good of Pakistan some 'narazgis' are ok
I think TTP is franchise of Afghan Gurrilla .:D

Who is the terrorist then Fundamentalist...Whom should we strike to avenge our dead?

Is it you?

Is it me?

Have the doors of hell opened and demons are ascending from the depths of the abyss?
Or....could it be the horde of thousands of TTP who flaunt their power to shower death and destruction upon our country....

Are we supposed to bend over because they are in our country and we cannot attack our own country...is that a sound reason...is that how we deal with this threat?

TTP is killing our countrymen everyday and we are supposed to strike where?
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